Educating Daniel Pipes On Islamic Antisemitism

by Andrew Bostom

    It is common knowledge to every schoolboy and even every Bachelor of Arts,
    That all sin is divided into two parts.

    One kind of sin is called a sin of commission, and that is very important,
    And it is what you are doing when you are doing something you ortant,
    And the other kind of sin is just the opposite and is called a sin of omission

    and is equally bad in the eyes of all right-thinking people, from
    Billy Sunday to Buddha,
    And it consists of not having done something you shuddha

    —Ogden Nash

Writing in the Toronto Sun (published 5/16/13)  Farzana Hassan claimed Daniel Pipes’ most recent pronouncement on the subject, ostensibly, of “Islamic Antisemitism,” was as follows:

He said the religion of Islam itself is not inherently hostile to Jews, and Muslim Antisemitism scarcely existed before the establishment of the state of Israel. 

Pipes, however, subsequently claimed Hassan’s account of his talk to the “Muslim Committee Against Antisemitism,” was “sympathetic, but inaccurate.”

Daniel Pipes doth protest Ms. Hassan’scharacterization  far too much.

Never denying that he spoke the actual words Hassan claimed, Pipes instead provided this purely casuistic response that avoids the logical implication of his alleged words—and in fact reinforces Hassan’s interpretation of their meaning!

He said “the religion of Islam itself is not inherently hostile to Jews,” Not true. A sense of Muslim superiority over Jews goes back 1,400 years, to the very origins of Islam. “and Muslim anti-Semitism scarcely existed before the establishment of the state of Israel.” True in the technical sense that the tropes of Christian antisemitism, including the obsessive fear of and hostility toward Jews, goes back only two centuries and only came fully into its own after 1948.

Fortunately, Pipes’ own albeit quite limited and superficial writings putatively addressing the subject of “Islamic Antisemitism,” date back just over 30-years. As can be gleaned, objectively, from this “oeuvre,” Ms. Hassan’s encapsulation of Pipes’ views is consistent with what he has actually written, and argued. Indeed, as I will demonstrate, Pipes negates the very existence of Muslim Antisemitism—Muslim conspiratorialhatred of Jews, not mere (and benign) feelings of “superiority”—as an indigenous phenomenon rooted in sacralized Islamic doctrine, and manifested in Islamic history, across a continuum of almost 14 centuries.

The most striking, repeated public examples of Pipes’ willful negation of the doctrinal Islam in Islamic Antisemitism  were evident when the same very distinct, Jew-hating Koranic motif received broad media attention, on two occasions, 10-years apart.

During a televised discussion, June 24, 2002 with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren, Pipes was asked to comment about excerpts from an interview of a three-and-a-half year old Muslim girl, Bismallah, originally broadcast on Saudi Arabian Iqra TV, May 7, 2002. The specific segment Pipes was shown for his analysis included these statements:

Basmallah: Allah’s mercy and blessings upon you.

Amer [adult interviewer]: What’s your name?

Basmallah: Basmallah.

Amer: How old are you, Basmallah?

Basmallah: Three and a half.

Amer: Are you a Muslim?

Basmallah: Yes.

Amer: Basmallah, do you know the Jews?

Basmallah: Yes

Amer: Do you like them?

Basmallah: No.

Amer: Why don’t you like them?

Basmallah: Because.

Amer: Because they are what?

Basmallah: They are apes and pigs.

Amer: Because they are apes and pigs. Who said that about them?

Basmallah: Our God.

Amer: Where did he say that about them?

Basmallah: In the Koran. [emphasis added]

Ignoring the child’s own Koranic reference, confirmed and elaborated by the adult Muslim woman interviewer (in an immediately following portion of the interview not shown that night on Fox News, but widely available), Pipes opined:

My view is that Antisemitism of this sort [emphasis added] is historically a Christian phenomenon[emphasis added], but, in the course of the past two generations, as a result of propaganda coming out of the Egyptian government, the Iranian government, the Iraqi government, the Saudi government of this sort, it has become pervasive. Now what’s so striking about this particular film clip is that it’s a 3 ½-year-old. But you hear the same words coming out of the preachers in the mosques. You’ll hear it from the politicians. You’ll hear it in the schoolbooks, in the schoolrooms. You’ll hear it pervasively. It is…

Just over ten years later, in January, 2013, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reproduced 2010 video interviews of then popularly elected Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi  during which he openly characterized“Zionists,” unmistakably Jews in his parlance, as inveterately “hostile in nature,” “fanning the flames of civil strife wherever they were throughout history,” and being “the descendants of apes and pigs.” Earlier, between 2004 and 2007 as reported by the Muslim Brotherhood’s own Arabic (translated and published in English on 11/16/12 by The Investigative Project on Terrorism), when serving as an elected Muslim Brotherhood parliamentarian in the Egyptian People’s Assembly, and/or a member of its Guidance Bureau, Morsi had enunciated the same Antisemitic (and jihadist) themes with more specific Koranic references., from November 21, 2004, quoted Morsi stating:

It is confirmed by the Quran that Jews are the most hostile of men to Muslims. The Almighty says: “Certainly you will find the most hostile to those who believe are the Jews and those who are polytheists.” [Koran 5: 82] The verse confirms that Jews are the most hostile enemies of the Muslims, as the Almighty says “and prepare for them all you can of power, including steeds” [Koran 8: 60], [Note: The beginning of the verse is on the Brotherhood logo] a verse which urges preparation for this enemy with all our energy to prepare us to confront him at any time; because Zionists are traitors to every covenant and convention … there is no peace with the descendants of apes and pigs, [Koran 5:60]

Daniel Pipes was interviewed by the Jewish News Service about Morsi’s statements—redolent with specific Jew-hating Koranic citations—given the flurry of publicity the Egyptian President’s hateful commentary had generated. Pipes offered only this threadbare “explanation,” once again ignoring the specific Koranic origins of Morsi’s most widely publicized citation referring to Jews as “descendants of apes and pigs.”

