Israel Does Not Violate the Laws of War in Gaza

By Jonathan F. Keiler, AMERICAN THINKER 2014

The other day Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, appeared on the “Huckabee Show” on FOX News to make the case that Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza. Huckabee is a strong supporter of Israel, instinctively on the right side of the issue, but could do little but respond with exasperation to Roth’s technical sounding claims of Israeli law-breaking. While the pro-Huckabee studio audience didn’t buy it, Roth’s calm, prim, and professorial accusations against Israel might easily sway a neutral observer who didn’t actually know the law. His weak but carefully articulated claims help establish the pseudo-legal sounding framework which the left-wing media, most of Europe and the Obama administration use to pressure and condemn Israel. It works to encourage Hamas’ own continuing war crimes, rather than promote adherence to the law.

None of Roth’s accusations are based on a correct reading and interpretation of the laws of war, but his claims need to be debunked precisely, not just ignored or belittled because one supports Israel. Roth and his cohorts have very real influence that is based in part on an appeal to cool legal rationality. The problem is that this coolly rational legal framework, at least when it comes to Israel, is a chimera.

Roth’s brief against Israel (and by extension that of the Left in general — to include Obama) is that Israel’s actions in Gaza do not comply with the laws of war, to wit:

  • Israel targets civilian structures
  • Israel is strictly liable for civilian casualties
  • Israel violates the general rule of proportional combat
  • Israel disproportionately kills civilians
  • Palestinian civilians who voluntarily put themselves in harm’s way are not “human shields”
  • Precision military strikes are required when engaging any target in an urban area
  • Israel does not prosecute soldiers for war crimes

None of these claims are either factually true or legally legitimate, but when presented calmly and academically, without direct rebuttal, are convincing for many people, and create fodder for op-ed writers and talking heads to muddy the waters or drum up anti-Israel sentiment. What is the actual case with regard to these claims?

Israel targets civilian structures: A civilian structure loses its protected status when it is used for military purposes. A home that serves as a Hamas command post or hides a tunnel entrance is by definition not a civilian structure any longer. Israel targets such buildings, but does not target structures that are not used for military purposes. A church or a mosque that houses a sniper loses its protected status under the laws of war. 

Israel is strictly liable for civilian casualties:  Strict liability is a very limited legal concept that has no little or no place in the laws of war.

Overwhelmingly in criminal jurisprudence, whether civil or military, the key question is intent. However, in limited situations, strict liability applies, e.g., injuring somebody while driving drunk being an example. It is a way to apply criminal liability to reckless but perhaps otherwise innocent conduct. Within the laws of war the prohibition against “indiscriminate” actions covers this issue.

The problem for Roth is that Israel is exceedingly discriminate in its actions, while Hamas is completely indiscriminate. To get around this problem Israel’s critics simply assert that causing “excessive” civilian casualties (whatever that means) is illegal. On Huckabee, Roth proposed that killing one civilian for one terrorist might be okay, but not ten. There is no law of war rule to this effect. Suppose the one civilian is an innocent child, and the ten rabid civilian supporters of the terrorist. It is an impossible legal question to resolve and so the laws of war don’t address it. The guilt in both cases is on the terrorist for creating the danger in the first instance.

Israel violates the rule of proportional combat: This obscure law of war was almost entirely ignored by the media, political classes, and academia until the Second Lebanon War in 2006. It is a relatively useless and impractical concept of the law of war, not even mentioned in the Hague Conventions, the 1949 Geneva Conventions, and is noted only in commentary to the 1977 Protocol Additional. As I pointed out several years ago in an article for the Army War College, it is “ambiguous, lacks useful precedent, and as a practical matter nearly impossible to interpret or enforce.” It appears to only apply to Israel.

Here’s what the proportionality rule actually says: attacks must be proportionate to the military objective sought. That’s it.  Nobody mentioned this rule until it became a seemingly legitimate excuse to bash Israel. But it is pointless because almost all competent military organizations, including the Israel Defense Force (IDF), follow the principle automatically for their own benefit. In military doctrine it is called “economy of force.” No competent military leader wants to disproportionately apply force to an objective — it wastes time and resources. Sometimes by mistake it is done, as, say, in the bombing of Monte Casino during World War II. But even that is not a war crime, because the attack must be intentionally disproportionate, not just a mistaken application of force. Even if you can demonstrate that Israel applied disproportionate force at some point, you would also have to show that misapplication of force was deliberate. Good luck.

