Jerusalem must not be severed from Israel.

“Cede Not, Want Not”

By Aron U. Raskas, National Review Online

President Bush arrived in Jerusalem today to discuss plans for a peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians. According to news reports, this settlement may involve dividing Jerusalem — placing large segments of the city, including Christian holy sites, under the control of the Palestinian Authority. It is important that the president, and other current or aspiring leaders, consider the dangers that would arise from any such plan.

After centuries of strife, destruction, and oppression sown in Jerusalem by a cavalcade of conquering empires, the State of Israel alone has been able to preserve the peace and freedom of Jerusalem.

Within days of its liberation of Jerusalem in June 1967, Israel’s government enacted the Protection of Holy Places law, protecting all religions’ holy sites “from desecration and any other violation and from anything likely to violate the freedom of access of the members of the different religions to the places sacred to them or their feelings with regard to those places.” Israel’s government promptly handed over custodianship of the mosques on the Temple Mount to the Islamic Waqf, which is maintained to this day; the administration of Christian holy sites continues to rest in the hands of representative churches. Thus, in the 40 years since Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem, all people of all religions have been able — for the first time in centuries — to freely access all of Jerusalem’s holy sites.

It is therefore ironic that negotiators, mindless or careless of Jerusalem’s turbulent history and Islamic fundamentalists’ record of degrading and destroying other religions’ practices and holy sites, would seek to wrest control of Jerusalem from the one government that has preserved those freedoms. World leaders should know better than to turn Jerusalem’s important Christian and Jewish holy sites over to Muslim control; it would be a sorry day for any non-Muslim who aspires to visit those holy sites.

As President Bush travels to Jerusalem, he should use his visit to familiarize himself with the historic precedents and territorial infirmities that exist in the city and to contemplate up close the dangers to millennia-old Christian and Jewish holy sites that would arise from a division of the city.

Furthermore, in stark contrast to Israel’s conscientious actions to preserve the holy sites, the Arab forces that stormed Jerusalem in 1948 wantonly blew up 58 synagogues, rabbinical schools, and other buildings in the Jewish Quarter. Remaining synagogues and other holy sites were used as stables and garbage dumps.

Despite a 1949 armistice agreement guaranteeing the Jewish population “free access to the Holy Places and cultural institutions and use of the cemetery on the Mount of Olives,” Arab soldiers prevented Jews from accessing those sites until June 1967.

During the period that it controlled Jerusalem, Jordan also sought to reduce the Christian presence in the Christian quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City by passing laws forbidding Christians to buy property. The Jordanians ordered all schools closed on Muslim holidays and authorized mosques to be built near churches to restrict further Christian growth.

Palestinian efforts to eradicate signs of the Jewish legacy of Jerusalem continue unabated to this day. Fascinating archaeological excavations that bring to life remnants of the First and Second Temple edifices have generated Palestinian riots to prevent Israel from opening such sites for the world to see. Excavations below the Dome of the Rock by the Islamic Waqf seek to eradicate other valuable Jewish archaeological treasures.

Palestinians have pursued this modus operandi in other parts of the country as well. Although the 1993 Oslo Accords specifically provided that the Palestinian Authority would safeguard all holy sites in territory transferred to it under those accords, after Israel relinquished control of Nablus to the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians savagely destroyed Joseph’s Tomb under the watchful eyes of Palestinian police. Similar desecration occurred in Jericho, where Palestinians sacked the 1,500-year-old Shalom al Yisroel synagogue. At the site of Rachel’s Tomb, adjacent to the Palestinian-controlled territory of Bethlehem, Israel had to construct a virtual fortress around the shrine to protect Jewish worshippers from Palestinian sniper fire. And in Gaza, within hours of Israel’s disengagement in August 2005, Palestinian mobs triumphantly set ablaze or converted into mosques every synagogue that remained.

Christian holy sites and populations also continue to be endangered whenever Palestinians gain control. Christian towns and churches, including the sacred Church of the Nativity, have been used as bases for Palestinian snipers and launching-sites for terrorist attacks. Many historically Christian towns that came under Palestinian control through Oslo — Bethlehem being only the most famous example — quickly lost their Christian majority as those citizens steadily fled Muslim oppression designed to reduce the Christian presence. In the sole area of Jerusalem relinquished to Islamic administration, the Temple Mount, the Islamic Waqf grants Christians and, ironically, Jews only limited access and prohibits any form of non-Islamic prayer.

