Was Kahane racist?

Racism is not a charge to be bandied about lightly, but in the case of Kahane, it is used without qualifications.

By David Rubin, INN

Almost thirty years after his brutal assassination by a Muslim terrorist, former Knesset Member Rabbi Meir Kahane is back in the news and the name-calling has returned, as well. This time, however, it’s not directed only at him.

The tactical “Union of Right-Wing Parties” was formed last week, combining the three right-wing lists of the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home), National Union, and Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) parties, a bold move intended to combine the various right-wing streams of religious Zionism under one roof for the April 9th elections.

The problem for many is that Otzma Yehudit is based on the teachings of Rabbi Kahane, which has aroused the harsh criticism of some liberal rabbis, mostly Reform, in America, plus one noted rabbi in Israel  (See Haaretz, where he is defined as left, and says doesn’t vote Bayit Yehudi) as well as supposedly impartial American organizations with liberal leadership, such as ADL and AIPAC. They have openly attacked the “racist” ideology of Rabbi Kahane, an epithet apparently due to his public campaign decades ago against intermarriage between Arab men and Jewish women and his open call to encourage the emigration of Arabs from Israel.

In our current election season, their message is that a vote for the Union is a vote for racism, since the Otzma component is supposedly racist and the other parties in the Union are cooperating with Otzma, which derives its policy positions from the teachings of Rabbi Kahane.

The central question must be asked:

Was Kahane a racist? For those who didn’t know him personally or are perhaps too young to have heard beyond the word “racist”, let’s first understand the background of this admittedly very controversial figure.

Hailing from New York, Rabbi Kahane was steeped in Torah knowledge, acquired from respected haredi Orthodox rabbis in Brooklyn and esteemed Israeli Zionist rabbis, as well as from the great sages of the generations, but he also possessed extensive secular knowledge and held two higher degrees from American universities. A strong defender of Jews in America, in the former Soviet Union, and elsewhere, Kahane founded the Jewish Defense League and coined the slogan, “Never Again”, which meant that never again should Jews remain passive when Jewish lives are at stake.

Eventually moving to Israel, Kahane was an extremely passionate Zionist, inspired by early Zionist heroes, such as Ze’ev Jabotinsky and David Raziel, but he was first and foremost a believing Jew, who proudly recited the Hallel prayer on Israel’s yearly Independence Day (with a full blessing).

Kahane had his many detractors and he had an aggressive, sometimes abrasive, political style designed to gain publicity for his message, and that delighted many of his followers. However, that same characteristic also turned away many would-be supporters.

Nonetheless, despite the image, the issues remained the same and were always based on his understanding of Torah. When he complained about the demographic threat from a growing and hostile Muslim population in Israel, and proposed plans to encourage their emigration, he was called a racist, although his calls for the non-granting of automatic citizenship to that same hostile population were based on the teachings of the great rabbinical sage, the Rambam (Rabbi Moshe Ben-Maimon).

When he helped Jewish women to escape Arab villages to break the chains of marriage to Muslim men, he was called a racist, although he had based those efforts on the example of the great Jewish leader Ezra, who had led the return from Babylonian exile and had spoken out vehemently about the rampant intermarriage in his time.

Racism is not a charge to be bandied about lightly, but in the case of Kahane, that is what happened. His positions, however, had nothing to do with race. They did have to do with furthering Jewish continuity, which I presume AIPAC and ADL and the liberal rabbis all care about. It also had to do with the survival of Israel as a Jewish state.

Perhaps due to his warnings and those of others, the demographic tide has turned in recent years. Jewish Israelis are now returning to traditional family life in increasing numbers, and the birthrate gap between Jews and Muslims is almost non-existent, an impressive trend that is evident across the religious spectrum. Nonetheless, the challenge of a hostile Arab fifth-column within, especially the so-called Palestinian Arabs, remains, and now they are armed with weapons that successive Israeli governments have allowed them to possess.