Israel disproportionately kills civilians: The proportionality rule has nothing to say about this. Disproportionate civilian deaths have been a fact of war since war began, largely through famine and disease, but murder and massacre too. Modern war has increased risks to civilians due to heavier firepower and increased urbanization. Civilian deaths have exceeded military deaths in many modern conflicts, including World War II, but this in itself is not a violation of the laws of war. The legal question is whether the deaths were caused intentionally or recklessly, not the proportion of civilian deaths to military losses. Thus by correct measure, the legal question in the Gaza conflict is which side has intentionally or recklessly caused the most civilian deaths. The answer to this question is Hamas 6; Israel none.

Palestinians who voluntarily put themselves in harm’s way are not human shields: Roth is technically correct on this (recently tweeting this claim.)  But this is because the laws of war never anticipated the depraved conduct of the Palestinian Arabs of Gaza. Human shields as envisioned by the laws of war are civilians who are coerced by a military force to protect soldiers or a military target. German soldiers in World War I who forced Belgian civilians to march ahead of them committed a war crime. A Nazi plan to shield aerial targets with Allied POWs would have also been a violation.

There have been instances of Hamas doing these things, but also apparent instances where civilians rushed to a target to protect it from Israeli fire. In the latter instance these civilians were not technically human shields. Instead, they became legitimate military targets, and also war criminals. The laws of war require combatants to wear uniforms or identifying badges or marks. A civilian who takes a military position without properly identifying himself is both a legitimate target and a violator of the laws of war. But he is not, technically, a human shield.

Precision military strikes are required when engaging any target in an urban area:  Roth claimed (without attribution or detail) that Israel attacked a hospital because Hamas place a rocket launcher 100 yards away, and that this attack was illegal because Israel had to use a “precise” munition in such an instance. Of course we don’t know what munition was used, or even if the attack actually took place, but for the sake of argument, let’s assume Israel attacked a Hamas Grad rocket launcher emplaced 100 yards from a hospital with a standard unguided 155mm artillery round. There would be absolutely nothing illegal about such an attack under the laws of war. If the round did not precisely hit the Grad launcher, or shrapnel from the explosion hit the hospital, the legal liability is on Hamas.

Precision munitions are relatively new to war, limited in military inventories and very expensive. There is no legal duty to use them exclusively in particular instances. As a practical matter though, it is indisputable that Israel disproportionately uses precision munitions, also munitions with reduced explosive force, and engages in a historically to civilians who may be in a targeted area.

Israel does not prosecute soldiers for war crimes: Israel of course does this. Even the highly biased and anti-Israel Goldstone Report from a previous Israel-Hamas fight acknowledged Israel’s well developed and sophisticated military legal system. What Roth and his like object to is that Israel does not prosecute its soldiers imaginary crimes. As demonstrated above, Roth’s brief against Israel is based on his own inchoate ideations of what comprises the laws of war, not what they actually say. If Israeli military prosecutors were to try an Israeli soldier for violating one these nonexistent or misapplied rules, he would be quickly acquitted because the Israeli military judicial system actually follows the laws of war, not the imaginings of so-called human rights activists.

May 11, 2023 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. @ XLucid:

    5000 Arabs are killed in Gaza and its a capital case. 21000 are killed in Afghanistan and its crickets chirping.

    At the very least Israel should get due process. That’s not too stringent a request to make of the world

  2. XLucid Said:

    QUESTION: Why did not the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights prosecute the USA for war crimes?

    Because USA is a superpower and UN receives about a quarter of its annual budget from America.
    UN is not a democratic institution. Only 5 countries of the UN Security Council member countries have veto powers. They are the untouchables like Indian cows. It is unfair!!!!

  3. Double standard has always been applied by the international community against on the one hand, Israel, and on the other hand, the rest of the countries in the world, including the USA.

    The best example to illustrate said double standard is with respect to the US war in Afghanistan further to the 9/11 terrorist attack.

    As of February 2014, at least 21,000 Afghans civilians are estimated to have died as a result of the war headed by the USA.

    QUESTION: Is that proportionate?

    The U.S. military violated international law in Afghanistan by dropping cluster bombs on populated areas. In addition to the casualties, cluster bombs cause damage to agriculture.

    QUESTION: Why did not the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights prosecute the USA for war crimes?

    Therefore, the only thing which is disproportionate and which is beyond any international law is undoubtedly the usual, historical and basic Jew-hatred by the West towards Jews worldwide who use Israel as a scapegoat.

  4. Huckabee made a major mistake. Since he knows nothing about the legalities of the conflict and the known anti-Israel position of HRW and his main mouth piece, he should have invited someone to “rebut” this Roth guy. Huck should have known better. Israel is dealing with vicious enemies.

