Sarah Palin would have won

[I think the 6.2 million figure is in error. Mark Levin says its about 2 million. I got the 6.2 figure from Here.]

Firelight made this comment

    Romney lost because he simply couldn’t turn out the vote. McCain/Palin turned out 6.2 Million more voters than Romney/Ryan did and that is all it would have taken to beat Obama this time around if you look at the numbers. Perhaps Romney should put some thought into what is was that McCain had that helped produce an extra 6.2 million votes, that helped create the tidal wave of the 2010 mid-term victories… here’s a hint… she wears lipstick.

Romney decided to shun Palin and the Tea Party. He was hoping to capture her base on the theory that they would vote for him based on Anybody But Obama mentality.

Therefore, she was a bigger issue than the horrible record of Obama.

Probably a Palin/Rubio ticket this time around would have clobberred the ONE

The GOP establishment essentially blackballed her to prevent her from running.

The Breitbart News Network and Judicial Watch partnered with Public Opinion Strategies to conduct an election night survey:

    Voters’ responses suggest that the American public agrees with conservative policies–but does not trust the Republican Party to implement them.
November 9, 2012 | 36 Comments »

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36 Comments / 36 Comments

  1. A Palin/West ticket would have beat Barry handily.  She even recommended Romney choose West.  But we see what happens when Romney listens to the Estab & NeoCon handlers.Rubio, Bush, Christie…all the same with thr own flair (hey Rubio) no more RINO NeoCons, you don’t win with like Democrat minds, Give a clear choice and the people will follow.Voters will always go to the dance with the Devil they know. Or in Obama’s case, they really didn’t know him, and folks didn’t want to admit they were wrong.

  2. Palin would not have won – if for no other reason than the fact that she is  woman. The U.S. is still too polarized in it’s thinking and is not ready for a female President. How the Tea Party handled the aftermath of 911 is a concern for a lot of Americans and it probably cost them votes. For most Americans Israel (or foreign policy) is not a big concern to them. Economics is – and maintaining a quality of life.

  3. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    I fear Bibi and Lieberman (Biberman) more than I fear Obama. Keep an eye on those two and any secret talks they may engage in. Lieberman was expressing support for disengagement just a couple of months ago.

    I agree and have always thought so.

  4. @ yamit82:I agree. Can Israel stand up to Obama if he withdraws UNSC veto support, withdraws arms resupply in war, even joins in sanctions. Does Israel have any plans for these scenarios?
    I am also concerned that the appearance of BB is that he is trying to push the US into a war and that this will be used to demonize Israel and US jews and will seve to turn US people against Israel and the Jews. Is he pushing the US to make them do it or just to cease preventing Israel doing it? US war with Iran will definitely be blamed on the Jews and BB’s behavior is contributing to it.

  5. @ the phoenix:Certainly repub reaction iss strange (or incredibly incompetent for the billions campaign $ spent). I have read that both parties are familiar with and used the electronic machine fraud. What happened to all the benghazi documents that shoebat alluded to having?

  6. Bernard Ross Said:

    What source are you using for this position?

    voter ‘irregularities’ as already oulined by canadian otter
    no outrage from the ‘republican opposition’ on ANY aspect of the illegal actions committed by this $#W@@ sob, his nonexisting birth certificate, his sealed ‘academic records’, his blatant abuse of power (attacking libya without congress approval), and now bengazigate coverup….
    these are just a few quick items that IMMEDIATELY come to mind. the list is long.
    and for F.O.U.R. years not a word from the so called republicans???
    there is enough material there to have husein dangling from a rope but instead, what does he get? four more years!

  7. @ yamit82:
    I fear Bibi and Lieberman (Biberman) more than I fear Obama. Keep an eye on those two and any secret talks they may engage in. Lieberman was expressing support for disengagement just a couple of months ago.

  8. @ Bernard Ross:

    If things fall apart as I predict for Obama and America, he will find ways to blame Israel. Contrary to popular pundits, the weaker Obama is at home the more he will come after Israel. Think Carter. This could be worse.

  9. Canadian Otter Said:

    I don’t think that Obama is the originator of all this. He is being managed from behind the scenes. Bush was too.

    They [the republicans] just made a big show in the last few months and weeks, knowing full well that it was too late.


  10. @ Canadian Otter:I saw the interview and it is really disturbing. the media were pushing romney to concede based on their “results” but I blame romney and the republicans for not standing ground. No election should be official until all the votes are officially counted and any challenges resolved. The repubs have proven to be so poor an opposition that I am starting to wonder if both parties are in on it(as as been accused).

  11. Newsflash – On the same subject, this from World Net Daily:

    “Did the suppression or lack of voter ID laws aid President Obama’s victory over Mitt Romney?

    “Obama did not win a single state that fully requires photo IDs to vote, although he was victorious in four states that accept non-photo identification.”

