Will President Palin end the futile “peace process”?

If you want to know why I promote Sarah Palin, read these especially the first one; Who is Sarah Palin?,

Governor Palin’s Budgets: Pointing Out the Obvious (That She’s Got A Stellar Record)

By Ted Belman*

Come hell or high water, President Obama is determined to create a Palestinian state during his watch. He has been doing his utmost to attack and pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu to support the two-state solution which Netanyahu did in part in his Bar Ilan speech and to freeze construction which he did for ten months ending September 26/10. To no avail. Because of the backlash Obama experienced last summer from Jewish leaders, he was forced to start a charm offensive in the lead up to the Nov 2nd mid-terms. Now, all bets are off. His determination to create a Palestinian state, which he supported long before his political career started, will be intensified now.

At the moment Netanyahu is refusing to formally extend the freeze but he is withholding approval of construction for the most part. He demanded that the PA recognize Israel as a Jewish state as the price for extending the freeze. Abbas categorically rejected doing so and still refuses to negotiate without a formal freeze extension.

The PA is threatening to ask the United Nations to declare all Israeli communities east of the 1949 armistice lines, illegal and to demand the expulsion of Israelis living in them. It is also threatening to ask the Security Council to recognize the state of Palestine with pre ’67 borders. It is testing the waters to see how many states will recognize it under these conditions. The problem will be that there is no basis for recognition. And thus it will have no legitimacy.

Just this week, Netanyahu told a Likud faction that that the issue of the freeze “is not being discussed.” and that a unilateral declaration of statehood by the PA would “exact a price from both sides” and would not promote a solution to the conflict.

Either of these resolutions will not have teeth in them but they will increase the deligitimation and demonization that Israel is presently being subjected to.

The Jerusalem Centre for Public affairs published a paper on International Recognition of a Unilaterally Declared Palestinian State: Legal and Policy Dilemmas by Tal Becker. He writes “The Palestinian entity does not become a state under international law merely by a unilateral declaration to that effect. To be eligible for recognition it must satisfy specific legal criteria. Indeed, under international law, the recognition of an entity which clearly fails to meet these criteria constitutes an unlawful and invalid act.”

These criteria include,

• Is There an Effective and Independent Government?
• Does the Palestinian Entity Possess a Defined Territory?
• Does the Palestinian Entity have the Capacity to Freely Engage in Foreign Relations?
• Is There Effective and Independent Control Over a Permanent Population?
• Unilateral Palestinian Attempts to Acquire the Attributes of Statehood”

Becker takes the position that a state declared by the PA meets none of those criteria. Nevertheless, many countries could possible ignore international law and recognize Palestine anyway. What then? “Palestine” would be a state in name only without sovereignty or independence, at least no more than they have now. It would signal the end of the Oslo Accords and the Roadmap and UNSC Res 242 upon which they are based. Israel would be free to set its own borders even to the Jordon River. It could do this by simply extending Israeli law over all of Judea and Samaria, save for Palestinian population centers.

It is for these reasons, that not only will the US and Europe be reluctant to recognize such a state but that also the PA is unlikely to declare it without their support.

We will then be left with a “peace process” that has left many maimed and dead in its wake; one that requires a negotiated solution. Neither party is willing to compromise their present positions. Consequently no agreement is foreseeable.

Obama will be left with one option, namely, to force Israel to agree to terms she doesn’t want to agree to. He can try, but he won’t succeed. Israel will not bend and will mobilize the new Republican Congress to thwart him. Not only will the Republicans oppose such efforts but many Democrats will as well. Obviously, if he is to make progress, he must do so before the presidential primaries begin.

Even if Obama gives up his dream of solving the conflict before his terms expires, the next administration will have to deal with a peace process that isn’t going anywhere. They can choose to maintain the charade or end it. In the former option they will struggle to maintain the illusion that peace is around the corner, while attempting to achieve small interim agreements. This could go on for decades. In the latter case, they will need a whole new paradigm.

