Obama Failing Persecuted Christians Worldwide, Says Ex-Muslim

By Michelle A Vu, Christian Post

While the U.S. president has consistently sought dialogue with the Muslim world, he has not put in the same effort to protect oppressed Christians, says Sabatina James, who has lived for the past nine years in fear of being murdered for leaving Islam.

“You (President Obama) are saying these things about the prophet [Muhammad] but why don’t you protect [Christians]? You’re a Christian and have such influence,” James recalls herself asking while watching President Obama’s speech in Cairo last year.

“A man of such an influence should definitely speak differently. He should have said that he feels for the people who are living in prison and who may somehow be listening to the speech,” James says. “Even if he said something like that it would be good. But he did not even mention it.”

James, whose book My Fight for Faith and Freedom is a bestseller in Germany, has moved 16 times since 2001 due to death threats on her life. She is currently living in an unknown location in Europe and spoke to The Christian Post this week using a temporary cell phone that she had to discard afterwards.

Her book chronicles her journey living in Islamic Pakistan as the granddaughter of a mullah to moving to Austria as a young girl and being exposed to western culture. In the harrowing tale, James shares about the physical abuse she endured, her forced engagement to her cousin, her enrollment in a strict Quran school in Pakistan, and how she eventually became a Christian and women’s rights activist.

“I have no permanent home, hardly any friends, and little contact with the outside world,” James writes in the book’s prologue. “I am an Austrian citizen — and I am very afraid I will not see my next birthday.”

In the book, the outspoken convert shares about the oppressed Christians and women she met while visiting Pakistan in April 2008 after she founded her relief organization, Sabatina EV.

James shares the story of a woman named Ruchsana, whose 22-year-old son Immanuel was falsely accused of murder. Immanuel had joined the Pakistani army and one of his unit’s Muslim soldiers had murdered another Muslim but put the blame on him because “‘they knew that he, as a Christian in Pakistan, would have no rights,'” James recalls being told by a man who knew Immanuel.

Immanuel was sent to death row but no one informed his family. After six months without any word from him, his father died of a heart attack. His mother then sold all her possessions in order to hire a lawyer to find her son.

When Immanuel’s mother finally met him, he was emaciated and she promised that she would get him out of prison. But within just days after their meeting he was hanged. Immanuel’s fiancé, after his death, suffered mental anguish and has altogether stopped speaking.

“‘Today my other son cleans and my youngest of just nine years old sells vegetables,'” James recalls a heartbroken Ruchsana telling her.

James says the United States and Western nations need to realize that the strategy of dialogue with Muslim countries is not working. Dialogue can only be accomplished when two parties agree to listen to one another. But the West believes it’s in a dialogue when it is actually a monologue, she contends. “They are building the mosques and allowing the Muslims to do whatever they want in Europe but what about the Christians? The Muslim countries are not doing anything to help the Christians there,” she says. “So this is not dialogue and this is not helpful.”

The Pakistani convert urges President Obama to say that the United States wants to have a dialogue with Islamic countries but point out that if Muslims are allowed to build mosques in America then Christians should be allowed to build churches and live in safety in Muslim countries.

“But he didn’t say a word about it [during the Cairo speech],” James points out. “And that is what I hate about politics. They don’t care about the real things that are going on with human rights.”

During his speech in Cairo last June, President Obama was careful to show utmost respect to Islam, including praising its tradition of tolerance. He did, however, briefly mention religious freedom.

“People in every country should be free to choose and live their faith based upon the persuasion of the mind and the heart and the soul,” Obama said. “The richness of religious diversity must be upheld — whether it is for Maronites in Lebanon or the Copts in Egypt.”

Open Doors USA, a ministry to persecuted Christians, had pointed out after the Cairo speech that President Obama failed to elaborate on the persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt or the plight of minority Christians in other Muslim countries.

This week, a bipartisan government commission also criticized President Obama and his administration’s handling of religious freedom in the world. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom in its annual report stated that Obama has rarely mentioned religious freedom since his Cairo and Ankara speech last year. The president and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the report stated, have also exchanged the phrase religious freedom for the narrower phrase “freedom of worship.”

“I am one of them. I am one of the converts. I am myself living under police protection,” James says. “I have a lot of contacts with converts, people who have left Islam and converted to Christianity. They all would say, ‘You know, nobody speaks for us.'”