    I’ll repeat what I said previously. The Republicans had four long years to clean up the voter lists, tidy up the system in states where they had some influence, and to enact laws for proper identification. Four long years to deal with the courts, the controversy, and to make sure that the system worked as best as possible.

    But they didn’t… They just made a big show in the last few months and weeks, knowing full well that it was too late.

  12. @ the phoenix:
    There is already a climate of fear.

    You write: “In essence, his job now is so much easier as more and more people will have to join the Obama zombies just to survive, as miserable as that might be.”

    The government (or whatever is behind it) is setting up a Stasi-type of system where people will have to censor themselves or pay dearly for their dissent.

    The beginning….

    – The no-flight list. The reasons for placing someone on it are kept secret.
    – The NDAA which allows the arrest without charge and indefinite “disappearance” on simple suspicion, on the orders of the president.
    – The president’s Kill List, independent of any judicial process.

    The reach of that system won’t be limited to the USA. The country is gearing towards ever closer collaboration with the UN to crush dissent and to impose policies that will affect all aspects of people’s lives. The system will eventually expand most everywhere. For the generation born during the Obama administration life will resemble scifi apocalyptic novels.

    The key aspect facilitating the implementation of the nightmare is high-tech. That’s something past tyrants didn’t have.

    I don’t think that Obama is the originator of all this. He is being managed from behind the scenes. Bush was too.

  13. @ Bernard Ross:
    I’ll take a look. Thanks. Some alternative media sometimes have real gems from reputable sources. Alex Jones (if you can be patient with his rantings and his whitewashing of Muslim terror) has some interesting stuff on his website and YouTube channel.

    Here’s an interview with voting expert Bev Harris from – I haven’t watched it yet but she’s kept a close eye on the process.

    What makes me suspicious is how the GOP hasn’t seriously questioned either the widespread voting fraud at the polls or irregularities at higher technical levels.

  14. @ Canadian Otter:
    Dear otter,
    “The system itself is rigged and candidates may have been preselected, bought and paid for, by elites behind the scenes.”
    Been saying the very same thing for a long time.
    It is IMPOSSIBLE that with EVERYTHING known about this zero bastard (or as aptly put by yamit, ‘the black plague’), that he is STILL slithering its way in the WH.
    Essentially, the results of this election were determined four years ago, when out of nowhere appeared the ‘anointed one’, with election coffers busting at the seams, courtesy of soros and his brethren, the sodis…
    In essence, his job now is so much easier as more and more people will have to join the Obama zombies just to survive, as miserable as that might be…
    He will succeed to achieve the goal of the m.b. to ‘eliminate and destroy the Western civilization from within and sabotage its miserable house ‘

    It really does not get any more ‘from within’ than this…

  15. for conspiracy theorists:

    The national elections all evidenced an algorithm which broke hard for Obama liberals….The reality of this Mockingbird propaganda is to condition voters into thinking these stolen elections were valid, because Scytl was valid, but the reality is as this blog has been proven right again, is that across the board major anomalies were taking place A liberal Obama skirt in North Dakota beats a Conservative as the rest of the state goes hard GOP?…That is bogus and it is all that software turning on and off to throw elections based upon the population centers deciding things…the reality is Obama used corrupt software to steal another election

    This comes from a difficult to read, very couched, strange and obscure blog which alludes to various behind the scenes plays eg Obama receiving 300 mill for 2008 elect from Libya,Obama being blackmailed by foreign sources, Obama in with BP on Libyan oil,Obama homosexual rumors in chicago bath houses and “deaths” of witnesses, scytl voting software following gaming casino odds manipulations, benghazigate as a setup to an orchestrated october surprise “rescue” betrayed by Obama allied Islamist factions who were working with US receiving arms,, etc. A very difficult to follow blog which i stumbled upon through WND benghazigate article. Dont blame me if it appears crackpot laced with interesting and believable facts. (read at your own peril)

  16. How the Romney Campaign Suppressed its own vote – BREIBART – The following are excerpts from the article:

    “Project Orca was supposed to enable poll watchers to record voter names on their smartphones, by listening for names as voters checked in. This would give the campaign real-time turnout data, so they could redirect GOTV resources throughout the day where it was most needed. They recruited 37,000 swing state volunteers for this.

    “The problems with Orca appear to have been nationwide, and predated Election Day itself.

    “From the very start there were warning signs.

    “We lost by fairly small margins in Florida, Virginia, Ohio and Colorado. If this had worked could it have closed the gap? I sure hope not for my sanity’s sake.

    “Orca diverted scarce resources that would have been better used physically moving voters to polling places. By a rough calculation, Romney lost the election by falling 500,000 to 700,000 votes short in key swing states. If each of the 37,000 volunteers that had been devoted to Orca had instead brought 20 voters to the polls in those states over the course of the day, Romney would have won the election.