The State Department was against the creation of Israel before its birth, forced Israel to retreat from the Sinai after she conquered it in ’56 and maintained an arms embargo on Israel until after the ’67 war. The State Department negotiated UNSC Res 242 at the end of the war which allowed Israel to remain in occupation until she had an agreement for “secure and recognized borders”. But the Arabs refused to accept it. So two years later, the US came up with the Rogers’ Plan which required full retreat to the ’49 armistice line. Thereafter the embargo was lifted and Israel became America’s ally in the Cold War. This military/intelligence relationship grew and blossomed with many advantages to both Israel and the U.S. This was so even after the fall of the USSR.

But throughout this friendship, the US continued to force Israel to participate in a peace process against its will. While the US maintained that the final agreement had to be negotiated between the parties, the US put a “gun” to Israel’s head during negotiations.

Pres G. Bush ’43 started out his term of office not wanting to get involved in the peace process as his predecessor Bill Clinton had done. But 9/11 happened and the US invaded Afghanistan. Before invading Iraq, the US negotiated with Saudi Arabia to get her cooperation. Even though it was in the interests of Saudi Arabia that Iraq would no longer threaten them, the Saudis insisted on Bush declaring support for a Palestinian state, which he did in his vision speech of ’02. They also insisted that the US renew the peace process. Bush worked diligently on this process in the lead up to the invasion and Saudi Arabia worked with the State Department to prepare the Saudi Plan which demanded a full retreat in line with the Rogers Plan. One week after the US invaded Iraq, the Roadmap was launched. By agreement this Plan was included in the Roadmap. This was necessary in order to offset Res 242 which did not require full retreat.

The Roadmap also incorporated the Mitchell Report which demanded the end of violence and incitement and an end to settlement construction. The Oslo Accords had included the right of Israel to do infilling and did not restrict construction in the Settlement blocs. Thus the Roadmap severely limited Israel’s options. Nevertheless, the Palestinians continued their incitement and terror and Israel continued to build.

Whereas Pres Bush had permitted infilling for “natural growth” and recognized that Israel would retain the settlement blocs, Obama attempted to end all settlement construction including in the blocs and the battle is still raging. The PA of course joined Obama in making this demand.

Although Obama is still trying to bridge the gap, few are anticipating success.

If Gov Palin becomes the next President in 2012 she may end the impasse by introducing a paradigm shift. To date she has not retracted her support for a “two- state solution” which in any event, is not a two-state solution that the Palestinians would accept. She told Barbara Walters, “I believe that the Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expanded upon, because that population of Israel is, is going to grow. …And I don’t think that the Obama administration has any right to tell Israel that the Jewish settlements cannot expand.”
In the VP debate, she said she would move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

She told AIPAC “Let there be no doubt: I will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel.”

In a similarly firm tone, she told Charles Gibson, that she would not “second-guess” Israeli military action against Iran.

While many politicians kiss up to the American Jews during elections, Sarah Palin has always exhibited affection and support for the Jewish people and Israel. Her views are supported by 50 million Evangelical Christians who support an undivided Jerusalem and Jewish claims to Judea and Samaria. The latest polls indicate 65% of Americans support Israel.

After decades of trying to reach a two state solution, America should abandon the attempt and pursue a more workable solution such as autonomy only for the Palestinians.

Sarah Palin has a reputation for shaking things up. She, more than anyone else, is likely to usher in the required paradigm shift.

*Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and the editor of Israpundit. Last year he made aliya and is now living in Jerusalem

November 7, 2010 | 76 Comments »

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26 Comments / 76 Comments

  1. Mer writes:
    There are TWO bullies now.

    That would be Mer and Yamit. I don’t confront anyone who is not a bully to begin with.

  2. Now, now. There’s no need to do an imitation of Yamit by distorting the truth. Correct me if I’m wrong, Yamit was deliberately claiming that Palin had said the exact opposite of what any English speaker would understand she said.

