Queen Rania orders assassination of Mudar Zahran and Abed Amaala

T. Belman.  Both Mudar and Abed spoke at my 2017 Conference and 2022 Webinar.

Abed Amaala tweeted:

Queen Rania gave orders to the intelligence services of the Royal Hashemite Court regarding assassinations to develop a secret plan to assassinate the leaders of the Jordanian foreign opposition and the leaders of the new Jordan, namely Dr. Mudar Zahran, who lives in London, and Abdul-Ilah Al-Mualla, who lives in Washington. Western intelligence services obtained intelligence information about Queen Rania’s plan and her decision to carry out the assassination plan. In turn, we warn Queen Rania and King Abdullah II against playing with fire against these satanic attempts, which will not deter us from the new Jordan project, which is the savior of the Jordanian, Palestinian and Arab people and stopping the series of violence, terrorism, displacement and starvation.

January 4, 2024 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. To my mind, the absence of any references to the royal family in the most recent issues to the JT suggests that the royal family is no longer running the show. And may not even be in Jordan any more. The names of some middle-rankin officials and :instructions: they issued to the population and Jordan’s diplomats abroad were mentioned, but not any royal, I think they may have all left for one of King Abdullah’s luxurious private estates, which are scattered through several countries and include an estate in Southern California. It does not seem that they are running Jordan.

    As far as policy toward the Gaza war and the Israel-Hezbollah war, they are giving full-throated support for the terrorists. Accuse Israel of “genocide.” No reference at all to the Oct.7 invasion and atrocities. They support the Hamas “narrative: that Israel suddenly launched a full-scale invasion for no reason at all, except maybe Netanyahu’s hatred of the “Palestinians.” The government has organized massive “solidarity” rallies on behalf of the terrorists. Boast of sending :humanitarian” aid to the Gazans, mainly by plane. They say that a “Jordanian” hospital remains open and is actively treating patients. Apparently the Israelis didn;t bomb or enter this hospital on orders from “Uncle.”


  2. @Honeybee
    Mudar is an integral part of the Jordan Option which is the plan developed by Ted and Mudar to promote a program of incentivized emigration of the Pals to Jordan. He has proved himself to be a good and true friend of Israel, and has even testified before the EU on Israel’s behalf where he expresses the greatest indictment ever raised against the EU’s support of BDS and its abuses against Israel. In 2019, he participated in the Oxford Union debate affirming that it was the Arab world had failed the Pals, and his partner in that debate was Col. Richard Kemp, another very good friend to Israel. He has spoken on numerous news programs, radio shows and podcasts over the years and has never wavered in his support for Israel and is goal of having Israel and Jordan as partners in peace and prosperity. He has no interest in maintaining control over Al Aqsa, and is completely hostile to the Muslim Brotherhood and their Jihadi model of Arabia. He is a Jordanian Nationalist, and will soon come to be the ruler of the New Jordan which will institute a ban on all radical Islamists and Muslim Brotherhood upon his rise to power. He will institute economic, educational and societal reforms and offer full Jordanian citizenship to all the Pals in both Jordan and Israel.

    You can read more in the following article Ted wrote about a year ago, and watch the videos which I linked above:

    Who is Mudar Zahran and why is he important?

    The move to assassinate Mudar is concerning but not surprising. The Hashemites recognize him as a threat and well they should. Mudar is the very antithesis of the false friend which the Hashemites have come to play in every relationship which they have developed over the years, and not the least of these betrayed alliances was that which came to be erected between Israel and the Jordanian Hashemites. In the aftermath of October 7, the need of someone in Jordan to act as a true ally of Israel and the US is more immediately relevant than ever, and Mudar will fill that need with ease upon his rise to power.

  3. This fits with her personality: she is a well-known holocaust denier, and she flaunts her wealth and her elite status publicly in every way she can, making a sharp contrast between her life and the life of the people of her kingdom.

    She has stirred a great deal of antagonism because she is so out of touch with the poverty that the people of Jordan have to deal with day to day. The people feel both she and King Abdullah have enjoyed tremendous wealth and luxury at their expense.

    The King and Queen have no problem dispensing with the lives of any of the people of their kingdom who oppose their corruption, and appear determined to cling to power despite the Jordanian people being against them and looking forward to their abdication.

    She is frequently criticized on social media by Jordanians. But she is either in denial about how the majority of Jordanians feel about her or she simply doesn’t care.

    It is possible that her threat to assassinate the opposition leaders indicates anxiety or fear on her part about the possibility that they might actually succeed in their goals.

  4. I checked the Jordan Times, Jordan’s semi=official English language newspaper, to see if I caould find anything that might shed some light on this report from Mudar Zahran Abduk-IIah Al-Mualla. The Jordan Times reports royalty-authorized assassinations directly, of course. But sometimes when a :hit: is ordered a negative article is publishe, or even personal critism of the victim by a member of the royal family. But thiis time, I couln;t find any reference at to these opposition leaders.

    However, there was also something far more suprising in the most recent Jordan times I was able to access. Nothing at all about any member of the royal family..
    Almost,No mention of even the names of the king, the queen, their son, no opne? If sou serached very hard in the back pages of the JT, there were some very brief video clips, each only about 1 minute long, of King Abdullah visiting variousJordanian towns. But these were very difficult to find–in the lower right-hand corner of a back page. Stranger still, they weren’t at all recent, dating from 2020 or 2021. Absolutely no reference to any royal person on the front page. Weird.

  5. There is a big difference between killing terrorists and assassinating law-abiding (or at least non-violent) people that you don’t like. Maybe the queen should remember that “what goes around, comes around”, before she starts giving any such orders.