T. Belman. I believe that Netanyahu will not be indicted because he tried to get favourable coverage from media. The reason is that there is no legal precident in the Western world criminalizing such attempts. All such attempts have been turned down by the courts. Israel will not be the first. She will defer to the unanimous judicial thinking in the world.
From Oslo to London to Sydney to Washington, the position of courts and senior jurists is that it is not permissible to criminalize, or even to set limits on relations between politicians and the media.
by Caroline B. Glick, ISRAEL HAYOM
The ongoing criminal probes against Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are reaching their climax. After conducting a marathon four-day pre-indictment hearing for Netanyahu earlier this month, Israel’s Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit reportedly intends to complete his review of the state prosecution’s cases and decide whether to indict Israel’s longest-serving prime minister by the end of next month. The main charges against Netanyahu relate to his associations with media owners.
For three years, illegal leaks from the investigations have dominated the news. The key question – indeed, just about the only question – that has been endlessly discussed is whether or not Mendelblit will end Netanyahu’s political career by indicting him on corruption charges.
The importance of this question is self-evident. On the one hand, we have a democratically elected leader. On the other hand, we have unelected state prosecutors who wish to oust him from power by indicting him.
For nearly a year, Israeli politics have been in a state of chaos because of the criminal probes. The probes played a central role in the April Knesset elections and arguably were the primary reason that Netanyahu failed to form a coalition despite his electoral victory. Today the probes and Mendelblit’s deliberations are the primary reason that no one can form a government in the wake of last month’s repeat elections. If Israel holds a third election in the coming months, the probes will again be the central issue determining both the result and the ability of whoever wins to form a government. The center-left Blue and White party is using the probes as an excuse to refuse to join a coalition government with Netanyahu.
While the probes’ impact on Netanyahu’s political future is a key question, and on the composition of the next government is certainly a big deal, neither of these issues is the central matter than hangs in the balance as Mendelblit holds his deliberations.
If Israel’s attorney general relies on these probes as a means to end Netanyahu’s career, he will do far more than overthrow a political leader. He will embrace a legal doctrine that rejects the very essence of democracy.
This truth has been largely ignored in both the popular and the legal discourse regarding the Netanyahu investigations. It was only sounded in a significant way during the final half-hour of Netanyahu’s four-day, 15-hour a day hearing two weeks ago.
During the final half-hour of Netanyahu’s hearing, Mendelblit approved his attorneys’ request to permit two senior American jurists – legendary litigator Nathan Lewin and Professor Avi Bell from University of San Diego and Bar Ilan University law schools address him. The two presented the main points raised in a brief they authored with their colleagues Prof. Alan Dershowitz and attorneys Richard Heideman and Joseph Tipograph. Netanyahu’s lawyers submitted their brief to Mendelblit the previous week.
Netanyahu’s lawyers asked that Mendelblit permit the jurists to address him orally at the outset of the premier’s hearing. But he refused. As the hearing’s final day drew to a close, Mendelblit changed his mind. Lewin and Bell were rushed into the hearing room just before it adjourned.
The American lawyers did not address the specific details of the probes against Netanyahu either in their oral or written arguments. Their brief focuses solely on the question at the heart of the two main investigations: Is it permissible to define the provision of positive news coverage to a politician by a news organization as a form of bribery?
Their answer is an unequivocal no. The American jurists warned that if Mendelblit chooses to bow to the position of his prosecutors and accepts that it is permissible to define the provision of positive coverage to a politician by a media organization as bribery, the attorney general will bring about Israel’s legal isolation throughout the free world.
In their brief, the American legal scholars examined court judgments and legal studies from the United States, Britain, Australia and across Europe. The central issue in all of them was whether it is possible to limit – much less criminalize – relations between media agents and politicians. In all of the judgments and opinions, the answer was the same.
From Oslo to London to Sydney to Washington, the position of courts and senior jurists is that it is not permissible to criminalize, or even to set limits on such relations. This is true in cases where the relations are characterized by quid pro quos and in relations in which no give and take is present.
For instance, in 2010-2011, British Justice Sir Brian Leveson presided over a public inquiry into the practices of the British media in the wake of the News of the World hacking scandal. Among other things, Leveson investigated media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s ties to British prime ministers Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair as well as to two Australian prime ministers.
The Leveson Report was published in 2012. It spans 2000 pages. As the American jurists noted, the Leveson Report documents instances in which political leaders in both countries agreed to grant regulatory breaks and adopt policies that advanced Murdoch’s interests in exchange for positive coverage during elections. The report, they note includes an “extensive legal analysis” of Murdoch’s relations with politicians.
And yet, the American jurists explained to Mendelblit, the report, “never suggests that Murdoch’s flattering and hostile coverage could be deemed a ‘bribe’” to the British leaders.
The same was the case in Australia.
“Nor have Australia’s prosecutors opened investigations of the relations” between Murdoch and Australian political leaders with whom Murdoch traded horses, the American lawyers wrote.
