The conflict is not ONLY about Arab rejectionism.

By Ted Belman

“The Conflict Is Not about the 1967 Lines” writes Alana Goodman in COMMENTARY

    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was outspoken in his criticism of President Obama’s speech last Thursday, and he took another swipe at the president during an address to AIPAC this evening. Cantor said that the Palestinians refuse to accept Israel’s existence because they have “a culture infused with resentment and hatred” of the Jewish state.

    “And this is the root of Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians. It is not about the ’67 lines,” said Cantor, prompting an extended standing ovation.

I am pleased that AIPAC understands this and now more Americans do. But I disagree, not with the fact that the Arabs refuse to accept a Jewish State in the ME, but with the idea that but for that the ’67 lines with swaps, would be acceptable.

There is no ligitimacy to the demand of the world that Israel retreat to such lines. Afterall the ’67 lines are the ceasefire lines from the ’48 war that the Arabs started and the post ’67 lines (Jordan River) are the ceasefire lines from the ’67 War which the Arabs also started.

Israel accepted Resolution 242 after the ’67 War though no one else did. This resolution required Israel to withdraw from some but not all the territories when she was able to negotiate “secure and recognizable borders.

Israel has already withdrawn from over 90% of the territories, thereby fullfilling her obligation to withdraw.

Besides only Israel has the right to decide what borders are “secure”. Since that war she has been attacked by the PLO and later Hezbollah in Lebanon, and by Egypt, Syria and by Hamas from Gaza.

She has withdrawn form most of the territories and requires the Joprdon R. as her eastern border for ever.

May 23, 2011 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. Teshuva. Peddle your devine justice elsewhere. I reject that Americans are being punished. You can make such claims anywhere you want but not here.

  2. God, Judgment and the Weather: God Incidences
    How has the United States’ treatment of Israel brought about many of its latest natural disasters?

    Dr. David R. Reagan

    I believe many of the blessings of the United States have been due to the fact that we have been a safe haven for the Jews. We are one of the only nations in the world that has not launched pogroms against them or persecutions, and also because we have been Israel’s best friend ever since the state was reestablished in 1948.

    But, the Bible says that in the end times ALL the nations of the world will turn against Israel over the issue of Jerusalem. Sadly, in the early 90’s, the United States joined the rest of the world in their opposition to Israel. We did so primarily to ensure our access to Arab oil.

    The turning point came in 1991 when …click for the rest:

    Also see, God, Judgment and the Weather: Hurricane Katrina – What does Gaza have to do with Hurricane Katrina? and God, Judgment and the Weather: The Message – What God is saying through these disasters

  3. Yamit: God Created the laws of judgment.”

    Here is someone who agrees:

    This is just my own opinion on the tornadoes that hit Joplin and Minnesota yesterday. This does not have anything to do with Joplin being a main hub of Pentecostalism, but I believe it has everything to do with our leaders putting pressure on Israel to divide up the land. Here are a few examples of tornadoes that occured within a few days of the U.S. trying to pressure Israel into dividing up their land with the Palestinaians.

    “On April 30, 2003, America was positioned as the catalyst to jump-start the so-called “solution” to the Middle East crisis. As U.S.-backed Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas was sworn in, the “Road Map” peace plan was set in motion.

    The very next day began the worst month of tornadoes in American history, more than 500 in a single month. Normally, 1,000 tornadoes hit the United States each year, but this year, in just eight days in May, 375 twisters ripped across the heartland of America.

    May 9, 2003, President Bush addressed students at the University of South Carolina. Bush called on the Palestinians to embrace the road to peace, and see the flag of Palestine raised over a free nation.

    Hours later, tornadoes returned and Oklahoma City again became the bulls-eye for deadly twisters, reducing what was left of businesses and homes to splinters and bricks. The tornadoes of May devastated the Midwest with the third worst property damage in American history. Since then, the Road Map has endured a rocky road to June, coinciding with what may be America’s most rain-drenched spring in history.” …Source:

    That is just tornadoes. Look at other weather and also earthquakes, such as the one in Japan which opposed Israel. Hurricane Katrina (meaning: “Pure”) which destroyed New Orleans (“NO”) was the consequence of Bush pushing Israel to kick Jews out of Gaza. Katrina was the fist of God. Also see Did God send Katrina as judgment for Gaza? I’ve followed this subject for many years and could post more info than you probably care to read. Don McAlvaney wrote a whole book about it. Judgments come when a society rejects Biblical values on issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and denying the Ten Commandments, and opposing Israel. In fact the Apostle Paul wrote to Christians in Romans 11 to not oppose Jews lest ye be cut off. When you see headlines like “It cut the city in half” or “city destroyed” as we saw in Joplin that mirrors what the Globalists want to do to Israel. Christchurch, NZ is another example. The final decision hasn’t been rendered, but note that the head of the UN committee is Sir Geoffrey Palmer, former PM of NZ and liberal mate of antisemite Helen Clark, and that Sir Geoffrey’s home district is Christchurch CBD, the area of the most damage in Christchurch. The Biblical principle is the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you.” The Judgment is: “It shall be done unto you in the same manner that you do unto others, multiplied.” Most people think the Golden Rule is optional. I think not.

  4. “There is no legitimacy to the demand of the world that Israel retreat to such lines [viz., the 1949 Armistice lines].”

    Actually there’s no legitimacy to UNSC 242 either

    Until we return to the Mandate as a fundamental,

    territorial point-of-reference,

    there will never be an end to the recurrent attempts

    to “Jew down”

    the Jews.

  5. Then why didn’t the Tornado strike Washington DC?

    Did you poll the people of Joplin before the strike to see what percentage were against Israel.

    I agree with shy.

  6. I’m not as skeptical as Shy and am willing to grant the possibility that Teshuvah might be right. Did the ten plagues effect only the Royals of Egypt? Every natural occurrence can always be explained rationally.-

    G-d Created the laws of nature.

    Psalms Chapter 19

  7. Then why didn’t the Tornado strike Washington DC?

    Did you poll the people of Joplin before the strike to see what percentage were against Israel.

    Can you give us an accounting of the divine cause for the 1925 Tri-State tornado?

    If I were you, I’d add an extra layer of tinfoil to your hat.

  8. Theory: the plan is already laid between Washington and Tel Aviv (sarcastically intentional mention).

    Obama & State howl 1967, looking like the extreme left and terrorists; Netanyahu & Barak fire back with “settlement blocks”, feigning to protect Judea and Samaria. Washington will pretend to give in and accept the latter, with Netanyahu claiming to be hero of the day, saving as much as anyone could.

    We need to say NO to Netanyahu and any 2 state solution. Our eye is being taken off the ball.