Obama is seeking transformation rather than a “legacy”


By Sylvia Thompson, RENEW AMERICA 

sYLVIATo the many gullible souls out there who truly think that Barack Obama is “legacy building” in his all-out assault on America, I implore you to bow out of the conversation because you are not seeing clearly.

The term legacy carries positive connotations of something bequeath that is to the receiver’s benefit. Everything that Barack Obama does is calculated to destroy America, which he despises. This man no more cares about legacy than he fears being properly prosecuted by the white political leaders whose responsibility it is to remove him from office.

I focus on white leaders, because whites are still in the majority and they fill the majority of political offices. If the majority of political operatives were of some other ethnicity, I would lodge my complaint against that group. Ethnicity is an issue only because Obama is half-black and he uses that fact to intimidate guilt-conflicted white people. Otherwise, he would have been impeached and likely in prison for treason by now.

Barack Obama’s sole aim has been, since he first entered politics and continues as he winds down this presidency, the complete destruction of America as it was founded.

It is an insult to the intelligence of all Americans who must listen to elitist pundits on Fox news and elsewhere, and political drones in either party endeavor to make Obama’s behavior fit a pattern of normalcy. Attributing his destructive policies to “legacy building” is either self-delusion on the part of the people who make that claim or cowardliness.

This is my take.

Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran has nothing to do with legacy but rather to enable a Muslim nation to wage nuclear war with America and Israel – the two nations that he most despises. Does anyone wonder why Russians praise Vladimir Putin despite what the rest of the world might think of him? Putin cares about his country, that’s why.

Obama despises the American military because traditionally it has been a mainstay of America’s strength, and our strength infuriates him.

Imposition of a polluting homosexual, anti-Christian agenda upon the military ranks destroys unit cohesion and literally terrorizes male members with the prospect of sodomy rape. Such rapes have increased since the forcing of open homosexuality in the ranks, against the will of a majority of members I might add. Couple that with an infiltration of women, for whom all standards of strength must be reduced, and Obama attains his goal of emasculating and demoralizing the forces.

He could not care less about a legacy of making the forces more diverse. Besides, President Truman diversified the military as much as it should be when he integrated it. Obama’s objective is its destruction.

Obama reopened relations with Cuba because Cuba is Communist. Legacy is not his concern here either, but rather to scuttle America’s attempts to keep Communist influence out of the Americas. That Cuba has major issues with human rights does not matter. Like his Marxist African father before him, he despises the West and all that it represents.

Obama lawlessly declares open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, because he wants to overrun America with third-world people who bring little more than dependency with them. This tactic not only does not ensure a legacy, but rather it guarantees the eventual conversion of America itself into third-world status, if it is allowed to continue.

Bill Clinton started the travesty of increasing the numbers of third-world immigrants at the expense of culturally more suited immigrants from European and European-influenced nations, but Obama has taken the trend to lawless, destructive extremes. He is fully aware that many of these invaders have no intention of assimilating.

It is only the outcry of a majority of Americans that holds back this hateful invasion scheme, and Donald Trump’s entry onto the political scene to oppose that scheme is a saving grace for our nation.

These are but a few instances of behavior that display the loathsome character of Barack Hussein Obama. And he is allowed to roam freely through the American landscape poisoning and polluting as he goes, sure in the realization that no one will stop him because he is “black.”

The day that we no longer have to hear the prattle about his “legacy building” will not be soon enough for me.

Many, many Americans are thoroughly fed up with Barack Obama and the spineless crop of political leaders who ignore his criminality. It is yet unknown whether Republicans will ever garner the backbone to become a true opposition party and hold him accountable. Promising signs are the House conservatives’ getting rid of establishment types John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker and Speaker hopeful, respectively, and Donald Trump’s entry into the 2016 presidential race with enough money and testicular fortitude to tell the Establishment and the Left where to shove it.

Should these positive trends not continue and the 2016 election cycle yield no movement to counter all the harm that Barack Obama has done to this nation, I think there will be massive disruption. Those folks in the National Rifle Association ads currently running on television seem very serious to me, and that is a good thing.

© Sylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture.

