There is no distinction between Islam and Islamists

By Larry Klayman, RENEW AMERICA

WASHINGTONI personally will not vote for any candidate who calls Islamic terrorists “radical Muslims” or “jihadists.” The American people, and particularly conservatives, libertarians, and people of true faith, have had it with political correctness (“PC”). PC is what led the neighbors of the San Bernardino Islamic terrorists to not report suspicious activity at their neighbors’ house, where Muslims were pouring into the garage to make pipe bombs and arms to use against us, Christians, by attacking a nearby Christmas party and killing 14 Christians and seriously wounding 17 more. The hard reality is that we are at war with Islam, not because we chose to be, but because the Muslim religion itself teaches, by the will of Mohammad and his god Allah, to kill all infidels, – that is, persons who do not believe in and practice Islam. This means you, me, and our families. It’s regrettably that simple and scary!

Our president, Barack Hussein Obama, – who was elected by an uneducated populace, despite the fact he was not shown to be eligible to be president under our Constitution, – was born to a Muslim father and educated in Muslim schools in Indonesia as a youth, and has revealed his true colors over the last seven years in furthering the interests and running interference for his Islamic brothers.

By Shariah law, Obama is a Muslim and he, has thus, and acted consistently with his “faith. “Why should this surprise anyone? Typically, if you are once a Muslim, you must be always a Muslim (especially in view of the penalties for doing otherwise). For different reasons, persons who practice a bona fide religion like Christianity, Judaism, or Hinduism tend to stay with it. Unfortunately, the “Holy Quran,” as our Muslim president likes to call it, clearly teaches death to non-Islamists. And since the days of September 11 in America, death it has been, whether it was the shootings at Fort Hood, beheadings in Oklahoma, or attacks in Texas (ask Pamela Geller), the streets of New York City, where persons’ throats were slit, the Boston Marathon, or now San Bernardino.

Despite what all the nation knows, Obama, whose middle name is not just coincidentally Hussein, has sought to protect his heritage by refusing to call Islamic terrorism by its name – only “workplace violence,” or some other “betties,” as the French ironically would say, given the horrors of Islamic attacks in Paris. And, for fear of being branded racist against Muslims and blacks – a proverbial “double whammy” – the media have covered up for Obama’s Muslim self by refusing to label him as such. Even Fox News, reportedly at the direction of its, otherwise talented and successful CEO Roger Ailes, refuses to call it like it obviously is. No one on Fox News has or will ever brand Obama as the Muslim he is, despite his actions, which leave no doubt to any rational human being with a first-grade education and an IQ over 50. But it’s not simply a question of PC, a name, or phraseology; Obama is not a “pussy,” as Colonel Ralph Peters has recently labeled him following the president’s pathetic and insulting speech of last Sunday, since he spends more time making excuses for Muslim terrorism and covering for American Muslims, who regrettably sympathize to a large extent with their terrorist brothers and, thus, fail to speak out against their brutal carnage, than he spends mapping out a coherent and forceful military strategy. Obama, plain and simple, is Islamic by birth and by his actions. And this is not benign. His refusal as commander-in-chief to order strong military action against ISIS, Al Queda, and other terrorists is not because he is a “pussy.” It must be seen for what it is: empowering by inaction the furtherance of the caliphate which Mohammad and Allah teach their adherents to carry out. This is Islam, not radical Islam, and in deed if not word, Obama is one of Allah’s believers and faithful. He is carrying out their will, and it’s no wonder he wears a ring that is inscribed in Arabic that his only god is Allah.

About two years ago I was in front of the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., during the government shutdown and in the presence of Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, along with Governor Sarah Palin. Following them on the lectern that day, in front of television cameras from nearly all of the nation’s networks, I got up to speak. I did not have notes or a thought-out speech to give, but I let it come from my heart if not my brain. And, in urging Americans to wage a non-violent revolution of civil disobedience a la Martin Luther King to restore freedom to our shores, I was inspired standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial where King had many decades earlier given his historic and moving “I Have a Dream” speech – and I subconsciously “let it rip.” I sent a message to Obama, tongue in cheek, to “Get off his knees, put the Quran down, and come out with his hands up.” I left the lectern and the World War II Memorial that day not even appreciating the firestorm I had triggered. For me, the obvious was the obvious, and what I had said was not controversial (though sadly funny). But no sooner than the evening news, I was all over the airwaves; and the likes of MSNBC, CNBC, and CNN began a two-week campaign to bash me and my Tea Party colleagues Cruz, Lee, and Palin and our supporters. For these lefty Muslim and Obama sympathizers, I was used as the springboard to label Tea Partiers, conservatives, libertarians, and people of true faith as crazy bigots. How dare I satirically call the president by his true color?

