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  1. Is the US government an ally of Israel? Here’s an article that summarizes the USA government’s track record regarding Israel. Author Francisco Gil-White lost his university job because results from his research into the Israel-Arab conflict made the university uncomfortable.

    It’s only a partial list but worth reading.

    Is the US an Ally of Israel?

    He mentions how after 1945 the US created US Intelligence by recruiting Nazi war criminals.

    They ended up with jobs in the State Department and security agencies.

    Not long ago Homeland Security hired former Communist Germany Ministry of State Security (Stasi) chief Markus Wolf. Communist Germany was notorious for their open support and financing of Arab terrorists.

    And yes, you said it very well. If Obama is gone, we’ll be back to GOP duplicity as usual.

    But keep wearing your AMERICA DON’T WORRY T-shirt. 🙂

    According to the polls, most Americans support Israel.

  2. Hi, everybody.

    I’ve got that t-shirt. Two of them.

    I wear it sometimes when I go for long exercise walks when the weather is nice here (that’s about four months out of the year, that I can do that).

    Mostly, I get smiles from people who notice.

    Once, a collegiate-looking young lady gave me the middle finger as she drove by.

    That was the worst thing that happened.

    I colleague of mine on the local JCRC murmured to me unapprovingly that I was “..looking for a fight..”. I replied to him in no uncertain terms that Israel is an ALLY of the U.S., among her very closest by any measure, and with that in mind, NO American should have ANY problem with my t-shirt. I pointed out to him that if I wore a t-shirt promoting France, Belgium, Italy, or any number of other countries, no one would care. And none of the countries I listed here nor many others could ever consider themselves as close an ally as Israel.

    The question is: Is the U.S. behind Israel? Under Obama, I’d say NO. Indeed, one can make a case to some degree that the answer has been “no” from the Ford admistration onward, no matter the party.

    It can be argued either way with everyone before Obama, except maybe Carter, but even HE sold Israel F-15s – the equivalent at that time of the F-22 today.

    Yes, with Obama as president, at one level, I feel rather foolish wearing that t-shirt. Not like the favor is returned, know what I mean?

    Anyway, I have a guarded optimism he’s out of there a year from now. Then we can return to duplicity-as-usual.

    Cheerio, all.

    Voting for Santorum on Super Tuesday.

  3. I didn’t create it. It’s been around for years on T-shirts. But I started it around with this letter:

    “Pentagon officials said military options being prepared start with providing aerial refuelling for Israeli planes….”

    This comes from Bloomberg.

    What it shows is the the US military can actually entertain the notion of being Israel’s footman. Who is the superpower? Israel? The graphics below is old stuff in Israel. It’s on T-shirts, bumper stickers, posters, etc. I remember seeing it 12 years ago during the Oslo War (AKA, “Second intifada”) and it was always taken as hyperbole. Turns out to be much more than that. Obama had better decide soon or it will be too late for Israel to save America. (What a world!)

    When David went out to meet Goliath in combat, the giant had some contemptuous scorn to shower upon David, asking how a mere lad dares to face the most feared warrior in the world with stones as if confronting a dog. And David answers, “I come in the name of God.”

    I hope Israel’s leaders remember that.


  4. I need your opinion:

    Is Israel coming to the aid of the US ailing economy and a currency that may be headed for extinction?

    What is Israel getting into?

    Please read this:

    “The Bank of Israel will begin today a pilot program to invest a portion of its foreign currency reserves in U.S. equities.

    “The investment, which in the initial phase will amount to 2 percent of the $77 billion reserves, or about $1.5 billion, will be made through UBS AG and BlackRock Inc. (BLK), Bank of Israel spokesman Yossi Saadon said in a telephone interview today. At a later stage, the investment is expected to increase to 10 percent of the reserves.”

    And this:

    “The Bank of Israel today began investing a small part of its $77 billion in foreign currency reserves in US stocks. The central bank’s latest Markets Division report states that the new Bank of Israel Law (5770-2010) allows the Bank of Israel to make equity investments.”


    For background on what may be ahead for the US economy, please read this:

    “Wyoming State representatives on Friday advanced legislation to launch a study into what Wyoming should do in the event of a complete economic or political collapse in the United States.

    “House Bill 85 passed on first reading by a voice vote. It would create a state-run government continuity task force, which would study and prepare Wyoming for potential catastrophes, from disruptions in food and energy supplies to a complete meltdown of the federal government.”

    “The task force would look at the feasibility of Wyoming issuing its own alternative currency, if needed. And House members approved an amendment Friday by state Rep. Kermit Brown, R-Laramie, to have the task force also examine conditions under which Wyoming would need to implement its own military draft, raise a standing army, and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier.”

    Can any financial wizard or even a dilettante out there help us understand the implications of Israel’s investment decision?


    BTW – That’s an EXCELLENT poster. Who created it?