Bell, Lewin and their colleagues cautioned Mendelblit that the reason the idea of criminalizing ties between politicians and media owners has been rejected is because the action threatens the foundations of democratic societies.
“Prosecution of the Netanyahu case would signal to journalists and media executives that favorable or damaging publicity about a candidate may be investigated by the police and by prosecutors to determine whether the publicity was a quid exchanged for the quo of official action. If the police and prosecutors are empowered to probe the mixed motives of journalists and politicians, they can exercise arbitrary control over essential institutions of democracy,” they warned.
In Israel, and throughout the free world, all politicians and all media organs maintain ties with one another as a matter of course. If Mendelblit accepts the state prosecutor’s position and indicts Netanyahu, practically speaking, he will render all politicians and media outlets in Israel hostage to state prosecutors. At their pleasure, the prosecutors can criminalize their routine practice of politics and journalism. They can investigate anyone, at any time. They can destroy reputations, squeeze politicians and media outlets financially by saddling them with legal fees, and even send them to prison.
And at their pleasure, prosecutors can decide not to investigate politicians and media outlets, and so leave them free to attack their less fortunate colleagues as “criminal suspects,” and “alleged felons.”
Some observers in Israel and worldwide may respond to this state of affairs with a shrug of their shoulders. The prosecutors, after all, say they don’t intend to abuse the power they are seizing. The only thing that concerns them, the prosecutors insist, is protecting the public from politicians and media moguls who reach backroom deals on the public’s back.
This attitude of faith in the goodwill and objectivity of prosecutors is riddled with both substantive and normative drawbacks. Substantively, in democratic societies, the public doesn’t need prosecutors to decide its interests. For that they have the ballot box. If politicians don’t advance their interests as the public defines them, the public elects other politicians to advance those interests.
At the core of the state prosecutors’ desire to arrogate the power to criminalize politics stands a rejection of the democratic principle that the public is the sovereign and the source of political power, and an ambition to replace the public as the sovereign.
The normative drawbacks of the prosecution’s claim to serve as a surrogate for the public have been evident throughout Netanyahu’s investigation. Prosecutors and police investigators have provided anti-Netanyahu reporters with a steady flow of prejudicial leaks from interrogation rooms and from the prosecutions’ internal deliberations.
As these leaks have been broadcast, the public has also been subjected to case after case in which other politicians have made deals with media owners that are substantively identical, and in some cases for more problematic than those Netanyahu is accused of having negotiated. But in all of these instances, police investigators and state prosecutors have stubbornly refused to open investigations.
One of the key claims that state prosecutors have raised throughout their investigations of Netanyahu has been the claim that media owners do not have a legal right to set editorial policy in their publications. In their view, if a media owner blocks the publication of articles that adversely affect their editorial line, the owner is wrongly constraining his writers’ freedom of expression.
The prosecution’s position, which has been rejected by Israeli labor courts, contradicts the right to own private property that stands at the heart of liberal democracy. Just as the owner of a shoe factory has the right to decide what sort of shoes his workers will make, so a media owner has the right to decide the editorial policy of his media outlet.
When Bell and Lewin noted this basic truth in the hearing, one of the prosecutors in the room was annoyed.
“That’s a capitalist position,” she said.
It is certainly legitimate to oppose free market economics. Many members of Israel’s elite look back with longing to the days when socialist and communist newspapers set the tone of the public discourse. But a person who longs for socialism in the name of equality is not more objective than someone who prefers capitalism in the name of freedom and liberty. The prosecutor who rejects the property rights of media owners is not more representative of the public’s interest than the politicians the public elects.
The Israeli establishment has long sought to destroy Netanyahu, the only political leader in Israeli history who was never a member of their club and never sought their approval. They haven’t been able to defeat him at the ballot box and now they have placed their hopes in the politicized state prosecution. If Mendelblit chooses to make their dream a reality, he will not merely get rid of Netanyahu. He will criminalize routine politics and so end Israeli democracy while replacing our political leaders with unelected prosecutors who have richly demonstrated their lack of objectivity and contempt for the public.
@ Tessa Goldstein:
Its still ongoing.
@ Ted Belman:
I hope the court case has ended now against Abu Tomeh , thank you for the info @Edgar G.
@ Michael S:
Let me be more clear, Bertram: Globalists like Soros, Kissinger, Zuckerman et al, as well as Iran, have certainly done their bit; But China has been bribing these movers and shakers in order to make China the leader of the world and keep Xi as ruler of China. I don’t think Soros comes even close to Xi, in doling out money and clout to this end; and Zuckerman and others will sell their souls to the highest bidder.
@ Bertram Cohen:
“America and Israel are the two main targets of Iran and the globalists who want to dominate and subjugate the masses.”
Bertram, You left out China. They have probably done more than all the above, to subvert democracy.