Morsi’s “descendants of apes and pigs” quote comes as no surprise, but fits into a long record of his own and of Muslim Brotherhood statements

These two episodes illustrate quite unmistakably Pipes’ deliberate negation of a striking Antisemitic motif from the Koran. Worse still, on the earlier occasion, in 2002, Pipes had the temerity to recast this uniquely Islamic motif as “historically a Christian phenomenon.”(Of note, in his 2003, “Militant Islam Reaches America,” p. 205, Pipes refers to the re-statements of this Koranic theme about Jews by American Muslims, i.e., “sons of monkeys and pigs,” as the “Nazi-like vocabulary of racism.”)

Notwithstanding Pipes’ Islamic negationism, and concomitant, if absurd, projection of Islamic Jew-hatred on to Christianity (or Nazism), the “apes and pigs” references to Jews, derive from motifs repeated in specific Koranic verses, the classical and modern exegeses of these verses by Islam’s most authoritative Koranic commentators, and their elaboration in the canonical traditions of the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Indeed, as I will also show, the overarching historical “context” within Islamdom reveals that this canonical Islamic Jew-hatred and intimately related jihadism has been actualized across a nearly 14-century continuum — past as prologue to the present.

This summary assessment is based upon my own exhaustive study of primary Islamic doctrinal and historical sources—confirmed whenever possible by contemporaneous non-Muslim primary source materials—as well as seminal analyses by the greatest Western specialists who actually took the time to study the phenomenon of Islamic Jew-hatred, including its textual basis, and resultant historical manifestations. These important scholars of Islamic Antisemitism, spanning a century from the late 19th through late 20th centuries — from Hartwig Hirschfeld in the mid 1880s, Georges Vajda in the late 1930s, S.D. Goitein in 1971, and Haggai Ben-Shammai in 1988 — have demonstrated, collectively, all of the following:

–        Clear historical evidence of specific Islamic antisemitism, from the Geniza record of the high Middle Ages (10th to 13thcenturies)— including the coinage of a unique Hebrew word to characterize such Muslim Jew-hatred, sinuth — published in full by Goitein as of 1971

–        The content of foundational Muslim sources detailing the sacralized rationale for Islam’s anti-Jewish bigotry, including Hartwig Hirschfeld’s mid-1880s essay series on Muhammad’s subjugation of the Jews of Medina, based upon the earliest pious Muslim biographies of Muhammad, and George Vajda’s elegant, comprehensive 1937 analysis focusing primarily on the hadith (the putative words and deeds of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, as recorded by pious transmitters)

–        Haggai Ben-Shammai’s concise 1988 study of key examples of Jew-hatred in the Koran and Koranic exegesis

In stark contrast, Daniel Pipes published output on (allegedly) Islamic Antisemitism comprises only the thinnest—and dogmatically bowdlerized—gruel. Using both academic (JSTOR, Google scholar, Index Islamicus) and non-academic (Google, Bing, Yahoo) search engines, in addition to searches of Pipes’ extensive  personal website archive (, and even writing to Pipes for any additional works of his these searches did not uncover [he declined to reply], I could find only two modest essays which broached the subject of “Islamic” Antisemitism: “The Politics of Muslim Antisemitism,”Commentary, August 1981; and “The New Antisemitism,”  1992, a text submitted to the World Conference on Antisemitism and Prejudice in a Changing World, Brussels: World Jewish Congress, Jonathan R. Cohen, ed.

The latter 1992 essay elucidates Pipes’ own views—which persist unmodified to this day. He accepts the idea, and its “implications,” that “Muslim” Antisemitism

…is essentially an import from Europe… that [Muslim] Antisemitism is relatively superficial. It is a tool, it is an instrument to be used against Israel or other Jews. It arose as part of the Arab-Israeli conflict, specifically with Gamal Abdul Nasser in Egypt in the 1950s, and it will last only so long as it is useful.

This “profound” insight, what he terms “the heart of the matter,” leads Pipes to conclude:

The phenomenon is more imported than indigenous. And I am somewhat optimistic about the possibility of change, recognizing that the last generation or two have been surrounded by anti-Semitic themes and that some of these will stick. For in contrast with Western anti-Semitism, what one finds in the Muslim world is impersonal. Few Muslims have contact with Jews, and what is emphasized is the conspiratorial dimension, the larger, the theoretical, abstract political dimension rather than personal animus.

That Pipes remains willing to pontificate at all, after his paltry, intellectually lazy, and transparently agenda-driven writings on what he terms “Islamic,” or “Muslim” Antisemitism, is a galling act of hubris. The following succinct overview of painstaking research I have conducted on Islamic Antisemitism soundly debunks Pipes’ slothfully assembled understandings. Not a shard of even this brief, summary evidence I adduce (reams more can be found in The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism) is contained in Pipes’ puny output.

The theological basis of recently deposed Egyptian President Morsi’s conspiratorial, dehumanizing allegations against the Jews—egregiously ignored by Daniel Pipes—is a centralAntisemitic motif in the Koran which decrees an eternal curse upon them for purportedly slaying the prophets, and transgressing against the will of Allah (Koran 2:61, and 2:9091, reiterated at 3:112). It should be noted that Koran 3:112 is featured before the pre-amble to Hamas’ foundational Covenant.

This central motif is coupled to Koranic verses 5:60, and 5:78, which describe the Jews transformation into apes and swine (5:60), or simply apes, (i.e. verses 2:65 and 7:166), having been “ … cursed by the tongue of David, and Jesus, Mary’s son” (5:78). According to the earliest sacralized, pious Muslim biographies of Muhammad (by Ibn Ishaq and Ibn Saad), just before subduing the Medinan Jewish tribe Banu Qurayza and orchestrating the mass execution of their adult males, Islam’s prophet invoked this striking Koranic motif for the Jews debasement, addressing these Jews, with hateful disparagement, as “You brothers of apes.” Muhammad himself also repeats the Koranic curse upon the Jews in a canonical hadith (Sunan Abu Dawoud, Book 37, Number 4322): “He [Muhammad] then recited the verse [5:78]: ‘ … curses were pronounced on those among the children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary’ .”

The related verse, Koran 5:64, accuses the Jews of being “spreaders of war and corruption” — a sort of ancient Koranic antecedent of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion — invoked not only by Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, but “moderate” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who cited Koran 5:64 during a January 2007 speech which urgedPalestinian Muslims to end their internecine strife, and to “aim their rifles at Israel.”

Indeed, the Koran’s overall discussion of the Jews is marked by a litany of their sins and punishments, as if part of a divine indictment, conviction, and punishment process. The Jews’ ultimate sin and punishment are made clear: they are the devil’s minions (4:60) cursed by Allah, their faces will be obliterated (4:47), and if they do not accept the true faith of Islam — the Jews who understand their faith become Muslims (3:113) — they will be made into apes (2:65/ 7:166), or apes and swine (5:60), and burn in the Hellfires (4:555:2998:6, and 58:14,15,16,17,18,19).

Classical Koranic commentators such as Tabari (d. 923), Zamakshari (d. 1143), Baydawi (d. 1316), and Ibn Kathir (d. 1373), when discussing Koran 5:82, which includes the statement “Thou wilt surely find the most hostile of men to the believers are the Jews,” concur on the unique animus of the Jews towards the Muslims, which is repeatedly linked to the curse of Koran 2:61/2:90-91/3:112.

For example, in his commentary on Koran 5:82, Tabari writes:

In my opinion, [the Christians] are not like the Jews who always scheme in order to murder the emissaries and the prophets, and who oppose God in his positive and negative commandments, and who corrupt His scripture which He revealed in His books.

Between 2004 and 2010, Muhammad Morsi repeated direct citations of or references to Koran 5:605:64, and 5: 82 during interview discussions of the Jews and Israel. Morsi’s understanding of these verses comports with their classical exegesis in the seminal Tafsir al-Jalalayn — meaning “The Commentary of the Two Jalals,” named after its two Egyptian authors: Al-Suyuti (1445-1505), a brilliant multidisciplinary scholar; and his mentor Jalalu’d-Din al-Mahalli (1389-1459). The great contemporary Dutch Islamologist Johannes J.G. Jansen notes in his treatise “The Interpretation of the Koran in Modern Egypt,” Tafsir al-Jalalayn remains one of the most popular as well as the most authoritative Koranic commentaries in Egypt.

Here are the glosses on 5:605:64, and 5: 82 from Tafsir al-Jalalayn:

[5:60] … those whom Allah has cursed and put far away from His mercy and with whom he is angry — turning some of them into monkeys and into pigs by transmogrification — and who worshipped false gods. These are the Jews … “False gods” refers to Shay??n [Satan]. They [the Jews] worship him by obeying him. Such people are in a worse situation — because they will be in the Fire — and further from the right way (the Path of the Truth) [i.e., Islam].

[5:64] When their circumstances became reduced because of their denial of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, after they had previously been the wealthiest of people, the Jews say “Allah’s hand is chained” — implying that He is unable to send provision to them and that He is miserly. Allah is far exalted above that. Allah continues by saying: Their [the Jews’] hands are chained — and kept them from performing good actions as a supplication against them — and they are cursed for what they say! No! Both His hands are open wide — and emphatic description of generosity, and the hands are singled out for mention since what the generous give of their property, they give with their hands — and He gives however He wills — expanding and constricting and no one can object. What has been sent down to you from your Lord increases many of them in insolence and rejection of it. We have cast enmity and hatred between them — each group opposing the others — until the Day of Rising. Each time they [the Jews] kindle the fire of war against the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace Allah extinguishes it. Whenever they try to do that, Allah repels them. They [the Jews] rush about the earth corrupting it through acts of disobedience. Allah does not love corrupters and will punish them.

[5:82] You, Muhammad, will find that the most hostile people to those who believe [i.e., the Muslims] are the Jews and the idolaters … on account of the intensity of their unbelief and ignorance and their preoccupation with following their desires.

Morsi’s conjoining of this doctrinal Islamic Jew-hatred to annihilationist jihadism against the Jews of Israel is also entirely consistent with mainstream, classical Islamic tenets.

Muhammad’s brutal conquest and subjugation of the Medinan Jews and their subsequent expulsion by one of his companions, the (second) “Rightly Guided” Caliph Umar, epitomizepermanent, archetypal behavior patterns Islamic Law deemed appropriate to Muslim interactions with Jews. George Vajda’sanalysis of the anti-Jewish motifs in the hadith remains the definitive work on this subject. Vajda concluded that according to the hadith, stubborn malevolence is the Jews defining worldly characteristic: rejecting Muhammad and refusing to convert to Islam out of jealousy, envy and even selfish personal interest lead them to acts of treachery, in keeping with their inveterate nature: “ … sorcery, poisoning, assassination held no scruples for them.”