James’ book My Fight for Faith and Freedom was scheduled to be released in the United States in June but the plan was cancelled after the publishing company went bankrupt. She hopes that another U.S. publisher will soon agree to release her books in the United States.

May 5, 2010 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. Have him sing “The Star Spangled Banner”.

    If he can effortlessly hit those high notes – “and the rocket’s red glare” – you will have your answer.

    Good idea but I can’t we don’t speak he doesn’t like me, (sigh)

  2. Have him sing “The Star Spangled Banner”.

    If he can effortlessly hit those high notes – “and the rocket’s red glare” – you will have your answer.

  3. I would be out the door faster than you can say

    Hmm because he is a Liberal Jewish leftist or because he is an unscrupulous compulsive womanizer or do you know something I don’t?

    I’ve heard stories he did have an (almost?) a “Lorena Bobbit” experience. I never thought to ask how it turned out though.

  4. Except for Jerry Lewis.

    Even the enormously anti-Semitic French just can’t get enough of that zany circumcised son of a bitch.

    Who has never made me laugh.

    Dean Martin was funnier than Jerry Lewis, and Martin wasn’t exactly the comedic equivalent of George Carlin.

    In fact, Chuck Norris is funnier than Jerry Lewis.

    we’re on the same page

  5. He married the daughter of Zev Chafets

    No wonder your sister left him.

    If my husband married the daughter of Zev Chafets, I would be out the door faster than you can say, “Lorena Bobbit had the right idea.”

  6. Unless the Christian masses rise up against Islam, the world is doomed.

    I guess we are doomed as I don’t see today Christians fighting anyone.

    My ex-brother-in-law stopped by to visit. He is here in Israel visiting for a few weeks from NYC and we have always remained friends even though he is a die-hard leftist and Obama lover so naturally we got into it over late breakfast at the local coffee shop. He married the daughter of Zev Chafets a writer of note who wrote a Book I am sure you will enjoy, “A Match Made In Heaven” . If this link works you will find the first few pages of the book from Amazon if it doesn’t link to preview the pages yourself.

    A match made in heaven

  7. Spain and Portugal will soon be Islamic Protectorates.

    I am therefore guessing that Jews will not be in high demand.

    Except for Jerry Lewis.

    Even the enormously anti-Semitic French just can’t get enough of that zany circumcised son of a bitch.

    Who has never made me laugh.

    Dean Martin was funnier than Jerry Lewis, and Martin wasn’t exactly the comedic equivalent of George Carlin.

    In fact, Chuck Norris is funnier than Jerry Lewis.

  8. And stop mouthing off.

    What do you think, will Spain and Portugal recant and want their Jews back?

  9. Anyway I think we got enough trouble of our own witthout taking on the problems of other creeds and faiths

    We lack the numbers.

    Unless the Christian masses rise up against Islam, the world is doomed.

    It is good to see that Italy is prosecuting an Islamobabe for wearing a burka in public.

    A teeny tiny baby step in the right direction.

    And stop mouthing off.

  10. The Christians tend to be even less vigilant than the Jews…which is quite an accomplishment.

    If you credit the Zohar with any truth then they predict in the final battle a war between Christians and Muslims who in the end destroy ea.


    Anyway I think we got enough trouble of our own witthout taking on the problems of other creeds and faiths, to wit:

    ANALYSIS: Collective guilt

    Baylor’s Marc Ellis entertained some discussion after lecturing about Israel at Rothko Chapel last month.
    By MICHAEL C. DUKE 06.MAY.10
    Rothko Chapel speaker divides Jews along ‘Empire’ and ‘Conscience’ conflict
    The Arab-Israeli conflict can be solved if the Jews would abandon and apologize for pursuing policies of “colonialism” and “imperialism,” argued Baylor University’s Jewish studies professor.

    Marc Ellis, Ph.D., speaking at Houston’s Rothko Chapel on April 29, delivered a polemic against the State of Israel and its supporters that charged the Jewish state with a litany of crimes against the Palestinians and, among other allegations, argued that “barbarism” and “terrorism” are part of institutional life for Israelis and Americans.

  11. “Self-hating Christian” is not a commonly used term, but it should be.

    While that description doesn’t apply to Obama, it certainly fits those Christians who have passively tolerated the countless Muslim atrocities committed against Christendom.

    The Christians tend to be even less vigilant than the Jews…which is quite an accomplishment.