Kahane was not a racist. He loved his fellow Jews, whether they were black, brown, white, or yellow and he loved the responsibility of being a part of the Chosen People with all its races and backgrounds. He also was passionate about bringing Jews closer to Jewish tradition and helping the next generations rebuild the Land of Israel. Furthermore, while he was a committed Zionist who believed in rebuilding the land with Jewish sweat and sacrifice, he also knew how to work cooperatively with non-Jews, when needed, to further those goals.

The joining of the three religious Zionist parties, with Otzma included, does not mean that they all have to accept the Kahane philosophy, but it does mean that they all recognize the need to unite, so that a minimum of votes are wasted, as they further their joint commitment to the Torah of Israel, to the rebuilding of the complete Land of Israel, and the strengthening of the People of Israel.

Let’s put an end to the dishonest name-calling, which is, after all, the last refuge of non-thinkers, and let’s encourage a vigorous, respectful, and healthy debate of the issues, with good results for all of Israel!

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the new book, “Trump and the Jews”. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. He can be found at www.DavidRubinIsrael.com or at www.ShilohIsraelChildren.org

February 27, 2019 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    Some of the Arabs in the Knesset have worked against the state and even with Hezbollah.

    Somehow the left finds a way because they are Arabs to permit traitorous behavior.

    Balad’s platform is basically for creating an Arab/Muslim State in the end as it wants to flood Israel with Arabs who have never lived in Israel and also destroy the nature of the state.

    “In January 2009, the Israeli Central Elections Committee banned Balad along with Ra’am and Ta’al, two other Arab-Israeli parties, from participating in the elections, accusing the parties of incitement, supporting terrorist groups and refusing to recognize Israel’s right to exist. The Supreme Court, however, revoked the ban, and allowed the parties to stand in the elections. Balad ended up winning three seats in the 2009 election.”


  2. Does anyone know if Arab members of the Knesset have made “racist” remarks? It wouldn’t surprise me.

  3. The emotionally charged epithet “racist” can mean different things to different people. In the United States today it is perfectly acceptable for blacks to describe white males as inherently evil. The Nation of Islam, the organization led by Louis Farrakhan, has as one of its fundamental doctrines that white people are racially inferior. He characterizes Jews in particular as inherently evil.

    Yet there are many members of the U.S. Congress who openly admire Farrakhan. Former President Barack Obama helped him to organize his “Million Man March.”

    Advocates of white supremacy are not totally without representation in the u.S. Congress, either, despite all the attacks on them. Reresentative King of Iowa has refused to apologize for saying that white Americans must reproduce biologically in greater numbers, because immigrants of non-European origin cannot be relied on to preserve American traditions.

    In the Arab world, including Fatahland and Hamastan, it is a commonplace the Jews are descended from apes and pigs.

    All shades of opinion that are held by significant numbers of Israeli citizens should be represented in the Knesset, “racist” or not.

  4. When people talk about Kahane, the most important and powerful point that can be made regarding him being a racist is make clear, perfectly clear, that Kahane did not hate Arabs. His only sin, his only avera, was that he loved Jews. Ask all the liberal Jews, reform rabbis, and the leadership of thevADL and AIPAC if they can unequivocally say the same. If not then shut up and stay out of the debate because their calling a Kahane a racist is not really some criticism of an alleged hated or animus towards Arabs but more a repudiation of his right and righteousness for loving Jews- or, as some may put it, a projection of their own self denial of their own self-hating Jewish identity. It’s ok to embrace so-called “liberal” causes and other people identities, but not if it means completely subverting and denying you’re own simply to “merge” with every cause in order to “get along”- because eventually the crocodile will devour you too. Kahane’s only fallacy is that he wasn’t stupid – a concept the liberal Jews in America won’t understand until they reopen the ovens and realize they’re invited too.