These attacks on the antiquities, holy sites, and populations of non-Islamic faiths build upon a campaign by radical Islamic groups across the Middle East and South Asia. This drive gained notoriety from the unprecedented barbaric destruction of the 2,000-year-old Buddhist statutes in Afghanistan’s Bamiyan Valley, and continued with attacks upon Christian churches in Pakistan and Iraq and violent attacks beginning in 1998 against Egypt’s Coptic Christians. In 2004, Islamic insurgents connected to Abu Musab al Zarqawi’s al-Qaeda network bombed six Iraqi churches in one day.

Jerusalem itself is a small city, and the Holy Basin containing Christianity’s and Judaism’s holiest sites is even smaller, totaling less than one square mile. In Jerusalem, therefore, there is little margin for error.

Most of the desecrations of Jewish and Christian holy sites in the Palestinian territories have occurred under the rule of the Fatah party, to which many suggest that parts of Jerusalem should now be ceded. That prospect should be troubling enough for any Christian or Jew. Yet, as former Israeli ambassador Dore Gold demonstrates in his book, The Fight for Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West and the Future of the Holy City, Hamas’s ascent to power in Gaza, and its threatened dominance of the West Bank, coupled with the increasing insurgence being attempted by al–Qaeda in the Palestinian territories, adds a growing, and thus troubling, Islamic component to any analysis of the likely fate of Jerusalem’s holy sites under Palestinian rule. It makes foretelling the future of Jerusalem under Palestinian control a frightening, yet easy, exercise.

In a December 15, 2007 speech to a rally of more than 200,000 Palestinians, Hamas prime minister Ismael Haniyeh vowed that “only by way of jihad and the resistance will we be able to liberate Palestine, Jerusalem, and the Al-Aqsa mosque.” Osama Bin laden has been no less subtle, warning in a recent audiotape that “we will not recognize even once inch for Jews in the land of Palestine.”

There is little doubt that ceding even a portion of Jerusalem to Palestinian control would strengthen the role of such radicals, much as Israel’s retreat from Lebanon and evacuation of Gaza brought Hezbollah and Hamas to prominence. In radical Islam’s battle for world domination, Jerusalem represents the grandest of prizes.

The fight for Jerusalem, therefore, would be quickly pursued by Islamic fundamentalist regimes. A secular Palestinian Authority would be quickly swept aside, faster even than Fatah was overpowered by Hamas in Gaza. The next step in their ascendance would be the strengthening of the Islamic presence in the city at the expense of all other religions, as Islamic regimes have routinely done whenever and wherever they have seized power.

Israel, like no ruling authority before it, has proven its commitment and ability to ensure peace and religious pluralism in the holy city for all mankind. The community of peace-loving nations cannot afford to undermine that state of affairs and establish a base from which a repressive Islamic regime would assume control in this holy city.

The Buddhist statues of the Bamiyan Valley were reduced to rubble with only the Islamic fundamentalists to blame. Western leaders must do all in their power to avoid being enshrined in history as the ones responsible for bringing to Jerusalem the Islamic regime that destroyed Judaism’s and Christianity’s holiest sites.

— Aron U. Raskas, a Baltimore attorney and former resident of Jerusalem, is a national vice-president of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and a director of

January 9, 2008 | 21 Comments »

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17 Comments / 21 Comments

  1. There’s nothing like a good war to stimulate the libido culminating in a quick salvo of cyber passion..

    Considering the patriarchal, women treated as dirt and slaves, multiple terrorist wives breeding like rats, castration would be a good policy if it wasn’t a Nazi kind of thing.

    But since the West is committed to Democracy, it is better to do the Democratic thing and kill them all , or at least kill as as many terrorist and terrorist enablers as will gather under the sights of each missile.

    Pity that they take their children to paradise with them, but then again they really have limited futures as suicide bombers and terrorists. better they go with the parents unless social services can be called in to re-parent them. The problem of orphans and runaways from abusive violent families is always very sad.

