Many Jewish intellectuals support Palin

By Ted Belman

Evidently there is a new poll out that advises that Sarah Palin is supported by the poor and uneducated rather than by the educated and well off. Since Jews are both of the latter, you might think that Jews don’t support her much.

In my own experience I am usually confronted with scorn and derision should I mention my support of Palin to Jews, but not all Jews.

Benjamin Korn the founder of American Jews4 Sarah in his article Sarah Palin Gaining in Support from ‘Educated Jews’ begs to differ.

    [..] While it is certainly too early to assume that 1980 will repeat itself in 2012, there are signs of growing respect for Gov. Palin’s policies and positions – especially among some of the Jewish intellectuals whom Besser presumes now oppose her.

    Just two days after the Nov. 2nd elections, Palin authored a 1500-word manifesto, published in the pages of National Review, detailing her strategy to “renew, revive, and restore” America according to free-market economics, energy independence, a strong national security policy and traditional moral values.

    John Podhoretz, editor in chief of Commentary magazine, immediately hailed the Palin Plan as “brilliant.” It is perhaps no coincidence that his father and predecessor at Commentary’s helm, Norman Podhoretz, had endorsed Palin in the Wall Street Journal in March of this year, and was an early supporter of Ronald Reagan’s presidential ambitions at a time when many of his colleagues also questioned Reagan’s intellectual bonafides.

    Then hear the views of Seth Lipsky, founder and editor emeritus of the English-language edition of The Forward, now editing at The New York Sun. For Lipsky, a serious student of the Constitution and author of the recent book The Citizen’s Constitution: An Annotated Guide, the genius of Palin’s platform is in her advocacy of “Constitutional conservatism.”

    According to Lipsky, Palin insists on adhering “to the original intent [of the Constitution], the principles of the Founders,” a determination “to wrestle with what they were actually talking about,” not what contemporary policy wonks wish they had been saying. “This is an idea for our times, if there ever was one,” Lipsky concludes, because unlike other contemporary conservative strains, “every American has a relationship to the Constitution.”

    Palin’s Constitutional conservatism, in Lipsky’s view, “is unifying, uplifting, and inclusive.”

    Or consider William Kristol, a Fox News contributor, founding editor of one of America’s most important journals, The Weekly Standard, and son of renowned Jewish intellectual Irving Kristol. Bill Kristol was one of Palin’s earliest supporters, and remains so.

    Even U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman, I-CT, certainly no knee-jerk conservative, recognizes that Palin’s effectively address wide-spread concerns: “Sarah Palin for a lot of people has become a spokesperson. People worried that government has forgotten them, has grown too big, that the deficit is growing too large, and in some sense that we’re not being as strong as we should be in the world — Governor Palin has spoken to those concerns as much as anyone.”

    Lieberman, Kristol, Lipsky, and the Podhoretz’s are sophisticated, educated, thinking Jews who appreciate Palin’s heartfelt support for Israel, her forceful and informed advocacy for energy independence, her strong stance on national security, and her fealty to traditional moral values (sometimes we forget these are Jewish values, too!). All are bellwethers of the increasing respect for Sarah Palin amongst us – the educated and affluent American Jews.

Myer Levin, Dennis Prager, Pamela Geller, William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection and Thomas Lifson of American Thinker are also fans. David Frum is not. What does that tell you. Neither is Krauthammer.

November 30, 2010 | 34 Comments »

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34 Comments / 34 Comments

  1. Bedrock writes:
    Sarah Palin: Please don’t compare yourself to Reagan. We all knew Reagan and believe me, your no Reagan!!

    Please don’t embarrass yourself like this. To begin with, Palin did not compare herself to Reagan – she only said that Reagan, too, was demeaned and dismissed before he became President. Palin has the same charisma and economic philosophy as Reagan and the balls to implement it, she has Reagan’s common sense and ability to bypass the media, and she would be the most pro-Israeli US President in history. Wise up.

  2. Dov writes:
    NATO’s budget is already pre-approved. Congress is not going to slash NATO’s budget in order to stop the President from sending NATO to patrol the borders of the new PA State. Besides the primary makeup of the NATO contingency of troops will be from Germany (Gomer) and Turkey (Togarmah). Very few Americans if any will be sent. On the other hand the Germans and the Turks are frothing at the mouth to send troops to protect the PA State. They will gladly flip the bill. NATO only needs Obama’s signature which he will happily supply.

