REAL News (01/31/21)

Tierney’s NEWS

As I predicted, the team of GOP establishment lawyers that Lindsey Graham & Nikki Haley recommended to defend President Trump at the impeachment trial have been REMOVED. Why? They only wanted to argue that the impeachment trial was unconstitutional – ignoring the fact that the charges made in the impeachment hoax – that Trump cited an insurrection using bogus charges of fraud – were LIES!

In other words, the RNC’s BS defense strategy is “Let’s admit that Trump is guilty of incitement & lying about the election but the trial is unconstitutional.” NOT GOING TO FLY.

We already know it’s unconstitutional to remove a President who already left office! What we need to prove in this trial, before the world, is that election fraud is real & widespread and that the Capitol riots were a set up to frame Trump into accepting a stolen election. The lawyers wanted nothing to do with that so Trump fired them. GOOD. Trump’s advisor, Jason Miller, said a new team will be announced on Tuesday.

Lin Wood admitted that Q is a psyop designed to educate people about their Constitutional rights and to prevent people from taking to the streets in violence & start a Civil War once they realized the election was stolen from President Trump & his supporters. I thought so.

I need to rant a little about the VIRUS and all the ways the Communist NWO is using it as a tool to enslave America – and the sheep are willingly going along in the Land of the Free & Home of the Brave!

First Fauci wrote, several times from 1990-2010, that Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc worked to cure “coronaviruses” and that masks did NOT work to stop viruses in the general public. He actually wrote back then that masks cause MORE transmission because they nebulize particles – resulting in more sickness from resulting bacterial infections that can bypass human immunity – as evidenced in the 1918 pandemic. Then, when COVID hit – he did what his Communist masters told him to do – lied and said Hydroxycloroquine & Zinc didn’t work and masks did. Then the Communists SCRUBBED his old reports from the internet.

Then Fauci & his Communist pals told us we needed 15 days to slow the spread – it’s now going on 18 months. Then they told us once treatments came – we could take off our masks. Regeneron anti-body treatments came and they extended the mask mandate through the election. Then they told us – OOPS – only 6% of the people we told you died from the VIRUS – actually died FROM the virus – but forget we told you!

Then they told us once vaccines came – we could take off our masks. Vaccines came and they told us we needed to wear masks in spite of vaccines because we’re not sure if you can still transmit disease AFTER being vaccinated. Then they told us, OOPS, Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc DOES WORK to reduce COVID cases & deaths but it’s too late now! We’ve already removed everyone from social media who told you the truth so we’re going with the LIE! PUT ON YOUR MASK!

Then they told us if we ONLY mask up another 100 days – all will be well – but this time we need to wear TWO layers of mask. Then they told us new strains are coming and we can’t be sure if the vaccines are effective against those so wear masks & stay away from all other human beings! You watch – they’ll lock us down for Easter again! Just like last year!

Then they told us the tests were faulty and delivered lots of false positives so we need to have an ANAL SWAB instead of a NASAL SWAB to make sure we’re negative. Now, because the tests are faulty, they need to assume everybody is positive & will send COVID-sniffing dogs after us, vaccinate EVERY BODY, issue ID cards for vaccination – which will be demanded at checkpoints & if you don’t comply you will be arrested & sent to a camp. The latest goal post shift was yesterday – when they said UNTIL EVERY SINGLE VACCINE is 85% effective, we’ll all need to practice SOCIALIST distancing and wear 2-3-4 layered masks until at least the end of 2023. NOT KIDDING.


In fact, the latest vaccines have such a low success rate (under 60%) that some pharmaceutical companies say it’s better for healthy people under 75 to just get the virus and recover. I could have told you that a year ago. 

I came to Tennessee and Florida for the winter to escape the Communist overlords in Minnesota. Here’s one thing I find surprising and disturbing. Even though restaurants, bars & gyms are open – and do not require patrons to wear masks while seated – churches in my county are required to not only socially distance the congregation, but also required to force everyone over 5 to wear masks at all times – even while seated.

I contacted two local Pastors and asked them why they allow this hypocritical double standard. If I held a cup of water in the pew during church would I be allowed to “remove” my mask? One told me his charge as a servant of the Lord was to first “do no harm” and his Communist “masters” out of Nashville said that the Republican Governor of Florida didn’t go far enough and should DEMAND every one mask up at all times even after we’re all vaccinated! Serious problem, folks. The brainwashing is overwhelming.

In contravention to established science, states, municipalities, churches and businesses have violated the legal requirements for the promulgation of medical counter measures during a public health emergency stating a “belief” that face masks limit the spread of COVID. To date, not a single study has confirmed that a mask prevented the transmission of, or the infection by COVID.

Through April 2020, the official recommendation by the Journal of the American Medical Association was CLEAR. “Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.” Part of that lack of evidence in fact showed that cloth face masks actually INCREASED viral illness.

There is NO scientific evidence that masks work to stop viral transmission or reduce infection. NONE. PERIOD. In fact, most scientific studies show the opposite. It is unlawful under the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 41 et seq. to advertise that a product or service can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made. As a result, every party promoting the use of face masks is violating the FTC Act. 

Only 23 Americans tested POSITIVE for the flu last week compared to 15,000 this same week in 2020. PROOF it’s all fake. EVERYTHING is coded to COVID so you can cower in FEAR.

Trudeau is canceling all travel from Canada to Mexico and the Caribbean and if you go you’ll be forced to quarantine or go to a camp at your OWN expense. He has also detained a female traveler suspected of COVID and has kept her location from her family. You see where this is going?

CROWDER: Want to invest? Biden-backed Wall Street will box you out. Want to speak? Biden-backed Big Tech will ban you. Want to work? Biden-backed lock downs will shut down your business. But those COVID stimulus checks…

On a lighter note, please watch this short clip on “Why I wear my mask.” And this clip on how to enjoy a Communist Christmas in America. Send these to your brainwashed friends & family!

As many know, I was one of the first Trump supporters to be permanently removed from Twitter & Facebook for truth telling after 5 years of constant harassment & temporary bans for NO reason. Long before the latest purge.

Please follow me on my new channel on Telegram – called Tierney Real News at I archive real time updates, screen shots, photos & links there if you are interested in the details of how I conduct research for my newsletter.

So far, Telegram is the ONLY social media site I’ve found that actually works, is scalable and isn’t subjected to censorship or shadow bans. Please let my friends on Facebook & Twitter know where to find me. Thank you! I’ll also continue to do periodic newsletters here and you can always reach me by email with questions or comments. BTW, I believe that Parler & GAB are also sketchy platforms. They regularly censor which links I can post and which links I cannot. Telling.

January 31, 2021 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. “…In other words, the RNC’s BS defense strategy is “Let’s admit that Trump is guilty of incitement & lying about the election but the trial is unconstitutional.” NOT GOING TO FLY.”

    That’s what Steve Bannon calls a “struggle session”; and he ought to know — he lived a considerable time in Red China. It’s the old trick of,

    “How many fingers am I showing?”


    And if the cabal says “Five”? How many?

    “Four” …PAIN!

    Let’s try again. If the state says “Five”, how many?

    “Four!” ..PAIN!!!!…

    “You are entirely in control. It’s all up to you. You know what to say; just say it, and the pain will go away. Now, how many fingers?”

    “Four! Five! Anything you say!” PAIN!!!!!

    “You’re making progress; but you’re lying. You only PRETEND to see five fingers. We’ll start again tomorrow. Soon, you will actually SEE them.

    Ask Klaus Schwab, for what the cabal really wants. They want to phisically control your soul, to reprogram you minds so you actually BELIEVE the way they want you to. Right now, millions of people are willing to agree to any of their lies, just to avoid the pain; but they aren’t really interested in them: those people are disposable, and they will dispose of them. What they really want, is to own your soul — to have POWER over your inner being. Remember, these are necrophilic pedophiles. They have no principles, no conscience.

  2. @ peloni1986:
    This whole sequence of events is quintessential “Trump” — like the time he declared bancriptcy, just to find out who his friends are. If anything, I think he might have been a little surprized at the depth of the treacher.

    Still, this isn’t his first rodeo. On the other hand, sooner or later, I expect the cabal (and the Devil behind it) to have its day, until God crushes them with His word and with His people. Hard times ahead; but everyone keep your heads up: Your help comes from above.

  3. @ Muranowska:
    Muranowska, I think you’re on the right track. From all I’ve actually SEEN of President Trump’s behavior lately he is aggressively pursuing a “public convincing” policy — with his “Office of the Former President”, in presidential surroundings (Biden’s stageing looked like a cross between a wartime n-go zone and an empty concert set), with the dosed administration of leaks and a very much “business as usual” look.

    Meanwhile, the world is continuing to decay around Biden and the cabal, and people know it. I continue to proudly sport TRUMP stickers on both our cars — with PENCE visibly taped over.

    Meanwhile, the anarchists continue to protest violently against Biden’x status quo; and many of them actually agree with conservatives in opposing the cabal.

  4. @ Edgar G.:
    Edgar, I’m glad to see you have some hope. With so many Jewish chins dragging along the ground here, I’m amazed that the Jewish people ever won a war!

  5. the team of GOP establishment lawyers that Lindsey Graham & Nikki Haley recommended to defend President Trump at the impeachment trial have been REMOVED

    Of course they have been removed…The GOP wants to be done with Donald Trump more than the Demonrats. The GOP doesn’t want to defend Trump, they want to replace Trump and then its money, money, money every single day – just like it used to be before the Age of Trump. Trump has wisened up to the GOP and is very shrewd not to use their choice of lawyers or tactics.

  6. But there is a continuation of the text, and the conjunction allows indictment against ever serving in public office…if found guilty. Which is why he HAS to defend.

    Even if found guilty and not llowed to serve again, he could still be the directing power and,major public representative of the MAGA supporters. So it is NOT over.

  7. @ Bear Klein:
    Trump is right. This is a kangaroo Court. Has no legitimacy. So you take the opportunity to blast through the censorship that smothered everyone and everything and you shove the fraud down their throats! Why would you waste time defending a non-existent process. They give you the platform, take it. So much material is out there, drown those rats with it.
    joey? who would vote for a degenerate like joey? You tell me.

  8. @ eddavis317:
    There is third world Uganda, 45,000,000 people and 300 Corona deaths. HCQ all the way. In the U.S., you have Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Simone Gold, and Dr. Stella Emmanuel; Dr. Z has saved thousands upon thousands. Within the first 3-4 days of infection, Dr. Z treats his patients. 86% to 90% never have to go to hospital(based in L.A.). Used as a preventative HCQ prevents Covid from reproducing in human cells. It dies out. It’s sold over the counter; Pfizer, Moderna, etc. are unnecessary–they went for billions. And they are already obsolete
    Dr. Elens in Holland used the WHO’s recommended paracetamol and 50% of his patients died. He switched to HCQ and nobody died.
    To compare to Uganda, Israel at 9 million people has lost 3000+. HCQ has been in business for 65 years. C’est la vie.

  9. If Israpundit continues to reproduce phoney horse shit of the most amateurish and obvious variety, it will lose all of it’s following within 3 mos

  10. The stories about hydroxychloroquine are confusing. Are there any countries which have been using hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid 19 successfully? We need to see an example in which the drug has been successful.

  11. I read the lawyers quit because Trump wanted to argue that the election was rigged as his defense. Since that would be a lousy argument I do not blame the lawyers.