Power Grab: Obama’s Dangerous Plan for a One Party Nation

powerAmerica is at a crossroads we can choose the path of the Founding Fathers and keep a strong constitutional government that thrives on our bipartisan spirit, or opt for President Barack Obama’s dream: a nation ruled by one political party with a far left agenda.

That’s the dire warning from best-selling author and political insider Dick Morris and his co-author Eileen McGann in their compelling new book Power Grab.

The authors make a convincing case that Obama has an overarching strategy in pushing his liberal agenda, one that grabs power from our traditional and bipartisan institutions in favor of a single party: his Democratic Party.

According to Morris and McGann, Obama has promulgated his plan by:

• Implementing the biggest power grab of all: ObamaCare the law that says anything supporters say it does
• How this new health law helps create a permanent government recipient class who will vote Democratic time and again
• After healthcare, gain federal control over state run education systems using Common Core curriculum
• Gaining more control over private business by granting the EPA global governance in the name of climate change, affecting every aspect of our lives
• Blocking energy independence, thereby slowing economic growth and breeding more dependency
• Gutting welfare reform and keeping millions on the dole
• Turning over regulation of the Internet to the United Nations

The authors write: “Obama is a left-wing president who is desperately determined to impose his radical agenda to transform our democratic government and free market economy into his socialist-style ideal before leaving office in 2016. He’s a president who is obsessively fixated on keeping the left in permanent power by turning our two-party system into a one-party monopoly.”

He is close to achieving his goal, Morris and McGann say. Only you can stop him.

September 25, 2014 | Comments »

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