The World’s Sophisticated Hypocrisy Mechanism

The world seems to have begun saying that there is something fundamentally illegitimate about Israelis, Israeli institutions and the State of Israel in its entirety.

By Ron Jager

Winston Churchill has been quoted as saying “Some people like the Jews, and some do not. But no thoughtful man can deny the fact that they are beyond question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.”

A huge proportion of shapers of the modern mind were Jewish, from Marx, Freud, and Einstein to Sergey Brin of Google and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook.

Jews have had an influence out of all proportion to their numbers, because they believe in the individual and his or her power to change the world for the better. Believing that G-d has high expectations of the Jews has resulted in great accomplishments for all of civilization throughout history.

So if for argument’s sake we accept that Jews have consistently brought good things to humanity over the course of history only to have many of our beliefs and ideas borrowed later down the line by Christianity, Islam, and even secular philosophy, then why is it that the world chooses at every opportunity to dismiss the harsh realities of the Islamic world, or of the Palestinian Arabs refusal to negotiate, never giving Israel the benefit of the doubt.

It seems as if the World always focuses exclusively on blaming Israel, employing hypocrisy and a double standard as standard fare when relating to Israel.

It seems that when ever possible the world ignores crimes against humanity such as are being implemented daily in Syria, and instead blames and castigates Israel for initiating or responding to this threat.

Every day, Israel is accused of being an Apartheid nation, the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement ranks successes day by day as universities, organizations, corporations, and whole nations boycott the State of Israel.

All of this leads up to an indefensible conclusion that has taken hold in recent years, that there is something fundamentally illegitimate about Israelis, Israeli institutions and the State of Israel in its entirety.

Much of the intellectual landscape that justifies this kind of thinking is proudly and unashamedly expressed by these self-appointed “guardians” of the Western world, having managed to produce a hypocrisy mechanism that is among the most sophisticated in human history.

This global monitoring apparatus strictly monitors the violation of human rights, including the most minor ones in Israel, while forgiving almost any case of trampled rights, absence of democracy, cutting off of limbs, oppression of minorities and women, the stoning of homosexuals, and even sanctioning the right of a Muslim man to conduct intimate relations with a wife up to 8 hours after her death– as long as these are undertaken in the Arab world and their perpetrators are not suspected, heaven forbid, of collaboration with the spearhead of Western “imperialism”, Israel.

The terror attack at the Boston marathon is the most recent example of how awry Western thinking has evolved. Each time a terrorist strikes, it appears as if the politically correct Western intellectual crowds feel a hardly defendable uneasiness about the fact that the killer may be an Arab and/or a Muslim. It seems that any remark concerning a terrorist’s Muslim ethnicity and religious views is automatically irrelevant and racist. Rather than it be seen as a necessary component of informing the public, this honest reporting is represented as “crucifying” a supposedly innocent group of people rather than simply being reflective of the truth.

How are we to understand this never ending concentration of the world’s attention on Israel alone while at the same time it ignores the role of the Islamic world in widespread terrorism throughout the world and the suppression of democratic and human rights in Islamic societies?

Is it coincidental that during the past two decades Islam has slowly, but steadily, established tens of thousands religious institutions throughout the Western world, including mosques, Islamic schools, Islamic cultural centers, and Islamic organizations, many of them seemingly innocent front organizations serving as “gateway” organizations for hard core Islamic terror?

Self declared vanguards of “human rights” such as Pakistan, the Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia have funded upwards of billions of dollars to fund this modern-day attempt to infiltrate western societies. Over the past two decades, and even more so since 9/11, tens of millions of Islamic families have immigrated to western nations, establishing Islamic-based societies within and under the nose of democratic societies.

Alongside this undeniable attempt to change the demographics of many democratic societies in the West, we have witnessed an unprecedented snowball of de-legitimization of Israel leading to a situation today in which the streets of many European capitals are unsafe for Jews to walk freely, coupled with Israel being portrayed as the number one enemy of the world.

What’s the connection and how are they related?

A former Israeli Prime Minister once stated that he doesn’t have the privilege of getting angry, too much is as stake. Yet as we assess the battering that Israel has consistently taken in recent years, the apartheid and BDS propaganda against Israel that has been ongoing for years, creating a strategic threat on the State of Israel, we cannot stay apathetic.

Academic boycotts and the BDS movement as propagated by Western intelligentsia are funded and fueled by the very Islamic nations that are behind the mass immigration of Muslims to western nations.

What better way to obscure the Islamic revolution aiming to change the course of Western societies than to invest relatively small amounts of money on funding Islamic students, who register at the top Universities and take over pubic discourse at the campuses of Europe and America, keeping busy demonstrating against Israel around the clock.

Supporting whole Universities and faculties with seemingly endless funding is a way to deny Israel’s legitimacy and deny her scientific, political, and cultural successes to the benefit of all nations.

The simple fact that the Arabs of Israel enjoy more democratic and human rights than any Arab in any Islamic nation would in itself neutralize all the false propaganda against Israel fpr being an Apartheid state, yet is conveniently ignored.

The massive funding of NGO’s throughout Europe and the United States and, of course, in Israel itself, allows the constant churning out of false testimonies, commission, reports, and an endless amount of material that is disseminated by journalists and media outlets – who are paid handsome fees to report and add to the already hostile atmosphere that exists out there against Israel

Israel’s staunchest critics say little about the real human disasters of this world, specifically in the Islamic world. This is the real tragedy of our times.