The left in America and in Israel are both trying to destroy democracy at the same time. America and Israel are the two main targets of Iran and the globalists who want to dominate and subjugate the masses. All this cannot be a coincidence. I fear that our future depends on what happens to Trump and Netanyahu. Ironically Trump and Netanyahu have both brought economic prosperity and relative safety to both countries. As they say “No good deed goes unpunished.”
From today’s Arutz Sheva.
Gantz definitetely has the 65 votes needed to form a government. Leiberman will be happy to join with the Joint List, as will Blue-White, the leftist parties, etc.
Within six months, however, whatever sincere Israeli patriots there are who joined the oust Bibi campaign are going to have very red faces and will be very worried about their country’s future.
As for the many members of Israel’s ruling elite who are not sincere Israeli patriots, they will be OK with Gantz when he attempts to force the evacuation of the 85,000 Jews living in central Judea-Samaria, abandons security checkpoints vital to preventing terror attacks, releases imprisoned terrorists, allows the “international community” to pour in tons of steel and concrete to Gaza, curtails anti-terror operations in Judea-Samaria, etc.
They know that they can always leave for the U.S., Canada, England, Germany, Brussels, etc. when the going gets tough in Israel. Many have already done so. At heart, many wealthy and powerful Israelis, especially those of German origin, never approved of Zionism in the first days, and only accepted asylum in Israel whn no one else would take them in during the Hitler years. Their children and grandchildren will not be upset when Israel goes down, once they have returned to their ancestral Fatherland, or have dispersed to other wealthy Western countries, where they will invest their money, or obtain high-paying jobs, and live the good life. What happens to the other six million or so Jews in Israel who don’t have the means or connections to get out, or who are Zionist die-hards, doesn’t interest them in the slightest.
I talk to Mudar every day. I ask him questions about what is really going on and he answers them. When I ask if that is his opinion or conjecture, he says no. It is what he has been told.
I only report a fraction of what he tells me.
@ Tessa Goldstein:
Well Ted who knows him better than anyone here trusts him implicitly. At the same time, you have some cause for your distrust, but it’s not based on personal experience or anything that he has or has not done.
Glick was working on her assumptions regarding Mudar,.having been strongly influenced by her long-time Arab JP colleague, Abu Tomeh, at “daggers drawn” with with Mudar for a many years, with each libeling the other copiously…
None of us has been able to find out very much about Zahran, he has been working in the shadows for well over a decade, with little money and in hiding abroad. The Jordan Option is a massive project and requires absolute secrecy as to it’s internal workings. and methods. We’ve all been badgering Ted for the past couple of years about it.
@ Edgar G.:
I got her point Edgar.
There are three cases. Her comments really only apply to case 4000.
Cases should be tried in courts and not the media.
@ Bear Klein:
Bear… perhaps you miss the point that Caroline made..(if I misunderstood YOU, I apologise..) Assuming that your “One”, means people generally, it matters NOT at all whether you, they, or we understand the charges, except for personal satisfaction. The article, both in Caroline’s own prose, and the written opinions of the legal experts, (squeezed in, at the last 30 mins. of an 11 hour session). have AMPLY shown that to proceed as charged is illegal all over the civilised world, and would destroy Democracy in a number of important ways.. The article clearly lays out the huge numbers of negative decisions world-wide on the involved point, with not a single conviction.,
For me..the comment by a prosecutor about “Capitalist position”… shows up the whole crooked mess as a plot, better than anything else …and in just a few words.
I agree 100% with Adam…a brilliant article letting some light in, on the sordid criminal cabal of Israel’s shadowy “string-pullers”…
I don’t trust Caroline Glick because she said Mudar Zahran is a fraud
What we do NOT know are the factual details and specific evidence that they charging Bibi with.
One needs to know that in detail before one can has a chance to make reasoned and relatively unbiased determination whether or not he is guilty of charges. One needs to hear in person the witnesses and see them cross-examined to see if they are telling the truth.
Good Article and good arguments against the assumed legal theory in at least Case 4000. I am very sympathetic to these arguments. I hope they bear true as I do not want Bibi convicted.
Having been involved in Criminal Justice, judging whether someone is guilty or not from news articles is not fair or reasonably possible for anyone concerned with fairness or justice.
Brilliant article by Caroline Glick. Everything she writes is true. But the indictment of Israel’s lawyer establishment should go even further. Ultimately, the 800-900 members of the Israeli Bar Association, working with the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, state prosecutors, etc., who are all chosen by “selection committees” chosen directly or indirectly by the Bar Association, not only rule Israel, but do so to pursue a leftist and anti-Zionist political, not legal agenda. Their are no limitations on the Bar Associations power. This arbitrary power, which has reduced the Knesset and cabinet to window dressing, will kill Israel unless the system is changed, and corupt left lawyers and judges are not only removed from office but permanently disbarred. The entire legal system has to be totally reconstructed, with newly minted lawyers devoted to the rule of law, not their arbitrary rule as self-appointed “philosopher kings.”