Has the fat lady sung?

By Ted Belman

Evidently not.

Huffington Post reported on Saturday that Hillary Clinton’s Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing,

Hillary Clinton not only won the popular vote in Tuesday’s election. It is now clear that she won it by a margin larger than two candidates who went on to win the presidency.

Votes are still being counted, however, with the outstanding ballots overwhelmingly concentrated in Democratic bastions like California, Washington state and New York.

The Times’ Nate Cohn estimated on Saturday that there were a total of 7 million votes left to be counted nationwide. As of Thursday, more than 4 million votes had yet to be counted in California alone.

Hillary is presently up by 500,000 votes.

One wonders how many Hillary votes are due to fraud including allowing non citizens to vote.

How does the left attract 2.4 million signatures to their petitions when the right like InfoWars can’t attract 10% of that.

But its the electoral college that votes to elect the president, state by state. Thank god.

That’s why the riots continue to grow and get more violent.

November 13, 2016 | 1 Comment »

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  1. The USA in a series of elections since Obama first took office turned to the GOP. GOP now controls: 68 of 99 State Legislatures, 33 Governorship’s, US Senate & House and finally on Jan 20, 2017 with President-Elect Trump the White House.

    Trump won 31 States and 306 electoral votes. The unique USA systems was designed so large states will not have all the say so in running the government as the USA is a Federal Republic and not a single unit direct democracy.

    Would the Democrats be crying foul if in four years a Democrat wins the election by winning only the electoral college and not the popular vote? I sincerely doubt. The system also is highly unlikely to change as it would require a constitutional amendment which requires 2/3rds of each chamber of congress plus 2/3rds of the states to vote for the change. The small states outnumber the large states.