A special kind of hate

Sooner or later more Jews will be murdered in Europe
By Ted Belman

Let’s face it, neither France nor Denmark or any other European country can protect the Jews. Sooner or later many more Jews will be murdered.

It’s not enough to beg Jews to stay and promise to protect them.
It’s not enough to post soldiers or police at all their institutions.
It’s not enough to increase police patrols in Jewish neighborhoods.

What is needed is to
• initiate zero tolerance laws for incitement.
• outlaw sharia and enforce the laws of the host country.
• stop immigration until the problems are under control
• require integration
• stop the teaching of Islam in schools
• outlaw any organization that supports jihad

Of course these countries are not prepared to or capable of doing that. Nor are their Muslim residents ready to submit.

Like I said, neither France nor Denmark or any other European country can protect the Jews.

February 24, 2015 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. @ Eric R.:

    The U.S. of A.

    Ok. I’ll blow up your area first!!! Just kidding!!! 🙂
    Seriously Eric, you must either be really bored or your just another one of those guys who conjours up a different twist just to get a rise out of people. I don’t see anyone entertaining your suggestion.

  2. @ bernard ross:

    Bernard, there is the very real possibility (likelihood, in my opinion) that just as Jews are in desperate enough straits to need to flee Europe, the Euronazis will prevent them from going to Israel so as not to upset the Arabs – just as occurred in the 1930s. With no place to flee (Hussein Obama won’t let them in, and by then, the Jew-hater baby Trudeau will be Canadian PM), Israel will have no choice but to battle it out in the streets of Europe with the Islamonazis, Marxo-Nazis, and plain ol’ Nazis. I will say it a hundred times if I have to — Israel will NOT let European Jews be wiped out – not at least without a fight, and maybe not even without the Samson Option.

  3. Eric R. Said:

    thousands of IDF troops be required to battle it out on the streets of Europe in running gun battles with Islamists, Communists, Nazis and local law enforcement, the response will have to be drastic in other areas as well:

    nope, just cant see that eve happening. they could send airlifts and boat lifts to bring stranded Jews to Israel but no fighting in europeran streets, that would be nuts. Why risk soldiers needed to fight the arabs and defend Israel. Furthermore, we have rabbi’s like Melchior in copenhagen and other Jewish leaders advising Jews to stay. It would be immoral after inviting them to Israel to then go and risk Israeli lives. those rabbis should stay themselves but advise all the jews to leave.
    Eric R. Said:

    The whole point would be to create such economic and political chaos, including civil war in Europe, that the continent collapses and consumes itself.

    first get the Jews out. there is no need for Jews or Israelis to be in europe to realize your vision. the muslims and vlad can do that without jews being there. Facilitate the existing crime networks to expand their operations of sending pals and muslims to europe. In a scenario of sanctions on Israel the various sabotage fantasies of yours can be done covertly and blamed on others. Also, you can send some bio wmd to europe. None of this requires young Israelis risking their lives on euro streets. No one is stopping the Jews from leaving and I see no reason to fight for them to stay. Jewish leaders and rabbi’s need to tell the right story in order to avoid the repetition of their same error in the shoah.

  4. dove Said:

    @ bernard ross:
    @ Eric R.:
    The Jews of Europe who decide to stay have made a choice to go down with the ship they know. Their prerogative. Laying guilt trips on Israel regarding their fate is ridiculous. Eric, you may have an opinion but you are not Jewish so you don’t have a say.
    Wasn’t this posted before? I guess it deserved repeating.

    1) Actually, I am Jewish.

    2) Yes, I did mention this before, but it needs repeating.

  5. bernard ross Said:

    It will never happen… Israel provides for them to come to Israel, they are not going to war with europe over Jews which refuse to wake up, they have their own troubles.

    As I have said before, Israel cannot stand by and let a second Shoah happen, and not just for moral reasons, although they are the most potent.

    An Israel that sits by and lets Muslims, Communists and Nazis slaughter Jews with impunity in Europe will be seen as weak, and invite attacks upon itself. You know it, Yamit knows it, and all the other naysayers on this board know it.

    Not only will hundreds, if not thousands of IDF troops be required to battle it out on the streets of Europe in running gun battles with Islamists, Communists, Nazis and local law enforcement, the response will have to be drastic in other areas as well:

    European flagged ships, including military ones, in the Eastern Mediterranean, will have to be attacked.

    Ships regardless of registry bound for Europe with oil will have to be attacked.

    Gas pipelines running from Iran and Turkemnistan to Europe will have to be sabotaged.

    European “journalists” in Israel will have to be rounded up and jailed without trial for inciting the violence with their biased reporting. And their imprisonment conditions should be VERY unpleasant.

    The focus would be on the non-nuclear powers, but even attacks on France might be necessary, given the large Jewish community and their vulnerability.

    The whole point would be to create such economic and political chaos, including civil war in Europe, that the continent collapses and consumes itself.

  6. @ bernard ross:
    @ Eric R.:

    The Jews of Europe who decide to stay have made a choice to go down with the ship they know. Their prerogative. Laying guilt trips on Israel regarding their fate is ridiculous. Eric, you may have an opinion but you are not Jewish so you don’t have a say.

    Wasn’t this posted before? I guess it deserved repeating.

  7. Eric R. Said:

    Israel will be forced to do it.

    It will never happen… Israel provides for them to come to Israel, they are not going to war with europe over Jews which refuse to wake up, they have their own troubles.

  8. The bad news of course is the virulent anti-Semitism sweeping Europe. The good news is that the smart European Jews will flee Europe for Israel, taking their brains, their numerous accomplishments and their wealth with them.

  9. Let’s face it, neither France nor Denmark or any other European country can protect the Jews. Sooner or later many more Jews will be murdered.

    Which is why, despite the protestations of some here, Israel will be forced to do it. The urban warfare experience in Gaza will come in handy as the IDF is forced into house-to-house fighting against Islamonazis, Marxists and neo-Nazis (as well as local police and militia) in the streets of Malmo, Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam and Budapest to defend Jews.

    And the violence would, as I have said, unleash a continent wide civil war that would destroy that filthy sh*thole of a continent.

  10. Why is it that we condescend to agree with others telling like it is and never allow our people to say it or act to uphold grievances against that monstrous religion?