    You’re wrong. As far as the English language goes try Harcourt Brace, for starters.

  3. Yamit. The issue isnt that your statement is off colour yes Canadians spell colour differently than Americans. Its a direct derogatory slam below the belt slam to women. How long would women last on this male dominated site if we were continually bashing men in some fashion? You saw it for yourself. The cry babies couldnt even handle an ad. Holy Smokes.

    It was meant to be derogatory towards Geraldine Ferraro not any other woman. When I want to put a group, class,gender etc. down I do know how and I know the difference.

  4. Mer says:
    November 10, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    And furthermore Yamit you go too far with personal attacks.

    Maybe? Like what for example?

    Did you not say yourself that you have an ex-wife?


    So then by your standard that would make you not a very good Jew.

    No, just a lousy husband

    On one hand you are very anti Christian but then on the other hand refer positively to traditional Christians.

    I like most Christians and most of my friends from the States were Christians. I do hate Christianity though.

    Christians are people too and they make mistakes. Perhaps moreso because they are taught to be godlike which is not possible. They may be MORE vulnerable to temptation or judging other peoples sins as they see it.

    We all err and unless that err on the part of Christians do no threaten me or other Jews I don’t care much. I’m not into sin of ther peoples or their beliefs. I am Laissez faire, live and let live. Exception to this is what transpires in the Land of Israel. Outside I don’t care much, none of my business unless it directly affects us here.

    You dont live Palins life on a day to day. You dont know how she and her family have decided on which family member will be responsible for taking care of the children. On the outside looking in you would probably judge me too

    I don’t judge but since Palin is a public figure that some credit with ambitions to the highest office then we all have an obligation to scrutinize and vet that individual as much as we can. They are held to a higher standard.


    But if I were to take the time to explain my family setup with you it would probably be acceptable not that I need or even want your acceptance. So if a Christian Mother had a child out of wedlock does that make her a bad Christian for the rest of her life?

    I have opinions, some sat even strong opinions but am not judgmental

  5. Yamit. The issue isnt that your statement is off colour yes Canadians spell colour differently than Americans. Its a direct derogatory slam below the belt slam to women. How long would women last on this male dominated site if we were continually bashing men in some fashion? You saw it for yourself. The cry babies couldnt even handle an ad. Holy Smokes.

  6. Mer writes:
    AE. Two wrongs dont make a right. Actually you both sound like a couple of cry babies. Oh Mr Moderator Yamit is calling me names again. And Yamit says hey wait a minute Mr Moderator and check out HIS comments. Good Grief.


    Now, now. There’s no need to do an imitation of Yamit by distorting the truth. Correct me if I’m wrong, Yamit was deliberately claiming that Palin had said the exact opposite of what any English speaker would understand she said.

    I am quite capable of handling Yamit’s calumnies and libels and name-calling – my problem is when Ted allows him free reign and then moderates only what I write. I need the referee to be unbiased, especially when he has the power to censor me. Then, when I point out an infraction, Ted agrees – but it’s too little too late – the libel is out of the barn.

    Then Ted calls ME a bully? Excuse me? Is there a bigger bully on Israpundit than Yamit, who seems to have intimidated everyone until I came along?

  7. Yamit your reference to a “useful vagina” is disgusting. What’s wrong with you?

    So it’s a bit off color metaphor but is there any other reason Ferraro was selected to be Mondale’s running mate? We have all used worse off color metaphors so why so prudish now? First you removed the clip of the Israel ministry of tourism that has gone semi viral with almost half million hits, just on YouTube and has been seen on hundreds of pro Israel blogs and now you are offended by a slightly off color metaphor?

    Yamit you want to limit conservative feminism to women being barefoot , pregnant and in the kitchen, Palin says a woman can have it all. She believes in a woman’s potential and her feminism is that women should not be limited.

    Of course not, I am as liberal as you, maybe even more so re: the place of women in our societies. What I am challenging is: her use of the pejorative Neanderthal towards other women who really value traditional American conservative values, who believe that child care and rearing is more important than careers and many make financial sacrifices to the end. While her position on feminism may sound quite normal to your liberal ear it is not to whole swaths of traditional conservative women. I think she calling them Neanderthals speaks directly to the point I make not whether she has a right to pursue a career and leave her kid in the care of paid help. I therefore see at least on this point a disconnect between her advocacy of conservative values yet she is here espousing Gloria Steinem. She could have stated her positions in a more articulate manner without resorting to ad-homenim against other women. That also goes to Birds attribution, that she is divisive.

    I know her barb was meant for her critics but she covered all women who have different views than herself and may be critical of her, in her comment.

    I don’t believe like most she is electable therefor won’t be nominated. The unsaid matter of electing the first black president with the obvious problems resultant from that experiment, I don’t think most Americans this soon would opt for a second experiment by electing the first woman president. Call it my intuition.

  8. AE. Two wrongs dont make a right. Actually you both sound like a couple of cry babies. Oh Mr Moderator Yamit is calling me names again. And Yamit says hey wait a minute Mr Moderator and check out HIS comments. Good Grief. Must be nice to have so much time on your hands. There are those of us who ARE actually DOING it all and not so that we can pound our chests and SCREAM out I am Woman. Hear me roar. Some of us actually GET it.

  9. Ted writes:
    Yamit you want to limit conservative feminism to women being barefoot , pregnant and in the kitchen, Palin says a woman can have it all. She believes in a woman’s potential and her feminism is that women should not be limited.

    Anyone who has heard the Palin video would know that Yamit fits her definition of a Neanderthal perfectly.

  10. Yamit writes to Mer:
    Yes People see what they want to see. Hear what they want to here even if it isn’t accurate. You fit that category.

    Ted writes:
    Yamit your reference to a “useful vagina” is disgusting. What’s wrong with you?


    You have heard the Palin video. You can see that Yamit is STILL trying to DELIBERATELY TWIST what she said. I’m glad to see that you are finally waking up to what is going on right under your nose, but how can you continue to allow a DELIBERATE LIE to continue on Israpundit. This is not a difference of opinion – we can clearly hear what Palin is saying. Yet you are allowing Yamit to continue his deliberate libel.

    Yamit writes churlishly:
    Some of her own children on this score could not be a poster child for normative family values in the traditions sense of the word. Yet those values are exactly the Values that Palin seems to promote.

    “Some of her own children”???? Another deliberate distortion. I wonder if Ted has picked up that Yamit has now switched to attacking Palin’s children. And Ted has the gall to call ME a bully??!!

    Her one daughter, Bristol, got pregnant out of wedlock and Palin and her husband were shocked that she had done so. Perhaps Yamit is not aware that children of good parents can get into trouble like this. The girl has not only admitted and shown remorse for what she did but she decided to keep the child rather than abort it, and is now involved in a program to urge other young women to not repeat the mistake she made.

  11. Yamit you want to limit conservative feminism to women being barefoot , pregnant and in the kitchen, Palin says a woman can have it all. She believes in a woman’s potential and her feminism is that women should not be limited.

    From everything I have read about Palin I believe she would make a great President. But it remains to see whether she is electable. What with the dems, MSM, and GOP establishment dragging her down, she will have trouble getting the nomination or if she got it, getting elected.

    The GOP establishment think she is too conservative for middle America.

  12. And furthermore Yamit you go too far with personal attacks. Did you not say yourself that you have an ex-wife? So then by your standard that would make you not a very good Jew. On one hand you are very anti Christian but then on the other hand refer positively to traditional Christians. Thats double minded. Christians are people too and they make mistakes. Perhaps moreso because they are taught to be godlike which is not possible. They may be MORE vulnerable to temptation or judging other peoples sins as they see it. Example. In some sects of Christianity it is considered a sin to drink alcohol. Is it or isnt it? Yes and No. If a person really believes that alcohol is a sin and they drink alcohol then they are sinning. If another person believes that alcohol is ok in moderation but they try to tempt the non drinker then they are sinning. Anyway that is the way I understand it. You dont live Palins life on a day to day. You dont know how she and her family have decided on which family member will be responsible for taking care of the children. On the outside looking in you would probably judge me too. But if I were to take the time to explain my family setup with you it would probably be acceptable not that I need or even want your acceptance. So if a Christian Mother had a child out of wedlock does that make her a bad Christian for the rest of her life?

  13. Mer: Yes People see what they want to see. Hear what they want to here even if it isn’t accurate. You fit that category.

    I was referring to Ferraro about useful vagina not Palin. Otherwise Ferraro had no redeeming qualities.

  14. Mer writes:
    YAMIT. People see what they want to see. Hear what they want to here even if it isnt accurate. You fit that category. IT WASNT THE STAY AT HOME MOMS SHE WAS REFERRING TO AS NEANDERTHALS. Listen again and again and again if you have to. And referring to when she was a useful vagina I think is a CHEAP SHOT.

    CHEAP SHOT?! It is a cheap libel is what it is. This is a great example of how Yamit twists the truth – anyone who can understand English can see that Palin is supporting all women and calling their critics Neanderthals.

    The comment about being a useful vagina shows Yamit’s misogyny as well as his truth twisting.

    And Ted has the gall to call ME a bully??!!

  15. YAMIT. People see what they want to see. Hear what they want to here even if it isnt accurate. You fit that category. IT WASNT THE STAY AT HOME MOMS SHE WAS REFERRING TO AS NEANDERTHALS. Listen again and again and again if you have to. And referring to when she was a useful vagina I think is a CHEAP SHOT.

  16. Yamit. You are taking what Palin said out of context.

    No Mer it is exactly in context of being a Women who claims to be a strict conservative Christian, who seems to have national political ambitions, Who has many supporters because they believe she represents their political, religious and social philosophy. She wears her supposed conservative principles as a personal political rallying standard for much of the American conservative right.

    I don’t disagree with what you said about many women needing to work out of necessity like single mothers divorcees etc. That goes to my point. Many women choose not to work so they can spend that time with the family and consider that value more important than a second income. That’s partly what the conservative right calls American family values.

    The # of single unwed mothers in America is astronomical, divorce rates over 50% Children growing up without both mother and father has a societal impact and economic impact as well. When she calls those stay at home moms Neanderthals (pejorative) she is maligning not just those critics of hers, but all stay at home women (by choice) Many if not most are conservatives and are deeply religious Christians who have a strong grounding in traditional family values. ‘To point this seeming Hypocrisy out is not in the least meant to be contrary or controversial but to be honest and call a cigar a cigar and a pig a pig, with or without lipstick. Some of her own children on this score could not be a poster child for normative family values in the traditions sense of the word. Yet those values are exactly the Values that Palin seems to promote.

    If she wants to promote modern feminism fine but modern feminism is largely contradictory to those conservative values she is constantly holding up as an American ideal. Modern Feminism also includes anti right to life principles and here I see an inconsistency in her world view, She is pro life but also pro daycare? pro life but pro stranger spending more time raising her kids than she is? Her feminism means her Husband quitting his job and business to take care of two infants one his and one his daughters, who instead of taking care of her illegitimate child is living it up doing Dancing with the Stars and Magazine spreads. Good for her but then where are those family values?

    My own personal view? I really couldn’t care less what they do but I don’t like hypocrisy. Would Palin still have what support she has if she looked like Helen Thomas or Rosanne Barr?

