Amidst the fog of war

Abedalelah tweeted

Prince Mohammed bin Salman says we look at Israel as an ally, not an enemy. A very important statement for the construction of the new Middle East. His Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the clever, draws an economic and political vision for the new Middle East. No more terror

The world before the Ukrainian-Russian war will not be what it was after. The end of Bashar al-Assad’s rule in Syria, the end of Hamas’ rule in Gaza, the end of the Hashemites’ rule in Jordan, and the end of Hezbollah’s rule in Lebanon. New Europe, New Russia

Mudar Zahran

The Ukrainian army is withdrawing of the from Kharkov.

Our national army is evacuating Jordanians from Ukraine, sending its military planes to bring them back through Romania, defying the “king” and his intelligence office, which communicates with Jordanian students and incites them to “fight against Russia, which is killing Muslims in Syria.” Also, the army prevented the travel of 200 extremists from Jordan who were heading to Ukraine with the help of the regime

Western sources: More than 20,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 1,000 Ukrainian volunteers have been killed. It’s sad to see violence transcending dialogue. We call on all parties to a quickly return to the negotiating table. Russians and Ukrainians are the same people.

We must use reason and not follow misleading propaganda, otherwise, we will be allowing the world to roll with the Ukrainian crisis into the abyss of World War III. Shame on humanity if we are to allow the evil forces to trick us another time.

March 4, 2022 | Comments »

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