These archetypes sanction Muslim hatred towards the Jews, and the admonition to, at best, “subject [the Jews] to Muslim domination,” as dhimmis (as per Koran 9:29), treated “with contempt,” under certain “humiliating arrangements.”

The Koranic curse (verses 2:61/3:112) upon the Jews for (primarily) rejecting, even slaying Allah’s prophets, including Isa/Jesus (or at least his “body double” 4:157-4:158), is updated with perfect archetypal logic in the canonical hadith: following the Muslims’ initial conquest of the Jewish farming oasis of Khaybar, one of the vanquished Jewesses reportedly served Muhammad poisoned mutton (or goat), which resulted, ultimately, in his protracted, agonizing death. And Ibn Saad’ssira account (i.e., one of the important early pious Muslim biographies of Muhammad) maintains that Muhammad’s poisoning resulted from a well-coordinated Jewish conspiracy.

The contemporary Iranian theocracy’s state-sanctioned Jew hatred employs this motif as part of its malevolent indoctrination of young adult candidates for national teacher training programs. Affirming as objective, factual history the hadith account (for eg., Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 47,Number 786) of Muhammad’s supposed poisoning by a Jewish woman from ancient Khaybar, Professor Eliz Sanasarian notes,

… the subject became one of the questions in the ideological test for the Teachers’ Training College where students were given a multiple-choice question in order to identify the instigator of the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammad, the “correct” answer being “a Jewess. ”

It is worth recounting — as depicted in the Muslim sources — the events that antedated Muhammad’s reputed poisoning at Khaybar.

Muhammad’s failures or incomplete successes were consistentlyrecompensed by murderous attacks on the Jews. The Muslim prophet-warrior developed a penchant for assassinating individual Jews, and destroying Jewish communities — by expropriation and expulsion (Banu Quaynuqa and B. Nadir), or massacring their men, and enslaving their women and children (Banu Qurayza). Subsequently, in the case of the Khaybar Jews,Muhammad had the male leadership killed, and plundered their riches. The terrorized Khaybar survivors — industrious Jewish farmers — became prototype subjugated dhimmis whose productivity was extracted by the Muslims as a form of permanent booty. (And according to the Muslim sources, even this tenuous vassalage was arbitrarily terminated within a decade of Muhammad’s death when Caliph Umar expelled the Jews of Khaybar.)

Thus Maimonides (d. 1203), the renowned Talmudist, philosopher, astronomer, and physician, as noted by historian Salo Baron, emphasizes the bellicose “madness” of Muhammad — Maimonides refers to Muhammad as “Meshugga” — and his quest for political control. Muhammad’s mindset, and the actions it engendered, had immediate, and long term tragic consequences for Jews — from his massacring up to 24,000 Jews, to their chronic oppression — as described in the Islamic sources, by Muslims themselves.

As also characterized in the hadith, and analyzed by Vajda, Muslim eschatology (end of times theology) highlights the Jews’ supreme hostility to Islam. Jews are described as adherents of the Dajjâl — the Muslim equivalent of the Anti-Christ — or according to another tradition, the Dajjâl is himself Jewish.

At his appearance, other traditions maintain that the Dajjâl will be accompanied by 70,000 Jews from Isfahan wrapped in their robes and armed with polished sabers, their heads covered with a sort of veil. When the Dajjâl is defeated, his Jewish companions will be slaughtered — everything will deliver them up except for the so-called gharkad tree, as per the canonical hadith (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Number 6985) included in the 1988 Hamas Covenant (in article 7).

Promoters of modern jihad genocide have repeatedly invoked Islam’s Jew-exterminating eschatology. Hajj Amin el-Husseini, ex-Mufti of Jerusalem and Muslim jihadist who became, additionally, a full-fledged Nazi collaborator and ideologue in his endeavors to abort a Jewish homeland and destroy world Jewry, composed a 1943 recruitment pamphlet for Balkan Muslims entitled, “Islam and the Jews.” This incendiary document was rife with the anti-Semitic Koranic verses cited herein, as well as Jew-hating motifs from the hadith, and concluded with the apocalyptic canonical hadith describing the Jews’ annihilation.

Forty-five years later, the same hadith was incorporated into the 1988 Hamas Covenant, making clear its own aspirations for Jew annihilation.

At present, according to polling data published in July, 2011, 73% of Palestinian Muslims surveyed agree with the annihilationist dictates of this canonical hadith.

Lastly, a profound anti-Jewish motif occurring after the events recorded in the hadith and sira, put forth in early Muslimhistoriography (for example, by Tabari), is most assuredly a conspiratorial Jew-hating theme associated with “the birth pangs” of Islam: the story of Abd Allah b. Saba, an alleged renegade Yemenite Jew, and founder of the heterodox Shi’ite sect. He is held responsible — identified as a Jew — for promoting the Shi’ite heresy and fomenting the rebellion and internal strife associated with this primary breach in Islam’s “political innocence”, culminating in the assassination of the third Rightly Guided Caliph Uthman, and the bitter, lasting legacy of Sunni-Shi’ite sectarian strife.

Two particularly humiliating “vocations” that were imposedupon Jews by their Muslim overlords in Yemen, and Morocco — where Jews formed the only substantive non-Muslim dhimmi populations — merit elaboration.