    This is all idle speculation. Obama does not have the support in the new US Legislature to do this. They have even backed off trying to re-impose the moratorium on building settlements in Jerusalem.

    If The Palestinians declare themselves a state and countries begin to recognize them, there is nothing anyone can do. Israel will just have to circle the wagons and deal with it. This is essentially what happened in Kosovo but the US supported that state because of the previous genocides that had taken place by the Serbs and Croats.

    It is time to admit that America’s Founding Fathers made one big big mistake. They put the day to day running of foreign policy into the hands of one man, the President. If he does not need a Declaration of War, ratification of a signed treaty, or spending appropriations, the Pres. can do whatever he wants in foreign policy and international affairs. The Congress can only sign letters and pass non-binding recommendations.

    Dov, you are simply making up stuff out of whole cloth. The US President has no such sweeping powers that are not subject to checks and balances. You have to know what happened in Vietnam which contradicts what you have written above. The regime change in Iraq was approved by the Legislature.

    Here is some more information on the subject.

  3. By the way, I forgot to mention to Yamit82, according to our Sages, Mashiach ben Yosef will be the one killed in the attempt by all the nations to divide Yerushalayim. In Kol HaTor the student of the Vilna Gaon says that he will be killed by Armelus the Wicked, the leader of the Erev Rav (the mixed multitude of insincere converts to Judaism that left slavery in Egypt with the Israelites). In actuality Kol HaTor says that he may survive the attempt to kill him. Yet if Armelus succeeds, Mashiach ben Yosef is the one who is killed and mourned over in Zecharia 12. Therefore, nine months after the nations attempt to forcibly remove Jews in East Yerushalayim from their homes, Persia (Iran) will fall into the hands of Rome (the West), and then Mashiach ben David comes after the Mt. of Olives is split in two. Persia falling into the hands of Rome is in accord with Rav Yonatan Eibeschutz and the Tosefot on the Talmud in Avodah Zarah 2b. The nine months are referred to in this same Tosefot, in the Talmud in Sanhedrin 98b, and the Prophet Micah 5:2 in the Bible.

    The question should be that if the coming of Mashiach ben David is so close, who is Mashiach ben Yosef? Should he not already be on the scene? The answer to this one of who ben Yosef is will be a real barn-burning surprise. Yes, he is already on the scene.

  4. NATO’s budget is already pre-approved. Congress is not going to slash NATO’s budget in order to stop the President from sending NATO to patrol the borders of the new PA State. Besides the primary makeup of the NATO contingency of troops will be from Germany (Gomer) and Turkey (Togarmah). Very few Americans if any will be sent. On the other hand the Germans and the Turks are frothing at the mouth to send troops to protect the PA State. They will gladly flip the bill. NATO only needs Obama’s signature which he will happily supply. It is time to admit that America’s Founding Fathers made one big big mistake. They put the day to day running of foreign policy into the hands of one man, the President. If he does not need a Declaration of War, ratification of a signed treaty, or spending appropriations, the Pres. can do whatever he wants in foreign policy and international affairs. The Congress can only sign letters and pass non-binding recommendations.

  5. Dov Bar-Leib writes:
    He doesn’t need an act of Congress to do this.

    I assume you know that the House of Representatives does control the budget. Don’t forget how the US was forced to withdraw from Vietnam just when they had the VietCong on its knees following their failed Tet offensive.

    bedrock writes:
    Yamit is correct- AE, when it comes to putzery, you have no peers. Re Ms. Palin, you are confusing celebrity with political acumen and worldly knowledge of which she has perhaps a thimble full.

    bedrock, Don’t be a putz. We have already shown here with example after example that Yamit is clueless about most of the world around him, and is only interested in putting Israel in jeopardy by driving a wedge between it and its only real ally, even as it faces a growing threat from Iran. Now you seem to be as impervious as your nickname to the facts as summarized by me above. BTW, if you had a clue about what is going on in the US you would know that neither Joe Scarborough nor Ed Rollins have any influence in the modern Republican party and the Tea Party.