  2. BTW all muslim males should be forcibly castrated starting at the age of 13.

    Islam believes in medieval ideology – that the killing of infidels in the name of Allah will be rewarded in heaven – allowing the Islamists to sexually molest for all eternality 72 virgins, in 72 mansions, and 72 beds – that the murder of millions of non – believers is a religious duty, women are inferior to men – their virtual slaves to be denied education, beaten, killed for adultery or other sexual transgressions (real or imaged), covered from head to toe, people can be butchered, mutilated and tortured, barbers giving hair cuts killed, music and movies banned, women practicing folk dancing murdered, teachers murdered, schools teaching young girls blown up, anyone who believes in a different interpretation of Islam to be killed and on and on. Muslims have paid a terrible price at the hands of these Fundamentalists. Children massacred. Grand parents brains scattered all over the street. Men, women, children, old and young. Over one hundred and fifty thousand Muslims have been slaughtered in the most horrid, grotesque, unimaginable ways since 9/11.

    Against these ridiculous crazy teachings, the Western World is intellectually collapsing – freedom of speech is collapsing. Anyone who writes or puts on a play exposing these teachings can be killed.

    Now philo-clitoreum, In light of your sexist posts here and your proclivity to add zero to any discussion on any thread and in light of your disturbed mental condition probably brought on by syphilis I encourage you to volunteer for castration asap.

    I can think of no Muslim more deserving and in need of such a radical act than you. Pls volunteer yourself asap as your sickness seems to be contagious. Otherwise we might have to track you down and put you out of our misery like any mad dog or Muslim.

  3. Belman: What are running here a swingers club?

    Comment by celia — January 2, 2009 @ 8:24 pm

    He he, yes , the one criticizes the other of runaway deviant sexuality and then engages themselves the same way in it. I suppose it’s counterpoint to the repressed sexuality of the enemy and an essential part of fundamentalism which is on both sides.
    Well, since everyone is going to get blown up soon or be enslaved by economic totalitarians, they might as well enjoy themselves while they have time. Perhaps the best hope for the future lies in lobbying for multisexual gas chambers to make sure everyone has a good time on their way out.

    The word Israeli is becoming synonymous with weakness, cowardice, vacillation and capitulation.

    Those words describe yourself max. When the fuck have you ever fought for anything? A great warrior you are behind a keyboard. What a putz.

    No, these words describe modern Israel, it’s current status and the current world majority opinion of Israel. I’m sure you know it. You want to take a poll in month after this Hamas victory you can find out objectively what the world thinks no matter which side they are on.
    Your anger towards someone you know nothing about is simply psychological denial of the obvious.

    Being angry at an anonymous Internet poster will not change the reality of the absurd “Don Quixote” performance currently displayed in Israel. Now if you can transfer that anger to the Israeli Nation, and they would step up to the plate that would be terrific! I would retract and rejoice for the survival of Israel.
    The rank and file in the IDF and the public are not the instigators they are just the receivers .
    The nation takes on the attributes of it’s leaders and bosses. Those leaders as well as the Hamas need to be removed.. But there is no one and no force that can do that so that is just day dreaming.

    But I think the keyboard in my hands produces somewhat effective writings which reflects my life experience. William Golding said a writer is one who exposes and presses on raw nerves and like Hannibal Lecter I know how to find them. So a writer is measured by they affect, not by who they shoot.

    Israel’s reputation is now totally reversed from the tough Holocaust survival spirit. I didn’t do that. I would say it was modern business economics and the Western Power elite that did that. So it’s not so much the common person’s fault, though they are the “finished product” of the power elite’s media.

    I’m glad my words affect you, If only they could reach the six million the same way.
    I don’t blame you. It is not easy to accept loss and you are probably going through Kübler-Ross’s five stages of Grief. You have my condolences. The tough spirit of Holocaust survival has been replaced by the need to have showy funerals.