December 13, 2015 | 3 Comments »

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  1. A legacy of transformations! None are written in stone. Even Fox News & the majority of republican politicians are abiding by the PC message from the WH.
    I wish she would have commented on the like of Mr. “Tsouris” (Soros)!!! and allies!!!

  2. She is right on target.

    Ever since the GOP took the House in ’10, they have tried to stand up to Obama, but the Senate has always been problematic. But that is only a small part of the overall problem.

    To the extent that Americans watch the news or read newspapers, the largest single market share goes to those organs that oppose Obama, to at least some extent, and these are WSJ and FOX. But while these are the largest single elements in their respective venues, collectively, all the other competitors in the mass print and broadcast media get roughly 70% of the market share. So, most Americans are still getting the undiluted ‘Obama propaganda show’, as bad as anything we saw in the Cold War-era Soviet Union.

    But even worse in one respect: In the old Soviet Union, people expected the media to b.s. them, so they took what was said with a grain of salt. Americans, particularly since the end of WW2, have come to expect that our “free press” would give them at least a somewhat objective take on things…so their guard is down, so to speak. Americans are getting increasingly suspicious of the media, but still, many take it seriously even today. Never mind the so-called “new media”…the traditional print and broadcast media is the “they” in “that’s what they say”.

    Add to this the fact that, in spite of Obama’s depredations, most Americans – by “most” I mean roughly 70%, give or take – are at least doing “OK”. By “OK”, i mean they have jobs that pay at least a living wage, have a roof over their heads, access to health care, a car in the garage, and food in the fridge. Some of these 70% – arguably many – are aware of the larger picture and are pissed off as hell at what Obama is doing, but this is also counteracted to some extent by a large part of the 30% who are NOT doing “OK”, who see Obama and the “Euro-entitlement” model as their only hope. My point is, Ms. Thompson may claim that “many, many Americans are thoroughly fed up with Barack Obama…” but she’s got no solid numbers on this. What I’m saying here is that between the brainwashing media, and those who are content to be brainwashed because day-to-day, they don’t feel the effects of Obama (yet), and don’t want to face the implications of acknowledging what he is really doing, we have a ways to go before we reach “critical mass” in terms of mass discontent that can be translated into an effective countervailing force.

    Most people want to keep their jobs, and keep feeding their families, and keep watching “Dancing with the Stars” or whatever. They want to believe that their president is at least trying to do the right thing. They cannot accept that we have a traitor in the White House, which in fact we do.

    Obama’s reaction to the SB massacre did wake up at least some more Americans, as to how unserious, even delusional he is, in dealing with this threat. I expect more attacks – perhaps very soon – that will make SB look like a Boy Scout picnic by comparison. This will further enrage Americans at the street level. What this will lead to is anybody’s guess, at this point.

    But here’s my best guess:

    Popular discontent will continue to build. By the time of the ’16 election, it will be next to impossible for Hillary to win, without massively rigging the outcome. Either:

    a) She’ll “win”, but the rigging will be so obvious that this will lead to mass civil strife, the likes of which have not been seen in living memory, the worst since the Civil War. Who wins this bloody constitutional crisis, I cannot predict. I’d like to say the Good Guys, but there is no guarantee of this.


    b) Popular discontent will be so great that it will ‘swamp’ the rigging enterprise, and the GOP candidate will win, and the GOP will keep both houses of Congress. Faced with having to turn over the reins of power to a national government that, once sworn in, will proceed to undo practically everything Obama has done, Obama will manufacture some kind of crisis that will be intended to indefinitely postpone the installation of said government; he’ll try to “pull a Marcos”, so to speak. This will also spark mass civil unrest; I expect this to end up in a situation where the military will have to remove Obama from power, and put down all of his domestic Islamist and Black Panther-type buddies. This will be very bloody; thousands will die in many major cities. But if the military is so corrupted that they fail to step up to the plate and exercise their sworn duty to defend the Constitution, we are really, truly f****d.

  3. It seems beyond doubt this way. I have been really hoping he would slip up – like some secret conversation of his to Islamists or radical leftists getting recorded and released to the public on wikileaks or something. But he is very well self disciplined – he is skilled in Taqiyya.