“Sharia and Islam is inseparable”

January 20, 2015 | 6 Comments »

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  1. Offer Ewald Stadler American citizenship. Let’s see him go head to head with Jon Stewart and the View and Ben (Islamist-Denying) Affleck etc. Put him on CNN and go head to head with Anderson Cooper.

  2. That is the way, the only way to set the record straight with the Islamic vermin. Enough! Peres, Livni and the rest can go with them as they wish.

  3. Wow—this was fantastic! We need to see more European parliamentarians speak like this without any fear of censorship.Enough is enough!

  4. Islamic beasts have murdered many Rabbanim and many, many religious students and individuals.
    Islam makes specific targets of ALL religions but focuses on Jews. Many believe that the extremist Muslim vermin will, sooner or later be dealt with in kind.

  5. Ewald Stadler – What a speechmaster! I had to make sure I got his name right.
    Sock it to them guy!
    He had some decent applause there though I think they were outnumbered by the inzanity block tolerant hypocrites Islamist deniers.
    So if that’s the BS the Turkish ambassador is spouting they should put him inside a big cannon and shoot him back to Istanbul.
    So that’s what we got to look forward to.

    ““People are sick and tired of the one-way street tolerance babble which you feed on”!

    Sick of it in America and sick of it from Obama too.

  6. That’s pretty good – the Austian MP – some Austrians are fighting back – we need 10,000 politicians like that guy here in North America.
    That was some horror story – life in Austria with the Muslims.
    I like the way he slammed those opponents and deniers whose devotion to the freedom of religions was nothing but hypocrisy.