    Those words I said in part describe an objective reality but more importantly they describe the current world opinion of Israel. You will see.. wait a while and then watch the fallout from this.
    And as for “fight for anything” does anyone in Israel fight for anything? Individuals – yes.
    Overall – “No”, and not only is that answer “No” but the forces opposing fighting for anything are totally entrenched and dominant.

    The IDF according to all reports is crippled with legalism, leftism and political correctness and CYA. There is no warrior ethic left there. There is no Holocaust legacy left in the popular idiom. It has evaporated strewn away by the MSM ownership.

    There is not a war on , nor even a military action. There are just some social machinations with lives being made by electioneering politicians. There are no Israel groups of any power fighting for anything in Israel. The only military man that could lead them was fired and dubbed an “jerk” by the powers that be. And no one in power wants him or anyone like him back in charge.

    Like Donald Trump said to an Apprentice loser once “It’s over. Isn’t it over?” There comes a point when the spirit of one or two people does not pull the ashes out of the oven and turn them back into the living.

    I would go further to say this is/was the final point of no return. The turning point was probably some years back.
    Now it’s time to accept the failure of the Jewish/Israeli state, and the triumph of Jihadist Terrorism in the Middle East. It’s time to accept that probably within a decade Israel will be a rump state or cease to exist and to try to determine the implications and future history of that for the rest of the world.

    There will be a rapid spiraling down. People and organizations do not give money, material and emotional support to lost causes or nations that have given up or become hopelessly corrupted. They CORF. It’s only natural to shout “Throw the Bums out!”
    “New Elections” will not help Israel. New elections will just see the cronies of the old faces or the new faces of the same corrupted power elite that owns the election process, the media and the proagandization of the Israelis. The political process already had become corrupted and a dead end. When Ya’alon was tossed out on his ear, that was the end of the old guard and the triumph of Elite Power.

    I think people now have to regard Israelis as such they would a relative who became addicted to drugs. They can only be helped insofar as their suicidal tendencies do not pull you down into their self-destructive vortex. The best thing to do for Israeli friends is to help them get out or make emergency plans ahead of time to get them out before the end comes.
    There will not be any attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities either by the USA or Israel. That is a pipe dream. So after Iran gets the weapons, besides the terrorist nukes , Iran will be able to use political blackmail in many ways. This will probably limit or eliminate American response as Israel is smashed up under more and more intensive military incursions from all sides.
    The next series of attacks from Lebanon , West Bank and Gaza will be co-ordinated and have superior technology than even today. No doubt at this stage large sections of Israel may become overrun and perhaps the Knesset of other groups will be taken hostage.
    The deterrent nukes in the submarines won’t help either because the Israeli executive bosses will give them up in exchange for their own release from hostage takers or for safe passage out of Israel. Or who knows how low their price will be? Everybody will be betrayed as they have already been for the last decade. The Israeli bosses have consistently shown that they will sell out for practically no return. It is not credible that they would sacrifice anything of themselves at all.
    If I am wrong, oh yeah,it’s wonderful. But I think I am not and not even touched the tip of the sinking Israeli iceberg in analysis. I think that the silence of alternative projected futures means only one thing ,that there isn’t any, there aren’t any answers except the obvious.

    It’s generally how things will proceed. People think ..oh it can’t get worse beyond a certain point or there is always a wall, like nuclear deterrent or the USA. But the reality is those tings are ephemeral and “black swans” like Hezbollah II are common when anarchy and murder reigns.
    It’s Occam’s’ razor that defines Israel.

    Don’t blame me for Israel.
    If it makes you feel any better, the whole rest of Western Civilization also refuses to fight for itself. And entire civilization under the jackboot of a technological economic totalitarianism and they also are confused and looking for somewhere to hide. It’s not a different process, Israel is part of this process or part of this evolution of human identity to a technological slave culture. I had a hope that it was an anomaly a glitch in the greased wheels of grinding cyborgization but apparently it was a false hope.
    The old days were wonderful in comparison because even a Gestapo was human and could have a change of heart. Now the masters are “process”, all executive decisions are made by process analysis, efficiency analysis and left to the calculation of machines with cameras on humans 24/7 measuring how far they can be driven before being broken and discarded.
    There is no human at the top to which a final appeal can be made. Israel’s failure is just part of the failure of modern civilization and the human species.
    The human legacy is reduced to simply diarizing the psychopathology of a species dysfunctional disease. The fact that none will read or care about the diaries and the record of our failure in the future is irrelevant, It is simply what we do.

  4. The word Israeli is becoming synonymous with weakness, cowardice, vacillation and capitulation.

    Those words describe yourself max. When the fuck have you ever fought for anything? A great warrior you are behind a keyboard. What a putz.

    No, these words describe modern Israel, it’s current status and the current world majority opinion of Israel. I’m sure you know it. You want to take a poll in month after this Hamas victory you can find out objectively what the world thinks no matter which side they are on.
    Your anger towards someone you know nothing about is simply psychological denial of the obvious.

    Being angry at an anonymous Internet poster will not change the reality of the absurd “Don Quixote” performance currently displayed in Israel. Now if you can transfer that anger to the Israeli Nation, and they would step up to the plate that would be terrific! I would retract and rejoice for the survival of Israel.
    The rank and file in the IDF and the public are not the instigators they are just the receivers .
    The nation takes on the attributes of it’s leaders and bosses. Those leaders as well as the Hamas need to be removed.. But there is no one and no force that can do that so that is just day dreaming.

    But I think the keyboard in my hands produces somewhat effective writings which reflects my life experience. William Golding said a writer is one who exposes and presses on raw nerves and like Hannibal Lecter I know how to find them. So a writer is measured by they affect, not by who they shoot.

    Israel’s reputation is now totally reversed from the tough Holocaust survival spirit. I didn’t do that. I would say it was modern business economics and the Western Power elite that did that. So it’s not so much the common person’s fault, though they are the “finished product” of the power elite’s media.

    I’m glad my words affect you, If only they could reach the six million the same way.
    I don’t blame you. It is not easy to accept loss and you are probably going through Kübler-Ross’s five stages of Grief. You have my condolences. The tough spirit of Holocaust survival has been replaced by the need to have showy funerals.

    Those words I said in part describe an objective reality but more importantly they describe the current world opinion of Israel. You will see.. wait a while and then watch the fallout from this.
    And as for “fight for anything” does anyone in Israel fight for anything? Individuals – yes.
    Overall – “No”, and not only is that answer “No” but the forces opposing fighting for anything are totally entrenched and dominant.

    The IDF according to all reports is crippled with legalism, leftism and political correctness and CYA. There is no warrior ethic left there. There is no Holocaust legacy left in the popular idiom. It has evaporated strewn away by the MSM ownership.

    There is not a war on , nor even a military action. There are just some social machinations with lives being made by electioneering politicians. There are no Israel groups of any power fighting for anything in Israel. The only military man that could lead them was fired and dubbed an “jerk” by the powers that be. And no one in power wants him or anyone like him back in charge.

    Like Donald Trump said to an Apprentice loser once “It’s over. Isn’t it over?” There comes a point when the spirit of one or two people does not pull the ashes out of the oven and turn them back into the living.

    I would go further to say this is/was the final point of no return. The turning point was probably some years back.
    Now it’s time to accept the failure of the Jewish/Israeli state, and the triumph of Jihadist Terrorism in the Middle East. It’s time to accept that probably within a decade Israel will be a rump state or cease to exist and to try to determine the implications and future history of that for the rest of the world.

    There will be a rapid spiraling down. People and organizations do not give money, material and emotional support to lost causes or nations that have given up or become hopelessly corrupted. They CORF. It’s only natural to shout “Throw the Bums out!”
    “New Elections” will not help Israel. New elections will just see the cronies of the old faces or the new faces of the same corrupted power elite that owns the election process, the media and the proagandization of the Israelis. The political process already had become corrupted and a dead end. When Ya’alon was tossed out on his ear, that was the end of the old guard and the triumph of Elite Power.