Well, fellow realists and friends, Obama’s actions over the last two years since my speech paint my satirical depiction of his faith, if not mindset, as mild. But more important, as the nation ponders its fate at the hands of true believing Muslims like Obama, and the terrorists he runs interference for and refuses to decisively take out, a related and compelling question presents itself. And, without endorsing Donald Trump, since I have not yet decided who I will vote for in the Republican presidential primary, the Donald has raised the right issue, which no one but “his greatness” has dared to bring forth. Simply put, non-citizen Muslims have no right to immigrate to this country.

It’s high time the nation gets real. We are at war with Islam, even if our Muslim president is not. And it’s time for a moratorium on giving non-citizen Muslims entry to the country, as they have no legal right to be here.

For true believing Muslims, I hear Mecca is a nice place to visit. As they no doubt will like it, they can take up permanent residency there, and if they stay long enough, apply for citizenship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, just not here in the United States!

It has been demonstrated that risk of their presence in the land of “E Pluribus Unum” is too great!

December 13, 2015 | 65 Comments »

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50 Comments / 65 Comments

  1. @ Abdul Ameer:

    your elitism is extraordinary

    Moderate Islam practitioners should not be criticized for “misleading” anyone; they “criticize” orthodoxy/Jihadism by not abiding by its tenets and are not “pretending” if they derive ethical benefit from following their belief-system.

    they should be permitted to flourish

  2. @ rsklaroff:
    You misunderstand my point. I am not telling them what to follow. I am criticizing them for misleading non-Moslems into thinking that Islam is basically o.k. when it isn’t. The moderates will never criticize the Koran or Muhammad, and they pretend that Islam (i.e. the Koran and Muhammad) are fine. The reason this is important is that the Koran and Muhammad’s sayings are taught and preached in every mosque as sacred and a standard part of Islam, and those sacred texts will always produce more Moslems who take them seriously, even if the moderates do not. If we are to deal effectively with the Islamic threat, we will have to pay attention to it and define it. The moderates are deflecting attention from the source of the threat.

  3. @ rsklaroff:
    What we need is full exposure of the intrinsically jihadist nature of Islam which comes from the Koran and is taught in every mosque. We need to get the subversive Moslems out of our schools, universities, government institutions, banks, hospitals, pharmacies and airports.

  4. This is a total non sequitur. Yes, we must discredit CAIR and attack what we don’t like about Islam, but it does not follow in the least that we should give money to Islamic apologists like Jasser who defends Islam and never says a negative word about the Koran or Muhammad. He claims to be a devout Muslim, but he is rejected by his own religious community almost as an apostate. He has no influence in the Islamic community, and he has no scholarly qualifications for speaking about Islam. He claims to be a reformer, but he has zero plan for reform, and he spends his time talking to non-Moslems trying to convince them that he is capable of driving out the Islamists. He is impotent and irrelevant, and he does not deserve any non-Moslem’s money. Much better to give money to those non-Moslems who are telling the truth about Islam, and to those politicians who are willing to take a stand against the Muslim Brotherhood.

  5. @ Ted Belman:
    “When Pipes came out with his statement, “radicals are the problem, moderates are the solution” I responded that in order for them to be the solution, we must discredit CAIR and must attack what we don’t like about Islam. Then we must accredit people like Jasser, Manji, Darwish and fund their organization to the tune of $100 million a year which is what Saudi Arabia spends yearly to promote Wahhabism or Jihad.”

    The above is well put.