Moroccan Jews were confined to ghettos in the major cities, such as Fez (since the 13th century) called mellah(s) (salty earth) which derives from the fact it was here that they were forced to salt the decapitated heads of executed rebels for public exposition. This brutally imposed humiliating practice — which could be enforced even on the Jewish Sabbath — persisted through the late 19th century, as described by Eliezer Bashan:

In the 1870’s, Jews were forced to salt the decapitated heads of rebels on the Sabbath. For example, Berber tribes frequently revolted against Sultan Muhammad XVIII. In order to force them to accept his authority, he would engage in punitive military campaigns. Among the tribes were the Musa, located south of Marrakesh.  In 1872, the Sultan succeeded in quelling their revolt and forty-eight of their captives were condemned to death. In October 1872, on the order of the Sultan, they were dispatched to Rabat for beheading. Their decapitated heads were to be exposed on the gates of the town for three days. Since the heads were to be sent to Fez, Jewish ritual slaughterers [of livestock] were forced to salt them and hang them for exposure on the Sabbath. Despite threats by the governor of Rabat, the Jews refused to do so.  He then ordered soldiers to enter the homes of those who refused and drag them outside. After they were flogged, the Jews complied and performed the task and the heads of the rebels were exposed in public.

Yemenite Jews had to remove human feces and other waste matter (urine which failed to evaporate, etc.) from Muslim areas, initially in Sanaa, and later in other communities such as Shibam, Yarim, and Dhamar. Decrees requiring this obligation were issued in the late 18th or early 19th century, and re-introduced in 1913. Yehuda Nini reproduces an 1874 letter written by a Yemenite Jew to the Alliance Israelite in Paris,lamenting the practice:

…it is 86 years since our forefathers suffered the cruel decree and great shame to the nation of Israel from the east to sundown…for in the days of our fathers, 86 years ago, there arose a judge known as Qadi, and said unto the king and his ministers who lived in that time that the Lord, Blessed be He, had only created the Jews out of love of the other nations, to do their work and be enslaved by them at their will, and to do the most contemptible and lowly of tasks. And of them all…the greatest contamination of all, to clear their privies and streets and pathways of the filthy dung and the great filth in that place and to collect all that is left of the dung, may your Honor pardon the expression.

And when the Jews were perceived as having exceeded the rightful bounds of this subjected relationship, as in mythically “tolerant” Muslim Spain, the results were predictably tragic. The Granadan Jewish viziers Samuel Ibn Naghrela, and his son Joseph, who protected the Jewish community, were bothassassinated between 1056 to 1066, and in the aftermath, the Jewish population was annihilated by the local Muslims. It isestimated that up to four thousand Jews perished in the pogrom by Muslims that accompanied the 1066 assassination. This figure equals or exceeds the number of Jews reportedly killed by the Crusaders during their pillage of the Rhineland, some thirty years later, at the outset of the First Crusade. The inciting “rationale” for this Granadan pogrom is made clear in the bitter anti-Jewish ode of Abu Ishaq, a well-known Muslim jurist and poet of the times, who wrote:

Bring them down to their place and return them to the most abject station. They used to roam around us in tatters covered with contempt, humiliation, and scorn. They used to rummage amongst the dung heaps for a bit of a filthy rag to serve as a shroud for a man to be buried in…Do not consider that  killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing.

Abu Ishaq’s rhetorical incitement to violence also included the line,

Many a pious Muslim is in awe of the vilest infidel ape

Moshe Perlmann, in his analysis of the Muslim anti-Jewish polemic of 11th century Granada, notes,

[Abu Ishaq] Elbiri used the epithet “ape” (qird) profusely when referring to Jews. Such indeed was the parlance.

The Moroccan cleric al-Maghili (d. 1505), referring to the Jews as “brothers of apes” (just as Muhammad, the sacralized prototype, had addressed the Banu Qurayza), who repeatedly blasphemed the Muslim prophet, and whose overall conduct reflected their hatred of Muslims, fomented, and then personally lead, a Muslim pogrom (in ~ 1490) against the Jews of the southern Moroccan oasis of Touat, plundering and killing them en masse, and destroying their synagogue in neighboring Tamantit. An important Muslim theologian whose writings influenced Moroccan religious attitudes towards Jews into the 20th century, al-Maghili also declared in verse, “Love of the Prophet, requires hatred of the Jews.”

Mordechai Hakohen (1856-1929) was a Libyan Talmudic scholar and auto-didact anthropologist who composed an ethnographic study of North African Jewry in the early 20th century. Hakohendescribes the overall impact on the Jews of the Muslim jihad conquest and rule of North Africa, as follows:

They [also] pressed the Jews to enter the covenant of the Muslim religion. Many Jews bravely chose death. Some of them accepted under the threat of force, but only outwardly…Others left the region, abandoning their wealth and property and scattering to the ends of the earth. Many stood by their faith, but bore an iron yoke on their necks. They lowered themselves to the dust before the Muslims, lords of the land, and accepted a life of woe — carrying no weapons, never mounting an animal in the presence of a Muslim, not wearing a red headdress, and following other laws that signaled their degradation.