    See if you can grasp this:

    As Governor, Sarah Palin actualized AGIA, the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, the largest private sector infrastructure project in North American history. Palin’s administration opened up drilling for oil and gas at Point Thomson for the first time in several decades. As Governor, Palin reduced earmark requests for Alaska by 80%, established Alaska’s Petroleum Integrity Office to oversee safe energy development, placed the state checkbook online, and reduced spending for Fiscal Year 2010 by over one billion dollars from Governor Murkowski’s Fiscal Year 2007 budget. Palin signed ACES, Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share bill, into law, incentivizing development and ensuring that Alaskans would receive a “clear and equitable” share of oil profits. She cut costs by selling a private jet purchased by the previous governor and saying “no thank you” to the Executive Mansion’s personal chef. She has served as Chairperson of the AK Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and Vice Chair of the National Governors Association Natural Resource Committee. Prior to her time as Governor, Palin served as Mayor of Wasilla, AK, and city council member in Wasilla. She has also been involved in running a commercial fishing business with her husband Todd.

  6. Yamit, The Edomites were forcibly converted to Judaism under the Maccabees. They are probably your ancestors. I assume you already know this.

    John Hyrcanus I, 134 – 104 BCE…

    Under him, the Jewish nation conquered the Samaritans and the Edomites, forcing the Edomites to convert to Judaism or leave. This is thought to be the first example of forced conversion in Jewish history. This was later to contribute to the downfall of the Hasmonean dynasty, as the Edomites who chose to convert happened to include a family by the name of Herod (you may have heard of them)…

  7. Dov Bar-Leib says:

    He doesn’t need an act of Congress to do this. So I am sure he will do it when the time comes. If he commits to what basically is described in Ezekiel 38-39 and Zecharia 12 and 14, what shape will America be in by November 2012 for Sarah Palin to run? If you think that this is just another two year period in history coming up before Nov. 2012, you are mistaken.

    Which Moshiach are you anticipating Ben Yosef or Ben David?

    It is my understanding that Islam and Edom will fight it out between them? Your thoughts re Daniel?

  8. AE; In depth polling surveys indicate, Palin has low rating amongst, minorities, women, moderate Republicans, Democrats, independants. Now AE who is left, A few dim-witted stragglers from israpundit who are living in cloud 9. Maybe we can resurrect Barry Goldwater,

  9. Yamit is correct- AE, when it comes to putzery, you have no peers. Re Ms. Palin, you are confusing celebrity with political acumen and worldly knowledge of which she has perhaps a thimble full.

    I see your affinity for Palin, birds of a feather…… blah, blah, blah.

    In Republican circles this is important.

    – The knives have started to come out for Sarah Palin in the Republican Party.

    With the former Alaska governor now actively exploring a White House bid in 2012, establishment Republicans have begun urging party leaders to begin a Stop Palin movement aimed at preventing her from romping to the Republican presidential nomination.

    Describing her alternately as “maniacal,” “dopey” and “hated by millions,” former Florida congressman Joe Scarborough and longtime GOP strategist Ed Rollins this week called into question Palin’s fitness for office, telling fellow Republicans she stands no chance of defeating President Barack Obama in a head-tohead contest.

  10. By November 2012 America might already be a basket case. The dollar will probably be down to Israeli Shekel 2.something per dollar. Who knows what the inflation rate will be. Obama can do a lot to socialize and to radically change America even with a recalcitrant House of Reps. just by using his regulatory authority on legislation that he passed in his first two years. The federal deficit is still running at $140 billion dollars per month. This used to be the range of annual deficits. Add this to a foreign policy which will destroy America’s ability to project itself internationally. If Obama support the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian State this August, all bets are off, especially if he commits NATO “peace keeping” troops to patrol the PA and to divide Jerusalem. He doesn’t need an act of Congress to do this. So I am sure he will do it when the time comes. If he commits to what basically is described in Ezekiel 38-39 and Zecharia 12 and 14, what shape will America be in by November 2012 for Sarah Palin to run? If you think that this is just another two year period in history coming up before Nov. 2012, you are mistaken.

  11. Robert W. wrote:
    I thought I was alone. I am Jewish and from the northeast, so I was not surprised to find myself the only Sarah supporter in my little universe of family and friends.

    You are not alone, my friend. I have made it my business to defend Palin against scurrilous attacks based on falsehoods.

