Soros targets the tar sands

$US 10 Million for 43 Organizations in a “TAR SANDS” Campaign. Paid for by Tides USA (2009/2010)

Vivian Krause has the story:

Acting in concert, environmental organizations are campaigning against the Alberta oil sands, and more broadly, against the export of Canadian oil. Banning oil tanker traffic on the strategic, north coast of British Columbia, as environmental organizations are demanding, would block exports of Canadian oil to China and other Asian countries. No oil tankers means no oil exports.

In both the U.S. and Canada, a large number of these environmental organizations are all funded by a single American foundation: The Tides Foundation (“Tides USA”).

According to U.S. tax returns for 2009 and 2010, Tides USA has paid a total of $10.2 Million to 44 organizations that campaign against Canadian oil. The top recipient was Corporate Ethics International which runs RETHINK ALBERTA, a campaign to pressure the Alberta government by depicting Alberta in a negative light.

In 2010 alone, the Sierra Club was paid $420,000, Environmental Defense Canada Inc. was paid $250,000 and Greenpeace Canada was paid $200,000 for participation in the “Tar Sands Campaign,” according to 2010 tax returns for Tides USA.

As reported in The Financial Post, in 2009 the U.S. Tides Foundation and Tides Canada funded a total of 36 organizations that campaign against the development of the Alberta oilsands. Of these, 26 organizations were funded by the Tides USA.  The total granted to these organizations by Tides USA was $3.6 Million for 2009, according to U.S. tax returns.

In 2009, Tides Canada Foundation paid at least $7 million to 20 organizations that campaign against Canadian oil, according to analysis of Tides Canada’s U.S. tax returns. In 2009, fully half of Tides Canada’s grants went towards projects on a small but very strategic part of the Canadian coastline: the north coast of B.C., right smack where oil tankers export bound for Asia would need to travel.
Detailed breakdown of Tides Foundation anti-oil contributions here.

January 23, 2012 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. For crying out loud!!!

    We’re supposed to stand for what is right and noble – the Tar Sands is neither. It’s an obscene wound in the landscape, a source of pollution for the whole environment, poisoning air, land, and water – people and animals.

    The fact that Soros opposes this project is no reason to defend it. Facts prove that the Tar Sands project is bad for everyone except for investors – many of them non-Canadians.

    This writer makes an issue about foreign money (Soros’) influencing opposition to this project. What she does not want to mention is that foreign money is financing this project, particularly Chinese money.

    The Chinese will not only get the oil, but the profits as well. Canadians will get a scarred landscape, health and social problems, loss of water, and the loss of an environment worth much more as wilderness than as a giant field of tar.

    And notice that the government has pressured the media not to use the word TAR but the word OIL instead. But it’s still TAR.


    Globe and Mail: China’s Oil Sands impact


    Everyone should know about the other pipeline, the one from Alberta, across British Columbia, and then along to the Pacific Coast. This coast is very hazardous and major oil spills (I emphasize the plural here) are a matter of WHEN, not IF.


    A picture is worth a thousand words. This used to be pristine wilderness.

  2. 10 million is nothing compared to the billions that Soros will make from the results of his investment. He knows how to spend money to make money. Remember, only one of the ways that Soros makes billions is betting on currencies going down, not hard when you invest 100’s of millions over years to make it happen.

  3. Everyone know who Soros is and what he stands for; however, why have we not heard anything from Fox news about these payoffs to these tree huggers? If the shoe was reversed, CNN would run it.

  4. The story does not make the Soros connection.
    You have to go to Discover the Networks at Front Page Magazine
    From the page:

    “Several of the massive, tax-exempt entities profiled in this section —
    most notably the Tides Center, the Liberty Hill Foundation,
    and the Proteus Fund — are pass-through operations designed to
    mask the relationship between donor and gift. That is, they take
    money from donors who specify the precise groups and causes
    for which they want it earmarked, and in turn funnel that money
    to those recipients, allowing the donors avoid being publicly
    associated with the groups being funded. The funds transacted
    in this manner are called donor-advised funds. (The JEHT
    Foundation, which closed its doors permanently in 2009,
    was yet another pass-through.)??”

    The visual page with George Soros at the center shows
    a line going to Tides Foundation and Tides Center.
    Put Tides Foundation at the center and there are almost
    as many lines radiating out as when George Soros
    is at the center.

    Click on Tides Center in the above paragraph and you get among
    other things:

    “Immediately after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,
    Tides formed a “9/11 Fund” to advocate a “peaceful national
    response.” Tides later replaced the 9/11 Fund with the
    “Democratic Justice Fund,” which was financed in large measure
    by the Open Society Institute of George Soros, who has donated
    more than $7 million to Tides over the years. Reciprocally, the
    Tides Foundation is a major funder of the Shadow Party, a
    George Soros-conceived nationwide network of several dozen
    unions, non-profit activist groups, and think tanks whose agendas
    are ideologically to the left, and which are engaged in campaigning
    for the Democrats.”

  5. The tipping point is coming…

    …and Soros is 81. It’s a close race. Speaking of “confidence” (read, “credit ratings”), on which the world’s fiat currencies are based, India and China are going to purchase Iraninan oil with gold rather than with dollars. Does this just concern our doomed-to-failure sanctions on Iran? Or does this signal a trend in international financing? I notice that Newt Gingrich has been giving Ron Paul high praise lately for his gold-based monetary platform.

  6. Perhaps when Gingrich is elected, he can expedite extradition procedures to France. Even if France does not want him, we can simply put him on a plane and let them figure it out when he lands.

  7. Oh, I don’t know about that. I see a huge crisis in confidence building throughout the world. Governments everywhere are literally breaking every rule in the book to try and mollify the situation – and we all know it. The tipping point is coming…