Here is but an incomplete sampling of pogroms and mass murderous violence against Jews living under Islamic rule, across space and time, all resulting from the combined effects of jihadism, general anti-dhimmi, and/or specifically Antisemitic motifs in Islam: 6,000 Jews massacred in Fez in 1033; hundreds of Jews slaughtered in Muslim Cordoba between 1010 and 1015; 4,000 Jews killed in Muslim riots in Grenada in 1066, wiping out the entire community; the Berber Muslim Almohad depredations of Jews (and Christians) in Spain and North Africa between 1130 and 1232, which killed tens of thousands, while forcibly converting thousands more, and subjecting the forced Jewish converts to Islam to a Muslim Inquisition; the murderous persecutions of the Jews of Egypt by al-Hakim during the early 11th century, one of which was timed for Passover in 1012; Jews in Alexandria and Cairo being pogromed and plundered in 1047, 1168, 1265, and 1324; and Sultan Baybars in the 13th century blaming Jews for starting a plague, and subjecting them to extortion, massacre, and expulsion; the 1291 pogroms in Baghdad and its environs, which killed (at least) hundreds of Jews; the 1465 pogrom against the Jews of Fez; the late 15th century pogrom against the Jews of the Southern Moroccan oasis town of Touat; the 1679 pogroms against, and then expulsion of  10,000 Jews from Sanaa, Yemen to the unlivable, hot and dry Plain of Tihama, from which only 1,000 returned alive, in 1680, 90% having died from exposure;  recurring Muslim anti-Jewish violence — including pogroms and forced conversions — throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, which rendered areas of Iran (for example, Tabriz) Judenrein; the 1834 pogrom in Safed where raging Muslim mobs killed and grievously wounded hundreds of Jews; the 1888 massacres of Jews in Isfahan and Shiraz, Iran; the 1910 pogrom in Shiraz; the pillage and destruction of the Casablanca, Morocco ghetto in 1907; the pillage of the ghetto of Fez  Morocco in 1912; the government sanctioned anti-Jewish pogroms by Muslims in Turkish Eastern Thrace during June-July, 1934 which ethnically cleansed at least 3000 Jews; and the series of pogroms, expropriations, and finally mass expulsions of some 900,000 Jews from Arab Muslim nations, beginning in 1941 in Baghdad (the murderous “Farhud,” during which 600 Jews were murdered, and at least 12,000 pillaged) — eventually involving cities and towns in Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Syria, Aden, Bahrain, and culminating in 1967 in Tunisia — that accompanied the planning and creation of a Jewish state, Israel, on a portion of the Jews’ ancestral homeland.

On May 20, 2013, Daniel Pipes declined to accept Rabbi Jon Hausman’s gracious offer to host a debate between Pipes and myself (at the Rabbi’s Temple Ahavath Torah, Stoughton, MA) about the nature—doctrinal and historical—of Islamic Antisemitism. Previously, I hadaccepted Rabbi Hausman’s proposal. Having now examined Pipes’ flimsy, pseudo-academic charlatanism on the subject matter of the proposed debate, I can fully understand his decision.


July 10, 2013 | 34 Comments »

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34 Comments / 34 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:
    Look, Wiki is not a primary source for scholarly research, it is modified any time its authors feel like meaning that is same many times biased. So is the write up that you recommend. I stick to what I said in my comment. Read those books and authors I mentioned, you might change your mind.

  2. CuriousAmerican Said:

    This figure equals or exceeds the number of Jews reportedly killed by the Crusaders during their pillage of the Rhineland, some thirty years later,

    Source pls.

    CuriousAmerican Said:

    How ironic?! The Muslim Conquest of Spain would not have worked except that the original invasion used Jewish collaborators to garrison the Christian cities. Had the Jews not garrisoned the cities, the Muslims would not not have been able to move inland.

    Considering who and what those christians were the Jews had little choice. Jews never sided with the stinking christian Barbarians and when they could they took care of their mortal and eternal enemies. There is no feeling so fulfilling than inflicting justified vengeance against enemies.

    Since you brought up the crusades here is a synopsis of the history of the period as it related to the Jews.

  3. NormanF Said:

    If you exclude the Holocaust, the number of Jews murdered at Muslims exceeds the Jewish death toll in the Christian World

    Don’t know where you got your information. Ukrainian Pogroms in the beginning of the last century claimed about a half million Jews alone.

    Christianity never dehumanized the Jew to the extent Muslim theology did and justified preserving the Jews as a “witness” people. That gave Jews some protection in medieval Christian Europe.

    “witness” people ? 🙂 Related only to in most cases some few Jews certainly not all. Read the “Popes Jews”, they still exist in Rome and were protected at all cost by the Vatican even against Hitler. The Jews of Rome were never allowed to be handed over to the Nazis one of the few times the Church and the Pope ever intervened in favor of Jews.

    That gave Jews some protection in medieval Christian Europe.

    Again I don’t know where you get your facts from. In most cases violence and persecution against Jews was church inspired and even policy.

    There was nothing like it in the Muslim World where the Jews were oppressed and degraded in unimaginable ways. And if they forget their place, they were killed in Muslim pogroms down through the ages. Mohammed hated the Jews and this hatred of them by him has been taken by Muslims as a precept in how to deal with the Jews. The greatest danger to Jewish survival today comes not from Christianity but from Islam.

    Aside from the Massacre of Jews by Mohamed in Medina, name a single instance historically where a significant number of Jews were murdered by Muslims even approaching what happened to Jews in Every country in Europe and under Christian Rule by the crusaders and later Byzantians.

    Only in the 20th century mostly instigated by Britain were Muslims involved in mass killings and persecutions of Jews. I am not saying that life for Jews under Islam was apiece of cake and it wasn’t. Jews were treated horrendously under Islamic rule but then so was everybody else.

    Jews and christians were for the most part protected under Islam as peoples of the Book as long as they were subservient and paid the tax imposed upon them. That meant they were generally but not always forced into conversion and kept their heads intact with their bodies.

    Nothing in Islam can compare with the charge of Deicide leveled t the Jews for the past 1900 years. Even in America according to ADL 31% of Americans believe it is so and in countries like Poland and Italy aver 50%

    Lastly In every case I know of when the Jews themselves had to choose sides between christians and Muslims the Jews always chose to side with the Muslims against christians ad theat included fighting with the Muslims against christians. That alone should indicate who the Jews of Europe and the ME thought were the worst option for them.