    Please read my comments in No.8 above, and also show or send your family and friends the following column which takes apart an attack on Palin by a supposedly conservative columnist, Mona Charen:

    As Governor, Sarah Palin actualized AGIA, the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, the largest private sector infrastructure project in North American history. Palin’s administration opened up drilling for oil and gas at Point Thomson for the first time in several decades. As Governor, Palin reduced earmark requests for Alaska by 80%, established Alaska’s Petroleum Integrity Office to oversee safe energy development, placed the state checkbook online, and reduced spending for Fiscal Year 2010 by over one billion dollars from Governor Murkowski’s Fiscal Year 2007 budget. Palin signed ACES, Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share bill, into law, incentivizing development and ensuring that Alaskans would receive a “clear and equitable” share of oil profits. She cut costs by selling a private jet purchased by the previous governor and saying “no thank you” to the Executive Mansion’s personal chef. She has served as Chairperson of the AK Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and Vice Chair of the National Governors Association Natural Resource Committee. Prior to her time as Governor, Palin served as Mayor of Wasilla, AK, and city council member in Wasilla. She has also been involved in running a commercial fishing business with her husband Todd.

  12. Wow. I thought I was alone. I am Jewish and from the northeast, so I was not surprised to find myself the only Sarah supporter in my little universe of family and friends. Even so, I was surprised at how apparently despised she was among strong, independent, accomplished women. But I guess the herd mentality is difficult to break away from.

  13. Emanuel Winston writes:
    One can begin to understand the jealousy and envy directed toward Sarah Palin as she says it like it is.

    I’m glad you can understand the jealousy, Emanuel, because I cannot. To begin with it is restricted to all liberals, all Democrats and a few Republicans who have appointed themselves elites, like the haughty Sir Charles Krauthammer, Mona Charen, Kathleen Parket, David Frum, David Brooks et. al., whereas we Tea Party members have made it our mission to piss on these and show them, using facts and logic, that they are morons. They seem to get diarrhea at the thought of Sarah Palin being president. I don’t know why because she is simply an average American who has taken the opportunity to show what good old fashioned American common sense values are all about, the values that made this country great.

  14. Emanuel Winston adds his name to the list

    One can begin to understand the jealousy and envy directed toward Sarah Palin as she says it like it is. Who wants to compete with the equivalent of a frontier woman who actually loves her country and is willing to fight for it.

    We all know what goes on in Congress and the White House. It isn’t pretty. Along come someone willing to tell us how dirty things really are and she may be hated for her candor. I would rather have Sarah Palin face down Medvedev or Putin of Russia than have an Obama wriggling like a puppy, desperate to please, bowing down to the Saudi King – even when America is taken for a paper tiger.

    Regrettably, the Congress and Presidents of the recent past have brought little honor to the American nations. Sniveling and dirty tricks behind closed doors are just not in Sarah Palin’s makeup. She could never be compared to a Pelosi, Reid or Obama. I would love to hear Sarah Palin tell Pelosi to take a hike and don’t let the door smack your bony behind on the way out. Of course, Sarah is a real lady and would not use such descriptive language but, on the other hand….!!

    Americans once had admirable heroes who had steel spines who loved their country. Then came the politicians, the media hustlers who could pronounce the word “honor” with a straight face.

    So, along comes a genuine heroine, who portrays the sterling character of those early pioneers, willing to say America has lost her way.

  15. bedrock proves he is a putz:
    if Palin is not running, why are you so busy shilling for an uncertain candidate.

    Anyone with more than half a brain would know that I have praised several conservatives who may be contenders in 2012, including Palin, Jindal and West.

    I am not putting Palin above anyone else. I will support whoever the conservative candidate happens to be. She will do the same because she is a team player and a conservative spokesperson.

    I have been defending Palin against Democrat character assassins since 2008 based on the facts of her record, as opposed to the Democrat talking points which brazenly falsify every detail about her. No more, no less. If you choose to attack Palin with insults, innuendo and falsehoods, you will have to deal with me. Compare her record with that of Obama, whom 78% of American Jews voted for and 52% still support, which boggles the mind:

    As Governor, Sarah Palin actualized AGIA, the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, the largest private sector infrastructure project in North American history. Palin’s administration opened up drilling for oil and gas at Point Thomson for the first time in several decades. As Governor, Palin reduced earmark requests for Alaska by 80%, established Alaska’s Petroleum Integrity Office to oversee safe energy development, placed the state checkbook online, and reduced spending for Fiscal Year 2010 by over one billion dollars from Governor Murkowski’s Fiscal Year 2007 budget. Palin signed ACES, Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share bill, into law, incentivizing development and ensuring that Alaskans would receive a “clear and equitable” share of oil profits. She cut costs by selling a private jet purchased by the previous governor and saying “no thank you” to the Executive Mansion’s personal chef. She has served as Chairperson of the AK Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and Vice Chair of the National Governors Association Natural Resource Committee. Prior to her time as Governor, Palin served as Mayor of Wasilla, AK, and city council member in Wasilla. She has also been involved in running a commercial fishing business with her husband Todd.

