Earthquake: Where was the Air Force?

Peloni: The following is a summary of some of the details revealed in a shocking report by Avi Weiss, which was recently aired on TOV.  We are all familiar with the absence of the air force during October 7 Massacre, but Weiss revealed that it was due to the intervention and supremacy of the Judiciary and more specifically, the Attorney General, over the political leadership which prevented the IDA from engaging the Army of Terrorists which were raping, murdering, mutilating and kidnapping innocent Israelis that day.  It is a twisted form of legal intervention which was applied to supplement the efforts of the enemy as they slaughtered the innocents of October 7, and in which the AG prevented Israel’s airforce from responding to the terrorists, specifically because of the potential that civilians might be harmed.  It is a gross aberration of logic, justice and morality which maintains a caring concern for civilians when in fact it was the Pal civilians who were streaming across the border to merrily participate in the ongoing Pogrom in the Otef and which was thereby facilitated by the efforts and interventions of Israel’s own AG and broken legal/judicial system.  Hence when air support was requested by the defenders of the nearly undefended communities under siege, even as this support was authorized by the political establishment, such authorization was overruled by the established supremacy of the AG and judiciary.

The protesters of Judicial Reform appeared to be well informed of what to expect when they predicted that when Israel would be attacked around the time it actually was attacked, and then predicted that there would be a deafening silence of any support for the Israeli people from the military, which they further predicted would lead to many dead Jews. Despite all this well informed foreknowledge by the protesters, they persisted with their protests, thus preventing the reform from being implementedwhich could have prevented the predicted slaughter from being realized.  Following this, as Israel was attacked as predicted, the preserved broken system which was so well cherished by the protesters was utilized to force all of these predictions made by the protesters into reality, and thereby providing them with a false pretense by which they subsequently blamed Bibi and the political leadership for failing to act and prevent October 7, when in fact, Bibi had been restrained from acting, specifically due to the successes of the very same anti-Judicial reform activists who were now charging him with the full burden of October 7.

Judicial Reform is an immediate and existential necessity which must be implemented as soon as possible.

See Translation below Tweet


Earthquake: Where was the Air Force? Throughout the entire massacre, the neutered routine “rules of engagement” were in effect, as if it wasn’t a war!

I’ll summarize for you the shocking revelations by Avi Weiss, who expanded in an interview last night on his disclosures regarding the neutering of the Air Force on the Black Sabbath by legal oversight:

  1. The Facts:

According to @Motty53, throughout the entire day – until 20:10 in the evening (!!!) – the war protocol was not initiated. The implications:

  • Throughout all the attacks in Gaza that day, they actually performed the “knock on the roof” procedure.
  • Additionally, as your humble servant reported last week – Yair Avital from the emergency squad in Be’eri said that during the unimaginable battle he fought, he begged the Air Force to shoot at 50 terrorists who were in a garden, but was told there was no authorization to fire within a settlement with helicopters!!
  • They did not shoot at Gazans who were within the perimeter!
  • The ‘Hannibal Protocol’ was not activated. Since the kidnappings occurred in ‘waves,’ meaning the terrorists transported hostages to Gaza and returned to Israel to take more hostages, the failure to activate the protocol allowed for additional waves of kidnappings!
  1. How did it work?

Netanyahu and military commanders ordered the war protocol (details below). However, the Attorney General – and under her, the Chief Military Prosecutor, along with about a hundred of her people who arrived immediately during the massacre, even before the Air Force – informed Netanyahu that he was not authorized to declare it on his own, and that he needed a Cabinet decision.

Later, he was told that even the Cabinet was not authorized to do so on its own, and that it needed authorization from the entire government. Thus, the war protocol was effectively implemented only after the government convened and the decision was approved by the Attorney General.

Moreover, at 11:20 AM, the Southern Command General gave an order not to allow any vehicle to head towards the Gaza Strip, what is known as the ‘Hannibal Protocol.’ The protocol was not carried out due to ‘legal impediments,’ and thus additional waves of kidnappings were made possible, as mentioned.

  1. The military refuses to follow political orders:

Around 11:30 AM on the Black Sabbath, apparently in light of the above, Netanyahu announced in his own voice that Israel was at war. It didn’t help him. The military – as Ehud Barak had previously said – considered itself subordinate to the Attorney General and did nothing until her approval was given.

Similarly, Netanyahu’s order to the IDF to cancel the ‘knock on the roof’ protocol was not carried out until 8:10 PM, as seen from the live broadcast at 20:00 linked here.