    Without the overt support and inflamation of Muslims against Jews by the Western nations no matter their theological animus towards the Jews they would have little power to threaten not only Jews but almost anyone else except themselves.

    Read this:

    Islam and antisemitism

  4. monostor Said:

    @ yamit82:
    I suggest that you read some more about what islam did to the jews compared to “millions” perished supposedly by the hand of christians. The author of the article, Dr. Bostom, wrote a very interesting book on the topic, “The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism”. I also recommend books written by Bat Ye’Or, “The Dhimmi – Jews and Christians under Islam” and writings of Ibn Warraq, Emett Scott, etc. Their scholarly research finally exposed the myth of islamic “tolerance” towards non-muslims, especially jews.

    If you exclude the Holocaust, the number of Jews murdered at Muslims exceeds the Jewish death toll in the Christian World. Christianity never dehumanized the Jew to the extent Muslim theology did and justified preserving the Jews as a “witness” people. That gave Jews some protection in medieval Christian Europe. There was nothing like it in the Muslim World where the Jews were oppressed and degraded in unimaginable ways. And if they forget their place, they were killed in Muslim pogroms down through the ages. Mohammed hated the Jews and this hatred of them by him has been taken by Muslims as a precept in how to deal with the Jews. The greatest danger to Jewish survival today comes not from Christianity but from Islam.

  5. @ yamit82:

    I suggest that you read some more about what islam did to the jews compared to “millions” perished supposedly by the hand of christians. The author of the article, Dr. Bostom, wrote a very interesting book on the topic, “The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism”. I also recommend books written by Bat Ye’Or, “The Dhimmi – Jews and Christians under Islam” and writings of Ibn Warraq, Emett Scott, etc. Their scholarly research finally exposed the myth of islamic “tolerance” towards non-muslims, especially jews.

  6. @ bernard ross:
    Well, I don’t speak Russian, but, the “jidovsky” is as derogatory as you can have it and it translates “Jew!”
    But, more like ‘dirty Jew’ …
    When put together with “morda” which he translated it to be ‘face’ well…. There you have it!
    “I am not your brother you dirty Jew'”…
    So, shall we invite them over perhaps for a stolychnaia? ….. (Spit!)

  7. @ yamit
    @ Bernard Ross
    It took me a while to find the pertinent text but here it is from Barry chamish bye bye gaza.
    This, as a follow up to the ‘Russian peace keepers’

    Page 270 (re gush katif)
    You were viciously removed from your homes by the government and the army of this government. Your livelihoods were destroyed. Your communities were wrecked. Now you are poor and indigent and you know who is responsible.

    Page 386 (re amona)
    Following are two reports confirming the use of foreign troops. The first is from former Prisoner of Zion, Ida Nudel.
    Barry, shalom!
    Yesterday, Russian language’s TV by name RTVi in its
    Saturday’s evening program at 21.00 show an interview with a young man by name Eliahu Levin.
    Mr. Levin was standing on a roof of one of houses in Amona. When people of the army and police came up to clean the roof and began pushing and attacking those who stayed there, among them Levin noted one looking as Russian. Levin told him in Russian language: “Brother, we should be on the same side.” The man in Israeli uniform answered in a proper Russian: “I am not your brother, jidovsky morda (in slang – face).” Nobody had an
    identification tags on the uniform. The station RTVi has internet site HYPERLINK “http://www.RTVi”
    Just yesterday I read that the police who took part in the events in Amona, were not Jewish but Arab, Druze and non- Jewish Russians. . .”

  8. And when the Jews were perceived as having exceeded the rightful bounds of this subjected relationship, as in mythically “tolerant” Muslim Spain, the results were predictably tragic. The Granadan Jewish viziers Samuel Ibn Naghrela, and his son Joseph, who protected the Jewish community, were bothassassinated between 1056 to 1066, and in the aftermath, the Jewish population was annihilated by the local Muslims. It isestimated that up to four thousand Jews perished in the pogrom by Muslims that accompanied the 1066 assassination. This figure equals or exceeds the number of Jews reportedly killed by the Crusaders during their pillage of the Rhineland, some thirty years later,

    How ironic?! The Muslim Conquest of Spain would not have worked except that the original invasion used Jewish collaborators to garrison the Christian cities. Had the Jews not garrisoned the cities, the Muslims would not not have been able to move inland.

  9. yamit82 Said:

    Israel discusses with Russia possibility of sending Russian peacekeepers to the Golan Heights, in an attempt to cancel the S-300 missile sale to Syria.

    what if Israel needs to go in. are they going to mow the russians down. attaccks can be made on Israel from behind russian lines. It is foolish to involve russians, something can happen to make relations worse. Israel must be ready to move freely at a moments notice without warning any one.

    . The modern S-300 missiles, which Syria bought a few years ago

    If they were bought a few years ago how can they be prevented now. Something doesn’t match in the article.

  10. @ yamit82:

    I knew the only survivor of the Struma, he was a neighbor and member of the Kibbutz I was living.

    Dear yamit,
    Many of your posts on this forum have served me as corrective lenses to help,me see the world not just as it appears but as it is.
    Other posts have had an amazing positive impact in other areas, totally non related to the posted comment, (the law of unintended consequences?)
    This last one had a definite impact on me, which I cannot quite define yet…so I’ll just simply say thanks for sharing that.

  11. the phoenix Said:

    As far as turkey goes, it was …not….quite….like….that.
    At least for one groups of Jews that were trying to flee, on board the ship Struma….but never made it (btw, my uncle was on that ship) the Turks would not allow it ‘haven’

    I knew the only survivor of the Struma, he was a neighbor and member of the Kibbutz I was living.