    I think people now have to regard Israelis as such they would a relative who became addicted to drugs. They can only be helped insofar as their suicidal tendencies do not pull you down into their self-destructive vortex. The best thing to do for Israeli friends is to help them get out or make emergency plans ahead of time to get them out before the end comes.
    There will not be any attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities either by the USA or Israel. That is a pipe dream. So after Iran gets the weapons, besides the terrorist nukes , Iran will be able to use political blackmail in many ways. This will probably limit or eliminate American response as Israel is smashed up under more and more intensive military incursions from all sides.
    The next series of attacks from Lebanon , West Bank and Gaza will be co-ordinated and have superior technology than even today. No doubt at this stage large sections of Israel may become overrun and perhaps the Knesset of other groups will be taken hostage.
    The deterrent nukes in the submarines won’t help either because the Israeli executive bosses will give them up in exchange for their own release from hostage takers or for safe passage out of Israel. Or who knows how low their price will be? Everybody will be betrayed as they have already been for the last decade. The Israeli bosses have consistently shown that they will sell out for practically no return. It is not credible that they would sacrifice anything of themselves at all.
    If I am wrong, oh yeah,it’s wonderful. But I think I am not and not even touched the tip of the sinking Israeli iceberg in analysis. I think that the silence of alternative projected futures means only one thing ,that there isn’t any, there aren’t any answers except the obvious.

    It’s generally how things will proceed. People think ..oh it can’t get worse beyond a certain point or there is always a wall, like nuclear deterrent or the USA. But the reality is those tings are ephemeral and “black swans” like Hezbollah II are common when anarchy and murder reigns.
    It’s Occam’s’ razor that defines Israel.

    Don’t blame me for Israel.
    If it makes you feel any better, the whole rest of Western Civilization also refuses to fight for itself. And entire civilization under the jackboot of a technological economic totalitarianism and they also are confused and looking for somewhere to hide. It’s not a different process, Israel is part of this process or part of this evolution of human identity to a technological slave culture. I had a hope that it was an anomaly a glitch in the greased wheels of grinding cyborgization but apparently it was a false hope.
    The old days were wonderful in comparison because even a Gestapo was human and could have a change of heart. Now the masters are “process”, all executive decisions are made by process analysis, efficiency analysis and left to the calculation of machines with cameras on humans 24/7 measuring how far they can be driven before being broken and discarded.
    There is no human at the top to which a final appeal can be made. Israel’s failure is just part of the failure of modern civilization and the human species.
    The human legacy is reduced to simply diarizing the psychopathology of a species dysfunctional disease. The fact that none will read or care about the diaries and the record of our failure in the future is irrelevant, It is simply what we do.

    Belman: What are running here a swingers club?

    Comment by celia — January 2, 2009 @ 8:24 pm

    He he, yes , the one criticizes the other of runaway deviant sexuality and then engages themselves the same way in it. I suppose it’s counterpoint to the repressed sexuality of the enemy and an essential part of fundamentalism which is on both sides.
    Well, since everyone is going to get blown up soon or be enslaved by economic totalitarians, they might as well enjoy themselves while they have time. Perhaps the best hope for the future lies in lobbying for multisexual gas chambers to make sure everyone has a good time on their way out.

  5. Laura:BTW all muslim males should be forcibly castrated starting at the age of 13

    Peskin Wrote:Boy oh boy, what a degenerate. I shudder to think about what sadomasochistic, aoutoerotic,exotic practises you engage in-what about goats,chickens, underage boys and girls-are there any limits at all?

    Laura dearest, It is vitally important that we meet ASAP. Please leave your telephone number
    at http://WWW.-BJ/handjob/
    Will relocate if necessary.

  6. The word Israeli is becoming synonymous with weakness, cowardice, vacillation and capitulation.

    Those words describe yourself max. When the fuck have you ever fought for anything? A great warrior you are behind a keyboard. What a putz.

    BTW all muslim males should be forcibly castrated starting at the age of 13.

  7. They have their boot poised to crush a scorpion and they say “Oh gee why not make a truce?”
    Well, even though Israel seems to have all sense of credibility or even all sense, hope springs eternal. A failure here may be unrecoverable. If Israel can be broken so easily maybe even the terrorists can use some threat to against the population to convince the submarine commanders to surrender. At least now they will be so emboldened and encouraged. Nothing is impossible for them!