    I guess I’m too obtuse to see what Ted and others see in her but I never liked the Beatles or Elvis till Elvis was long dead and the Beatles a nostalgic memory of that generation. Today I am more receptive. Maybe in 20 years after president Palin proves herself I will come around to some positive opinions of her. Then again maybe not?

  17. Birdalone writes:
    …Anyone who reads too much into that exit poll data, is really projecting what they want the results to mean, rather than what they reveal.

    And anyone who doesn’t like what the polls indicate try to twist themselves into pretzels to demonize the poll results. Polling done by credible organizations are statistically significant and widely used as assumptions in political decisionmaking. The nitpicking does not statistically invalidate the results. Here is the complete breakdown of the 2008 presidential elections:


  18. Ted,

    We can see Yamit in No. 4 above twisting himself into a pretzel in trying to defend the indefensible. If there is anyone on Israpundit who shoule be moderated it is him.

    Calling other women Neanderthal for those family values in my opinion and from what I have been reading was a cheap shot.

    In No. 2 above, Yamit is STILL trying to falsify what Sarah Palin said in the video. Anyone who has followed Palin would know Yamit is lying. She is clearly referring to those who criticize stay-at-home women as Neanderthals, which is the exact opposite of Yamit’s lie. Yet you are allowing him to get away with this brazen falsehood.

  19. AE. Had I noticed Yamit’s comment which you quote I would have deleted it. Sorry I missed it.

    Excuse me? I was referring to:

    Comment #33

    do you have the gall, the chutzpah, to con me to think that deregulation had nothing to do with the highway robbery that occured during the last decade.

    keep this up, and you will have me reaching for my tomahawk. AE, you are sorely challenging the oft quoted observation ” the average American is a lot smarter than most people think.”

    I must say, you (our resident Tonto) are easily the best, the very best fiction writer to have contributed to this site. Keep up the good work.


    My Comment: #44

    AE: Whoever reads what Yamit writes would know that this is like a pot calling a kettle black. As we see above he doesn’t even know who are risking their lives to get into the US. He says he needs proof. This is like asking for proof the Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the map.

    Yamit says: I just asked who? Gotcha Tonto!

    Did you know that Tonto in Spanish means: Anything synonymous to deadhead, dumb, retarded, stupid, dumb, silly, or idiot?

    Look it up if you think I lie, Tonto. AE.

    Now we have some perspective on unfounded accusations against me. 🙂

  20. Yamit. You are taking what Palin said out of context. She said that now women have the choice to either work inside or outside the home but there are still some Neanderthals out there that want to make the decision for women and she said thats too bad. The fact of the matter is that most women who have children are also gainfully employed out of economic necessity. With the divorce rate near 50 per cent in the U.S. and 40 per in Canada there is a staggering number of single Moms. In the two parent household the parents of today dont want to live like its 1930 and want to have their children enrolled in sports music etc. This takes money. Your comment about vaginas is actually very Nethandral type thinking. Alot of Moms work part to help balance the load to do what is best for their situation.

  21. Yamit. You are so off base in being critical of Palin’s views on feminism.

    I am not being critical of her views on feminism. I am pointing our that her views on feminism are the feminist lefts views on feminism and not most on the conservative right she purports to support. When she in the clip calls those who are critical of parents who put careers and self above family, then she was in effect dumping on many conservative stay at home moms who do so because they believe it’s the right thing to do for the kids and many sacrifice financially for that belief and concern. Calling other women Neanderthal for those family values in my opinion and from what I have been reading was a cheap shot. Ferraro and Palin herself didn’t earn or win the position of VP nominee they were both picked for narrow political reasons. Breaking glass ceilings to the best of my knowledge is not and never has been either a Republican or conservative imperative of value.

    I advise you to review the clip again and also advise you never to take AE word for anything. I know how you feel about Palin. I disagree and won’t in deference to you press the issue but I will not enjoy when the time comes to have to say I told you so. and it will and I will too.


    Bird is an old political professional analyst. Listen to her more. When she says something you can bet it can be backed up.