  5. The Real-Politik of Our Sages
    by Dr. Israel Eldad

    Dr. Israel Eldad writes about the Palestinian Arabs:

    “One way out given to the Canaanites was to accept Israel’s terms. No autonomy but then no intolerance either…. The second method was to leave…. This idea in itself is not new to Zionism. Israel Zangwill suggested it in 1920, the British put it forward in the Peel Report of 1937 as did Avraham Sharon and Avraham Stern in the ’40s. Official Zionists opposed the plan due to moral hesitations (not a Jewish morality but one influenced by liberal emancipation and in continuation of their naive belief that the Arabs will agree to coexistence if we succeed in convincing them that Zionism is beneficial for them…. If the two foregoing are not acceptable — let it be as it may. There is no fourth solution of ‘autonomy’ in our sovereign area.”


    “No Jew is at liberty to surrender the right of the Jewish Nation and the Land of Israel to exist. No Jewish body is sanctioned to do so. Even all the Jews alive today have no authority to yield any piece of land whatsoever. This right is reserved to the Jewish People throughout the generations. This right cannot be forfeited under any circumstances. Even if at some given time there will be those who declare that they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to negate it for future generations. The Jewish Nation is neither obligated by nor responsible for any such waiver. Our right to this land, in its entirety, is enduring and eternal. And until the coming of the Redemption, we shall never yield this historic right.”

    David Ben-Gurion, First Prime Minister of Israel, speech to the 21st Zionist Congress, Basel 1937

  7. The Authentic Jewish Idea: Policies And Programs

    Rabbi Meir Kahane

    12. THE ENTIRE LAND OF ISRAEL BELONGS TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE, ALONE. There are no other legitimate claimants. It is the holy land, the land of G-d, given by Him to His holy people for the purpose creating a holy society, therein. Because of this, none but the Jew can have a role in the destiny and political affairs of the state. The non-Jew can live within the Jewish state only as a “resident stranger” who enjoys his personal, social, cultural, and economic rights but with no citizenship, no political representation, no membership in government service, and no say in the destiny of the country. Those who are not prepared to accept this, cannot remain.

    13. THE ARABS LIVING IN ERETZ-YISRAEL MUST BE REPATRIATED. The Arabs of Israel, specifically, will never consider themselves an integral part of a country that is legally defined as a Jewish state. They can never feel love and empathy for it. Only those who live contempt for the Arabs cannot and will not see this. Only they believe that national pr, de, dignity and self-determination can be bought in exchange for economic benefits. The Arabs who refuse resident- stranger status – and the numbers of these must be limited so as to endanger neither the security nor the economy of the Jewish state – must be given a choice of leaving willingly with full compensation for their property or being compelled to leave without compensation.

    The truth is that there is a contradiction between the concepts of a Jewish state and a western democratic one. We must choose a Jewish state.

    The transfer of Arabs will complete the exchange of populations begun 1948, after which almost one million Jews fled Arab countries with no compensation. These Jews were integrated into the Jewish state of their brothers and sisters. Let the same be done for the Arabs Israel by their brethren. Social support payments which the government of Israel has squandered on Arabs and other enemies must be directed to help needy Jews, and especially, Sefardi and oriental Jewish communities in various development towns and economically disadvantaged ‘shikunim’ (neighborhoods) around Israel. From those Arabs who receive compensation, a percentage will be taken off the amounts to compensate Sefardi Jews who received nothing when they were expelled from Arab countries.

    14. THE JEW IS FORBIDDEN TO GIVE UP ANY PART OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL. The land belongs to the G-d of Israel and the Jew, given it by G-d, has no right to give away any part of it. All the areas past liberated (including those currently under the “Palestinian Authority”), or areas which may be liberated in the future, must be annexed, made part of the State of Israel, and populated by Jews as rapidly as possible. Jewish settlement in every part of Eretz-Yisrael, including cities that today are sadly Judenrein , must be unlimited. Maximum continuous expansion of Jewish settlement must be encouraged by well-coordinated national policies binding upon all agencies of the State of Israel and all related Jewish institutions with authority or influence over urban and rural development, housing, agriculture, transportation and industrial investment.