Moreover, according to Avi Weiss, even the Chief of Staff was not willing to declare war at those hours; for him, it was only an ‘operation’!! The fact that the Air Force was not operational was not reported to Netanyahu.

I should note that even the cutting off of electricity to Gaza was not carried out before 21:00, possibly also due to the aforementioned ‘legal impediments.’

  1. Summary:

So what did we have here? Lawyers engaged in ego battles and arm-wrestling with the political echelon over the question of ‘who is in charge here,’ effectively preferred the enemy population over the Israeli citizens who were being raped, burned, and slaughtered every moment. Indeed, the vision of ‘bodies floating in the Yarkon’ and ‘Netanyahu will have no army’ has come true, in an apocalyptic dream.

The investigation committee that will be established will need to investigate the role of the Supreme Court in all this. How typical of the left to demand that a state investigation committee led by a judge appointed by the Chief Justice be the one to investigate the Supreme Court and the Attorney General…

Judicial Reform – Yesterday.

(link to the full interview with @nfsgalibh on the @TOVnews1 channel and additional links in the comments)

Delay in disconnecting electricity from Gaza:

Yair Avital:

Avi Weiss’ full interview here:

September 1, 2024 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. In looking over the comments it is curious that few people, including me, focused on the specific content of the posted article, that is, the earthquake of finding out who held up the Air Force and IDF response to the worst mass atrocity in Israeli history.

    The OP was about corruption in Israel, from the top level down. I mentioned that in my most, with the comment “yes”. Any further comment on this particular instance of this particular brand of corruption would be pointless, since nobody has proposed any real remedy for the situation.

    You took the opportunity, to take pot shots at me. This is infantile. Also, I find your criticism of the IDF to be over the top. Equating a miscalculation by Israel’s leadership with what Hamas did on Oct. 7 indicates a serious sprititual problem.

    For my part, I am glad that the Israeli leadership and IDF are pressing after their enemies, despite near-universal criticism from the world.

  2. In looking over the comments it is curious that few people, including me, focused on the specific content of the posted article, that is, the earthquake of finding out who held up the Air Force and IDF response to the worst mass atrocity in Israeli history.

    It is as if we have been so repeatedly lied to by our respective governments that when something totally shocking is revealed about yet another cover up and set of lies, we can’t take it in fully.

    The issue is helplessness, which I think @Michael expressed very effectively and I mistakenly took personally. It is difficult to feel empowered when we find out time after time our governments have not only lied to us, they have covered up their lies. They have committed crimes against humanity and treason, and their every move now is to try to keep their crimes hidden.

    Those who decided they were empowered to decide if and when the Israeli Air Force were to be called in, are as guilty of murder as Hamas.

    Knowing this is what happened and nothing any Israeli or American citizen could have prevented it, is bound to make anyone feel powerless. My comment was about an attempt to not give in to powerlessness and @Michael wrote a bit of parody of my comments as if it were actually possible to do something.

    Those currently in power want us to give up and feel disempowered and hopeless. I refuse to give in to hopelessness. This is a personal response, and may not work for anyone else. Others may believe that it is better to accept when we are powerless and not even try to change things over which we have no control.

  3. Hello again, Felix. I just found a delightful (? oh well — in an English sort of way) nursery rhyme, which you may approve of:

    I grew up, hearing the bells of many churches in my neighborhood; and most of the parishes listed (Shoreditch, Stepney and others) are ancestral residences in our family. The “Old Bailey” brings to mind visions of Horace Rumple, the former PBS star:

    Here’s a little sampler from the last part of the sound, which might ring out harmonies with Trotsky’s preaching:

    When will you pay me?
    Say the bells of Old Bailey

    When I grow rich
    Say the bells of Shoreditch

    And when will that be?
    Say the bells of Stepney

    I do not know
    Say the great bells of Bow

    Here comes a candle
    To light you to bed

    And here comes a chopper
    To chop off your head

  4. EvRe1:

    @Michael, we all would welcome any ideas of yours that are not dripping with sarcasm and hostility. Do you have any original ideas or do you just specialize in taking pot shots at people while hiding behind a rock?


    Have you stopped beating up your husband yet?


    Michael this is very good writing. You have managed to give the overall picture and not a bad attempt. You are an objective perspective.

    You are right about the importance of Marx and more so about Trotsky

    My vote is with Felix! 🙂

    Dr. Quigley, you have almost made a Trotskyie out of me! Henceforth, I will give him more consideration!

