The NYT, LA Times, Guardian and the BBC are all guilty of the same thing. Ted Belman
To the Editor:The Washington Post
From Judge (retired) Herbert Grossman
Re Headline, “Israeli aircraft pound Gaza”
Can you really believe that, after plastering your front page with a maudlin picture of a dead Palestinian baby, three headlines about Israeli offensive actions, and text devoted solely to those actions and Palestinian actions as mere responses to them (“Israeli aircraft pound Gaza” Nov. 15), you have set the record straight by burying on page 14 the facts that the Palestinians began the round of fighting by destroying an Israeli jeep full of soldiers with an anti-tank missile and, after Israel fired back at the attackers, then fired about 130 rockets and mortar rounds at population centers in southern Israel – all of this BEFORE Israel even targeted the Hamas military chief, which your front page suggests began the round of fighting?
And, even if you were to also bury it on page 14, don’t you think that, in the interest of giving a complete picture, you might mention that every rocket and mortar round fired by the Palestinians at the Israeli population centers was a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention, and doubly so if fired from a civilian center, and that none of the Israeli strikes were, all having been fired at military targets, even if there were incidental civilian casualties like that unfortunate Palestinian baby?
Finally, considering all of the photos staged by the Palestinians, including the notorious Mohammed al-Durrah “picture of the year” at the outbreak of the intifada, which purported to show a Palestinian boy being trapped in a cross-fire and then shot by the Israeli army, and later declared a likely hoax by a high French court, how does the Post even know the authenticity of this photo that it so hurriedly splashed over its front page? Shouldn’t even a cursory look at the the nine young men (Hamas fighters?) in the photo, one carrying what is purported to be the fully-wrapped body of a dead infant, and the absence of a grieving mother or any other bystanders, raise some questions in the minds of the Post’s journalists, so eager to advance the Palestinian cause?
It does in mine.
The forth Estate has morphed into the Fifth Column. They have become the enemy.
The Elitists have come full circle and are now dictating what they think the world is to be like. I don’t want any par of it.
@ NormanF:
@ Lori:
Get other people to learn about the true history of the ME. That though it was once referred to as palestine, there was never actually a Palestinian people, and prior to becoming the State of Israel those people referred to as Palestinians were Jews who had been born there!
US support would be a lot stronger if the US population had not voted Obama back into office for another 4 years to continue to pressure Israel into further concessions when the only ones who should be making concessions are the ones causing the violence and attacking Israel.
Thus, everyone you meet is a potential grass-roots supporter. Lobby your congressman, etc and where possible, visibly show public support for the State of Israel.
The US, the people are good hearted and history has shown they stick up for others, but when the pressure of petro-dollars enters the equation it is often ‘difficult’ for politicians to discern right from wrong.
Just a thought. Can you imagine what the ME would look like if you combined the ‘know-how’ of the Israelis with the financial clout of the Arabs. Now tell me who are the fools, who are the losers in all this?
The BBC World’s reporting today had reached surreal bias. The headline was “Israel’s Gaza violence”
Imagine attacks by V1 and V2 rockets pounding London ( late 1944, see them exhibited in the Imperial War Museum)) and the RAF bombing German cities while the BBC reports “ Britain’s Germany violence”
yamit82 Said:
Here is the gist of Goldberg’s argument:
As for the second requirement he posits for a ground invasion, that of enhancing Israel’s international position (i.e. not turning her into a pariah state in the eyes of the international community) i have no counterargument, and even if i did i wouldn’t be bringing it forth against someone, such as Goldberg, who temporarily left America to come and enlist to the IDF: It’s only Jews (and, especially, Israelis) that have the right to decide how much demonization they can take.
But the first requirement, that of minimum Palestinian casualties because otherwise the invasion will be immoral, is mistaken. There is nothing immoral whatsoever in IDF’s inadvertently killing Palestinians who are being used as human shields by Hamas. The moral blame lies with Hamas that put them in harm’s way. The IDF has a moral duty first to the Israeli civilians, and secondly to the IDF’s soldiers. The moral duty towards Palestinian civilians comes after the aforementioned duties. If there is a conflict of moral duties, i.e. if protecting the Israeli civilians and Israeli soldiers means that the human shields have to be shot, then the IDF is morally allowed to do it – in fact, the IDF is morally required to do it, because not doing it endangers the ones they are supposed to protect (Israeli civilians and themselves).
@ yamit82:
As an American who understands the history of the Holy Land of Israel, once called Palestine, and your absolute, inherent, God given right and ownership of the land you hold and more, I am appalled at how my country has treated you, our valuable friend and precious ally; I find it shameful, and I am shamed by it. I discovered the news about missiles shelling your country in a news strip that runs continuously during live broadcasts on Fox. They were talking about the Petraeus scandal; apparently even Fox did not feature this invasion! I pray for Israel and I wish I knew what you would have Americans like me do to help, for if it were within my power I would happily, willingly do it. With the reelection of Obama I fear the double talk will continue and I believe that double talk has placed you, day by day, in an ever more dangerous position. Hamas and other Muslim terrorist groups cannot have gotten any message other than no matter what may be said by our president, if they attach Israel, America will stand by remaining neutral, doing nothing to help; unless, shamefully, to ask you again to use restraint, do not listen, many Americans support you but those in power are false friends. Give no thought to what the USA, the UN or any other country thinks of how, or to what lengths you go, to protect your country, your people and your sovereignty; they have not earned the privilege of that consideration. Fight as we would, if we were in your place, with all fierceness and with no end in mind other than to save your country; and once victorious give no quarter to those who would mindlessly destroy you all if ever given the opportunity, and return not one inch of land captured. Allow no to criticism to hold you back. It is a bitter pill to be an American knowing that goodwill and the military help you must certainly desire will most likely not be given, only from individual citizens can you count on any support as our government is so badly misguided, but there are more of us than you might think. Tell the world through any avenue you have what anyone who stands with you can do to help you, and say it loud and directly so nobody misunderstands. God Bless Israel and all Gods People.
Against a Ground Invasion of Gaza
Jeffrey Goldberg Atlantic
yamit82 Said:
agreed on all accounts in asfar as sackett and feiglin’s ideology go:
“His [feiglin] goal is to turn Israel from the state of the Jews into the Jewish State and to never – and I mean NEVER – apologize to the world why we are here and building our country.”
surprised (and pleased) to see a link to sackett/feiglin
New York Times
As Battlefield Changes, Israel Takes Tougher Approach
Liberman: If Israel launches a ground incursion into Gaza, IDF needs to ‘go all the way’
Foreign minister says military stopped short of carrying out its objectives four years ago, but still paid a high price in world opinion
@ Max:
Max Said:
Not eating them, just drinking their blood: the greedy Jew will surely want to sell the baby’s organs – apparently not content with his dividends from his majority share-holdings in banks, Media, and entertainment industry.
Ted watch this and feature it!!!
Ahla hu Akbar ! YUP! 😛
@ Laura:
“What concerns you more; the safety of your citizens or what the world is saying about you? Thus far – Israel’s leaders have answered that question incorrectly!
Do you want to solve this problem once-and-for-all or just put a band-aid on the bleeding?
In short; do THEY (Israels Leadership) want to WIN or just land a few punches?” “I Hate These Names: By Shmuel Sackett”
Laura Said:
dear laura,
as usual, your comment is spot on.
as far as what israel can do…imho, and i have said it often, if ALREADY you know that you will be blamed for a myriad of ‘reasons’ (mind you, ALL FABRICATED) then the LEAST you can do is to oblige and give them a reason to bitch and moan.
this gaza situation should have been dealt with after the first kassam rocket and not allow it to get to where it is.
and if already it is where it is, then just drop however many (should not necessitate that many) napalms / daisy cutters and get it over with!!!
Israel has got every right to defend itself against terrorist!! Shame on people for saying they should coward to terrorist!!!!
@ Max:
I think you are right.
In fact I have no doubt that WAPO photo was staged.
WAPO and the rest of the big media are an abomination and I’m looking forward to the day they are all run out of business.
They are not simply bias, they are evil and are in open collaboration with islam’s war against the Jews. Out of all the photos, WAPO chose to place a photo of Gazans on the front cover cradling a baby. For all we know, that photo could even have been staged. Why not show photos of Israelis killed or running for cover? Because they are siding with hamas. It’s that simple.
Israel does not have a public relations problem. The problem lies in the media’s unwillingness to report the facts due to its ideological inclination to side with the fakestinians. I don’t see what Israel can do to counter ingrained Jew-hatred.
Here’s a Palestinian Terrorist referred to as a ‘guest’ operating a Terrorist Propaganda website in Chicago. The CBC in ‘interviewed’ him suggesting moral equivalency between him and the IDF. In doing so they propagated his propaganda lies and deceits as if they were legitimate and true.
How does the USA even allow a propagandist for a terrorist organization to operate on US soil without an arrest and charges of espionage or treason? The US and Canada arrested and silenced G8 protest activists in the extreme without any restraint – even silencing those who never even protested so they have the power and the will to silence anyone they consider a threat – why don’t they go after the terrorists instead of the reformers?
It’s beyond insanity that the authorities allow terrorist propagandists to freely operate in Democratic Countries. All those who go to protests and demonstrate for Hamas are declaring themselves as terrorists – they should all be either deported or tried and executed for terrorism.
The CBC is a Islamic Terrorist Friendly organization just like the BBC and the NYT. The Canadian Globe and Mail is one of the worst offenders – they published an editorial yesterday full of lies and distortions – the usual deceits denouncing the Israelis as wanton baby killers and the Gazan Terrorists as ‘poor me’ souls.
Sickening and suicidal.
not for profit A “not for profit” terrorist propaganda site? That’s an oxymoron – they are profiting by distributing terrorist propaganda.
I have not been able to find the original article by Grossman in Wash Post
Why don’t you provide the link?
Moderated again huh?
I think ‘max’ has come to be a four letter word… 🙂
Don’t worry it pays to be cautious. I could be an Islamofascist Propagandist -don’t take any chances! I mean I wonder about myself sometimes. I did visit Beijing once – maybe I’m a Manchurian Candidate!
yamit82 Said:
Nice one here:
As for the rest.. an the hundreds of deleted comments… (one wonders)…
Well, it is Londinistan you know. What can you expect – they have their brains stapled by the Government at birth.
The truth is that Savages respect strength and ruthlessness. If Israel killed more civilians and showed no guilt about it and even boasted about it the Islamics would revere them.
Just saying.
@ NormanF:
NormanF Said:
Just staying on topic showing what other News purveyors are saying. No surprise though from the Guardian.
You are right about me not being a fan of BB. Are You?
yamit82 Said:
Yamit, I know you’re not BB’s fan but you do know its all about hating the Jews. Those protesting what Israel is doing in Gaza could care less about the Arabs. They’re simply a foil for the oldest hatred in the world.
Anti Israel cartoon
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