    15. THERE IS NO “PALESTINE” OR “PALESTINE PEOPLE.” They are Arabs, part of the Arab nation that lives in many countries, and to the Arabs of Eretz-Yisrael must and will be repatriated. The Roman Emperor Hadrian changed the name of our land from Judea – the land of the Jews, to “Palestina” – the land of the Philistines, after crushing Bar Kochba’s revolt. It was the Roman design to destroy the Jewish people by erasing the name of our homeland. Now the Philistines, the Roman Empire and even the Latin language are as dead as Babylon. But the Jewish people never died, and the Jewish State is alive and the Jewish army stands guard over it. Israel will live forever; “Palestine” was never even born.

    16. THE ARABS DO NOT WANT PEACE. It is illusion and delusion to believe the Middle Eastern problem is a dispute over the occupied lands of 1967, or the creation of a “Palestine” that would exist next to Israel. Those who understand the Arabs and are free of contempt for them know the essence of the problem is the Arab belief that the Jews have stolen the entire land from them. Arabs went to war with Israel in 1956 and 1967 when the “occupied lands” of today were in their hands. Arabs turned down the United Nations’ 1947 partition plan and went to war then, too. Arabs murdered Jews in the 1920’s and 1930’s when there was no Jewish state and no “Zionist occupation force”.

    17. THERE ARE NO ARAB MODERATES. Witness the Jordanian “moderate” who in 1967, in possession of the lands of Judea and Samaria (the so-called “West Bank”) and East Jerusalem, went to war, and who openly sided with the Iraqi aggressor during the Gulf war. The Arabs differ in tactics, not goals. Foolish Jews who call for concessions have already cost us dearly and we will pay terribly for those concessions that were made on the assumption that Arab “moderates” would seek peace with Israel and be its allies. Similarly, it is mad delusion to insist that Arab terrorists do not represent the “Palestinians”. Of course they do, because the “Palestinians”, as a whole, are committed to the destruction of an Israel they see as a robber state.

    The true issue is the refusal of the Arabs to recognize a Jewish state of any size or shape for any permanent length of time. It Is not an Arab-Israel issue but an Arab-Jewish one and it Is more than a political dispute; it is a religious war. We should not be surprised that Christians and Moslems, who kill each other, join against the Jews or that a Pope meets with Moslem terrorists. The very existence of the Jewish state is proof of the truth of Judaism, a thing that neither Islam nor Christianity can accept. Peace is not possible under the above circumstances but Jews need not weep or wail. Zionism, from the first, was not created primarily for peace but for a Jewish state. Hopefully, it was believed, this could be accomplished by peace. But with or without peace, the primary goal was a Jewish state.

    18. THE COMMANDMENT TO LIVE IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL BRINGS WITH IT THE THREAT OF MASS TRAGEDY FOR THOSE JEWS WHO REFUSE TO LEAVE THE EXILE. The Jewish state is the sanctification of G-d and to remain in the Exile, the embodiment of desecration, at a time when it is possible to return home, is to consciously choose to reinforce the desecration. The Al-Mighty will never allow it and the Exile is being ended whether the Jew agrees to it or not. The signs are already plentiful as Jew-hatred and world political conditions combine to shake the ground under the feet of the Jew in continent after continent. The Exile will end, either in glory through mass, voluntary Jewish coming to Israel, or through terrible tragedy, G-d forbid. There simply cannot be coexistence between sanctification and desecration.

    The Jews of the Exile, including those of the United States, face a horrible growth of Jew-hatred that will be triggered by economic and social upheaval in the world. Before it is too late, they must leave the graveyard and return to Israel. It is the obligation of Zionist leaders in the Exile to take the lead by emigrating to Israel.

    19. TIME RUNS OUT. Since the State of Israel arose, not because of Jewish merit, let it be clear that this beginning of the final redemption is merely the start of a process whose end will be determined by Jewish actions. If the Jew returns to G-d, that final redemption will come instantly and gloriously. If Jews, however, continue to be blind to Jewish reality, it will come only after terrible and needless suffering, G-d forbid. The choice is in Jewish hands.

