Annexation of the Jordan Valley is a long-standing Israeli objective, going back to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
By Professor Efraim Inbar, President of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to annex the Jordan Valley is not just a far-right wish, but the fulfillment of long-standing Israeli security objectives.
Further, despite alarms by Netanyahu’s critics in the United States and elsewhere about the plan, there is widespread agreement among Israelis about the strategic importance of the valley. ?That is why Blue and White leader Benny Gantz could sign off on the deal to form an emergency government. The consensus extends to Labor and even members of the opposition to the new national unity government. The extension of Israeli law to the Jordan Valley is in accordance with former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s strategic tenets (the Allon Plan). Notably, more Israelis view the Jordan Valley as an indispensable defensible border than the Golan Heights.
Defensible borders are particularly necessary considering that the threats to Israel’s population centers and its strategic installations have increased in the 21st century. Iran hopes to establish a “Shiite Crescent” from the Gulf, via Iraq, Lebanon and Syria to the Mediterranean. Iran’s objective is to turn Syria, Lebanon and Iraq into launching pads for missile and terror attacks against Israel. Iran also plans to destabilize the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and create a land bridge to the Palestinian Authority (close to Israel’s heartland) in order to enhance Teheran’s ability to harm Israel.
The Jordan Valley is the only available defensible border on the eastern front, and the closest to Israel’s heartland — the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv-Haifa triangle. This area holds 70% of Israel’s population and 80% of its economic infrastructure. The distance between the Jordan River and Jerusalem is only 30 kilometers (19 miles).
Israeli military presence in the Jordan Valley allows control over the very few roads going westward through a mountainous region, enabling a small defending force to easily block an armored invasion of the Land of Israel by placing anti-tank weapons at the entrance of these roads in the valley.
The strategic imperative is complemented by demographic realities. Relatively few Arabs live in the unhospitable desert-like Jordan Valley. Therefore, inclusion of this area into Israel does not burden the Jewish state with a demographic problem.
Some analysts claim that Israel no longer needs the Jordan Valley as a shield against aggression from the east. They argue that the peace treaty with Jordan neutralizes the threat of the eastern front and its proximity to Israel’s centers of population and economic infrastructure. Moreover, they argue that the demise of the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, the weakening of war-torn Syria and the impressive stability of Jordan amid turmoil in the Arab world renders the eastern threat a thing of the past.
Yet this perspective ignores the immense potential for political upheaval in the Middle East, as demonstrated during the so-called (and mislabeled) Arab Spring upheavals. The destabilization of Hashemite Jordan and Saudi Arabia and the rise of a radical Syria are not far-fetched scenarios. Moreover, American disengagement from the Middle East allows greater freedom of action for Islamist elements to take over American allies. The reemergence of the eastern front as a security threat could become a reality.
Advocates of turning over the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians discount its topographical importance by referring to current military technology that allows precision strikes from a distance. They argue that the ability to launch defensive strikes from the coast eliminates the strategic need for the Jordan Valley. Yet such an argument overlooks the history of military technology, which shows a clear oscillation between the dominance of offensive or defensive measures over the centuries. The belief that modern technology, which indeed temporarily reduces the importance of topography, will remain unchallenged constitutes a dangerous strategic fallacy. Designing stable defensible borders in accordance with current but transient technology and political factors is strategically foolish.
If Israel wants to maintain a defensible border along the Jordan Valley it also needs to secure the highway from the valley to the coast via an undivided Jerusalem and the West Bank city of Maaleh Adumim. This is the only west-east axis with a Jewish majority and the only safe route through which Israel can mobilize troops from the coast (where most Jews live) to the Jordan Valley in case of emergency.
Maaleh Adumim (established by the Labor Party in 1976 under Rabin) serves as the linchpin in establishing a line of defense along the Jordan Valley against aggression from the east. Connecting Maaleh Adumim to Jerusalem through construction in E-1 (5 kilometers, or 3 miles, of empty desert land) will secure the road to the Jordan Valley and prevent the division of Jerusalem. Jerusalem’s importance to the Jews is not only historical and religious, but also strategic. It controls the only highway from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River Valley along which Israelis can travel safely.
Political circumstances seem ripe for an Israeli decision to incorporate the Jordan Valley. This position, which commands the support of a majority of Israelis, will likely be backed by the Trump administration, adding an important layer of international legitimacy to Israel’s insistence on secure borders. The Trump peace plan recognized Israel’s needs for defensible borders by recognizing Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, and by suggesting the incorporation of the Jordan Valley. Those backing annexation are hopeful that the US will approve the move.
Most Arab states are unlikely to make a fuss about the Israeli move. Faced with the threat from Iran and the possibility of the US pulling troops from the region, Israel remains a regional bulwark against Iran’s aspirations to achieve regional hegemony.
Despite formal statements to the contrary, Jordan prefers Israel’s permanent presence in the Jordan Valley, for fear of a neighboring Palestinian political entity that could develop into another Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Since the signing of the peace agreement in 1994, Jordan’s dependence on Israel has increased. Israel supplies increasing quantities of water to Jordan, far beyond its treaty obligations, and supplies natural gas to Jordan, as well. In addition, the pro-Israel lobby in Washington is working overtime to secure US economic aid to Amman.
