How many Shekels will it take to Sell Out Israel, the Perennial Suffering Servant Of G_d Throughout the Ages, Now In Gaza?

Peloni:  I am in total agreement with Honigman.

By Gerald A. Honigman

I was so afraid this sort of thing would happen…

Munich 1938, all over again, with Israel being sold out for “peace for our time” so others could profit the same way by coercing Czechoslovakia to let itself become a sacrificial lamb to Hitler for Neville Chamberlain and Great Britain’s allies in WWII. Please check out the following…

President Trump recently appointed a less than stellar student of the history and intricate politics of MENA, fellow real estate magnate buddy, Steven Witkoff, to wheel and deal multi-billionaire style to make $$$ in a Gaza which will still be led by Hamas or its clones; and Israel will still be left to face the consequences regarding a still intact regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s genocidal mullahs (supported by China and Russia) supplying Hamas and its other proxies—all with the same common goal: the total destruction of Israel and its Jews. The latter day Arafatians-in-suits of Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah/PLO/PA pay-to-slay practitioners are merely flip sides of the same Arab rejectionist coin.

Whatever Witkoff, with the President’s approval, thinks his profitable plans are, he doesn’t realize how this will be regarded in the realm of the jihadis. There’s no doubt that the President’s first term appointee to the similar Middle East advisor position was far superior. See below:

Okay, let me get this straight…Gaza’s Hamas Arab butchers accompanied by just “ordinary” other non-Hamas civilian Arab butchers, mass rapists, beheaders of infants, incinerators of entire families, and so forth deliberately massacre the equivalent of about 40,000 innocent Americans, and then get rewarded by America spending $60 billion to rebuild their dens of iniquity—from which they have openly declared that they will repeat mass slaughter of Jews again and again.

Why aren’t Hamas and Gaza’s Arab, Iranian, Chinese, Russian, North Korean, and European buddies such as Ireland and Spain footing the bill instead?

Israel, like any other nation, has the right to bring justice to those who repeatedly murder and target its population.

The destruction Gaza suffered happened due to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and their Islamic Republic of Iran sponsors only. No American tax payer money should be going to fund any of this terrorist-caused mess. Gaza’s civilian population freely elected Hamas to power twenty years ago, know full well that its charter calls for the obliteration of the sole, minuscule, resurrected Nation of the Jewish People and the wanton massacre of all of its Jews. That election, by the way, was overseen by the now deceased President Jimmy “Apartheid Israel” Carter himself.

The next analysis by one of the world’s leading experts on urban warfare is a must read for anyone wanting a fair opinion about Israeli conduct pursuing cowards who massacre and terrorize its people, and then run to hide behind their own women and children—and set up “shop” in hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, mosques, and so forth…

Source: Newsweek

The following inadvertent prequel to the current Gaza tragic mess contains, among other things, the relevant articles of the Geneva Conventions on War pertinent to what Israel has faced for decades in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria as well. These lands only came known as “West Bank” since British imperialism colluded with Arab nationalism to create “TransJordan” from almost 80% of the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine in 1922. When the latter attacked a reborn Israel in 1948, its Arab army, led by British officers, illegally grabbed the lands west of the River. Thus, Transjordan now became “Jordan.”

Question, my Christian friends: Does the Gospel of Matthew say that Yehoshua/Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, or Bethlehem of the “West Bank?” Are the surrounding hills the Judaean Hills—or the West Bank Hills? How about the Judaean Desert? Do Arabs and their useful idiots and assorted antisemites get to hijack those pieces of Judaean/Jewish history and identity too?

Look at the coin here: 

Is it a Roman coin of conquest of Arabia, Palestine…Or Iudaea/Judaea? Get the picture?

Some fellow “Tribal Members” and myself worked very hard via widely published articles we penned, personal contacts, and so forth to convince American Jews to finally take a chance outside of their beloved Democrat Party to vote for the President who, among other things, did move the American embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as the 3,000 year old capital of the resurrected Jewish nation in which King David purchased from others, and son, Solomon, built the first magnificent Temple to G_d for.

President Trump also ended oil revenues Iran was receiving to finance its terror network, nuclear programs, and so forth; ceased pay-to-slay financing of the phony “moderates” of the latter day Arafatians in suits of Mahmoud Abbas’s  Fatah/PLO/PA, defunded pro-terror UN organizations, etc.

Here’s the money-making plans the real estate agent, Steven Witkoff, appointed by the President, has below. There’s a story in the New Testament about Yehoshua/Jesus of Nazareth being sold out for thirty shekels of silver to the Roman conquerors of his beleaguered and cruelly occupied people and nation.

Will the resurrected Nation of the Jewish People, G_d’s perennial Suffering Servant for thousands of years, be sold out for others’s business deals and oil-addicted nations and assorted antisemites?

I hope President Trump reconsiders some of his early decisions and appointees regarding this important region of the world.

February 4, 2025 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. The term “WestBank” must be officially/permanently erased by the state of Israel.
    Their irrational HATE of Jews obliterates any smidgen of “rationality”.