  8. Why don’t we hold our attacks on the Israeli government (Stupid idiots) until we actually see them agree to a truce with the other Stupid idiots (Gaza). If the IDF puts boots on the ground, they will be hard to stop. That being the case, continue to put the heat and the encouragement to destroy the Islamic terrorists.

  9. I take great umberage at this author’s reference to Abbas’s control and reference, “not terrorists” remark. Wasn’t Abbas responsible for that “little” incident in West Germany over 36 years ago? For anyone who doubts the righteousness of bombing Gaza, let me break it down in simplistic terms. Mohamed el Dura was a “false flag” operation Shalhavet Pass was reality.

  10. Two can play at the slogan game… Feel free to use these “substitutes”.


  11. I laugh.
    ha ha.
    I laugh in the face of madness.
    ha ha ha ha

    This is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

    Ha! ha! ha! — he! he! — a very good joke indeed — an excellent jest. We will have many a rich laugh about it at the palazzo — he! he! he! — over our wine — he! he! he!

    Fortunato? Fortunato!

    Israel crys WOLF! twice in two years. Condysleeza hands Israel’s head to Hamas.
    All is well!
    They will now trade six million dead Jews for the corpse of Shalit.

    A practical joke. You played the world all right real good.
    You all have a nice suicide party now.

    The word Israeli is becoming synonymous with weakness, cowardice, vacillation and capitulation.

    After this Israeli is an international joke.
    Palestinians protest and Israelis dance on strings.
    I should have learned my lesson after they freed the child killer.

    What can you do?
    See youse on the funny farm.

  12. Stop the Massacre of Palestinians!

    Emergency Demonstrations Taking Place Daily

    Another NY protest:

    NYC Actions for Gaza Continue
    Death toll in Gaza is over 400! Over 2000 wounded!
    Friday, 5:00- 7:00 PM: Join Adalah-NY for Flyering and a Vigil
    Greeley Square, 6th Ave & 32nd Street (1,2,3, A,B,C,D, to 34th St)
    Bring Palestinian flags, make your own sign
    Printable flyers will be avalable on our website Friday morning. We will print
    loads (but if you can make copies, you can help).
    Saturday: we urge all of our members and friends to come out and participate in
    the Rally and March on Saturday January 3, 2009.
    Rally at Times Square, 42nd and 7th Avenue, 1:00 PM
    March to the Israeli mission on 42nd and 2nd Avenue.
    Adalah-NY and friends will gather 12:40 PM at the North East corner of 39th St
    and 7th Ave. At 1:10 PM, we will join the protest and try to be near 41st St.
    and 7th Ave. Join us!

    Here are some of the the slogans we will be using for signs on Friday and

    No major Jewish organized counter demonstrations planned except some ad-hoc groups like CAMERA. We have abandoned the playing field to Terror and the terrorists. Somebody better wake up fast and smell the copffee.

  13. Three cheers for Fox News !!
    I was in full agreement till I read this: ·

    Transfer of control over border-crossings between Gaza and Egypt and between Gaza and Israel to the Palestinian Authority government of Salam Fayyad.

    · Until the elections to the Palestinian parliament and the presidency in January 2010, Gaza is to be run by a civilian administration appointed by the government in Ramallah.

    · Augmented Egyptian supervision of the border between Gaza and Egypt.

    · The return of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

    Such an agreement will require international and regional support. Countries such as Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia can play an important role. Syria, if it uses its influence over the Hamas leadership that is comfortably hosted by Damascus, can win points toward any future discussions with the United States and Israel.

    This is still the lefts delusional conception. They have learned nothing and forgot nothing.

    Here is one anchor who knows what he is talking about and refusing to accept the lies of a Palestinian legal adviser…

    We need more of this… Proper Journalists!

    Warms the heartstrings

  14. A ceasefire will make Hamas victorious and raise its street cred both with the Palestinian street as well as the Muslim World. And Israel would agree to Hamas terms, why exactly? Why bother to go through the pretense of a bombing campaign if you’re going to capitulate? Either Israel wants to win or doesn’t. If it doesn’t, then this has been a very expensive campaign commercial for the Israeli Left. And Israel will be faced with renewed fighting next time under far worse circumstances, confronting a Hamas with an even more enlarged arsenal.