Amman does face domestic opposition to bolstering its relations with Israel. But the Kingdom has the political ability to handle prevailing anti-Israeli sentiment. Unlike other Arab nations, Jordan has weathered the Arab Spring well, and the government can be trusted to manage its affairs and remain in power. Jordan even signed a peace deal with Israel despite Israel’s annexation of eastern Jerusalem; and Jerusalem is considered more important than the Jordan Valley.
Palestinian opposition to an extension of Israeli law to the Jordan Valley is irrelevant. The lengthy negotiations with the Palestinians have led nowhere and there is Israeli consensus that the Palestinian national movement is not ripe for accepting a historical compromise with the Jewish state. Their procrastination in adopting a realistic compromise with the Zionist movement invariably has left them with less territory than had previously been offered to them.
The new Israeli unity government has an opportunity to realize Israel’s security needs for a defensible border in the east with the support of the world’s top superpower. In one of the ironies of history, Netanyahu may implement Rabin’s strategic legacy.
Israel needs to cede NOTHING TO the Palestinians NOT one inch until several conditions are agreed to and acted upon according to the Trump Plan.
First Israel maintains security thru the entirety of Judea & Samaria as today.
Among the things the Pals must agree to and to do:
1. Agree that Jerusalem except for Abu Dis is Israeli in other words all the holy sites plus the Old City is Israeli.
2. Agree that the Jordan Valley, North Dead Sea Area plus ALL the “Settlements” are Israeli Land.
3. Agree to be demilitarized. Demilitarize Gaza and takeover Gaza or have Hamas agree to the terms of the Trump Agreement which will have them then demilitarize.
4. Recognize the Jewish State of Israel and agree that the Right of Return to Israel for “Pal” refugees does not exist.
5. That agree to this deal is final and that Israel will be responsible for all security in Judea & Samaria.
Israel should apply its sovereignty now to the 30% of Judea & Samaria now. Obtain the USA recognition.
Since the PA has rejected the plan and will never agree to negotiate from it Israel will be in due course (4 years per the plan) be able to start building outside the sovereign areas in Judea& Samaria and claim those areas as sovereign Israeli land.
The Plan is a win for Israel. No foreign leader would ever offer Israel a better pl an. The Plan offers the Pal-Arabs a path forward to peace with twice the land the currently hold but requires them to be peaceful, demilitarized and permanently accept the Jewish State of Israel as a neighbor. Since they want to destroy Israel and not make peace with they have refused and will not budge on this.
So Israel has a win-win! The Pals have made this into a complete losing plan for themselves. Then as Golda Meir said in the 1950s when the Pal-Arabs love their children more than hate us we will have peace. The Pal-Arabs still want to destroy Israel more than they are willing to negotiate a true peace with Israel.
I just saw this headline on Arutz7: “US expects Israel to apply sovereignty in a matter of weeks”.
I don’t like the word “EXPECTS”.
I feel that it’s a trap (states CANNOT BE FRIENDS to each other), and as soon as Israel annexes its 30%, the US will start “expecting” the PA to “annex” or to inherit when it becomes a state the other 70%.
From then on the 70% will become off-limits to Israel.
Cannot wait for this to happen, after 53 years, even 2 or 3 months is too long…
Israel needs to keep not only the jordan Valley, but even more important, the mountain ridge in Judea-Samaris. If Israel allows the Palestinians to gain control of this ridge, they will able to bombard the entire greater Tel-Aviv (Gush Dan) region, only about five miles away, Lod Airport, and all of Jerusalem at will. They could also seize the jordan valley to the east once in control of the central Judean and Samarian hills, even if Israel tries to retain this area. If the Palestinians ever replace their present government with one that genuinely wished to live in peace with Israel, Israel could perhaps cede areas “A” and “B” to form enclaves of a Palestinian state. But there seems little prospect of that happening in the foreseeable future. Israel must get used to the idea of a permanent “occupation” of areas “C” and “B.”
Kol b’ seder. Soon!
@ Bear Klein:
dementia Joe actually believes there is such a thing as a Palestinian but any honest person knows the fabled Pallys were invented to steal more Jewish land
It is imperative that the entire Jewish ancestral and Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria be liberated and restored to the Jewish People and to the modern reconstituted Jewish state of Israel – not just a mere 30% of it – but in its entirety.
Certainly redeem speedily the Jordan Valley and the territory in which the Jewish villages and towns now bless the hills and valleys of J&S, but never let the remaining 70% fall into the hands of the hateful and fraudulent Arabs who call themselves, Palestinians. To do so would be fatal to the survival of Israel and would be above all, a betrayal of the eternal Covenant made between the One and Only God and the Jewish People.
Long Overdue Sovereignty of Jewish Towns in Judea/Samaria plus the Jordan Valley.
In Biden’s Camp they said they were against this because it stops the two state solution and will make Israel have to defend more territory. Just shows how out of touch with reality Biden and his supporters are.
This is an Israeli right to apply sovereignty plus a vital security need!