  16. AmEagle:

    Don’t be a putz. Palin has not even decided whether she will run. I’m not sure she can afford the pay cut.

    AE – Who is the putz, the real putz has long been established. Hint, I don’t wish to be catty so I”ll just give his initials . A E. and if Palin is not running, why are you so busy shilling for an uncertain candidate.

  17. bedrock writes:
    If you love Obama, root for Palin.

    Don’t be a putz. Palin has not even decided whether she will run. I’m not sure she can afford the pay cut.

    If Palin wins the Republican nomination and chooses a Bobby Jindal or an Allen West as their running mate, they will CRUSH Obama.

    That’s assuming Obama survives the Democrat political ambush that will come from the Clinton wing, who are waiting patiently in the wings like Cassius and Brutus waited patiently for Julius Caesar.

  18. The Republican establishment is solidly against Palin for obvious reasons. Obama is very vulnerable, he can be defeated. Almost any credible opponent has a good chance to replace him. With one exception, with S. Palin at the helm, the Republicans are bound to experience a crashing defeat, yes a CRASHING defeat.

    If you love Obama, root for Palin.

  19. BlandOatmeal writes:
    I’ve sometimes often called the Jews “stupid”, out of exasperation — because I care for them, and they keep shooting themselves in the foot

    You need to know that Yamit has no feet left.

    Whenever I said something like that, of course, you used to lead the chorus that it was evidence of what an “Antisemite” I was.

    I think Yamnit’s idea of a REAL Jew is someone like Rabbi Meir Kahane.

    If Sarah Palin ran on the Republican ticket, I would vote for her. Ditto for Huckabee, and ditto for Michael Steele.

    Sir, Michael Steele has his hands full right now and may be making a hash of running the national Republican Party. You may want to take a look at an even better candidate for some time in the future. His name is Allen West, a Christian, an Iraq war veteran who was just elected to the House from Florida. Listen and enjoy:

  20. Yamit writes:
    Next you will be saying she can walk on water too.

    She doesn’t need to. She owns a boat, a plane and a motorhome.

    Yamit writes:
    Since we have a divine promise that we will never again be forced into exile and that the whole of the Jewish people will never be destroyed, because we are Chosen for a divine purpose. As a believing Christian I (presume), what real value is a Palin or anyone one else?

    Because most of you do not behave like Allah’s chosen people, as we can see in every post you make. It is a nice try to put all the responsibility on Allah, but HE doesn’t hold your hand at every step and HE even allows you to be a complete moron if you choose to.

    The biggest fault of the Jews is that in their long exile they started to think and behave like the gentiles and less like real Jews.. Their behavior that you take issue with is a direct consequence of that sorry fact besides the obvious that most are quite stupid.

    No question you are describing yourself here.

  21. “[The Jews’] behavior that you take issue with is a direct consequence of that sorry fact besides the obvious that most are quite stupid.”

    — Yamit

    Yamit, sometimes you sound like The Terminator on steroids. I’ve sometimes often called the Jews “stupid”, out of exasperation — because I care for them, and they keep shooting themselves in the foot (My wife sometimes feels the same about me, but minds her peace). Whenever I said something like that, of course, you used to lead the chorus that it was evidence of what an “Antisemite” I was. In my absence, it seems you’ve gathered quite an “un-fan” club to replace me, including American Eagle and FulghumInk. Of course, I know that makes you feel all the more to be at the center of God’s will. Should I even go there? Should I say, “Father, forgive Yamit — he’s a robot from the past…”? Maybe. In the Messianic Age, after you have dealt with all opposition and then some with your sawed-off shotgun, maybe Hashem will send you to protect me (though I don’t compare myself with Jesus).

    If Sarah Palin ran on the Republican ticket, I would vote for her. Ditto for Huckabee, and ditto for Michael Steele. I would like to see Steele on the ticket, as Pres. OR VP; but I don’t hear his name seriously bandied about. The Republicans have so many good possiblities for candidates, I wouldn’t be surprized to see a dozen of them competing for nomination. Steele gave a good speech about Israel; and the Democrats seem to hate him more than they hate Palin. He impresses me a s a straight shooter who strongly supports Israel and America. What do you think of him?