    “There was, in fact, massive suppression of the Republican vote–by the Romney campaign, through the diversion of nearly 40,000 volunteers to a failing computer program.

    “There was no Plan B; there was only confusion, and silence.”

    Rigged from the start?

  17. The system itself is rigged and candidates may have been preselected, bought and paid for, by elites behind the scenes. There were repeated allegations of fraud by Michelle Bachmann’s and Ron Paul’s supporters during the Republican primaries.

    The media too were bought and paid for by the elites. They made sure they exercised control over the debates, and that no third party candidate – who might raise uncomfortable issues such as the NDAA or impunity for banksters – was included. Their reporting was shamelessly biased.

    Some questions for the Republicans:

    – Why didn’t the states enact stricter voting regulations three years ago, when people without ID would have had time to obtain one – or be assisted in getting one in hardship cases?

    – Why wasn’t there greater pressure to revamp the system supposed to deliver votes to the military on time? It fails every election but it’s never fixed.

    – Why isn’t there pressure to have voting machines provide a printed record of each vote cast?

    – Why weren’t voters lists purged years ago?

    AMAZING FACTS: Longevity among Democrat voters is such that lists were full of centenarians registered to vote. And they voted! And what about the patriotism of deceased Democrats who managed to return from The Beyond in order to cast their vote? Those afflicted by multiple-personality disorder (or multiple-identity disorder) made sure that every one of their personalities cast a vote for Obama, sometimes in more than one state. To say nothing of so many non-citizens who love the country so much that they couldn’t resist participating in the voting too.

    Why isn’t the GOP expressing real concern about these bizarre irregularities? Do they care?

    Will any of these and other problems that affect the democratic process be dealt with at all? Or will everyone conveniently forget about it until the last month before the next election – making sure that the will of the people is thwarted once again?

  18. the last link i posted may have to be copied and posted as this link posting system is not including the whole url address in the link

  19. from breibart

    diverted scarce resources that would have been better used physically moving voters to polling places. By a rough calculation, Romney lost the election by falling 500,000 to 700,000 votes short in key swing states. If each of the 37,000 volunteers that had been devoted to Orca had instead brought 20 voters to the polls in those states over the course of the day, Romney would have won the election.

    Was this a demonstration of good business management, organization and judgement?

  20. Ted Belman Said:

    Voters’ responses suggest that the American public agrees with conservative policies–but does not trust the Republican Party to implement them.

    but are these only conservative principles or are they just popular principles of common ground? perhaps if the repubs had pushed principles of common ground they would have won. The bretibart article quoted states:

    voters dislike big government, with 71% agreeing (and 49% strongly agreeing) that: “The larger the size of government the more opportunities it creates for possible corruption.” In addition, 85% of voters said they were concerned about corruption in Washington, and 53% described themselves as “very concerned.”

    Yet voters do not trust Republicans more than Democrats to deal with corruption.

    Respondents cast a resounding vote of “no confidence” in the media.

    Would you favor or oppose a law requiring local law enforcement to verify the immigration status of people they reasonably suspect of being in the country illegally?”

    70% of voters believe voter fraud is a problem, and 76% said that voters “should be required to show a government issued photo identification before being allowed to vote on Election Day,”

    As Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, said:
    “…But there is strong voter support for core conservative values: limited, honest and transparent government; the rule of law approach to illegal immigration; and strong election integrity measures, namely voter ID.”

    I agree with all these but I am not a total conservative nor a total liberal. Popular ideas that most want without subscribing to a religion or ideology.

    As to the substance of that re-branding, it is important to note that even those who depend on federal assistance are potential Republican voters. Of the 23% of voters who reported receiving government benefits, 46% voted for Romney and 51% for Obama–hardly a uniform voting bloc. Writing off those voters is not an option.

    It is no accident that most do not know who the top leader(PM, Pres,?) of Switzerland is. I believe this is because the swiss hold regular direct referendums on multiple issues on an ongoing basis. The “leader” becomes less of a charismatic, cultish persona and more of an administrator fulfilling representational duties.

  21. @ Blackwater:
    I agree with most of what you said except that I don’t believe Paul Ryan is dead weight. I like him and think he was a good choice. Just look at the shmuck Joe Biden. He didn’t hurt the democrat ticket.

  22. I’m sure the GOP establishment will take all the wrong lessons from this election and saddle us with a RINO in four years. That RINO will be Chris Christie, G-d help us.

  23. I believe the gist of this article seeks to compare apples with oranges. The last election with palin/ macain was under a completely different situation.