    Perhaps, what we need to counter violent radicalism in the name of Islam is not a self-serving “moderate Islam,” but, rather, a counter-Islamic movement that is rooted in and insists on radical love — a radical love that uncompromisingly stands with the truth and with what is truly just; a radical love that urges reconciliation over revenge, peace over power, wisdom over war, asceticism over affluence, service over selfishness, compassion over callousness, and truth over tribalism.

  7. Ted Belman Said:

    Also we must remove Saudi influence from the mosques and the universities, as they preach fundamentalist Islam.

    That is what must be done in America and Europe. Fat chance.

    More must be done than that.According to Pipes own definitions which I listened to on the Ezra Levant Rebel Media today – virtually all Muslims in America are Islamist.
    Every mosque in North America practices Misogyny by putting the women in cloistered back rooms – this makes them Islamist. Even FORCING the simple headscarf is fascist and therefore Islamist. Any belief or practice that is FORCED rather than left to individual free choice is Fascist and therefore Islamist . The belief that Non-Muslims CANNOT draw a pic of MUDface or CANNOT burn a KORAN or CANNOT insult Islam – these are all intolerant fascist beliefs rather than tolerant democratic beliefs, If it was democratic they might not like those things but they would preach tolerating them. All their mosques preach INTOLERANCE.
    Therefore these beliefs and practices are all ISLAMIST.
    ISLAM must reform it’s fundamental practices including how they “pray”. (for instance if they are afraid to look at a woman’s behind because it excites them too much – women can be on one side of the room and men on the other – simple solution eh?)
    Radical Islamists do not simply get radicalized because they have an internet connection – what prepares them for radicalization is the Islamist beliefs and practices of their pretend-moderate Group.
    They simply don’t know who they are until one day they “find themselves” and give the full meaning to their existence. Jihadist {Islam is the natural evolution of their current beliefs and practices which simply by fallowing make them angry , intolerant and aggressive to Non-Muslims.

  8. rsklaroff Said:

    I’m hardly a lemming; I define a process that should be followed ASAP that will BOTH undermine BHO AND yield a positive outcome.

    You are a hero in your own fantasy world. When you destroy the Death Star I’m sure you will get a Medal
    “Hero of the International Order of Fantsy Bumpkins”.
    Leftist Taqyya 101 = Always pretend how tough you are while promoting an ideology of surrender.

  9. When I read “paved the way,” I recall BB’s view of the Iran-Nuke Capitulation, for it connoted inevitability; in the case of the Church, however, the outcome wasn’t pre-ordained [certainly not to the degree to which a killing-machine enterprise had been envisioned].

  10. rsklaroff Said:

    but not the entire reason for the Shoah;

    I never said this. I just said it paved the way.

    You shouldn’t base your policies on hope but on realism. Muslims aren’t free to choose. They must abide by the literal interpretation.

  11. “…the Church paved the way for Hitler’s final solution. Unfortunately you are whitewashing the role of Christianity ie the Church in this solution.”

    Religion was a component, but not the entire reason for the Shoah; this posture doesn’t “whitewash.”

    I am not “equating the Torah or the New Testament with the Koran” when hoping that, although reform hasn’t occurred substantially, yet, hope springs eternal.

    Just because “Islam means submission” doesn’t mean that the entity to which an individual submits is dictatorial; one can “submit” to believe in the concept of “good v. evil.”

  12. @ rsklaroff:
    Robert, Please read my article on Hitler and the Church, carefully, to understand how the Church paved the way for Hitler’s final solution. Unfortunately you are whitewashing the role of Christianity ie the Church in this solution.

    Secondly you make the mistake of equating the Torah or the New Testament with the Koran. Yes the Torah has some very harsh pronouncements in it ( which by the way the Koran includes). But the Jews have moved on and Rabbinic Judaism have created a very tolerant religion. The Muslims on the other hand in about 1300 ended all reform movements insisting on the literal meaning of the Koran. No alternative view was permitted. This has remained so for 700 years.

    The New Testament on the other hand is generally very tame but the Roman Catholic Church acted like Islam demanding that all people convert and accept Christianity on pain of death. The NT did not so provide. Fortunately, Christianity had a Reformation. That was possible due to the fall of the Roman Empire and the discontent with the Church. It was a bloody reformation and ushered in the 100 years war. The Spanish Inquisition predated the Reformation. It had the blessings of the Church.

