“Trump has tossed the match into the powder keg.”

T. Belman. I quite enjoyed this essay. No more tiptoeing through the tulips. No more pussyfooting around. The Augean stables must be cleaned out. Half measures won’t do it. Go for the kill.


If there is such thing as a “hockey stick” graph, it charts the disappearance of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and hope of the American middle class during the last 50 years. In 2008 Americans sleepwalked to the polls and elected a man who by his history, family, friends and even his own words left little doubt that his mission was to destroy everything that America has traditionally stood for. We entered the steep part of the graph.

The slow motion suicide that America has been committing since the mid 1960’s is no longer slow motion. In 2012 with Republican help they did it again. He has been remarkably successful and, astonishingly, it was a bi-partisan effort. Honesty, intelligence and common sense seem to have completely fled the field and are nowhere to be seen. Nothing being said or done by the so-called leaders and opinion makers computes with what we see going on right before our eyes. With fresh blood still on the floor in Paris, the three stooges, Obama, Kerry and Al Gore tell us that global warming is the greatest threat mankind has ever faced. We see millions of ignorant, unskilled, inassimilable people from dysfunctional third world societies flooding our country.

“They are here to do the jobs Americans won’t do”, reply our betters when asked. We are tempted to believe that the reason Americans won’t do those jobs is because they are sitting home watching TV, drinking beer and smoking pot on the 50% or so of our income that somehow disappears from our paychecks every month. We shell out thousands of dollars a year for schools with lavish facilities, administrators who knock down six figure salaries, athletic budgets running in the millions, yet produce graduates who would make the average medieval English villein look erudite.

The high profile behavior of the Lords of the tech world gets more cracked every day; the thinking of these great shapers of millennial opinion would fit right in to Orwell’s 1984, or maybe Frankenstein. We sit dumbfounded while supposedly “serious” people discuss whether or not a man should be woman of the year. We watch our military turn into a downsized, feminized, homosexualized, transgendered social experiment while China and Russia sharpen their bayonets. Islam happily tells us that they will cut all our heads off when they get here and our President helps them get here. All this is too bizarre to even be called Kafkaesque, this is the twilight zone.

It does not take an Ivy League degree to understand why all these calamities are descending on us. What is happening is living proof of the famous statement by Edmond Burke, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Beltway Republicans and the toothless conservative punditry, who were supposed to defend us have always gone along to get along, rationalizing the left’s objectives as only establishing benign and soft European socialism. They were whistling past the graveyard.

This is not Sweden and the American left are not benign social democrats. These are the violent heirs of Lenin and Stalin and they are out for blood, ours. Their objective is the destruction of the middle class and the imposition of top down tyranny, it always has been. They will enlist Islamic terrorism, race war, class envy and any other deadly tool to achieve the destruction of hated Amerika. These nihilists care nothing about their people or their civilization, only their warped worldview. You need look no further than at our president’s mentors, the misbegotten, hate filled spawn of the 1960’s anti-war movement who now run your government and your life.

Code words such as “populist,” “southern,” “redneck,” “nativist” and “racist” all mean white Middle America and their culture — the tough minded Scots-Irish traditions of honesty, hard work, honor, patriotism, and military ferocity. This is the left’s nemesis, what they hate and fear the most. These characteristics that for 150 years powered the ascendency of America are being dangerously corroded by a toxic mix of “white guilt,” “sex, drugs and rock and roll,” welfare, and an education system that that actively suppresses knowledge, especially historical knowledge.

All this crap has been dished out by the left with a purpose. If they can destroy your sense of historical place and nation, ethnicity, and yes, race, they have turned you into a rootless, apathetic slave. The feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness that afflicts white America is not an accident. Does the term “Frankfurt School” ring any bells? The left has used Americans’ inherent decency and incredible naiveté regarding its motives, objectives and methods, to worm its way, unopposed, into our institutions, co-opting them one by one. Federal bureaucracies, foundations, universities, NGO’s, the corporate boardroom and now the military have succumbed to this fifth column. Our traditional culture is all that is left standing and the left has been tirelessly working to destroy it since the 1920’s. They are damn close to getting it done.

Middle America is awakening from its 50 year coma. The only thing missing is a leader who will bluntly point out the obvious, who can understand and channel the pent up rage, fear, and frustration that we are feeling after 50 years of being insulted, stolen from and now physically threatened. Up until now, by their control of all the media, the left has made us feel that we were isolated and alone. The new media is changing that. It is one of the ironies of history that Mr. Facebook, Mr. Google and Mr. Twitter and several others have created the instrument of their own destruction. You can apply Lenin’s statement that “they will sell you the rope you will hang them with” to describe their plight.

Enter Donald Trump. Individuals have and always will change the course of things, unpredictably and suddenly. Trump has consciously or unconsciously punched our red button. Trump is real and he is emotive. Wonkish analysis and reasoned debate do not fuel mass movements, emotion does; mass movements are like the periodic fires that tear through an old, rotting, bug infested forest and start a new cycle of vitality. This country is too far gone to resurrect any other way. It is time to awaken the sleeping giant and let the chips fall where they will. Trump has tossed the match into the powder keg.

The genie is out of the bottle now and even if Trump falters there will be another to take his place. He or she will have to be irrevocably committed to turning this country inside out and not be squeamish about how it is done, starting at the school board and ending at the White House. If he or she ever utters the word “compassion,” it will be all over. We are so sick of that word it makes us want to throw up when we hear it. He or she had better not ever apologize for anything, anytime, anyhow. We don’t care about anyone’s personal foibles, we have to win and don’t particularly care about how it’s done. And there is another little matter of holding accountable those who inflicted this damage on us. They cannot be allowed to “walk.” The American Republic is in its endgame. Let the game begin.

The dinosaur left, drunk with the success of conning America into twice electing an incompetent, Marxist stooge for President simply because was black, is totally surprised and is coming unhinged. They believed that traditional America was down and out. In their detached world of the beltway, green room and faculty lounge, they had assumed that anyone who would support Donald Trump was part of some marginal fringe group — which to their horror turns out to be most of America, or at least the part that counts. Their “playing the race card” to squelch any inconvenient truth that intrudes into public consciousness is not working anymore. None of their slogans of the past apply anymore. They can’t rail against “the man” because they are “the man.” They own this mess and no amount of lying by the incredible shrinking news media can hide it. They are looking more like Louis the XVI everyday.

These are not your grandfather’s Marxists’. These are not the deadly, self-sacrificing, true believers of Lenin’s time. Joe Biden is not Leon Trotsky, Hillary Clinton is not Rosa Luxemburg. Time has taken its toll on their movement. It has evolved into a stinking mélange of government corruption and crony capitalism and self-interest. Their hatred of traditional America is unabated but they are old and soft and have not had a new idea in fifty years. Their entire political base is on the take and is bought and paid for with our money. Tenured, overweight, overaged, academic leftovers from the 60’s and 70’s. Taxpayer funded race hustlers, the professional grievance industry, and all the other assorted thugs, criminals and perverts we see on TV every night. The beer drinkers and pot smokers sitting home living on your back. The young inmates of our university system, a bunch of overeducated, overindulged, overprotected, overmedicated punks who will vanish like the morning fog at the first drop of sweat or first pang of fear. Self-aggrandizing celebrity and media air heads who equate a tight ass with intellect.

This movement has no grassroots, unless it refers to what is being smoked. Other than environmental crap they have no ideological underpinning. They are simply the mother of all kleptocracies. Their soldiers will not march to the sound of cannon. They are ripe for a fall. They are as vulnerable as they are stupid and will be as inept at defending themselves as they are at running your life.

We don’t need an intellectual, a debater, a legislator or a compromiser. Legalistic niceties be damned. We want a man of action who will “fix bayonets” and lead us over the top.

Dan Gorski is a Mining Executive, Veteran, a Texan and NRA member.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/01/the_lefts_endgame_hits_the_wall.html#ixzz3xCu3dPm9
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January 14, 2016 | 35 Comments »

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35 Comments / 35 Comments

  1. EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Aides Resisted State Department Suggestion That Clinton Use State.gov Account

    Mull’s suggestion that Clinton begin using a state.gov-equipped Blackberry device was met with resistance from Abedin, the emails show. “Let’s discuss the state blackberry, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense,” Abedin wrote.

    Besides Mull, the emails show that Patrick Kennedy, the under secretary for management at the State Department, knew of the private server. Kennedy is a powerful figure within the State Department. The career diplomat handles logistical issues within the agency and was the official responsible for requesting emails from Clinton and her aides.


    certainly there should be an investigation as to spying and whether the Benghazi situation was contained in the emails and the info contained led to the murder of Chris Stevenson…. aside from many other things. The Muslim brotherhood figured heavily in surrounding issues including Morsi who wanted the blind sheik. Perhaps Huma was spying for the MB or perhaps there was inadvertent spying, in any case this is much more than a breach of protocol, which the press and WH are making it out to be. This could be a major spy case……

    wasn’t patrick kennedy the one who gave the instructions to stand down? If they were all in on a false flag kidnapping and trade then an order to stand down would have made sense. The public should demand serious investigation and answers…. with this on their plate president hussein, swift boat lurch and hillary should have no time to stalk Israel

  2. That Cruz certainly is nasty. The obnoxious way he ridiculed Fiorina’s face was vulgar, as were his unprovoked personal attacks on Bush and Rubio and Carson. And don’t even mention his menstruation innuendo about Megyn Kelly. What an uncouth ass!

    Hey, Ted. Tone down the narcissistic bombast. Emulate the suave, debonair Donald Trump as he dazzles the world with gentlemanly charm as though he were Cary Grant.

  3. The Truth about Huma Abedin that Media Matters Doesn’t Want America to See

    Further tying the Clintons to the Saudis is big money. CNN reported in 2008 that “donations to the William J. Clinton Foundation include amounts of $10 million to $25 million from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”


    the terror connections with the muslim brotherhood and Huma’s family are clear in this article and the danger of Hillary as president may be worse than president hussein.

    what no one mentions is that anyone, including the muslim brotherhood terror connections to Huma’s family could hack and get the emails from Hillary, Huma and the rest of the users of her private insecure account. Therefore, if Huma, Hillary or anyone wanted to get classified info to the muslim brotherhood all they need do is write to each other and mention the info knowing the MB would be hacked into the account. a convenient way to pass classified info without actually doing it.

    I wonder if they wrote to each other on the stevenson murder before it happened, alerting interested parties to what was happening. Some say that it was meant to be a false flag kidnapping of stevenson gone wrong, that he would be kidnapped and then traded for the blind sheik… that could explain the stand down orders.

  4. Linda Tripp: I saved Monica from being killed
    Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/01/linda-tripp-i-saved-monica-from-being-killed/#EJJJzDQXqRv3Lcqe.99

    apparently its not just about bill sowing his oats but about a long list of coincidental deaths that accompany every clinton scandal. Perhaps it is those deaths that should be investigated as opposed to Clintons penile MO? Perhaps the sexual conquests were the red herring distractions that they preferred to the murder list? Those dead bodies should be seriously taken if not by legal authorities then by every voter.

  5. keelie Said:

    If confronting both physically and verbally, people who want to kill me and the people around me, is racist and bigotted, then count me in as a racist and bigot.
    I may also be afraid of such confrontations, but I will conquer my own fears in order to do what has to be done.

    You got the wrong idea you didn’t absorb what I wrote.Wallowing in your anger and angrily confronting “people” might make you feel good, but will not undermine the lies of the left , it will re-enforce them.
    Tommy Robinson and Bill Warner set good example of how to do this -they counter the ideology , not people.

  6. Film: 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

    Release dates

    January 12, 2016 (Arlington premiere)
    January 15, 2016 (United States)

    The film was given only a limited release in Canada for the weekend of Friday, January 15, playing in select theatres in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Ottawa. The film will go to wide release in Canadian theatres the following weekend.

    I’ve not seen it yet but I have read the book – it’s fascinating.
    When the critics say how the film is no good, it will be because they are leftists.

    From the Guardian (Yuck – the Islamist Guardian)

    Author of 13 Hours stands by account depicted in Benghazi film

  7. Bear Klein Said:

    a Harvard Legal Professor, said Cruz was the best legal student he ever had.

    gosh, it appears that all you can ever do is quote others like a parrot for their opinions. Cruz professor at harvard made an apparently negative remark about him… but so what.. what the hey does it have to do with any adult discussion. I think you quote so many opinions becuase you do not have the ambition to read the facts directly, the intricate case law and the deeper constitutional issues. I keep telling you that if you read deeper you will see that the constitutional issues are real and anyone pretending otherwise likely wants their dog to win the race. Those who pretend it settled or meaningless are either ignorant of facts or disingenuous… as Cruz just proved to be.

  8. @ Bear Klein:
    obviously I am aware, which is why I sarcastically referred to his dismissal as a “settled issue”, that one who knows so much appeared to have made oversights. Notice he did non make any legal arguments but I pointed out his misleading comments. Bear Klein Said:

    So you may believe your legal opinions have more merit than Cruz.

    this is a ridiculously childish argument..beleiefs are irrelevant to facts…… when you operate like that, always avoiding the legal arguments, like Cruz did, you appear disingenuous.

  9. Bernard are you aware Cruz won seven cases before the US Supreme Court. He was the solicitor general of Texas. Alan Dershowitz (Democratic) a Harvard Legal Professor, said Cruz was the best legal student he ever had. So you may believe your legal opinions have more merit than Cruz. You are entitled to that but you know what they say about opinions?

  10. Trump may win the nomination. We shall see shortly in the next months. Can he win the general election that is the real unknown. He has proven to be a quick study in politics finding ways to knock adversaries off balance.

    That is what he is attempting with Cruz and the so called eligibility issue. Legally it is not much of an issue but politically it may have an impact on Cruz his current main rival.

    We will know after the “SEC Primary” in which I believe it is 8 states on March 1st have their primaries mostly in the south including Florida and Alabama. If Cruz is not close then and neither is Rubio then Trump will probably win the nomination.

  11. Bear Klein Said:


    Neal Katyal and Paul Clement, two former U.S. solicitors general, writing for the Harvard Law Review, said that Cruz qualifies as a “natural born citizen.”
    Katyal and Clement, March 11: All the sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time.

    we have already done this…. there is strong argument suggesting that the extension of citizenship to foreign born US citizens is a naturalization by congressional statute and the argument is based on the powers allocated to congress.
    but here is an “expert” with a different view, a supreme court chief justice who made the following determination wrt “natural born citizen

    The opinion (written by Chief Justice Morrison Waite) first asked whether Minor was a citizen of the United States, and answered that she was, citing both the Fourteenth Amendment and earlier common law. Exploring the common-law origins of citizenship, the court observed that “new citizens may be born or they may be created by naturalization” and that the Constitution “does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens.” Under the common law, according to the court, “it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_v._Happersett

    Further I noted that you seemed to ignore differing views in the same article you quoted as follows:

    Indeed, the Naturalization Act of 1790, passed three years after the U.S. Constitution was written, said that “the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens.”
    But as the CRS pointed out in its report, the 1790 law was superseded by the Naturalization Act of 1795, which changed the language from “natural born citizens” to just “citizens.”
    So there is still some lingering uncertainty about Cruz’s eligibility. That’s because the Supreme Court hasn’t ruled on the meaning of “natural born citizen,” which the Constitution doesn’t define.

    gosh, your source said what I said 🙂

    Even Duggin, who wrote in her 2013 article that “a scholarly consensus is emerging … that anyone who acquires citizenship at birth is natural born for purposes of Article II,” acknowledges that the issue may not be settled.
    “In the absence of a definitive Supreme Court ruling — or a constitutional amendment — the parameters of the clause remain uncertain,” she wrote.

    Perhaps you should base your opinions on a deeper study of the surrounding FACTS as opposed to just quoting talking heads. Did you notice that your article cited the CRS a couple of times but NOT their latest statement:

    A 2016 CRS report, however, stated:
    Although the eligibility of U.S. born citizens has been settled law for more than a century, there have been legitimate legal issues raised concerning those born outside of the country to U.S. citizens. From historical material and case law, it appears that the common understanding of the term “natural born” in England and in the American colonies in the 1700s included both the strict common law meaning as born in the territory (jus soli), as well as the statutory laws adopted in England since at least 1350, which included children born abroad to British fathers (jus sanguinis, the law of descent). Legal scholars in the field of citizenship have asserted that this common understanding and legal meaning in England and in the American colonies was incorporated into the usage and intent of the term in the U.S. Constitution to include those who are citizens at birth.[64]

    Sorry, pretending its not an issue will not make it go away.

  12. Bear Klein Said:

    Trump has made a controversy but has not really made a legal argument as he is not on solid ground (which he knows).

    this is what Cruz would like us to beleive…. that it is “settled law” that the birthers are nutters, etc etc etc….. and yet all you need to do is google the issue to see the amazing amount of disagreement by constitutional legal experts on this issue… its like global warming, the illegality of Jewish settlement, the religion of peace. It is exactly because he is on solid ground that it remains an issue discussed and disagreed upon by experts. Cruz pretending it is a non issue, a settled issue is dishonest and brings attention to his character. trump is uninterested in re arguing the myriad arguments already put forth by experts because for him it is moot. He knows that whether it is decideded or not, whether he is eligible or not, will become secondary to the effect on his and the GOP campaign. He has gone beyond legal arguments made by those who have no say in determining the legality and gone again to the crux of the matter. You pretending that it is a non issue, that it is a settled issue, that there is really NO issue simply ignores the facts. It matters not how many experts you and I trot out because even in a court of law the experts are there on opposite sides. You may be right and I may be right but what is certain is that it is and will be a significant negative issue during the campaign. You and I will determine nothing, and neither will Trump. Trump is wise to see that the real issue is not whether he will be deemed eligible by the courts but whether HIS campaign will be damaged. He has clearly and sensibly stated that he will not choose Cruz except perhaps if Cruz gets a declaratory judgement like McCain did.

  13. Trump has made a controversy but has not really made a legal argument as he is not on solid ground (which he knows). By his own admission if Cruz had not gained significantly in the polls he would not have created this smokescreen. Clever maneuver politically though not legally.


    Neal Katyal and Paul Clement, two former U.S. solicitors general, writing for the Harvard Law Review, said that Cruz qualifies as a “natural born citizen.”
    Katyal and Clement, March 11: All the sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time. And Congress has made equally clear from the time of the framing of the Constitution to the current day that, subject to certain residency requirements on the parents, someone born to a U.S. citizen parent generally becomes a U.S. citizen without regard to whether the birth takes place in Canada, the Canal Zone, or the continental United States.

    I personally familiar with this because son born in Israel to myself (an American citizen with an Israeli wife) received his passport from the USA Embassy after his birth with the notification of his birth to an American parent. Thereby not needing to undergo naturalization to become an American Citizen. He was a natural born citizen and not a naturalized citizen. These are the only two types of USA citizens.

  14. Bear Klein Said:

    At the end of the day, the legal issue is quite straightforward, but I would note that the birther theories that Donald has been relying on — some of the more extreme ones insist that you must not only be born on U.S. soil, but have two parents born on U.S. soil.

    Wrong again, how does Cruz make so many errors? I have read not one single case of the most strict birther refer to the parent citizenship requirement that the parents also be born on “US soil”. the requirement is that the parents are US citizens,NOT “natural born citizens”, at the time of the childs birth. are we to understand that the constitutional law expert does not know this… or is he trying to mislead me?
    Bear Klein Said:

    Under that theory, not only would I be disqualified, Marco Rubio would be disqualified, Bobby Jindal would be disqualified and, interestingly enough, Donald J. Trump would be disqualified.

    Wrong again, I am no expert but I can clearly note the following facts

    bernard ross Said:

    Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, Donald Trump’s Mother, Part of Trump-Cruz Feud

    Mary Anne MacLeod Trump was born on the Scottish island of Lewis in 1912. On a visit to New York, she met Trump’s father Fred, and the two were married in 1936. Trump’s mother was naturalized in 1942.


    Born on US soil with 2 citizen parents at the time of birth.

    so why did Cruz pretend that there was any question to Trumps satisfying the “natural born citizen” requirement under the most stringent interpretation…… was it an attempt at a red herring?
    Bear Klein Said:

    The chances of any litigation proceeding and succeeding on this are zero.

    this is what makes Trump a cut above the rest:
    In his simple, economical manner… devoid of arguments and containing only conclusions….. he once again arrives at a conclusion born of good judgment. He recognizes that whether the case proceeds or is successful is not the obstacle to be overcome. Unlike those who argue as if in court, he recognizes that the issue might have enormous negative effect on a campaign involving anyone with arguable credentials. He recognizes the obvious conclusion… running with Cruz is a major risk to a campaign. as a businessman he feels no need for all the arguments which come before he made his conclusions… he simply arrives at conclusions which demonstrate excellent judgment which can be acted upon to arrive at success. All of Cruz and Rubios stories will not prevent the bought MSM and the dems from creating an existential red herring. Trump already got it before everyone else was trying to think it through… only the conclusion is actionable…… actionable folks already know that.

    what makes a good executive, president or leader is not his ability to argue but his ability to make decisions which end in success. Good business men tend to do this intuitively. His arguments may sound vague or simplistic but his conclusions are usually excellent and on target and can be applied with confidence of success. Everyday we see failures in europe making great sounding arguments and then sitting in a pile of doo doo of their own making without a clue as to how they got there or why they should stop shiiting on their own doorstep… they need a Trump to improve their decision making process. Businessmen are aware that the bottom line conclusion and achievement are what counts and are able to arrive at good conclusions effortlessly.

  15. Bear Klein Said:

    Cruz vs. Trump Over Natural Birth: Under Your Theory, You Would Be Disqualified From Running For President

    didnt you notice that I already dealt with this assertion above
    Lets look into what Cruz asserts with special regard to the the fact that he touts himself as a constitutional lawyer with more than average knowledge of the constitution. this means that he knows the distinctions between the citizenship definitions and the past case law of the Supremes plus federal statutes. Considering this I am dismayed by some of Cruz’s statements as being inaccurate and cloudy
    Bear Klein Said:

    Under longstanding U.S. law, the child of a U.S. citizen born abroad is a natural-born citizen.

    this is far from being factual as the child of a US national born abroad is granted citizenship by statute which is the same as citizenship by naturalization. Derivative citizenship is limited by having to make a choice by age 18 or it is expired… citizenship acquired at birth cannot expire. Furthermore, the factual common law wrt “natural born citizen” descends from the father only if one is to be precise.

    The Naturalization Act of 1790 stated that “the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States.”[25] This act was repealed by the Naturalization Act of 1795, which removed the characterization of such children as “natural born,” stating that “the children of citizens of the United States, born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States, shall be considered as citizens of the United States” while retaining the same residency restrictions as the 1790 act.[25]

    In other words the act of 1790 was corrected and the designation of “natural born citizen” removed from citizenship derived through parents for children born abroad. Note that the succeeding 14th amendment made no mention of “natural born citizen”. congress does not have the right to create citizens but it has the right to regulate immigration and NATURALIZATION. Hence by conferring citizenship it has in effect “naturalized” them by statute. In any case it is a complex legal situation that can only be resolved by the Supremes.

    Bear Klein Said:

    That’s why John McCain, even though he was born in Panama, was eligible to run for president.

    No, McCains issue was birth on “US soil” as he had 2 citizen parents and it was agreed by senate resolution that the panama canal at the time was considered to be under US Jurisdiction thus “satisfying” Jus solis. It is also misleading for a constitutional lawyer to call McCain “eligible” to be President as the issue falls under the jurisdiction of the Supreme court who never ruled.. Cruz should know that the parties certify their candidates compliance with the US constitution and that the “certification” is no standard for assuming eligibility under the constitution.
    Bear Klein Said:

    If an American missionary has a child abroad, that child is a natural-born citizen. That’s why George Romney, Mitt’s dad, was eligible to run for president, even though he was born in Mexico.

    wrong again and very sloppy for a constitutional lawyer. Not being one myself did not prevent me from noticing the obvious: George Romney’s presidential run was unsuccessful and therefore no cases were brought… again there was NO LEGAL CONSTITUTIONAL DETERMINATION made as to Romney Sr. eligibility to run for president. A detail like this should be well known and its implications fully understood to a constitutional lawyer so why pretend that eligibility was credibly conferred? And what does this have to do with the current Romney except to hope the 2 are mixed up?

  16. Cruz vs. Trump Over Natural Birth: Under Your Theory, You Would Be Disqualified From Running For President

    The chances of any litigation proceeding and succeeding on this are zero.

    And I recognize — I recognize that Donald is dismayed that his poll numbers are falling in Iowa. But the facts and the law here are really quite clear. Under longstanding U.S. law, the child of a U.S. citizen born abroad is a natural-born citizen.

    If a soldier has a child abroad, that child is a natural-born citizen. That’s why John McCain, even though he was born in Panama, was eligible to run for president.

    If an American missionary has a child abroad, that child is a natural-born citizen. That’s why George Romney, Mitt’s dad, was eligible to run for president, even though he was born in Mexico.

    At the end of the day, the legal issue is quite straightforward, but I would note that the birther theories that Donald has been relying on — some of the more extreme ones insist that you must not only be born on U.S. soil, but have two parents born on U.S. soil.

    Under that theory, not only would I be disqualified, Marco Rubio would be disqualified, Bobby Jindal would be disqualified and, interestingly enough, Donald J. Trump would be disqualified.


  17. Anyone can file a lawsuit in the USA. The judge can kick out the case if the plaintiff has no standing. Also if the case is without merit.

  18. @ bernard ross:
    I understand about a quarter of the Republican voters think Cruz is not eligible for the US presidency because of the natural birthplace constitutional provision.

    In any case, I watched the entire two hours of last night’s debate. One of the commentators on Fox News said today that yesterday was the apogee of the Cruz campaign, and that from here on out, the Cruz slope is downhill.

    I think the same thing about the apogee and downslope. Last night, Rubio tore into Cruz relentlessly, about his apparent policy flip-flops in the US Senate. Then Cruz made the colossal era of openly insulting New York. Trump’s repost ranks with the way Reagan put down Mondale about youth compared with age, in their 1984 presidential campaign debate, and Lloyd Bentsen’s wipe-out of Dan Quayle (“and Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy”) in their vice-presidential debate in 1988.

    One poll put Cruz three points up on Trump in the coming Iowa caucuses. But another poll puts Trump over Cruz with a hefty six-point lead. Trump has the vast financial muscle to endear himself politically to a lot of Iowans, and even to get them to show up at the all-important county caucuses on the big day.

    As for New Hampshire just about eight days later, Trump seems to have strong leads over all the other contenders.

    Meantime, among the Democrats, Hillary Clinton’s campaign sags increasingly with each passing week, and sometimes with each passing day.

    Stay tuned.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  19. Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, Donald Trump’s Mother, Part of Trump-Cruz Feud

    Mary Anne MacLeod Trump was born on the Scottish island of Lewis in 1912. On a visit to New York, she met Trump’s father Fred, and the two were married in 1936. Trump’s mother was naturalized in 1942.


    Born on US soil with 2 citizen parents at the time of birth.

    BTW some birthers claim the requirement would be the fathers citizenship based on the meaning under english law at the time wrt “natural born citizen”.

  20. Cruz’s ‘Natural-Born Citizen’ Status Tested in Birther Suit

    looks like donald is saying what I said.
    His facial expressions are priceless in the video. I find him very interesting in that at first listen everyone sounds smarter than Trump but on re-listening he makes the correct call, the right judgement…. in the simplest language effortlessly and off the cuff with no rehearsing or coaching. He got that from the years of business dealing daily with important issues requiring fast decisions and good judgment………nothing trumps good judgment… not education nor intelligence.

  21. ArnoldHarris Said:

    and you fill only a single paragraph to make your point, whereas I sometimes need 4-5 times as much space to accomplish the same job.

    thanks… I tried to learn from donald who can put everything relevant into one sentence…. I used to think he was an uneducated simpleton until i paid attention more carefully. He knows what he is doing, he presses the right buttons, he is not bound to anything or anyone, he doesnt have to win, he is not afraid of making mistakes, no need to cover things up…. I have no idea what he will do after he wins but the same is true of the rest, with less confidence

  22. @ bernard ross:
    Good for you, BR. You get the picture more clearly than most others, and you fill only a single paragraph to make your point, whereas I sometimes need 4-5 times as much space to accomplish the same job.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  23. Vinnie Said:

    I don’t know if Trump really gets this, and I am concerned that his understanding of the conflict is at about the ‘Time Magazine’-level,

    Trump said he would “ban muslim immigration to the US until we can figure it out”… in saying that he already demonstrated that he understands the problem more than any other candidate. That same problem is what is plaguing Israel… and yes, that problem is the muslims.

  24. @ Vinnie:
    I’ve favored Trump for US President right from the beginning of last summer.I consider myself one of the harder no-compromise rightwing Zionists who comment on this website, and what I think I know about my Jewish nation and our history, I learned in Israel from Dr Yisrael Eldad, one of the leaders of the main Jewish terrorist movement in the struggle for Jewish independence in 1947-1949, and from Rav Meir Kahane, the hardest of hardcore religious Zionists who ever got elected to Israel’s Knesset.

    But I’m not voting in this year’s US national elections based mainly on what most of these commenters here think is good for Israel. Trump will get my vote with no reservations on my part because I am certain he is the only man who will use his powers as president to re-track this country toward the national greatness we knew and took for granted here before Kennedy got elected in 1960.

    There never ever will be any kind of viable peace arrangement between Israel and the Arabs. The Arabs and most other Moslems can’t maintain peace among themselves, and they sure as hell won’t do so with the Jews.

    There already are some 700,000 or more Jews resident in the annexed part of Jerusalem and in Area C of Judea and Samaria. Because of the high Jewish birthrate, that Jewish population probably will double in about 18-20 years. That’s the nature of urban sprawl as applied to a land area no larger than Dane County, Wisconsin, where I live, and Rock County, Wisconsin to the south of us.

    What Israel needs is not promises from American politicians, but an elected nationalist government that will break up the Fatah gang that runs the Palestine Authority, replacing it with separate local autonomy arrangements with the hamulas (urban Arab extended-family clans) that have always dominated Arab life in the 7-8 main cities that account for most of the non-Israeli Arabs in Area A and the villages of Area B in the territories occupied since June 1967.

    Trump is likely to avoid trying to shove around the Russians, which is okay with me, and most likely does not give a damn about some impossible peace plan in Israel’s back yard. That too suits me fine, because it is strictly up to the voters in Israel whether or not they want to wait for Uncle Sam to stop everybody from pushing them around. As a matter of fact, I would also prefer Israel to develop much closer relations with Russia in order to balance their dangerous dependence on the USA.

    In any case, I am sure Trump will be the Republican candidate, and I favor all his policies. Even if he is not elected, this campaign he has mounted will break up the present two-party system, which I have grown to despise. Nor am I worried about who whispers whatever into his ear. He’s no dummy, and he can plainly think for himself.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  25. Mr. Gorski’s article is brilliant, but I only have one quibble . It is a major blind spot revealed on his part. That is in the closing paragraphs, where he claims that the main ideological underpinning of this left wing/progressive movement is “environmentalism”. I would say that an even more important component and driving force behind it is anti-Semitism, as expressed in the form of anti-Zionism.

    With rare exceptions, virtually all self-identified left/progressives are at least mildly if not rabidly hostile to Israel. Virtually all of them consider Israel the “bad guy” vis-a-vis the Palestinian thugs, and virtually all require Israel to commit national suicide in the form of what would amount to the Arab Peace Initiative. Even if they’ve never heard of the API, ask any of them the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the most MODERATE of them will spout some variation on this plan, which we all know, if implemented, would result in Israel becoming non-viable as a Jewish state within a decade, give or take.

    The pretense of sponsoring a “negotiated settlement” has vanished among this crowd. Kerry made that crystal clear at the recent Saban Forum, in which he matter-of-factly promoted the Arab Peace Initiative by name as the ‘best solution’ to the conflict. And again, that’s the MODERATE wing of this movement re Israel. Many others will come right out and say Israel does not deserve to exist at all (i.e., the Helen Thomas crowd).

    The logic of this crowd is such that if Israel refuses to accept the API – and they won’t – then no matter what the Palestinians do, Israel is at fault for the ‘lack of peace’. Moreover, since it is a cardinal belief among this crowd that “solving” this “problem” is the most important issue in the whole wide world, and since Israeli “intransigence” is such that the problem will not be solved, then it logically follows that the only real solution is to destroy Israel. Hence, the Iran “deal”, which is meant to enable an Iranian bomb, so that this can come about. The resulting nuclear exchange, if it ever actually happens, will destroy the entire region, of course, but to the progressive left, that doesn’t really matter, so long as Israel is destroyed. If 100 million Arabs and Iranians are incinerated as well, if that is what it takes to finally ‘put the Joos in their place’ and bring about World Peace Without Zionism, then so be it. All of those deaths, and the trauma for the world community that would result from this ultimate outcome, would all be blamed on Israel anyway, due to their refusal to submit to the left’s diktat with respect to the Palestinians (well, the thugs of the PA deserve no respect whatever, but I digress).

    That is why it is important – vitally important – that among whatever positive attributes a particular candidate might have per the stalwart likes of Mr. Gorski, this new leader has GOT to be unapologetically and solidly pro-Israel. Geert Wilders is absolutely right: Israel really is the front line against Islamist supremacist jihadism. Israel’s role in this war is closely analogous to the role played by the UK vis-a-vis Nazi Germany circa 1940, and West Germany – and particularly West Berlin – vis-a-vis the Soviet Bloc during the Cold War. Our resolve to defeat the jihadist movement is DIRECTLY tied to our willingness to support Israel. I don’t know if Trump really gets this, and I am concerned that his understanding of the conflict is at about the ‘Time Magazine’-level, which is not good, not good at all. Rubio, whatever other faults he has, gets this. Carson gets this. Cruz gets this. Huckabee gets this. I don’t know about Trump. In general, Trump’s thus far demonstrated lack – very serious lack – of understanding of military affairs, international relations, and history has me very concerned. These are vital areas of expertise for an Oval Office aspirant. Even if his heart is in the right place, if the wrong people are whispering in his ear, the results could be disastrous.

    So, all of you big Trump supporters out there, be careful what you wish for. Increasingly, it looks like you may very well get it, but it may not turn out like you imagine. I’ll vote for him if he gets the nomination – What choice is there? – but at the primary level, I’m picking someone who isn’t trying to figure out what to do on this issue, but already has a pretty good idea what to do (and yes, that includes the neurosurgeon; he may be quiet and soft-spoken, but if you listen to what he says about Islamism, the War on Terror, Israel, there is no doubt but that he fully understands this issue).

  26. @ Max:
    If confronting both physically and verbally, people who want to kill me and the people around me, is racist and bigotted, then count me in as a racist and bigot.
    The obvious conclusion about the CBC and other such media outlets, is that the people attempting to form the opinions of the “general public” are people who don’t have the moral or physical means to draw that much-needed “red line”. In other words, they lack the necessary hormones to even talk about protecting their fellow men and women.
    I may also be afraid of such confrontations, but I will conquer my own fears in order to do what has to be done. I’ve made up my mind on this.

  27. I dont see Trump as some great leader who is about to lead america to triumph over every bellyache of the last 50+ years.

    Here is what I find postive about Trump:

    “Ban all muslim immigration until we figure out what is going on”

    In one sentence he identifies the source from which the problem arises, admits honestly that he does not know the exact cause but is willing to take the most cautious safety and security measure to portect the american public….UNTIL…. we can figure it out.
    DUH, straightforward, simply put because the next step is simple and willing to admit he doesnt have the answers yet.
    whats to figure out?
    1- are all members of the muslim org to require banning or just some and based on what? E.G. would we ban all nazis, after all not all of them killed Jews.
    2- Is there something inherent in the constitution of Islam which renders it the same as the nazi party or the KKK?
    3- Are muslims more prone to becoming dangerous terrorists.
    4-does beleonging to the muslim org mean that you subscribe to changing the US to sharia?
    5- should muslims already here require greater profiling?

    Many questions to ask and answer but in the meantime we must be able to take measures to protect our nation. Trump is not frozen like a deer in the headlights when confronted with a problem requiring a sensible temporary solution, unlike everyone else who will be discussing ethics while floods of muslims arrive. In war and catastrophe one must make fast sensible decisions, Trump appears able to make those decisions and to provide the leadership to rally the populace around his leadership. He has already demonstrated that in his campaign while the rest all look like jilted lovers with last years halloween costume

  28. @ keelie:
    In Canada the media did to Harper exactly what they are doing to Trump – they portrayed him as bigoted and full of hatte. They did it more indirectly but the way they presented their news and talk shows and commentaries they left no other conclusions for the viewer/reader. And in all their media they suppressed alliterative voices.
    I heard no less than three different talk show hosts on CBC Radio One praise Zunera Ishaq, the Islamist standard bearer who scored a Jihadist Cultural Triumph with the Hijab, as a heroine!. And not a single opposing voice to this or asingle online comment got through.
    And think about what they have done. Zunera may want to wear it, but what about the legion of Muslim women who don’t want to wear it (like the daughter who was killed in the honor killing in Kingston, Ontario) – they will be forced , the public will never know and of course as with happened with the Boston Marathoner’s wife – it hides the bruises.
    The CBC set the Canadian Bill of Rights back one hundred years for this propaganda deceit. And it’s only one of the damaging things they are doing to the Canadian people.
    So Harper got it, now it’s Trumps turn.

  29. Obama and almost every single TV talk show has laid down the gauntlet.
    To criticize Muslims or Islam is hatte speech, racist (by which the correct term for their meaning would be “bigoted) and intolerant.
    “Oh yes, Trump. he’s a racist, he’s full of hatte.” It’s repeated on talk shows time and time again by TV personalities with no explanation of how the speaker came to this conclusion. Then others and the uncommitted simply repeat it because a trusted voice has said it. They vacantly repeat words with no thought process whatsoever.

    This must be challenged. Trump must challenge it. Everyone who is genuinely not bigoted must challenge it and challenge leftists as to how they came to that conclusion.
    Whether in person, or on video or in the written word — precisely that statement must be challenged.
    IE “How did you come to that conclusion? What is your definition of bigotry? Of racism?
    And then point out the unexamined understanding that to react to genuine criticism or critical thought with name calling is itself racist. It is racist to respond to criticism with insults instead of dialogue. It is racists who feel hurt when a symbol is criticized and do not wish to critically examine the subject or respond rationally to the complaint. ..

    The people denouncing Trump as racist are in fact the true bigots (not racists). It is they who are generally the entirety of a group as one thing – that is genuine bigotry. And then politicians such as Obama are actually encouraging racism to gin votes and eliminate their enemies. Again that is not dialogue – that is trickery. And they are encouraging bigotry, under the guise of being “against” it. That is the worst canard of all.
    Trump and others can’t afford to skirt this. It has to be countered with logical and rational and calm statements.

    Of course , if you are genuinely bigoted then forget it – you won’t succeed in this endeavor – you won’t know how and won’t want to succeed. So here is where we learn to grow as human beings and become superior to our common enemy – the leftist-Islamic Jihadist Alliance. The majority are the uncommitted, followers , they all aren’t radicals like Obama – they must here an alternative voice and a pushback to the “you are bigoted” narrative.

  30. I too am a great Trump supporter, despite the fact that I’m not American.
    We in Canada did the unthinkable a few months ago. I don’t have to elaborate. When I asked friends and acquaintances (before the election) I was startled, but only somewhat surprised, that they all hated our excellent Prime Minister, Steven Harper. None could define specifically why they hated him; essentially he just wasn’t a “nice guy”. Now we have in power, “Baby Doc” Trudeau, who is also starting to be called “Obama-lite”.
    The leftist propaganda works in Canada too. In Canada too, our universities are fundamentally disgusting, and the rule of Law is now no longer applied anywhere as equitably as it should be. Politicised Law is no Law…

  31. Dan Gorski’s essay on the rotting of America renders me all but breathless. He has captured my innermost feelings regarding the road to Hell this once-great country has been induced to follow for about a half-century or more.

    And all this is precisely why my political support is focused 100 per cent on Trump, who, I am certain, has reached the soul of all the Dan Groskis and Arnold Harrises of the United States of America.

    We mean this to be nothing less than a second American revolution, which is intended to restore the great and not-forgotten work of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, and all he other great personages who built this country and its constitution.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker