Six Suspects Arrested over Murder of Arab Teen

Murderers are murderers, whether Jew or Arab. Their lawyers will try to diminish the nature of the crime by arguing grievance. But that is not the issue here.The PA and Hamas share responsibility for the murder of the three Jewish boys because they glorify killers and encourage the killing of Jews. The same cannot be said of Israel. Israel never advocates murder or hate and so is not complicit in the murder of the Arab boy. Israel, in no way bears responsibility. The fact that Israel refused to knuckle under Arab demands and American pressure to “make peace” changes nothing. Ted Belman

‘Apparently the people arrested in relation to the case belong to an extremist Jewish group,’ an official told AFP.

By Tova Dvorin, INN

Mourners carry the coffin of Mohammed Abu-Kder in Jerusalem

Mourners carry the coffin of Mohammed Abu-Kder in Jerusalem

Police have arrested six suspects in the murder of 16-year-old Arab teen Mohammed Abu-Khder.

The suspects, among them several minors, are believed to be Jewish, appearing to back suggestions earlier today that police had made significant headway in their investigation, and that they were almost certain the motive was “nationalistic”.

“Apparently the people arrested in relation to the case belong to an extremist Jewish group,” an official told AFPspeaking on condition of anonymity.

“We have begun to put together the pieces of the puzzle, and 70-80% of the background information indicates [the crime is] nationalistic,” a police source claiming to be part of the central investigation told Walla News.

“But research has failed to understand what happened during critical moments,” he added, referring to the two-hour window between the boy’s alleged abduction in Shuafat and his body being found in the Jerusalem Forest.

Almost immediately prior to the arrests, a police source told Channel 2 that arrests in the case were “imminent” and could be carried out later in the day.

Rioting throughout Jerusalem erupted last week after rumors circulated that 16-year-old Mohammed Abu-Khder’s murder was an act of Jewish “revenge” over the abduction and murder of three Israeli teens Naftali Frenkel (16), Gilad Sha’ar (16) and Eyal Yifrah (19).

Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, as well as some in the international media, have since repeated those claims as fact. Israeli leaders – including the mayor of Jerusalem and Prime Minister Netanyahu – rushed to condemn the murder, despite the lack of clear evidence suggesting that the murder was an act of nationalistic revenge.

Conflicting testimonies from the boy’s own parents about an alleged attempt to abduct their younger son some time before have raised further questions about the possibility of criminal or some other motive.

Meanwhile more footage has emerged from CCTV cameras near the scene of the crime, purporting to show the murder suspects approaching Mohammed before kidnapping him.

Previous footage, taken from across the street, was obtained late last week by The Telegraph; but while those images were far harder to make out, the latest film is somewhat clearer – though not clear enough to make out the killers’ identities.

Watch – previously-released footage from the murder scene:


July 6, 2014 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. bernard ross Said:

    Now all the jewish slaughters are forgotten and everyone is in an uproar about the one arab.

    I must agree with you, now the Israeli powers are round up the usual suspects in order to satisfy their critiques. Even the Jews blame the Jews. I though begging for forgiveness for being Jewish had gone out of style.

  2. @ yamit82:
    reminds me of Breaker Morant
    Now all the jewish slaughters are forgotten and everyone is in an uproar about the one arab.

  3. Muslim incitement of Jew hatred is the root cause of ALL the murders regardless of the out come of this one. If The GOI continues to deal with the symptoms, and reactions, the situation will continue. Jews cannot forever be expected to accept the slaughter of their children by muslims. The GOI runs after murderers after the fact but keeps avoiding the root cause: muslim incitement to Jew hatred and Jew killing.
    Close the mosques and throw the imams in prison along with zoabi

  4. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    They were indicted in camera without the benefit of legal representation. As are Arab Terrorists. They have legal reps who have all declared their clients innocent.

    The facts will come out in trial and if found not guilty most will by then have forgotten the trial contexts.

    I said when this story first was aired that it smells like a Shabak set up. Until further evidence to contradict my instincts I stand by them. There were three kidnappers on the CCTV 2 outside and I assume a driver. There is no way they could positively identify the faces from the video or the car and certainly not another three. Apparently they were under police surveillance for other suspicions like Price Tag Vandalism.

    The police and the Shabak have to date been impotent against these price Tag Kids and every arrest has come to nothing. They didn’t break or maybe a few were turned by the Shabak under threats against family or close friends. That’s how our Stasi operates. As for our corrupt police there is an old truism: Israel needs to recruit 2 policeman for every one in normal countries because here in Israel they need pairings “one who can read and the other who can write.”

    The only time they catch real criminals or terrorists is when they are handed the criminals by some 3rd party or by mistake….“Dumb cops” fits our police force like a glove.

  5. @ NormanF:
    All is possible, but the burning is very non Jewish.
    Just as much, is possible that it is a desperate attempt to displace the police actively participating, perhaps by default, in the horrid end of our three children.
    I join an avalanche of people that has lost any trust on the uniformed and non uniformed command of the police and military.
    Netanyahu is a total disaster in every respect.

  6. Shmuel,

    I’m still waiting for the truth to be established.

    But you know some people will blame all the Jews for the murder. What else is new?

  7. Evidence please!
    I absolutely distrust and despise the politzei here.
    They “found” what appear to be Jews in less than a week, but to date after a month of the triple murder of Jews, nothing.
    We demand evidence confirmed by a people elected third party.