Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,619 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7619 Comments

  1. HI, Adam

    The Ukrainians are said to be in control of perhapps 400 square kilometers on the Russian side of the Russian-Ukrainian border.

    That is an extremely conservative estimate. Ukraine now controls about 1000 sq, km (390 sq. mi.) of Russian territory, but is very likely to quickly capture a similar amount to the west of its current position. They have just destroyed one of only three bridges across the Seym River, completely cutting off that part of Kursk Oblast. The bridge in question has been completely destroyed.

    I don’t know at the moment, how much trench-digging the Ukrainians are doing. They captured the entire Russian defense line, almost without a fight. It is a sturdy line, and should serve the Ukrainians well this winter.

    The following Polish report describes many successful strikes against Russian airfields deep in Russia, and other advances, as you note.

    Ted and Peloni seem to have been confused by pro-Russian propaganda at the moment. This Ukrainian advance is very, very real. It far exceeds all the Russian advances into Ukraine so far this year.

  2. News reports from the other “parallel universe” with respectt o Ukraine. The Ukrainians are said to be in control of perhapps 400 square kilometers on the Russian side of the Russian-Ukrainian border. They are said to be digging a line of trenches along their front lines, suggesting that they are planning or at least hoping to remain a long time. Some pro-Ukraine sources also claim that Ukraine has succeeded in damaging several brides and roads that the Russian military uses to transport soldiers and supplies to Ukraine. But some Ukrainian news outlets suggest that this may not be true and that the roads and bridges have not been damaged sufficiently to prevent their use by the Russian forces. There seems to be general agreement, however, from pro-Ukraine sources that the Ukraine air arm has succeeded in severely damaging a Russian air base, I think in Crimea, destroying oil and weapns storage facitlities at the base and aslso destroying a few Russian aircraft stationed.

    The Ukrainians also claim that their drones have succeeded in causing explosions at at least two oil storage facilities over the past week. They are been sending drones to damge oil storage facilities for some time, even before their recent “”incusion into Russian territory.

  3. We haven’t heard from Reader in some time now. I hope he is doing well and will soon drop in to share his thoughts. He often presents views which are challenging to consider.

  4. @Ted
    Quite so. He is well suited for the role he has been awarded. He is both fluent and articulate while being, as you say, unassailable. A great politician.

  5. I have been watching JDV being interviewed by hostile interviewers. He is extremely intelligent, articulate and knowledgeable. His answers are unassailable. No can lay a glove on him.


    Latest from Ukrainian Invasion of Kursk, Russia:
    Frances Martel13 Aug 2024

    The acting governor of Kursk, Russia – a border region Ukraine launched an invasion into last week – told Russian strongman Vladimir Putin on Monday he has evacuated 121,000 people from their homes and plans to move another 59,000 out of threatened areas as soon as possible.

    “Ukraine, in one week, reportedly took in more ground than Russia gained in 2024”

  7. @Ted: Thanks for your response. Actually, I thought the articles at the top of the page, each in its own neat box was highlighting the classic articles you want everybody to see, but after reviewing that, I see that they also have a private title.

  8. @dreuvini
    Just as the Seminal posts and the JO posts are intended to highligh my classic articles so is the reappearance of three articles written by me which have been stuck at the top. Although you have read them , many, many people have not.

    So bear with us as we keep them prominently displayed.

  9. ADAM=

    I just recalled a quote from A D’Israeli Book I have, although not read for about 50 or more years. This was a book in which he detailed his actual political policies as far as I recall.

    He said that
    “a politician must have a right hand of steel and a heart of brass….”
    Royalty is exactly the same.

    Anyway all this happened nearly 200 years ago and any effects proved ephemeral.
    Jews were sill subject to strong Jew-hate in England right up to WW2-even after…And look at TODAY….. It never went anywhere, but stayed right there.

    You should read a few criminal or mystery books written before then where the “Jew” is ALWAYS referred to as”the Jew, not an Englishman or a swiss or Frenchman , but “the Jew”. always eveil , thinking only of “the expense,” rubbing his greasy hands , his greasy curly hair, his difficulty with the English language, his lisp, hooked nose flabby lips, unclean appearance and very rarely -if ever- in a heroic part, but the opposite, cowardly or villainous.

    Just yesterday re reading all my Tarzan books much loved from youth,Burroughs wrote in a character, which for utter, VILE anti-Semitism can’t be topped. He spends a whole trip after treasure worth 400,000L bemoaning the 2000L eggspense” of the trip and his 20 guinea safari suit.

    Sickening, which I hadn;t recalled on first reading.
    But of course then I’d bee brought to regard Jew Hate as normal, although I fought it like hell, principally in the Boxing Ring, very successfully T.G.

    But like Montifiore’s dinner, it’s now all long gone, as if it never existed.

  10. ADAM-
    Yes Adam and I agree. I knew several of very the most long winded Rabbonim ever born. Nonetheless they were wery interesting and informative to talk to personally.

    But back to facts you and I know (maybe not you??) that the Birkat Mamozon is quite short, about 5 mins+ with some beautiful music in it.

  11. Hi Ted, I see the same interesting articles each time I access the website. Could you mark new articles with NEW or something? Although the repeated article are interesting, the only reason to visit them again us if they contain new info.

  12. @Edgar. It is certainly possible that some of the other guests at Moses Montefiore’s dinner were sycophantic towards the royal family, because in this era nearly all Englishmen and women , not just Jews, were royal sycophants. Also, I agree with you for royals to be very patient when listening to long, dull speeches or ceremonies because that was one of their jobs, and still is, part of their jobs,

    However, I know from personal experience that there are some rabbis and rabinical students who drone on when reciting the after-dinner grace, too long for the comfort of non-Orthodox guests at Chabad house Sabbath dinners. After a sumptuous feast, some of the non-orthodox guests, including myself, would be desperate to get to the bathroom, and would feel that a five-minute grace was holding them back for too long. I even remember one occasion when the presiding rabbi noticed that some of us were squirming when the rabbinical student who was reciting the grace was going on too long for the comfort of some guests. So he gave hand signals to the grace-sayer to speed up the pace–which he did.

  13. @peloni. I agree with you that the Biden-Harris-Blinken-Obama administration makes use of the FBI to go after its political opponents. And it is therefore very likely that Ritter was targeted because of his pro-Russian views. However, this is still something of a milestone, since as far as I know this is the first time that the FBI has targeted someone for a home raid because of his opposition to the administrations’ support for Ukraine in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Past harassments had been directed at activists for other causes. Most often supporters of Donald Trump.

    Will be interesting to see if the many other internet bloggers and podcasters who are pro-Russian will be targeted as well, making Ritter a precedent setter. But hey probably won’t go after Tucker Carlson because he is too popular, and it will create too much of an uproard.

  14. @Adam

    He suggested that the FBI was trying to silence him because of his efforts to promote merican-Russian reconciliation and his opposition to U.S. military assistance to Ukraine.

    Of course, Ritter is correct. Setting up false flags such as the Whitmer kidnapping, harassing humiliating political opposition candidates such as with the Trump ‘cases’, and threatening legal and financial ruin on an unaccepting American public as with the Jan 6 show trials seems to be the limit of the use of the FBI of late.

  15. Scott Ritter’s house was raided by the FBI today in an investigation into possible violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. I am giving Israpundit people because I know that articles by Ritter have occasionally been published on Israpundit.

    In a press conference after the raid, Mr. Ritter said that the raid and investigation was an attempt to deny him freedom of press. He suggested that the FBI was trying to silence him because of his efforts to promote merican-Russian reconciliation and his opposition to U.S. military assistance to Ukraine.

  16. Congress bans Hamas from entering USA
    A bill barring anyone who took part in the October 7th massacre or participating organizations passed by a vote of 422 to 2, with one abstention.

    – Arutz Sheva, today

  17. ADAM-

    I didn’t think that the Grace after meals was so long as all that. It has been the same for hundreds of years as far as I am aware, and even from the beginning in Torah days , some sort of prayer was recited.

    It shouldn’t by mid 19th cent, have taken more than 5-10 mins and has some lovely melodies included.

    If you have different info please let us know.

    By the way, British Royalty was especially trained to be VERY Patient and their daily routine often consisted of listening, with apparent pleasure to Looong dreary speeches of before and after prominent dinners.

    Politicians are the most long winded “speakers” in the world. So it’s part of the Royal Family’s JOB to listen with “deep interest”.

    Of course those who praised Victoria and Albert were sycophantic followers and deeply gratified, especially the Jewish lot, at the apparent courtesy and respect shown to a “mere” Jew.

    You can’t believe half of what you read, especially about Royalty. Besides The Royal couple were a pair of lovebirds at that particular era. not all that long married, and Victoria was crazy about “my Albert” .

    It didn’t prevent her from condemning to eternal disgrace and to drive to suicide a completely innocent Lady in Waiting of her mother’s, who’s internal tumor caused Victoria to believe she was pregnant although not wed.

    It is still the very same now as was then.

  18. Laura, Peloni, etc. The following:

    may be connected with the arrest of that apparently haples Chinese national, for “trespassing” at Mar a Lago. It now comes out that a Pakistani national WAS involved in a plot against the President (Trump); and Pakistan is joined, if not at the hip, then at least at the moneybelt, with China. More likely, the Secret Service and its fellow alphabet security agencies were in panic mode over their bad PR lately, and acting in a jerky fashion.

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  21. Sebastien,

    I’m not overtinting, just playing with your pun. Fifty years ago, I read an English translation of the Tao, called “The Tao” in English, which, of course, was pronounced “Dow”. What I was saying, was that I do not use the Tao to guide me with my investments. Schtimft es? (Yiddish “farshteyn?”)

    BTW — those people who are kidding themselves… Do they laugh at their own kidding?

  22. SEBASTIEN ZORN…!! It’s YOU who don’t understand the complete irrelevance of Lord Sherriffs -Shmerriffs of London-Blunden or anywhere.
    Saloman was very rich and sprayed money all around, and bought his office so they accommodated him. I have read biographies about those “early” Jews who were “elected” to minor offices, beginning the Jewish “emancipation” from “legal” disabilities.

    There “wonderful” events changed not a single whit of the virulent Jew hate that pervaded England since the days when Jews were thePROPERTY of the King.. It never prevented them from Slaughter.

    A herem was placed on England, never officially lifted, and from 1290 to 1633-nearly 300 years no Jew was allowed to stay alive in England.
    You may-or not know that the remains of the Jews suicided at York Castle were discovered down an abandoned well a few years ago, as were a couple of similar groups.

    Jews began to filter back during Cromwell’s time although never officially allowed. As the Meeting of the Directorate, 4 voted ‘no’ and Cromwell voted “yes”:. To this very day there has never been a rescinding of the “No Jews allowed” Law of England. It was just quietly allowed to be ignored..
    Because England’s total prosperity depended on the export of wool, and Flanders w’as the best area, and had been for hundreds of years. The main importing merchants had become, by that time, JEWS, so it was “ignored” when they began to filter back.
    First, it was that Jewish merchants stayed an occasional night in their Thames Warehouses, and over the years quietly brought their families with them.

    You can’t tell me a single thing about the History of Jews in
    I don’t know why YOU think that YOU have discovered something wonderful, that Jews were, only many years after slavery had been abolished and ruthlessly put down by the English Navy and a variety of “Acts of Parliament”, that Multi-wealthy Jews were able to buy themselves certain prominent positions. And there were one or two before Saloman, like Montifiore, for instance who was a GENUINE philanthropist and gave generously to all and sundry deserving causes.
    They still buy their lordships, to this very day, but it has spread to the Goyim also.

    I can laugh at something funny that you ignore, but not at your Half-cracked-pseudo mod or outlandish, self styled “humour”. Who made you the arbiter of what humour is or is not.. It’s a matter of personal taste, and your putrid attempts taste foul. “Buddhist humour”…And we are supposed to appreciate a recently returning druggie “Jew” who has not yet fully realised his lack of Yiddishkeit….Pshaw…..Bugger off please. I ask you politely.

    And shut the hell up and leave me alone.

    If you want to “discover” well known (except to you) facts, and crow about them, then hop right back onto your dunghill and crow away…

    But Leave me alone…….

  23. Edgar and SebastienThe first Jewish Lord Mayor of London was Sir Moses Montefifiore. Elected in 1834. Not ;long after the act to grant citizenship and eligibility to Jewish and Catholic residents of Britain was passed in 1830. Oueen Victoria and her husband Albert invited themselves to have dinner at the Montefiore’s house to to join him in celebrating his election. This self-invitation by Royalty was considered a great honor for any British ‘subject” at the time.

    Individuals who attended the dinner, I presume relatives of the Montefiore’s) complimented the royal couple for sitting patiently through the long, full-length traditional Jewish grace that Montefiore recited after dinner. Even while some of the other guests squirmed in their seats. All those who attended and left descriptions in their diary wrote that the royal couple displayed complete courtesy and goodwill to the Montefiore family throughout dinner, and said nothing that could be interpreted as a critism of Jews or Judaism.

  24. @Michael Nobody does. You’re thinking of
    the I Ching. It was just a bad pun and then I got sentimental. Don’t overthink.

    It’s just an excerpt from a Jewish Buddhist satirical humor site, very funny, something Edgar knows nothing about, funny that is, and apparently you as well. Whoever said laughter was universal was kidding themselves.

  25. @Edgar

    You show NO appreciation for the real facts of the issue.

    No it’s you who don’t. You thought the article was nonsense because you misread and you thought that one had to be admitted to the
    parliament to be lord sheriff. You are normally a stickler for
    history except when you come up with one of your unverifiable anecdotes or rest on tge laurels of having read LOTS of books indiscriminately.

  26. SEB-

    I’m not concerned nor ever was about who was 1st Jewish Lord Mayor of London. ALl this crap is past, and almost forgotten except when dragged out by people like you. They are not important.
    I NEVERB Mentioned “Lord Mayor”.
    I said that Rothschild was only an MPbeginning 1858. The Famine was over several years before that..

    You show NO appreciation for the real facts of the issue.

    No matter, I care not.

  27. Stocks are basically speculative papers. The Americans established a Las Vegas replica at Wall Street. Gold, Silver. Land. Diamonds. Water sources. Those are solid holdings.
    I own several large corporations stock smal lots. not one of them.

  28. @Edgar Article said, “would become” not “was” first Jewish Lord Mayor of London. I just looked it up:

    ir David Salomons, 1st Baronet (22 November 1797 – 18 July 1873) was a leading figure in the 19th century struggle for Jewish emancipation in the United Kingdom. He was the first Jewish Sheriff of the City of London and Lord Mayor of London. These carriage doors, from the Jewish Museum London, are painted with his family coat of arms.

    Sir David Salomons • National Library of Israel, Schwadron collection

    During the 18th century and first part of the 19th century, Jews faced discrimination, as did anyone who was not a member of the Church of England. In 1753, the “Jew Bill” allowing Jewish immigrants to be naturalised as British subjects was repealed after a public outcry.

    The 19th century saw an active campaign to secure full civil rights. Born in 1797 in London, Salomons followed his father into business and was one of the founders of the London and Westminster bank. From the 1830s, he was elected to take up various posts within public office, including as a Member of Parliament, but was unable to do so because of the requirement to swear an oath “on the true faith of a Christian”. He was finally able to take up his post as the first Jewish Sheriff of London in 1835 after Parliament passed the Sheriff’s Declaration Act. In 1855, he became the first Jewish Lord Mayor of London, after canvassing support from Sir Robert Peel.,and%20Lord%20Mayor%20of%20London.

  29. “The Tao { pronounced, “Dow,” and meaning, “the way.”} does not speak
    The Tao does not blame.
    The Tao does not take sides.
    The Tao has no expectations.
    The Tao demands nothing of others
    The Tao is not Jewish.”


    (Parody of Taoist classic the Tao Te Ching

    “Chapter One
    “Tao Te Ching” by Lao Tzu* 6th century B.C.E. Famous foundational text by founder of Taoism and influence on Zen as well as Chinese and East Asian culture, generally. )

    “Tao (The Way) “that can be spoken of is not the Constant Tao’ The name that can be named is not a Constant Name. Nameless, is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
    The named is the Mother of all things.
    Thus, the constant void enables one to observe the true essence. The constant being enables one to see the outward manifestations. These two come paired from the same origin.
    But when the essence is manifested,
    It has a different name.
    This same origin is called “The Profound Mystery.”
    As profound the mystery as It can be,
    It is the Gate to the essence of all life.”)

    Actually, that does sound very Jewish.

    My maternal grandfather was a lawyer who lost everything but his (paid for) home in the crash of 1929, never had the confidence to go into business for himself again, and worked for The NY Board of Transit, now the NY Metropolitan Transit Authority for the remainder of his working life until he was forced to retire at 65 in the ’50s.
    Whenever we drove past the George Washington Bridge on the way out of the city when I was little, we’d exclaim, “There’s our bridge,” because he had drawn up the contracts for it to be built, my mother had said.

  30. ADAM-

    Yeswe are selling slowly and selectively keeping in mind that the market is still much higher than it was in Jan. I refer mainly to The TSX, although we also have items with NASDAQ and DOW.
    The TSX is slightly down today but our holdings have gone up a few points against the trend. Temporarily likely.

    If more war threatens then there are some opportunities there…MAYBE, but uncertain, as wars can end after a few salutory encounters.

  31. Sorry, Edgar, I missed your reply. I have read it now. Wise advice. I think it is time to sell most stocks and move as many of one’s assets as possible into cash and/or commodities, especially gold and silver. Also, perhaps copper. At any rate that is my badly and inadequately informed opinion.

  32. @Laura

    The shooter had encrypted contacts from overseas.

    The encrypted contacts does not in any way explain away the role played by the Secret Service in providing the shooter with access to the venue and his intended target while carrying an obvious assault rifle on a roof just a 150yrds from President Trump, who has been subjected to every form of malicious skullduggery imaginable by the very people who actually control the Secret Service. And again, it would not be China pulling those strings as much as it might suit the interests of some to suggest that China is responsible for this attack. In truth, China has enough for which to answer without us assuming their involvement in things which they could have but a very small role in effecting any success, such as the assassination attempt on Trump.

  33. The shooter had encrypted contacts from overseas.

    In fact, all things currently point to the US govt being behind the attack on Pres. Trump, not China, unless you can explain how China is responsible for the intentional failures of the Secret Service’s due diligence in protecting President Trump while he has been left with both a minimal and inept security detail, which lacked any sniper protection, that is until the very day that their was conveniently a need to shoot a potential patsy after attempting to kill Trump. Personally, I would argue that China Joe, not China would be the more likely source of influence over the staged ineptitude of the Secret Service, but that is just me.

  34. ADAM-

    You posted asking if anyone was checking the DOW as it was sliding badly and perhaps on the verge of collapse.

    I responded yet you showed no more interest in it.

  35. @Laura

    If true, it’s an act of war.

    That is a big ‘if’, so let’s wait for some form of confirmation beyond the speculation include in this report to decide that it is

    Time to destroy china.

    In fact, all things currently point to the US govt being behind the attack on Pres. Trump, not China, unless you can explain how China is responsible for the intentional failures of the Secret Service’s due diligence in protecting President Trump while he has been left with both a minimal and inept security detail, which lacked any sniper protection, that is until the very day that their was conveniently a need to shoot a potential patsy after attempting to kill Trump. Personally, I would argue that China Joe, not China would be the more likely source of influence over the staged ineptitude of the Secret Service, but that is just me.

  36. If true, it’s an act of war. Time to destroy china.

    A Chinese national has been arrested after allegedly trying to enter Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida club, while claiming to have documents that tie China to the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump.
    Police said Zijie Li, of El Monte, California, attempted to get into the property on multiple occasions between July 19 and July 30, Fox News reported:

    Li’s first of several attempts to reach Mar-a-Lago was… July 19, when Li reportedly drove up to the estate’s main entrance on South Ocean Boulevard in a gray Toyota Prius and told Secret Service agents that he had documents showing China was involved in the attempted assassination, according to an arrest report obtained by the Palm Beach Post.
    Agents then reportedly told Li that he was trespassing and was not allowed on the property and the Palm Beach Police Department issued him a written warning, the report said. Police also told Li that he was not permitted to return to Mar-a-Lago, and if he did, he would be arrested.

  37. @Honeybee

    Sebastien Darling, the Iranians did not figure Governor Abbot into their plans. Aug 3

    UT Austin anti-Israel agitators freed after governor said they ‘belong in jail’
    Criminal charges were dropped against 46 of the 57 people who were arrested
    April 25

    Honeybee was responding to my Aug 2nd chit chat post:

    AUGUST 2, 2024 AT 11:19 PM
    Iranian involvement in Texas anti-Israel protests

  38. A Chinese national has been arrested after allegedly trying to enter Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida club, while claiming to have documents that tie China to the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump.
    Police said Zijie Li, of El Monte, California, attempted to get into the property on multiple occasions between July 19 and July 30, Fox News reported:

    Li’s first of several attempts to reach Mar-a-Lago was… July 19, when Li reportedly drove up to the estate’s main entrance on South Ocean Boulevard in a gray Toyota Prius and told Secret Service agents that he had documents showing China was involved in the attempted assassination, according to an arrest report obtained by the Palm Beach Post.
    Agents then reportedly told Li that he was trespassing and was not allowed on the property and the Palm Beach Police Department issued him a written warning, the report said. Police also told Li that he was not permitted to return to Mar-a-Lago, and if he did, he would be arrested.


    I hope the readers notice that this man is now in danger for his own life, from CCP hit squads. He wanted Trump to get the documents, not the Biden-Harris Secret Service.

  39. ADAM-

    Yes we are watching it. Don’t like it. I think it’s needed to sell all and buy back later. or selling short.