  5. @EvRe1
    I enitrely agree, Barnes is excellent. He has a limited grasp of Israel’s situation, or at least he did when I stopped routinely watching him last winter. I still watch him on occaision because of his Geopolitical (outside of the Middle East), Deep State, and legal insights, all of which are excellent.

  6. @dreuveni

    I’m dismayed not to have found any mention of this in the Israeli press.

    I agree with you. This being stated, there are a host of topics which do not make their way into the English media in Israel, and not least of these are the scandal surrounding Fifth Dimension Gate, in which Gantz was implicated in a huge scandal and which he appointed an investigator who came to dismiss the charges being made against Gantz in that case, and he did so just before Gantz travelled to the US in contravention of Bibi’s orders this past Spring. But not a word of this ever made its way into the English Israeli media, that I saw in any event.

  7. EvRi

    I see that you see only negative in the comment of Michael but it is very far from negative because he has made a number of references that cover the whole gambit of the Jewish experience.

    Only that you are so deficient that you are unable to deal with anything he says in his comment. Like the person who calls himself Zorn which is not his real name you retreat inside the Jew cocoon and that has proven to be an inadequate solution.

    You might like to consult my X twitter @FelixQuigley1 and consider why I put Noa Tishby statement on the six murdered at the top place where it is going to remain

    I draw from meeting Noa and many others online that Jews are remarkable and they are ready now to make VERY BIG CHANGES

    Also the issue of Trotsky and leadership and that it is significant there IS a working class in Israel no matter how traitorously LED. You would never know this from anything Peloni has ever written or presumably said.

    So then there is a working class in Israel which you have denied. Time to wake up I would say

  8. @Michael, we all would welcome any ideas of yours that are not dripping with sarcasm and hostility. Do you have any original ideas or do you just specialize in taking pot shots at people while hiding behind a rock?

    I watched a video of Robert Barnes
    August 27, 2024
    discussing ideas about how to reform the US federal bureaucracy if/when a populist is elected: first defund the agency, remove all political ideologues, and begin to rebuild the agency with employees who know their jobs depend upon being apolitical.

    @Michael, We don’t need a list of people who we already know have brought on this state of criminality throughout our government, in fact Ivan Raiklin has already made that analysis and listed every single person and their crime(s).

    If you have constructive ideas, please do share them with us.

    The situation in Israel is similar to that of the US. I think @Peloni stated it well when he wrote:
    “Judicial Reform is an immediate and existential necessity which must be implemented as soon as possible.”

  9. How about the nation of Israel repent and turn back to the Torah given by Moses. Start keeping the commandants and doing the will of Hashem as best as each individual can…… maybe, that will bring Moshiach.

    People are currently going on the temple mount and lying face down prone and praying to their creator. Maybe, instead of protesting, the citizens of Israel would lay face down all over the country and cry out to God, maybe he would hear from heaven and heal their land.

    People do not change without pain! Just how much pain it takes to change you is the question. From my perch, if Israel does not do something to change soon, there is much more pain on the way. And what I have said about Israel, I say the same thing about the United States of America.

    As to our corrupt leaders, the only way they are stopped is the way of history. I have never known or heard of a politician who got saved (in the Christian sense) and gave all their stolen loot back, to the people.

  10. Michael this is very good writing. You have managed to give the overall picture and not a bad attempt. You are an objective perspective.

    You are right about the importance of Marx and more so about Trotsky

    Nobody on israpundit can accept Trotsky and that is why it will not be what is required.

    I don’t mean “accept”‘ a la dogma, just open their being.

    See my x on felixquigley1

    I highlighted response of the great Noa Tisby tjo these murders

  11. Hi, EvRe

    In the US and in Israel, every day there is a new evidence of crimes committed at the highest level…

    Uhuh (yes)…

    Now that this Weiss report is out, the Israeli people will have the responsibility…

    Uhuh (yes)…

    Their evil is revealed. Now we must figure out how to repair the damage…

    Yes, Evie — repair and prevent… Maybe Halliburton can do the repairs, and the Secret Service can do the preventing. Or we can bribe the cartels to do it for us. How are we going to do this? elect Donald Trump?

    None of us can “elect” Donald Trump (We can “vote”, for what it’s worth). Maybe we can put the Jews in charge! Yes! The Jews will save us! Let’s put Chuck Schumer in charge of the Senate, bring back Pencil Neck in the House, Merrick Garland in Justice; Zuckerberg can provide the funds! Yes! The Jews will save us!

    or we can pray. Who has a better idea? If the Jews can’t save us, then who? If not now, when? Trotsky! We need Trotsky! and Marx! They’ve got the blood! They’ve got the pizzaz! (unfortunately, I think they’re also dead).

    or we can pray. I think the God of Eternity might have some ideas. Maybe we can ask Him for help. Maybe.

  12. I’m dismayed not to have found any mention of this in the Israeli press. If anyone has seen mention, please highlight it for all of us. Getting this into the public eye could alleviate the pressure on Netanyahu and the government to agree to a stupid deal to get the hostages back, dead or alive if the can be found, for many times that many imprisoned terrorists.
    @EvRe1’s comment that Israeli soldiers’ lives would be given away to get the hostages back is the true line here.
    @keelie’s comment that the madness is spreading is also spot on!
    @Ted: your thumbs don’t work, at least not in my browser.

  13. And right now people are marching as they did last year before 10/7 to ensure chaos in Israel then and now, and this includes the unions who are apparently intent on shutting down the country with a general strike.

    Looks as if the madness has spread… These people were (and probably still are) marching on behalf of the Supreme Court… Correct me if I’m wrong.

    I hope that Bibi and his military leaders don’t lose their focus. I don’t have to tell you why…

  14. In the US and in Israel, every day there is a new evidence of crimes committed at the highest level of state and federal government. State and federal officials, including the current President and current democrat candidate for President lie daily and cover up the truth of the damage they have done.

    Daily we read about very specific election security breaches that were covered up and denied in 2020. Daily we see new evidence of new forms of censorship being sought, and criminalization of dissent in Europe, Brazil, and the US, which exports its censorship industrial complex to Brazil and other countries.

    But at the same time, each day the criminals are becoming exposed. Little by little the guilty ones are being revealed publicly. Zuckerberg acknowledged participation in Crimes against Humanity through his actions on Fakebook during COVID.

    Now we learn exactly how the AG in Israel and the justice system in Israel obstructed the ability of the IDF and Air Force to come to the aid of Israelis who were being massacred.

    The individuals involved are as guilty as Hamas for this genocide against innocent Israelis. Now we know why they have tried to hide the truth from Israelis.

    This is exactly what happens when individuals in government arrogate to themselves powers that the people of the country never meant for them to have.

    In the US, where, by virtue of the Constitution, the people are the sovereign, the executive branch and federal agencies as well as the Congress have arrogated to themselves and stolen the sovereignty from We the People. We are no longer represented in Congress. Those in power who have abused their power have been acting in cover-up mode to hide their crimes. Each attempt at cover-up is a new crime, which involves a new cover-up.

    Ivan Raiklin discusses the research and analysis of these government criminals and their crimes here:

    Now that this Weiss report is out, the Israeli people will have the responsibility to make sure the inquiry is done by individuals who have a vested interest in protecting their positions of power or the positions of power of their associates.

    In the US, the criminals in government have arranged things so that they do all the investigating, thus no one is ever held to account. This demoralizes Americans.

    Israelis, it is up to you to make sure you prevent this outcome.

    All the criminals working in your defense and intelligence establishment are going to have to be rooted out and tried for treason as @dreuveni wrote.

    None of them, and no one in your Supreme court or AG office can be trusted to be involved in doing the investigation.

    This should be the death knell of the protest movement against Judicial Reform.

    It may also signal the need to reform the existing Supreme court in terms of its current judicial makeup which is highly politicized. Israel will continue to suffer, as the US is suffering, until all government agencies are depoliticized. The Israeli Supreme Court is one of the most politicized agencies in Israel.

    We all must work to depoliticize government agencies and the Judicial branch along with the Defense and Intelligence departments in both countries.

    Klaus Schwab was proud of all the globalists seeded in governments around the world. Now we see the destructiveness of these globalists inside the power structures in the US and Israel.

    Their evil is revealed. Now we must figure out how to repair the damage and prevent it from happening again.

  15. They need to be charged with treason and strung up from the nearest tree. If this report is 100% true, there is no other solution. Those lawyers have vastly overstepped their competences and the indoctrinated high echelon military allowed this to happen instead of listening to what they learned at school, namely, that the chain of command goes through the defense minister to the prime minister. There was absolutely no need for even a cabinet meeting to set the war machine in motion.