  22. Sarah Palin supports Israel because she, as a true Christian, KNOWS that the Jews are God’s chosen, and that Israel is His glory.

    Then it matters little who supports Israel or not. If Jews are G-d’s chosen and his Tiferet nothing can harm or destroy the Jewish people or Israel unless it is by his will. Since we have a divine promise that we will never again be forced into exile and that the whole of the Jewish people will never be destroyed, because we are Chosen for a divine purpose. As a believing Christian I (presume), what real value is a Palin or anyone one else?

    The biggest fault of the Jews is that in their long exile they started to think and behave like the gentiles and less like real Jews.. Their behavior that you take issue with is a direct consequence of that sorry fact besides the obvious that most are quite stupid.

  23. It never ceases to amaze me that Jews can turn their backs on someone who is so grounded in her support of Israel. Would they vote for Sarah Palin if she stood with the Arabs? Apparently so. Jews have their own track record of supporting those who want to kill them. Sad indeed. Castigate those who may well be the ones who are a major restraining power to keep Israel from being destroyed and you may well get what you are against-the support of those who will tire of a perceived arrogance. Sarah Palin supports Israel because she, as a true Christian, KNOWS that the Jews are God’s chosen, and that Israel is His glory. Sarah Palin is a millionaire. She doesn’t have to do anything she does. All that she does is out of PURPOSE not ambition-all the difference in the world. Shalom.

  24. she is a conservative and an achievement-feminist which most of them cannot compete with

    Next you will be saying she can walk on water too.

  25. Yamit writes:
    Secular academic degrees do not of themselves bestow wisdom and common sense on anyone.

    For those unfamiliar with Yamit, he has been looking in vain for both wisdom and common sense and having a hard time finding either. Thus he spends endless hours on Israpundit attacking Christians and trying to drive a wedge between Israel and its only real ally – the USA – with a highly selective battery of “evidence” that the mostly-Christian USA has done more harm than good for Israel. If you are not careful, he will throw verses from the Bible at you to justify his opinions, which he considers to be facts. With “friends” like these Israel doesn’t need enemies.

    Dov Bar-Lieb writes:
    There are no surprises here except for Krauthammer. I wonder what are his reasons for not supporting her.

    The haughty psychiatrist turned political pundit, Charles Krauthammer, and Mona Charen, another conservative, are eastern elites who think Palin does not have enough “gravitas”. To them I say “Gravitas, my ass!”.

    What we need right now is a healthy dose of common sense, which is what Sarah Palin has plenty of, along with guts which enabled her to withstand and defeat the most vicious swarm of character assassins sent into Alaska after she was chosen by John McCain in 2008 with the single minded objective of destroying her and her family by any means possible. Other than disrupting and interrupting her Governorship with a barrage of bogus ethics charges, they were unable to bring her down. She came through it all with a smile on her face, a twinkle in her eyes, and popularity among ordinary Americans I haven’t seen since Ronald Reagan. She side-stepped them by resigning, attacked them where they live, and now is beating them at every turn on the national stage. No wonder they called her Sarah the Barracuda in high school.

    She has found a way to use modern communications technology to by-pass the liberal media that tried to destroy her in 2008 and every Facebook entry and Tweet now drives them to distraction. She doesn’t have to let them ambush her anymore. In her latest Facebook entry she blasted the Obama administration for their laxity towards the Wikileaks which have imperiled national security and embarrassed the country.

    Do Obama and Eric Holder even care about leaks of national security? One of their first acts in 2009 was to disclose and ban our most secret interrogation menthods and falsely misconstrue them as torture – even though terrorists are excluded from the Geneva Conventions, and waterboarding was physician-assisted, draws no blood and leaves no scars except to the detainees psyche by scaring the crap out of them. These guys don’t mind blowing themselves up to kill you, but the sensation of drowning made them wet their pants. And Obama gave up that fool-proof procedure which I would have made mandatory for every one of them we captured. Then he ostentiously announced they would close Gitmo, for no apparent reason that made any sense and to try Ahmed Ghailani and KSM in New York, which made even less sense.

    The liberals cannot stand Palin because she has an uncommonly happy family life with five children and a devoted husband who looks like a movie star, is a man’s man and a genuine Alaskan sports hero, and will verbally rip your heart out if you try and cross his wife. She also had the unmitigated gall to have a child with Down’s Syndrome, which drives the abortion-feminists to froth at the mouth because she is a conservative and an achievement-feminist which most of them cannot compete with.

  26. It seems that the more a Jew believes in God and follows the Torah, then the more likely they are to view conservative Christians as friends. Obviously there are exceptions.

    My old boss is a Jew who goes to synagogue on a regular basis, yet doesn’t really believe in God. Why bother, I asked? Because that’s what Jews do.

    One would think that Jews would naturally like Sarah Palin. One would also think that Jews would be heavily into owning guns. Apparently, logic does not apply here.

  27. Except for Joe Lieberman the people quoted at the end of the article would have supported Gov. Palin anyway. There are no surprises here except for Krauthammer. I wonder what are his reasons for not supporting her. Anyway I believe it may be too little too late. America’s debt is so great now that it needs the largesse of China in order to remain solvent. All the Republicans can do for the next two years is to not pass Obama’s domestic legislation. They can not stop his self-destructive foreign policy which will lead to the division of Jerusalem this August and an influx of all kinds of foreign troops here. This adventure of Hussein Obama will lead to far more deleterious consequences for America than all of his domestic damage combined. The division of Jerusalem is the stuff of prophesy. Those who become burdened with its “problems” will be lacerated. Of course Sarah Palin would agree with this, but she will be two years too late.

  28. I’m a secular Zionist from a Jewish family background, with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and communications, a master’s degree in urban and regional planning, post-graduate work toward an uncompleted doctorate. I have studied history in great depth, along with specialized studies in regional planning. I once was part of a project team that developed the National Merit Scholarship examinations more than 50 years ago. My wife and I organized a local coalition in south central Wisconsin for environmental protection and sustainable urban planning.

    Since you presented your CV, might I ask if it is because you might be looking for work?

    Secular academic degrees do not of themselves bestow wisdom and common sense on anyone. That said, look at how may academicians voted for Hussein Obama,Carter, Both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, etc. You mentioned Truman who was not an academic but a real old fashioned, card bearing anti-semite who sought a second holocaust by embargoing weapons and volunteers for Israel under attack.

    Because this society has devoloped dry rot that threatens its future. To no small degree, that rot is destroying the moral fabric of American society.

    Maybe it’s because you have settled for the faux and not the real thing?

    Mount Horeb WI, has a real Zionist ring to it.

  29. Shalom Arnold-Harris

    I am a non-Jew, who grew up in the Wisconsin 4th district (Clem Zablocki, as Democrat as they come) and now live in the Oregon 4th (Pete DeFazio, maverick Democrat). I have a BS and MS in Chemistry, with undergrad work in pharmaceutical synthesis and graduate work in semiconductors, an AAS in Network Operations and advance training in Vietnamese Language. I support Sarah Palin. I suspect that those pollsters who insist that Palin supporters are uneducated never bothered polling anyone outside of their own office.

  30. Do not forget Sarah Palin’s unapologetic staunch support for Israel and the Jewish people because she WANTS to and CHOOSES to, not for her political gain.

  31. I’m a secular Zionist from a Jewish family background, with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and communications, a master’s degree in urban and regional planning, post-graduate work toward an uncompleted doctorate. I have studied history in great depth, along with specialized studies in regional planning. I once was part of a project team that developed the National Merit Scholarship examinations more than 50 years ago. My wife and I organized a local coalition in south central Wisconsin for environmental protection and sustainable urban planning.

    But I also am election volunteer coordinator in Wisconsin’s 2nd congressional district for the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Affairs (NRA-ILA), in local action gun matches, I shoot a pair of federally registered Thompson submachine guns Model M1A1 (the real McCoy, not fakes); I am active in movements to curtail Muslim uncontrolled Muslim immigration into the United States; I want federal earmark spending to cease immediately; and much else too deep to delve into. Nobody would consider me any kind of liberal.

    Do I admire governor Sarah Palin? You can bet your life I do. Because this society has devoloped dry rot that threatens its future. To no small degree, that rot is destroying the moral fabric of American society. I think governor Palin understands all that quite fully. I find her utterly refreshing and totally devoid of the limp cant and fakery that poses as public discourse on every medium except Fox news. Nor would I hold it against her that her husband spends much of his time racing dogsleds. If I were young enough and had access to the Alaska wilderness, I imagine that would make a great sport. All things considered, I think she would make a fine US president with all the qualities that I remember so much from the presidency of Harry S Truman.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI