Israel raced to give extra boosters before most countries in December; research also shows shots cut hospitalization by over 60%; says study author: ‘They’re lifesavers’
10 July 2022,

Fourth COVID-19 vaccine shots have provided a 72 percent reduction in death rates among the most vulnerable Israelis, according to new peer-reviewed research.
The finding comes from a large Israeli study that analyzed data on elderly people in care homes who received four shots, comparing them to those who only took three. It was conducted during last winter’s coronavirus outbreak, which was dominated by the Omicron variant.
The fourth shot of Pfizer’s vaccine slashed the chance of hospitalization for COVID by over 60% and delivered a 34% reduction in chances of infection, according to the study, which was conducted by Tel Aviv University, Ben Gurion University and the Health Ministry. It was published in the journal, JAMA Internal Medicine.
“The most important message here is that the fourth dose was protective for the most frail elderly people who are in residential facilities,” epidemiologist Prof. Khitam Muhsen of Tel Aviv University, one of the study’s authors, told The Times of Israel. “Fourth shots reduce hospitalization and death — they’re lifesavers.
“The results are very good and very reassuring, especially as, before the fourth dose, we didn’t know whether it would help, especially against Omicron which is so much harder for vaccines to fight, as it has so many more mutations than previous variants.”
Muhsen said that the results vindicate Israel’s decision in December to administer fourth doses, also known as second boosters, before most others around the world did.
“They confirm that the policy adopted by the State of Israel was the correct one,” she said. “The decision to vaccinate at-risk populations with the fourth dose was a wise choice that saved a lot of human lives.”

The study covered some 40,000 elderly Israelis who live in institutions supervised by the Ministry of Health’s Senior Shield program, a task force launched by Israel’s government to oversee the prevention and control of COVID-19 in the country’s geriatric facilities.
It compared 24,088 residents of Senior Shield facilities who received a fourth dose of the Pfizer vaccine, with 19,687 residents who were vaccinated with the first three doses four months or more prior to the follow-up, but who chose not to take the fourth shot.
Muhsen commented: “What we learn is that while immunity wanes over time, the fourth dose does enhance neutralizing antibodies over and above the impact of the third dose. I strongly recommend that elderly people take the fourth dose.”
Liver concerns with the vax:
Dr. McCullough discusses the following study:
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
Here is the 2min video where Dr. McCullough quickly discusses the inference of this latest concern of the vax.
Also this:
The age comparison between the two groups is not perfect, but it is close, an average age of 78.3yrs in the 3 dose group as compared to 83.0yrs for the 4 dose group. What stands out as a more egregious variable, however, is the socioeconomic difference between the two groups. The 3 dose group had a much higher percentage of people from moderate levels and the 4 dose group had a much higher percentage of people from high levels. The significance of this is that people from the low and middle socioeconomic ranges are associated with poorer health scores than people from higher socioeconomic ranges and this would influence the study to falsely improve, to some degree, the outcome of the 4th dose group due to the variance of this variable.
In any case, in addition to this, the scoring is not perfect along other variables, but not terrible. The weight between the two groups, ie the number of people represented in the 3 dose and the 4 dose was markedly different however. There were fewer than 10K in the 3 dose group and almost 17K in the 4 dose group. This seems odd to me. It is not always possible to balance the two groups by variables and sample size, but it does seem to me that they should have been capable of achieving both of these with greater accuracy than they did in this study. Just FYI
One more thing, the study was comparing people receiving the 4th shot to people not receiving the 4th shot, ie people who did recieve 3 shots but not the 4th. Given these parameters it wouldn’t require they use a control group who were never vaxxed. Just FYI.
The study is worthless unless it compares both groups with similar age group who were never vaxxed.
Also, Haiti:
Are we ever to play this game month after week, year after month, where we talk of selective data collected to celebrate the momentary conclusion that no one is dying of this plague called covid, while ignoring the fact that countless souls are succumbing to the treatment itself. Indeed, let us accept the claim made here about the lives spared the challenges of covid, for which even in its Omicron form will cause some to die. With this in mind, it can not be forgotten that the world is aware, we all know. The data that was hidden has revealed the reason it was hidden. The tragedy of the dead, the damaged and the desperation to hide it all is well documented and being distributed to the masses around the world. Hence, how is it that this study was done without any care or report or collection of data on the people who succumbed following the injections, those not hospitalized for covid? The vast majority of classes of ailments, by the thousands, are not classed as covid. They are blood clots and heart attacks, paresis and paralysis, sudden death and hypertensive shock.
Where are the data sets collected that demonstrated the number of people who were hospitalized and died, not from covid, in the same day as the shots. Where are the data sets collected that demonstrated the number of people who were hospitalized and died, not from covid, in the same week as the shots. Where are the data sets collected that demonstrated the number of people who were hospitalized and died, not from covid, in the same month as the shots. Where are these data sets. Why were they not collected?
It has been known, long before the phizer data was released that these shots kill. Why do we not collect in the same study the benefit and the tragedy from this toxic injection? It would be a simple thing to note in the follow up contacts, if a person had been hospitalized or died for a cause not judged to be Covid. In fact, this would remove any potential discriminator to those whose suspicions based on past Covid research would lead them to suspect if the Covid related hospitalizations were reduced because of misclassification or misdiagnosis. So, I ask again, where is the data?
If I would tell you that any given disease could be cured but that it would be associated with a marked increased risk of death due to the cure, who would take this cure. Yet, if I were to tell you that any given disease could be cured and not discuss that it is associated with a marked increase in death due to the cure, who would not take this cure. The distinction of knowing this detail is not a trivial marker, it is quite honestly a deadly serious detail, though not serious enough to collect the data to explain how the reduction in Covid deaths might have influenced a potential increase in non-covid deaths.
And none of this even approaches the question of accounting for why those who were injected and those who were not, were not treated with Early Treatments following a covid diagnosis.
I hope this is true and lives are being saved.
But I doubt it.
For every life we ‘save’ we are probably losing more lives.
I saw studies today that show over 90% of hospitilised and dead in UK are tripple and quadruple vaxxed. Also, study out of Sweeden shows I think that the Pfizer shots affect DNA.
I don’t trust the data out of Israel.
So many have been injured here in Israel and we will never hear about it.