    In 1941 the New Zionist Organisation and the Betar Zionist youth movement chartered Struma from Jean Pandelis to take Jewish refugees from Romania to Palestine. On 12 December 1941 she left the port of Constan?a in Romania carrying 10 crew and about 781 refugees. Her diesel engine was not working so a tug towed Struma out to sea. She drifted overnight while her crew tried vainly to start her engine. She transmitted distress signals and on 13 December the tug returned and the tug’s crew repaired Struma’s engine.Struma then got under way but by 15 December her engine had failed again and she was towed into Istanbul in Turkey.

    While Turkish mechanics made vain attempts to repair Struma’s engine, there was a 10-week impasse between British diplomats and Turkish officials over the fate of the refugees. Because of Arab and Zionist unrest in Palestine, Britain was determined to minimise Jewish immigration to Palestine under the terms of the White Paper of 1939. Under pressure from Britain, Turkey denied the refugees permission to come ashore. One pregnant refugee who suffered a miscarriage was allowed to disembark and admitted to an Istanbul hospital.

    On 23 February Turkish authorities boarded Struma. Her engine still didn’t work so they towed her back out into the Black Sea and cast her adrift about 10 miles off Istanbul. On the morning of 24 February the Soviet submarine Shch-213 torpedoed her. Struma sank quickly and many people were trapped below decks and drowned.

    Many others aboard survived the sinking and clung to pieces of wreckage, but for hours no rescue came and all but one of them died from drowning or hypothermia. Struma’s First Officer clung to a piece of wreckage that was floating in the sea along with a 19-year-old refugee, David Stoliar. The officer died overnight but Turks in a rowing boat rescued Stoliar the next day: the only survivor of about 791 people who were aboard.

    Memorials at Ashdod and Holon in Israel commemorate those who were killed by her sinking. Struma’s wreck has not yet been found (as of March 2013

  12. @ bernard ross:
    My reply above, was not meant to be argumentative. The culprits in the Struma Drama were DEFINITELY the Christian Brits, the godless Russians AND the musloid Turks.
    You ask (referring to the Christian Brits):

    What should be their just fate as a collective?

    I hope they ALL rot in hell!

  13. the phoenix Said:

    As far as turkey goes, it was …not….quite….like….that.

    I read the link and in my opinion the prime cause of the dead jews were the christian british who betrayed the mandate trust and refused entry of jews to the jewish homeland. Have these brits paid yet with their own lives? Instead they continue to support jew killers. What should be their just fate as a collective? Perhaps britsh women and children fleeing for their lives could meet the same fate. Had they changed their ways there would be an argument for mercy, but… The same for the rest of them. If there were jewish terrorists would they be wrong to extract justice?

  14. @ yamit82:

    The number of Jews murdered by Muslims can be counted all through history in the tens/ even hundred of of thousands combined

    … Not exactly chopped liver….

    Jews found a haven from the Inquisition and Hitler in the ottoman Empire and Turkey.

    As far as turkey goes, it was …not….quite….like….that.
    At least for one groups of Jews that were trying to flee, on board the ship Struma….but never made it (btw, my uncle was on that ship) the Turks would not allow it ‘haven’

  15. @ NormanF:

    Attitudes Toward Jews
    In Ten European Countries March 2012

    A surprisingly large number of Americans continue to believe that “Jews were responsible for the death of Christ.” Thirty-one percent (31%) of Americans agreed with that statement. One-quarter of Americans believe that Jews “still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust.”

    I haven’t yet touched South America Mostly catholic and very antisemitic.

    The number of Jews murdered by Muslims can be counted all through history in the tens/ even hundred of of thousands combined compared to over 20 million combined by christians against Jews throughout the same period in history. Jews found a haven from the Inquisition and Hitler in the ottoman Empire and Turkey.

    Today it’s the christian countries that enable even encourage Islamic hatred towards the Jews and these nominally christian nations are the suppliers of the means to the Muslims and Arabs to defeat Israel and eventually complete what Hitler left unfinished.

    ” the concept and urge to jihad was re-ignited after a long slumber by the British after WW I. Initially this was a Round Table project to enable them to, 1) arrange a British Protectorate in the Middle East “with its front door on the Mediterannean,” 2) keep Russia away from the southern oceans and the natural resources of the area, and last but not least, 3) to suppress and cripple the rise of a sovereign Jewish nation.

    Since the British promoted and supported Arab riots (pogroms) in March 1920 against the Jews in Israel, the British and, beginning in WW II with its locus in the Department of State, America and Russia have used Islamic regimes (all of them, except Persia-Iran) artificial states to keep tensions enflamed in the region. During the Nazi era, Germany too used the Arabs as an instrument against the Jews (and British). In these efforts, the perennial client regime in Israel, dating to the yishuv establishment of the late 1920s is an instrument to manage, suppress and degrade the Jews of Israel on behalf of the Western powers. The means are Western diplomatic and economic pressure and blackmail, including military (most blatantly during the 1973 and 1982 wars, the rockets of 1991 and summer 2006; the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif) that show the true source of Islamic hostility.” Prof. Eugene Narrett

  16. NormanF Said:

    Its far more virulent and widespread than Christian anti-Semitism was in its heyday.

    I don’t think you can support that with fact.

  17. @ bernard ross:

    pipes is a superficial charlatan touting his wares: the canard of moderate islam.

    You might want to read what chamish wrote about him.

  18. This is exactly why peace is impossible – Jew-hatred is rooted in the Koran and Islam. Its far more virulent and widespread than Christian anti-Semitism was in its heyday.

  19. good article. pipes is a superficial charlatan touting his wares: the canard of moderate islam.