US support of PA undermines compromise

By Ted Belman

Foreign Policy reports on a talk Pres Clinton gave on peace prospects. Here’s a few things he got wrong;

    -The “most pro-peace Jewish Israelis” are the Sabras, who he described as native-born Israelis whose roots there date back millennia, because they have the benefit of historical context. “They can imagine sharing a future.”

    – But if there’s a deal on the table, that would create enough pressure for an election in Gaza that President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party would win, Clinton argued.

    – “I believe if there were an election in Gaza today, Fatah would win because of the greater prosperity and the greater security produced under Abbas and Fayyad,”

    – He pointed to the fact that two-thirds of Israelis trust Netanyahu to make a peace deal,

    – he has faith that the current Palestinian Authority leadership is serious about reaching a settlement.

    – Because of the high Palestinian birth rate, Israel will become a Palestinian-majority state sometime in the next 30 years, if it does not give up the West Bank.

He also said that 6% of the land contain 80% of the settlers where as in his day it was 3%. Even if todays’ figures are right and the PA concedes 6% of the land which they are not near ready to, still over 100,000 Jews would have to be resettled.

Why does he not suggest letting Israel retain 10% of the land so that few Israelis would have to be moved. From the Arab point of view, they would be getting 90% of the land instead of 98% or so. Now they don’t appear to be demanding 100% od the land. In a normal settlement process, when you get 90% of what you want that’s considered a terrific deal.

Since the PA depends on US money, the US could force this outcome in a blink. Instead the US keeps supporting the PA so they can refuse to compromise.

September 22, 2010 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. At U.N. Obama warns: Support ‘Palestine’ or ‘more blood’ will flow.

    This comes across two ways: 1) as a threat, 2) as an encouragement for terrorists to act to pressure world governments to force Israel into compliance.

    A distinction without a difference: America is the biggest promoter and financier of terrorism against Israel only matched or surpassed by the Saudi and Iran.

    For Israel is this the real axis of evil?

    America finances Between $250M and $600M of PA budget goes to Hamas terrorists

  2. Sounds like Obama has a phony in the race and it’s not Israel. I guess that comes as no surprise to any of us.

    Israel needs new leadership to take control, first things first, such as community development in Judea and Samaria, likewise in Jerusalem, sending any American delegation home. “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”.

  3. At U.N. Obama warns: Support ‘Palestine’ or ‘more blood’ will flow.

    This comes across two ways: 1) as a threat, 2) as an encouragement for terrorists to act to pressure world governments to force Israel into compliance.