  8. Violence
    By Rabbi Meir Kahane …….1975 ……The Story of the Jewish Defense League

    This is what the JDL tried to teach the Jew: that violence is never good but sometimes necessary and that Jewish violence to protect Jewish interests is never bad. Jewish violence is meant to do several things:

    1. Change the Jewish image and teach the anti-Semite that Jewish blood is not cheap and that the Jew is not always a victim.

    2. Protect Jewish property, persons and lives by letting the Jew-hater know that he is in danger of losing his.

    3. Destroy the Jewish neuroses and fears that contribute so much encouragement to the anti-Semite as well as Jewish belief in his own worthlessness. We want to instill self-respect and self-pride in a Jew who is ashamed of himself for running away.

    4. Teach the Jew that the pain of every Jew is his own pain and that it is his obligation to do all that is necessary – even violence – to defend another Jew.

    I was in the habit of ending most of my speeches by quoting a magnificent D’var Torah (Torah statement) by the late, world renowned scholar, the Rebbe of Gur, who said:

    “We are told that when the L-rd desired to give the Torah to the Jewish people, instead of choosing some lofty and majestic mountain, He selected Sinai, a small, humble little mount barely more than a hill. His purpose in this symbolic act was to show that man must turn his back on overbearing pride, must reject false ego.

    “And the Rebbe then asked: G-d’s intentions are indeed laudable. Yet, if He intended to show that man must not be a mountain and must turn down false pride, why was the Torah not given in a valley?”

    The answer he gave is clear and bold:

    “It is not enough to reject overbearing pride. Too much humbleness is also, itself, wrong. Man should, man must, possess some pride in his being – otherwise he is not a man.”

    I never cease to be amazed that we continue to be valleys. I never cease wondering at our choosing the way of the meek. One would imagine that after all the vandals we Jews have known, after all the police help we have failed to receive, we would have remembered the lesson of the mountain.

    There are times when we must still – just for the moment – the voice of Jacob, and for the sake of Jewish honor, of Jewish protection, don the hand of Esau.

    There are those who will protest: This is not the Jewish way. And yet since when has it been a mitzvah to be punished and beaten? Since when is it a Kiddush Hashem (Sanctification of G-d) to be spat upon? It is not a Kiddush Hashem, it is quite the opposite. It is a disgrace to the pride of our people, our G-d.

    Vandals attack a synagogue? Let that synagogue attack the vandals. Should a gang bloody a Jew, let a Jewish group go looking for the gang. This is the way of pride, not evil pride, but the pride of nation, of kinship – the pride of the mountain.

  9. An Exchange Of Populations
    By Rabbi Meir Kahane
    March 18, 1983

    In all the furor that has been created in Israel and the world Jewish community over the suggestion by certain “radical” Jews that Israeli Arabs be transferred from the country, there appears to be forgotten the fact that such an action would only be the second part of an ultimate exchange of populations.

    The fact is, that with the creation of the Jewish state in 1948, hundreds of thousands of Jews fled Arab countries, almost all of whom left behind all their property for which compensation was never paid. It is worthwhile to look at the record before we dismiss the concept of the transfer of Arabs from Israel.

    Algeria had 150,000 Jews in 1948. Pogroms in that country had occurred almost every 10 years since tha 1890’s, and during the 1930’s, many Jews of Constantine were massacred despite French intervention. In 1961, the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) attacked the large cities where most of the Jews lived and 100,000 were forced to flee the country, leaving behind all their belongings. The FLN desecrated the Great Synagogue at Algiers and the ancient Jewish Cemetery at Oran, and succeeded in driving out all but 900 Jews by 1973. And so: Algeria 1948: 150,000 Jews; Algeria 1973: 750 Jews.