    The Koran is a text about how to conquer the world and keep it. Mohammed and his movement, conquered the world by force. He offered his soldiers the women and the wealth of the countries conquered. Once the land had been conquered, they forced everyone to convert of die and ruled that breaking away from Islam was punishable by death. The people of the book, Jews and Christians, could sometimes avoid being killed by paying a tax called Jizya and accepting Dhimmi status.

    It is because of rules like this that 1.3 billion people are now Muslims. Although countries and Empires come and go, Islam remains because it is ruthless and is cast as a religion. This makes the people more submissive.

    Did you know that Islam means submission?

  13. When Pipes came out with his statement, “radicals are the problem, moderates are the solution” I responded that in order for them to be the solution, we must discredit CAIR and must attack what we don’t like about Islam. Then we must accredit people like Jasser, Manji, Darwish and fund their organization to the tune of $100 million a year which is what Saudi Arabia spends yearly to promote Wahhabism or Jihad.

    Jihad, by the way is the obligation of Muslims to conquer the world for Islam and Sharia whether by violence or stealth.

    By attacking the bad parts of Islam including the imperative of Jihad, we will shame Muslims who accept the fundamental view of Islam and drive them to the reformed view of Islam. By banning CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood and embracing Jasser’s reform movement as the only spokes person for Islam, the process will have begun.

    Also we must remove Saudi influence from the mosques and the universities, as they preach fundamentalist Islam.

    That is what must be done in America and Europe. Fat chance.

  14. I’m hardly a lemming; I define a process that should be followed ASAP that will BOTH undermine BHO AND yield a positive outcome.

  15. rsklaroff Said:

    “We could see-saw forever on this issue….”

    You don’t have forever – you have only til Islam aided by Obama types kill you – which is not far away.

    We are not see-sawing , we simply know – you however are see-sawing dancing on the end of Islam’s propaganda puppet strings.

  16. Ted is correct there is one Islam. However all Muslim’s do not adhere to it literally. This is sort of like a continuum with some Muslims starting with the strictest jihadi mentality and the opposite end of the continuum there are some actual liberal Muslims in their lifestyle and personal belief systems. Also some choose to ignore certain parts of the religion and adhere to other parts.

    The reformers hopefully will have a serious influence at the end of the day but this can not possibly be quick.

    All Muslims are not Islamist’s but way too many are to consider this an isolated problem.

    Example Jordan now has 4000 people who have left to join ISIS. Never mind the Muslim Brotherhood is huge in Jordan.

  17. @ rsklaroff:
    You can hope all you want, but your hopes are in vain because the Koran just does not permit anyone to take jihad out of it. Any Moslem who tries to do it, is immediately considered an apostate. It is Islam itself that requires the Koran to be read literally wherever possible to do so because it is considered the literal word of their god, Allah. By the way, there is no such thing as a “literal interpretation”. An interpretation is a meaning assigned to a text which is not immediately obvious. A literal reading is not an “interpretation”.

  18. We could see-saw forever on this issue; I hope for Reformers to prevail after Jihadists are defeated militarily…even if it will require another “Crusade” to accomplish this…whereas y’all have resigned yourself to literal interpretation of these writings [plus the history of how they were applied].

  19. rsklaroff says: “Again, it is untrue that “Islam is our deadly enemy” because it is the Jihadism that must be isolated and defeated.”

    This is pure wishful thinking. Jihadism cannot be isolated because it comes straight from the Koran and the sayings of Muhammad. Jihadism is part and parcel of Islam.

  20. How ’bout the chronic initiative of people such as Daniel Pipes to promote “moderate” Islam and quotes from el-Sisi that appear “reformational” in character?

  21. nevertheless, tethering this attitude to Christianity is a reach.

    If you read my article you wouldn’t say this.

    Islam is nothing without Jihad. If you could excise it,there would be nothing left.

    The people who want to do this have been trying for many years and can’t get any traction.

  22. rsklaroff Said:

    Many of those who currently espouse support for Islamists would retreat therefrom if/when Jihadis were to be militarily defeated;

    In order to defeat the Jihadists you also have to defeat Obama , Trudeau and Merkel and a few other Islamist Strawdogs.
    Who is going to do that?
    I think in the big picture scenario, nuclear war is inevitable – 5 to 15 years max, maybe sooner. North America, the Middle East Iran , Pakistan most will be obliterated – China and Russia will survive as the major powers – depends on how much radioactive dust-clouds there will be.
    On the bright side the vacuous ladies on the View (who just compared Trump to Hitler and America to Nazi Germany at a turning point ) , Trevor Noah and Steven Colbert will no longer exist which will be a relief to the aliens listening to our broadcasts on some distant star system.

  23. Many of those who currently espouse support for Islamists would retreat therefrom if/when Jihadis were to be militarily defeated; this is a classic phenomenon in the world of polling, recalling the concept of the “Strong Horse.”

  24. rsklaroff Said:

    Again, it is untrue that “Islam is our deadly enemy” because it is the Jihadism that must be isolated and defeated.

    Well OK , first annihilate all those that believe in Sharia say 700 million and then go through the list eliminating those that have barbaric practices and beliefs associated with Islam and you may have 100-200 million Muslims left that may be willing to give up the rest of their aggressive practices such as blaring loudspeakers etc – you may end up with 100-200 Muslim families – maybe you can join a housing project with them on Elba or in Crimea where Putin can keep an eye on youse.
    And BTW, where will you isolate Obama and his Waffen Ilk to – you have to deal with all the leftist enablers and ringleaders as well. He is more likely to isolate you first.
    I head Obama say that ISIS has been “contained” .. actually he meant it has been contained to Planet Earth. When he said “that’s not who we are” – he meant that is not who he is, he is not us, he is not even “you”.

    You think are going to go to the Pearly gates and say “Let me in, Obama sent me.”. but they are going to tell you “He’s not on the list.”

  25. There is tremendous evidence that non-Nazis [particularly Poles, including after WW-II] were active anti-Semites and felt that Hitler channeled their mood; nevertheless, tethering this attitude to Christianity is a reach.

    Jihadism is literally viewable as Islamic Orthodoxy, but it is desirable to “excise its heart” without “killing” the patient [namely, non-Islamist Islam], for other facets of the Qur’an can provide a “heart-transplant” for those believers who recoil @ fanaticism.

  26. @ rsklaroff:
    Leaders aside, there is much evidence that Hitler had willing executioners.rsklaroff Said:

    Again, it is untrue that “Islam is our deadly enemy” because it is the Jihadism that must be isolated and defeated.

    Jihad is the heart of Islam. If you excise the heart, the patient dies.

  27. Ted’s prior quote leaps, claiming Nazism “merely” served as an incremental eventuality:

    During the conversion era, the Church said, “you have no right to live among us as Jews”. Then in the segregation/expulsion process, “you have no right to live among us” and finally in the extermination process, “you have no right to live”.

    There is no evidence that Christian leaders wanted to exterminate Jews; this wasn’t “just” [the word carries the same sly import] a logical extension of anything advocated during the prior two millennia…recognizing that anti-Semitism was [and is] extant in some quarters.

    Again, it is untrue that “Islam is our deadly enemy” because it is the Jihadism that must be isolated and defeated.

  28. rsklaroff Said:

    @ psydneyh:this is irrelevant because “two wrongs don’t make a right.”


    It is not wrong to eject Muslims and Islam form North America – it is simply common sense. Islam is our deadly enemy.

  29. Isatenstein: Jews cannot travel to Arabian countries, much less live in them.If you have visited Israel, and have a stamp in your passport, you will not be admitted to any Arab country. No Jew can visit “Palestine” or buy land there under penalty of death to the seller. Therefore, I cannot see what is “wrong” with excluding Muslims from USA.Others disagree with me. There is a double standard when it comes to Muslims and Jews (and now, Christians).

  30. Paddy Said:

    Blaming Christians for the Holocaust

    I do not see any prior posting that exclusively makes this claim; there are academic pieces suggesting some element of religiosity to what affected Nazi ideology, but most feel it emerged as an admixture of myriad venal forces.

  31. Blaming Christians for the Holocaust might make a Jew feel better; yet, it ignores the tens of millions of Christians exterminated by Marxists and Nazis. That these bigoted diatribes take precedence over the current Islamic threat tells us more about the blogger than he may want us to know.

  32. @ lsatenstein:

    Christians who killed 6 million Jews? It was the national socialists joining with the Russian Marxists who took over Europe and destroyed tens of millions of Western civilization’s peoples. Barack’s bad but distorting history to attack Christianity while Islamists infiltrate is INSANE BIGOTRY.

  33. Each ‘graph in the above by lsatenstein is deeply problematic but, here, it is a greater priority to reply to Ted, based upon having listened [for years] to both sides of the “we must support moderate Islam” argument:

    There is one Koran and thus one Islam.

    True, but remember that the Bible is rarely taken literally by most Jews.

    It has been agreed since 1300 that it is fixed and immutable. Plus the latest pronouncements abrogate the earlier ones which are more peaceful.

    The concept of “supercessionism” applies both to the entire religion…
    …and PERHAPS to the Qur’an…
    …although uncertainty rules.

    That is not to say that all Muslims follow each dictate of Islam. In fact there are some Islamic countries that ameliorate the harsh decrees also.

    Thus, there is plenty of “space” for a Reformation a la Martin Luther [and el-Sisi?].

    But they do not say that they are following the true Islam. They recognize that their practices depart from Islam proper.

    NOPE, on both counts; just like anyone can find a lawyer to argue his/her posture, plenty of Imams are eager to issue Encyclicals [fatwas] @ the behest of any fearless-leader.

  34. Today’s posting is a spilling out of pure hatred and bigotry.

    Obama is a great president, and history will show that. His obligation is not to a foreign country, but to the United States of America.

    And while most of you think that the United States of America must support Israel, it is no-where in their constitution to do so.

    That does not mean that Israel must beg from the USA, but it shows that the Americans are overly generous to Israel, providing the manufacturing technologies and weaponry to help Israel defend itself.

    I very much take exception to the bigoted statement that Obama did not deserve the presidency and was elected by the uneducated. The Latinos that voted him into office are very well educated. They evaluated the candidates and chose wisely. You have in Obama an elegant speaker, a man with brains, a great domestic policy maker and most of all, he is following the wishes of the people — no feet on the ground — no foot soldiers anywhere in the middle east.

    And Muslims are perhaps better than Christians.

    It was Christians that killed 6 million Jews, It was the Christian governments in the North American Continents that turned away refugee Jews during the second world war.

    Show me since 1900, that the Muslims killed 6 million of us.

    Larry, go spew your hatred elsewhere. True that Muslims and Jews don’t love each other, but the also don’t hate each other.

  35. But if we are in North America we have to make this artificial false distinction.
    Because in America there is that Be00tch Lynch, Obama’s Doberman and in Canada there is the witch hunting, independent, Islamified, all powerful tribunal of the HRC.
    And even at the it is not really safe for an ordinary citizen to voice an opinion.
    I heard a CNN anchor imply to a guest that there were only a few people from some kind of something like some kind of “variation” of Islam that wanted to come to America and kill everyone. Unfortunately she picked on a guest that could not quote the statistics to her – so she got away with that.

    A few! BWAAA HA HA!
    A statement that is pooop worthy.

    In order for a truly moderate , “different” Islam to emerge, any Muslim group must give up their internal practices and beliefs which are other repressive and disband their political organization and simply worship G_D as an individual act. but they don’t do this and end up deluding themselves and being manipulated and used by Islamic Jihad – a fold which they return to anytime the pooop hits the fan or they get a political majority..

  36. There is one Koran and thus one Islam. It has been agreed since 1300 that it is fixed and immutable. Plus the latest pronouncements abrogate the earlier ones which are more peaceful.

    That is not to say that all Muslims follow each dictate of Islam. In fact there are some Islamic countries that ameliorate the harsh decrees also.

    But they do not say that they are following the true Islam. They recognize that their practices depart from Islam proper.