Young Br Jews love Israel from a liberal/left point of view.

By Ted Belman

According to a recent poll of young British Jews

    According to the poll, 82 percent of U.K. Jews say Israel plays central or important role in their identity, with 90% seeing Israel as their ancestral homeland. About 95% have visited Israel; 76% see Israel as relevant to their daily lives; and 87% agree that Jews are responsible for ensuring the survival of Israel.

Omly 1/3 of American Jews have visited Israel.

But they are liberals who have been indoctrinated by the British medea.

    The poll shows that young British Jews respond favorably to Israeli pluralism, diversity, social justice, technological innovation, and universalism, and are adverse to dysfunctional politics and perceived anti-democratic measures (for example, recent Knesset bills aimed at curtailing foreign funding to left-wing nongovernmental organizations).

    Settlement expansion is opposed by 74%; 78% support a two-state solution (14% oppose this); and 72% support the West Bank security barrier and saw Operation Cast Lead as an act of self-defense. Approximately 87% see Iran as an existential threat to Israel. About 56% of respondents think that non-Jewish minorities suffer discrimination. Like most Israelis — as attested by recent local Israeli polls — 67% of British Jews think that Israeli politics is dysfunctional.

May 23, 2012 | 4 Comments »

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  1. The use of universalism needs to be clarified. Judaism is a universalistic creed; we hold that our values regarding justice, society and creation is something that all of humanity should emulate. In that goal we have half succeeded; most civilised nations and institutions pretend to have embraced our values. It was even claimed to have been embraced by communists. As opposed to our values, we have the more primitive particularistic ideal of putting tribe and clan first. This is the fascist way, be it of the Nazi or the Islamic form. In our global village, only one form can survive. But Jews who are universalists have a different notion; they are the Bundists of old who want to safeguard themselves in the various nations and do so by ingratiating themselves with the ideological elites. They care nothing about Jews in Israel, despite their pretend Zionism. They ignore the Shoah and the establishment of Israel. They conceive of their universalism as being a minor segment of humanity at large, but in fact they are supporters of defeatist elements who are prepared to surrender to fascistic barbarians, by way of ideology and atonement for past wrongs. Those people ignore the wrongs done to Jews and are infuriated that Zionists don’t join their cult of “progressivism” and atonement toward jihadis.

  2. Universalism is an aberration for which human are responsible. It requires a universe with different laws. Humans are famous and responsible for a lot of aberrations. Madness may be the only way out!

  3. Never mind dysfunctional politics. Can liberal democracies, with an opposition always purveying a mind-set diametrically opposed to the elected majority government, be described as functional politics?
    Remember, although it was a left wing political grouping that founded the State of Israel, it was facilitated by the harrying away of the mendacious British by the actions of the unelected Irgun and Stern Gang and the prayers of the Jewish people being answered.
    Similarly Israel’s development of Judea and Samaria is happening despite the government, not because of it, through the action and prayers of the Jewish people.
    The secular, left-wing movements and the reform community are fueling the fire of Israel-haters.
    The true Zionists in Britain predominate in the religious community.

  4. The poll shows that young British Jews respond favorably to Israeli pluralism, diversity, social justice, technological innovation, and universalism,

    Universalism is in contrast to Zionism.