  24. @ Arnold Harris:Arnold, I have to agree with your analysis, most of what you say. I just wonder what sort of plan Israel has in place for dealing with the pal UN bid, end of US UNSC vetoes, withholding of arms supply in event of war, UN sanctions and even US sanctions. If Israel defy’s Obama I believe he would follow the Israeli leftist jewish position to strong-arm Israel by becoming a party to sanctions against Israel. Also, if he makes an agreement with Iran and then Israel attacks Iran he may even seek to militarily obstruct Israel. Israel must not rely on continued US support and should consider direct US intervention and obstruction. With 70% of US jews voting for him in the US Obama will consider that he has their support to fulfill J street/Soros “tough love” program against Israel. I believe he will be very emboldened to force a terrible “peace” and fulfill the muslim global plans.

  25. @ Ted Belman:
    Mark Levin is right. This time the overall number of voters was much lower than in 2008. Obama had lower turnout too. BTW, thanks for bringing Sarah Palin ” back to life”. She would make a terrific team with Allen West. Marco Rubio acts sometimes out of the desire to be fully accepted by everyone rather than stand firm on principles. West does not care much about “likeability”.

  26. Sarah Palin would have been no more likely than Romney to beat Obama. The basic issue that emerged from this election were perceived threats to the social entitlements, including the Social Security system, Medicare and Medicaid.

    Moreover, the nominating process of the Republican Party is now in the firm grip of the Tea Party and similar right-wing political groups. Romney began his campaign with a fine centrist Republican record, including the statewide medical care program he put in place when he was governor of Massachusetts. The right wing of the part systematically pushed him to all but disown his personal record as an elected official.

    The population of the United States, as matters now stand, will not again vote into power a program that would have been suitable to the times and politics of the early 20th century ago, which apparently are no longer fits the demographic and economic realities of America in the early 21st century.

    It is hard to say where this country goes from here. The presidency is firmly in the hands of Obama and his allies. They have a small majority in the US Senate. But the US House of Representatives is firmly under control of the Republicans, and they under the whip of local Tea Party activists who will pull out of office any Republican who agrees to raise taxes, or for that matter, makes any other kind of compromise to solve the outstanding and growing problems of a $16 trillion national debt, an imperial-size military system that this country can no longer afford as it slowly shrinks back to the status of a republic being looted alike by its own democracy and by foreign businessmen who use this place as a dumping ground for products manufactured by cheap labor in foreign factories.

    What does all this mean for Israel? It plainly means you should start cutting deals with Russia, China, India, Japan and other powers that are now likely to be more stable than the USA.

    As for Iran, I cannot imagine anyone in Israel still thinks Obama;s government ever will authorize their own armed forces to attack Iran, irrespective of their growing nuclear menace. If you need to destroy those nuclear enrichment sites in Iran, you count only on your own resources to get the job done.

    And if you want to avoid the emplacement of a recognized Palestinian state, which, as most of you know, would one day break Israel’s ability to defend itself, then you had better start the annexation process immediately, beginning with Area C and part of Area B.

    Think about all this very carefully. Because the situation is such that you are running out of options.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  27. “Voters’ responses suggest that the American public agrees with conservative policies–but does not trust the Republican Party to implement them.”

    in my opinion, this so called ‘american public’ must be defined for what it really is. this country, once known as usa, is GONE!
    it has been on a steady but steadfast takeover by marxist totalitarianists whose goal was/is to DESTROY the individual, his work ethics and allegiance to true family units, ‘raising the barn’ with his neighbours, and an alltogether pride of being an american.

    this was replaced with a rapid cancerous growth, designed to replace all of the above with a dependency on the government from cradle to grave. to become part of a robotic society which mindlessly is applauding and cheering every second statement (lie!)uttered by the annointed one.
    as the entire society gets robbed literally of their wealth (fruit of their labour), it is the miniscule totalitarian oligarchs in power who pocket it all while apologizing for what may still be remaining of a once proud past.

    the ones who are infected by this virulent and aggressive disease, will surely continue to ‘vote’ (folks, you DO realize that this is illusory…)for the one who promises them more getting something for nothing,free this, free that… they surely have NO INTENTION to actually halt the gravy train…

    i submit to you that these mooches and useful idiots, are a complete lost cause.

    as far as those that would embrace conservative policies but do not trust the gop, well, yes.
    i do believe that someone like sarah palin would definitely be able to win the day (IN THAT GROUP).
    and the $64,000 question would be, should there be “two” usa’s , and by the same logic, two israels…?

  28. You’re right about Sarah Palin, wrong about Marco Rubio. Rubio is Jeb Bush’s boy. The GOP Establishment has him co-opted, plus he’s an amnesty shill and has some seriously questionable dealings in his past. Rubio is a non-starter.

    Sarah begged Romney to pick Allen West instead of that dead weight Paul Ryan.

    Not sure who Sarah should pick as her running mate in 2016. West? Governor Scott Walker? No one in Washington is acceptable.