    In Morocco in 1948 there were 300,000 Jews. On June 7 of that year, mobs in Oujda sacked the Jewish quarter, killing and wounding hundreds of Jews, and in nearby Djerada, 30 Jews were massacred by Arab mobs the same night. The new revolutionary government passed anti-Jewish laws so severe that they drove out 300,000 Jews. With the return of the Sultan in 1961, there was some relaxation of the laws; but by 1973 only 25,000 of the original 300,000 Jews remained. Morocco 1948: 300,000 Jews; Morocco 1973: 25,000 Jews.

    There were 23,000 Jews in Tunisia in 1948. Following the revolutionary government’s program of Arabization, Jews became “instant scapegoats,” and many were arrested for “economic” crimes simply for being merchants or practicing any gainful occupation. By 1973, all but 9,000 Jews had been driven out of Tunisia. Tunisia 1948: 23,000 Jews, Tunisia 1973: 9,000 Jews.

    Syria had 45,000 Jews in 1948. They had prospered under the Turks and the French, but when the Arabs took over, they at once became the target for both official and unofficial violence. Anti-Jewish legislation froze bank accounts and confiscated property. New laws forbade Jews to sell their property or move more than three miles from their homes. Special identity cards were issued to them, and they were allowed to work only at certain jobs. Government employees and military personnel were forbidden to patronize Jewish shops. Today there are fewer than 4,000 Jews in Syria, and they are under constant attack. Syria 1948: 45,000 Jews, Syria 1973: 4,000 Jews.

    There were 45,000 Jews living in Libya in 1948. In Tripoli in 1945, 120 Jews had been killed by mobs of Arabs. After independence, most of the others were driven from the country, many were murdered after the Six-Day War and numerous others were arrested. In 1976, there were only about 70 Jews remaining in the country ruled by Colonel Qaddafi. Libya 1948: 45,000 Jews, Libya 1976: 70 Jews.

    Jews have been in Egypt since Biblical times, and Alexandria had once been, at least partially, a Jewish city. In 1945, the pro-Nazi “Young Egypt” group led anti-Jewish rioting in which many Jews were killed. In 1947, a new law for companies made it practically impossible for Jewish businesses to operate. Egypt had 75,000 Jews in 1948, when bombings, burnings and looting destroyed almost $50 million worth of Jewish property. After the overthrow of King Farouk by Nasser and his “Free Officers,” life for Jews became intolerable in that country. After the Suez War, 3,000 Jews were arrested and imprisoned without trial. Thousands of others were presented with deportation orders forcing them to quit the country within days and leave all their property behind. By 1967, Nasser had managed to force all but 3,000 Jews out of Egypt. There were fewer than 500 Jews remaining in the land ruled by the “moderate” el-Sadat in 1976; the rest were driven out to find new homes, mostly in Israel. Egypt 1948: 75,000 Jews, Egypt 1976: 500 Jews. (Amnesty International reported in 1976 that there were only 350 Jews in Egypt.)

    Iraq was the home of 125,000 Jews in 1948. Since then, the revolutionary government has conducted an almost incessant campaign of terror against them. Nine Jews were hanged in public and 68 tried as Israeli spies in January 1968 while chanting mobs moved through the streets beating up any Jew that passed their way, women and children included! By 1973, only 400 Jews remained in Iraq. Iraq 1948: 125,000 Jews, Iraq 1973: 400 Jews.

    Yemen, where 54,000 Jews lived in 1948, had none in 1976. Hundreds were killed, and the rest found shelter in British bases until they were carried to Israel by Operation Magic Carpet. Before that, it was legal to stone a Jew to death, and the law decreed that “fatherless Jewish children under thirteen be taken from their mothers and raised as Muslims.” Yemen 1948: 54,000 Jews, Yemen 1976: No Jews whatsoever!

    In Aden, there were 5,000 Jews in 1947, but in 1976 there were none. In December, 1947, Arab mobs attacked the Jewish quarter, killing several people and burning down buildings. Between 1948 and 1967, most Aden Jews fled to Israel. The 130 who remained fled after the riots in June 1967 to escape torture and certain death. Aden 1948: 5,000 Jews, Aden 1967: No Jews Whatsoever!

    A total of some 750,000 Jews fled Arab lands since 1948. Surely it is time for Jews, worried over the huge growth of Arabs in Israel, to consider finishing the exchange of populations that began 35 years ago.

  10. They Must Go 1981
    By Rabbi Meir Kahane

    The question of transferring Arabs out of the land will drive them to a frenzied condemnation of Israeli policy. Their danger is their influence on large numbers of simple, good American and Western Jews.

    The simplistic and demagogic use of labels such as “immoral,” “inhumane,” “un-Jewish” and “Nazi-like” is likely to find a troubled, sympathetic ear with the ordinary, decent Jew. Thus, we will pay for all the years of deceit and delusions. For all those decades Jewish and Israeli leaders refused to tell the truth about the remedy of the Arab problem in the Land of Israel. They preferred to avoid it and to lie to world Jewry. It is not surprising that any sudden policy that calls for transfer of the Arabs will meet with astonishment and guilt. It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.

    The Jewish opposition from within – that is the obstacle to successful transfer of Arabs and the saving of the Jewish state. There is no gentile problem, only the Jewish one of self-destruction.

    The problem is the Jew who stupidly equates the transfer of Arabs with Hitler’s genocide of the Jews, as if we were advocating gas chambers or the killing of the Arabs in any form. As if the separation of Jews and Arabs will not save Arab and Jewish lives both! As if it is not precisely the policy of the perverted moralists that will lead eventually to the horrible bloodbath the Jewish realists see all too well!

    How outrageously dishonest is the equation. How they cheapen and demean the terrible historical uniqueness and horror of the Holocaust, those intellectual dwarfs who equate it with any event they cannot abide! Did the Jews of Germany say that the land was really theirs, stolen from them by the Germans and that they would work until the day they became the majority and take the land and make it “Judea”? If they did, the Jews of Hitler’s time can be equated with the Arabs. Did the Jews of Europe massacre Germans, rape their women, burn their settlements, and vow to drive them into the sea? If they did, Europe’s Jews and Israel’s Arabs are the same. And if they did – if Germany’s Jews killed Germans and sought to take their state from them – Germans would have been justified in removing them from Germany and saving their country.

    But if, as really happened, the Jews sought, not to destroy Germany, not to separate from Germany, not to be independent of Germany, but to be good, loyal, fervent, assimilated Germans, then what the Germans did was horrible, and what the Jews who equate the murderous Arabs with the murdered Jews do is obscene. With no apologies, no defensiveness, no hesitation, the Jew rejects with contempt the gentilized Hebrews and the neo-Hellenists. He knows the Jewish response to threats to destroy people and state: “If one comes to slay you, slay him first” (Sanhedrin, 72d). “Do not be overly righteous” (Ecclesiastes 7). “Said Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish: He who becomes merciful unto the cruel is destined to be cruel unto the merciful.”

    How cruel are the overly righteous, the carriers of perverted morality, the unthinking, the gentilized. How many Jewish women and children will die because of the mercy of the overly righteous to the cruel? The foolish children, the twisted adults, all calling in the name of “humanity” for the destruction of the Jewish state – they will be the problem, nothing else.

  11. @ Ted Belman:
    Many in Israel including Lapid & Gantz who are now petitioning that Otzma not be allowed into the Knesset are for separating from the Arabs.

    I call them super big-time hypocrites. Arabs who are involved in terrorism or support it are a danger to Israel and should receive no rights whatsoever. Those loyal to Israel are certainly appreciated like the Druze.

    It is a battle for survival and it is much better if we Jews are untied not divided.

  12. Many people agree that the Arabs must go. But that doesn’t make them all racists..
    They all agree on the goal. They just differ on the compensation if any.The fact that Kahane doesn’t suggest that we pay them to leave doesn’t make him a racist.

    During the War for Independance many Israelis encouraged Arabs to leave.. Thank God for that.