Rabbi Wolicki is correct all the way through. Here is a rider from my family and from history in general. Civilians always try to escape a battle zone even before the troops are on the doorstep. My Mother’s family fled in 1914 from Russian Poland to Russia proper. In 1940 my Father’s people fled from Paris – he to UK, and his brother to his in-laws further South.
There are enough British records of Arab economic migrants to the Mandate – not only Egyptians – but pertinently a third of the Gazans are named Misri/Masri which means “Egyptian”. They were going home “right of return” as well as asylum to their Egyptian origins to sit out the war when “Farouk the Crook” to make a problem closed the frontier. So Egypt is twice in the wrong in international law.
NB In 1947 there were 100 000 people in Gaza Strip /sub-district. It was flooded by two lots of 100 000 – 50/50 Egyptians and others – and most of the others also have toponym surnames like Hijazi, Yamani, Mughrebi/Maghrabi tha their families were new immigrants from Hejaz (W. Saudi) Yemen and Morocco….
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at- gmail.com
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Rabbi Wolicki is correct all the way through. Here is a rider from my family and from history in general. Civilians always try to escape a battle zone even before the troops are on the doorstep. My Mother’s family fled in 1914 from Russian Poland to Russia proper. In 1940 my Father’s people fled from Paris – he to UK, and his brother to his in-laws further South.
There are enough British records of Arab economic migrants to the Mandate – not only Egyptians – but pertinently a third of the Gazans are named Misri/Masri which means “Egyptian”. They were going home “right of return” as well as asylum to their Egyptian origins to sit out the war when “Farouk the Crook” to make a problem closed the frontier. So Egypt is twice in the wrong in international law.
NB In 1947 there were 100 000 people in Gaza Strip /sub-district. It was flooded by two lots of 100 000 – 50/50 Egyptians and others – and most of the others also have toponym surnames like Hijazi, Yamani, Mughrebi/Maghrabi tha their families were new immigrants from Hejaz (W. Saudi) Yemen and Morocco….