Why Russia invaded Ukraine

T. Belman.  I made the same argument in this article

Clearly, the US is the aggressor in the Ukraine war.

By Jared Peterson, AM THINKER

Without 30 years of provocative, to the Russian mind threatening, behavior by the United States, the Ukraine war does not happen.

John Mearsheimer has pointed out that for well over 20 years, from the Soviet collapse in 1991 until the 2014 US supported, anti-democratic, violent coup in Kiev against a pro-Russian Ukrainian president, no one of any importance, absolutely no one, viewed Russia as a military threat to its neighbors or to Europe generally, or believed that Russia harbored revanchist impulses.  Neither its behavior during this period nor its top officials’ statements suggested Russia had any designs of dominating its near abroad, let alone conquering it, much less conquering anyone else.

And don’t forget: By February of 2014 Russia had endured repeated broken promises by “the West” (actually, by the neocon/Russia hating US cabal) that NATO would never be expanded toward the east. Those expansions, in the teeth of universal assurances by Western leaders to Gorbachev, rankled in Russia across its political spectrum, but for years Russia did no more than meekly object.

To produce any actual assertiveness by Russia beyond its post-1991 borders, it took the 2014 US sponsored coup against democratically elected, pro-Russian Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovic. Russia’s response was to declare Crimea part of Russia, mild considering that the new, democratically illegitimate Ukrainian government that the US helped to install, as nearly its first actions, announced repressive measures against the eastern Ukrainian, Russian and Russian-speaking population, and hinted that Russia’s 250-year-old naval base in Sevastopol might not be renewed. Actual military action by Russia was not required to accomplish the reabsorption of Crimea into Russia, because virtually the entire Crimean population (overwhelmingly Russian) welcomed it.

Vladimir Putin signs the treaty of accession (annexation) with Crimean leaders in 2014 (Photo credit: Kremln.ru)

After the 2014 US-sponsored and supported coup, there followed a brutal war by the new, illegitimate Kiev regime against the overwhelmingly pro-Russian and Russian-speaking population of the Donbas. In that war by Poroshenko and Zelensky between 15 and 20 thousand eastern Ukrainian, Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine were killed by their own government’s indiscriminate bombardment of civilian areas. During all this, from 2015 through 2021, the Russian government negotiated for a solution at Minsk and took no more military action than to provide enough help to the Donbas militias to prevent their being destroyed by Kiev.

Then the Biden administration entered the scene in 2021, and vastly increased military aid to Kiev, including providing weapons systems and training for Ukrainian forces, and conducting joint military maneuvers within Ukraine. It’s a near certainty that during 2021 the Biden administration also built or expanded bioweapons research laboratories in Ukraine. Assistant US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland as much as admitted this before Congress.

Meanwhile the presence of US missile installations in Poland and Romania easily capable of being utilized for offensive purposes continued to cause unease and resentment within Russian governing circles.  Remember that per Bush Senior, Helmut Kohl, Margaret Thatcher and others, the Russians were assured Poland and Romania would never become part of NATO if the Soviet Union withdrew its forces from eastern Europe and allowed German reunification, let alone host American missile sites. Small wonder the Russian government expected to soon see similar US weapons missile sites in Ukraine.

Throughout 2021, well into December of that year, the Russian government sought talks with the US over all of this, but especially about an end to Kiev’s war on the Donbas population, a guarantee of Ukrainian neutrality and the dismantling of offensive weapons systems in eastern Europe. The Biden administration turned down these repeated pleas for talks flatly.

And so the war came.

With this history in mind, does the Ukraine war fit the West’s claim of a “wholly unprovoked” attack on a neighbor and the initial step in building a new Russian empire?  Or, does it look like a belated reaction to decades of threatening United States military expansion toward Russia’s borders, accompanied by meddling in the political affairs of a direct neighbor that for 300 out of the last 350 years was part of Russia? Does it look like Russia’s goal at the outset of the war was empire building or ensuring its own (and the Donbas population’s) security?

Give it a think.

May 5, 2023 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. If we understand the hidden suppressed history of the British Elites things become clearer.
    I read Carroll Quigley & understand Perfidious Albion & the real history of events.
    1) for starters,Joe Biden & his regime are puppets of the British Privy Council.George Soros & his Lieutenant,Lord Mark Malloch Brown,are agents for the Privy Council!
    Brown Controls the Smartmatic voting machines & uses the Dominion software.They put Biden into the White House by stealing the election!
    Biden is to the British what Marshal Petain in Vichy was to Berlin!
    Washington is now a vassal of London! We need to understand that the moves made by the British are primarily financial.
    When Russia became a Republic it’s first president was Boris Yeltsin.Yeltsin was a very weak leader & he allowed The bankers from London & Wall street to pour into Russia during the 90’s & loot Russia into poverty.Putin came in & shut this down!
    The British elites are sneaky bustards who deal in smoke & mirrors,They don’t seek to conquer countries literally.
    Rather their game is to control that nations government by controlling the country’s Finances & credit! Putin kicked them out
    P.S. I believe the British are running a similar long term operation in Israel among the Tel Aviv seculars & the left wing generals!

  2. Although all the facts are on the table, you will find it impossible to convince anyone who has been exposed to the government controlled media that this was not a war driven by those bad Ruskies.

  3. I’m not going to get into who is “right” or “wrong” here. What does seem clear is Ukraine nor the expansion of NATO serve American in any reasonable way. There is no upside potential for us in this conflict and it carries huge downside risks for us. As I repeatedly warned our leadership class via letter writing and phone calls in 2014 getting involved in Ukraine was/is folly and is something we needed to steer clear of.

  4. Meanwhile, the Pentagon and Anheuser Busch (Ambev) seem to hire the same
    marketing types that prefer mentally insane trans zombies as soldiers and beer drinkers. That has not worked well for Bud Light nor for the Pentagon that can’t hit recruitment goals. Now the Pentagon is pushing drag queens and all gay helicopter crews.

    Prediction: The US will lose the next big war against foreign enemies but will ruthlessly use the new woke sexual-pervert soldiers to mercilessly kill patriotic Americans..