  5. This article exposes the lies and propaganda of the haters of Israel/Jews who continuously allege that Israel committed/commits war crimes. In the end the truth shall prevail.

  6. NormanF Said:

    illegitimate terrorists. Name me one other country that declares ceasefires to make life easier for the enemy.

    As recall this happened in the American Civil War and the 1st WW.

  7. @ honeybee:

    When Israel makes ceasefires mandatory policy, its saying Hamas is like a legitimate group of soldiers when in reality, they’re nothing more than illegitimate terrorists. Name me one other country that declares ceasefires to make life easier for the enemy.

  8. @ honeybee:

    Yeah, I think Jewish lives deserve to be saved! If that makes me out to be a Nutter, I live with it. Here’s the truth: the enemy does not give a damn either for the lives of his own people or for the lives of the people of his adversary. Treating him as an honorable combatant is a twisted perversion of the laws of war.

  9. yamit82 Said:

    You are a real Nutter.

    Norman has more screws loose then a hardware store in the middle of an hurricane. There Sugar, did I make you laugh.

  10. @ yamit82:

    It broke the back of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Its one thing to lose soldiers in pursuit of the destruction of the enemy. If Israel’s war aim is to destroy the tunnels and Hamas is still around, that’s nothing. A year’s worth or two of Qatari aid and its back in business with a more lethal armament. Yes, they are following the Hezbollah playbook and they’re absolute fanatics. The only “peace” they want is Israel’s destruction. They’re not going to be deterred by incessant pounding. A more rational enemy would not put civilian lives at risk. But if comes down to the lives of the enemy vs the lives of Israeli soldiers, there’s no question who should come first. As for all the anti-Israel uproar abroad, 1,000 Arabs killed by Israel stirs more outrage than the 200,000 dead in Syria/Iraq. No one demands a ceasefire there.

  11. yamit82 Said:

    If you blow up or bomb all of the houses you may never find all of the tunnels. The tunnels have exits and entrances to hundreds of houses some running deep into Gaza.

    Yes, but it makes no sense to send soldiers in to determine if it is booby-trapped. Of course they will booby trap. why risk those lives when after evacuation the units can be bombed and likely booby traps triggered. Israel plays into hamas hands when they avoid the bombing. first bomb thoroughly and then send in soldiers. every prior war softens up the target first and today it can be softened to death. what are they going to do about the sifa command center? I think it is a big mistake to avoid military targets shielded by civilians. Give ultimatums through the UN that bombing will commence at a certain time and then destroy shifa with bunker busters. the UN can certify that Israel is complying with the law on a particular target.. it’s always going to be a choice between their lives and ours and I don’t think the choice should ever be in their favor.

  12. the existence of a military tunnel network under gaza city means that the entire city is a military target and should be evacuated for bombing. Civilian protection cannot be claimed as an obstruction to bombing military targets.

  13. @ NormanF:

    You are a real Nutter. Getting a bit tired of your stupid harangues.

    If you are so brave come on over and we will find a place for you up front….

    There are limits to the use of force and carpet bombing will not eliminate Hamas. Hamas is an ideology, a religion, a political entity with an army well trained and dug in literally underground.

    Thus without destroying Hamas and their military capabilities we would have killed thousands for no purpose, brought the wrath of the world down upon us and caused irreparable damage to the vitality of the country.

    Hamas leadership can be gotten to but that won’t necessarily end Hamas they will be replaced by others. They have had 30 years to indoctrinate the population and are as ruthless as the ISIS.

    We can not stop their ideology and motivation to kill us but we do have the ability to deny them the means and the opportunity without most of the negatives I alluded to.

    Wait for the final results before voicing emotional critiques of things you have no understanding of.

    We lost 3 more soldiers today with 4 more in critical condition all told 27 wounded.

    While Searching for tunnels in a house where they had found opening to tunnel.. It was booby trapped and the house collapsed on all of the soldiers. If you blow up or bomb all of the houses you may never find all of the tunnels. The tunnels have exits and entrances to hundreds of houses some running deep into Gaza.

    Hamas is following the Iranian Hezbollah playbook and it’s a hard nut to crack.

  14. Israel would have done better to show a little less restraint and done more to keep 53 Jewish boys alive. It could have carpet-bombed Gaza a la Arthur Harris and finished off Hamas without risking a single Jewish life. Which brings us to the present war dead.

    For what have they been sacrificed? Another ceasefire and the preservation of Hamas to live and fight another day? I’m livid.