Israel will get by, survive and flourish, of that I am sure. I am not so sure about the rest of the World.

The writer (www.ronjager,com) a 25-year veteran of the I.D.F., served as a field mental health officer and Commander of the Central Psychiatric Military Clinic for Reserve Soldiers at Tel-Hashomer. Since retiring from active duty, he provides consultancy services to NGO’s implementing Psycho trauma and Psychoeducation programs to communities in the North and South of Israel and is a strategic advisor to the Director of the Shomron Liaison Office.

May 19, 2013 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. “It was the culmination of 2000 years of the Christain assault against Judaism and was the logical consequence of that millennial assault.”

    I agree wholeheartedly, Yamit.

  2. A huge proportion of shapers of the modern mind were Jewish, from Marx, Freud, and Einstein to Sergey Brin of Google and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook.

    Marx was not Jewish his parents converted to christianity and the rest of the list depicts mostly assimilated (JINO).

    How are we to understand this never ending concentration of the world’s attention on Israel alone while at the same time it ignores the role of the Islamic world in widespread terrorism throughout the world and the suppression of democratic and human rights in Islamic societies?

    One needs a historical perspective, otherwise the conclusions reached will never be understood except for obvious causes and effect.
    “Wishing to make Speyer into a city, I thought to increase its honor a thousand fold by bringing in the Jews.”- Bishop Ruediger – Huozmann – 1084. Within a 100 year period the Jews were thrown out of Speyer and each time invited to return.

    “What is the Jew?…What kind of unique creature is this whom all the rulers of all the nations of the world have disgraced and crushed and expelled and destroyed; persecuted, burned and drowned, and who, despite their anger and their fury, continues to live and to flourish. What is this Jew whom they have never succeeded in enticing with all the enticements in the world, whose oppressors and persecutors only suggested that he deny (and disown) his religion and cast aside the faithfulness of his ancestors?!
    The Jew – is the symbol of eternity. … He is the one who for so long had guarded the prophetic message and transmitted it to all mankind. A people such as this can never disappear. The Jew is eternal. He is the embodiment of eternity.”- Leo Tolstoy (What is the Jew?
    “It is an eternal law, Esau (the non-Jew) hates Jacob (the Jew).” This is the eternal law – it is immutable.

    Fifty years ago, European countries were closed to immigration. The process ballooned. First Western Europe admitted a small number of foreign workers. Once the Europeans got a taste of dumping undesired jobs on immigrants, their flow increased. Then came the “guilt migrants.” France allowed large numbers of Muslims and Asians in after its atrocious campaigns in Algeria and Indochina. The immigrants bred, acquired citizenship through anchor babies, and brought in scores of their relatives—who in turn proceeded to bring their kin. The immigrant population exploded. In just over two decades, immigrant citizens became important European constituencies and changed the cultural layout of many European cities on the scale unseen since the last jihad.

    True perspective dictates that we view what is now taking place in Europe and now in North America in the context of the destruction of the 6 million Jews the Europeans murdered.

    `Europe Died in Auschwitz`

    Author: Sebastian Villar Rodriguez
    The following is an article written by a Spanish journalist, Sebastian Villar Rodriguez.

    I was walking along Raval (Barcelona) when all of a sudden I understood that Europe died with Auschwitz.
    We assassinated 6 million Jews in order to end up bringing in 30 million Muslims!

    We burnt in Auschwitz the culture, intelligence and power to create. We burnt the people of the world, the one who is proclaimed the chosen people of God. Because it is the people who gave to humanity the symbolic figures who were capable of changing history (Christ, Marx, Einstein, Freud…) and who is the origin of progress and wellbeing.

    We must admit that Europe, by relaxing its borders and giving in under the pretext of tolerance to the values of a fallacious cultural relativism, opened it`s doors to 30 million Muslims, often illiterates and fanatics that we could meet, at best, in places such as Raval, the poorest of the nations and of the ghettos, and who are preparing the worst, such as the 9/11 and the Madrid bombing and who are lodged in apartment blocs provided by the social welfare.

    We also have exchanged culture with fanaticism, the capacity to create with the will to destroy, the wisdom with the superstition.
    We have exchanged the transcendental instinct of the Jews, who even under the worst possible conditions have always looked for a better peaceful world, for the suicide bomber.
    We have exchanged the pride of life for the fanatic obsession of death. Our death and that of our children.

    What a grave mistake that we made!!!

    I disagree that it was a mistake it was premeditated directed even welcomed by most Europeans, aided and abetted by Britain and America. The holocaust, the pogroms, the kicking Jews out was no mistake. It was the culmination of 2000 years of the Christain assault against Judaism and was the logical consequence of that millennial assault.

    Now comes the payback!!!! It will not be pretty.

  3. In our (discredited) multi-cultural Western world to expect someone else’s ideal of virtue to be lived out by us is to achieve a pinnacle of hypocrisy. It is racism concealed as faux concern. Sadly but hardly unexpectedly some of our members of parliament can now justify hatred and be comfortable with this as it allows them to sleep with the devil while supping with its prey. I refer of course to recent comments by British government minister for the Middle East, the ‘honourable’ Alistair Burt who contextualised Islamic hatred of Jews. It ties in very neatly with the kind of intellectual bankrupcy that has created this atmosphere in the universities and amongst the intelligencia that demands standards of behaviour of Jews that it completely ignores amongst every other people either under threat or in mixed societies.