Palestinians use R2P to call on international community to clamp down in Israel


I have been warning the last few days that Barack Obama’s endorsement of the trendy Responsibility to Protect Doctrine (R2P) was opening a Pandora’s Box and could be used by groups to attack Israel. Yesterday we had Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister calling on the world to bomb Israel to protect Palestinian civilians (since the UN, the Arab League, and Barack Obama have validated this approach to protect civilians in Libya). Today, R2P is now being used by the Palestinians to pressure Israel.


From the Los Angeles Times: Babylon & Beyond – Observations from Iraq, Iran, Israel, the Arab world and beyond

The Palestinian Authority asked for international protection Monday citing a sharp rise in Israeli settler violence against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank…

Ghassan Khatib, director of the Palestinian Authority media center, issued a statement holding the Israeli government responsible for what he called “serious and systematic escalation” in settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, which Israel seized in the 1967 Middle East War.

Khatib called for “urgent international protection to prevent further crimes against the civilians.”

Abbas said “there are daily crimes committed by Israeli settlers” against Palestinian civilians, yet no one seems to be talking about them. “Our villages are being attacked on a daily basis, and so our mosques and our homes and our olive trees are cut down,” he said. “Israel and the international community should take note of that.”

While the Palestinians do not use the exact phrase “Responsibility to Protect” they are using the exact same idea behind that phrase – the international community has a responsibility to protect civilians. Since terrorists use civilians to hide behind, and plant themselves and their weapons in civilian areas, R2P can be used as one more manifestation of lawfare to prevent Israel from defending its citizens.

Obama ignored Congress when launching attacks on Libya (and was hypocritical in doing so , as pointed out in today’s Boston Globe editorial) – Obama should have obtained Congress’ approval on Libya – and seemingly outsourced our foreign and defense policy to the Arab League and the United Nations. When he justified the attacks based on the R2P concept that had been floating around the diplomatic world for a few years (a concept supported by George Soros and Samantha Power whose antipathy towards Israel and adoration of the United Nations is well-known), he empowered anti-Israel advocates to use one more ploy to attack Israel.

Carried to its logical conclusion, that the International Community must protect civilians, it is only a matter of time before R2P is used to attack American actions in Iraq, Afghanistan…and perhaps, ironically, in Libya itself.

Obama has wittingly or unwittingly opened a Pandora’s Box.

March 23, 2011 | 30 Comments »

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30 Comments / 30 Comments

  1. You’re entirely welcome.

    my typing fingers are aching me much less….. So you’re a nazarine or a nazarite or a nazeldazel.

    No need to strain those put-upon pinkies with the burden of typing polysyllables: a Jew.


    You’re welcome, I think.

  2. “@dweller: I think that it was Avraham had emunah but he still bought/purchased the plot of land that is now the machpilah! I agree we need to do our work! I maybe didn’t come clear enough in my post. But I didn’t mean to sit-back and do nothing! On the contrary we need to do what we are suppose to do! Even 1 of our mitzvahs are if someone is trying to kill you, you MUST get up early in the morning to ‘beat-them-to-the-punch’ so to speak!”

    Quite so.

    It did seem in your post #10 that you were assuming that faith could do “double-duty” to the exclusion of common sense. Based on your subsequent entries, however, it is clear that this was not your meaning, and your clarification was welcome.

  3. One thing for sure: my typing fingers are aching me much less than yours.

    Goody. So you’re a nazarine or a nazarite or a nazeldazel. Thanks.

  4. Not only inaccurate, and slanderous; also lazy.

    “I’ll just quote Yamit verbatim, from a comment of his here way back when:
    ‘Dweller just in the use of the word christ is an admission you are a believer in J divinity as that’s what it means.’

    THAT’s the best you can do?
    I asked you to quote me. The only part of that blockquote that was from me was the very last line of it , though Yamit seems to have inadvertently included it in his own comment. (He was as pissed off at the time as you are now, and just as wrongly — anger often generates errors):

    “And that does seem to be the distinguishing factor for Christians. I’m Jewish, and when I die, I’ll still be Jewish.”

    And I was referring quite specifically there to the proposition of ‘divinity’ regarding HaNitzri, as asserted in most of the (later) “Creeds.” The full exchange, which anyone can readliy see (thanks to your link, for which I thank you), went like this:

    [Yamit:] “As a Christian you know very well… ”
    [dweller:] “I’ve never presumed to called myself a ‘Christian.’
    “I could never subscribe to the Nicene Creed, which, among numerous other far-kakhdeh tchachkes [try saying that fast, five times], declares Christ to be ‘God.’
    “And that does seem to be the distinguishing factor for Christians. I’m Jewish, and when I die, I’ll still be Jewish.
    “As Christ was when he died.”

    Anybody who can read can see for himself that this is one of many instances which confirm — and do not refute — what I said in the first place.

    And as for that block-headed notion that the use of the word “Christ” presumes ‘divinity’ — the simple fact (and it IS a fact) is that the word does not translate as “God” or anything like it.

    The word translates from the Greek as Moshiakh.

    You must remember that in first-century Judea, the language of commerce was Greek, not Ivrit.

    The Judean language of common conversation, however, was mostly Aramaic — and the word the disciples would have used among themselves for their Master (regardless of whether or not YOU find it justified) would’ve been not “Christ” but Moshiakh.

    Had the Gospels been written b’Ivrit (rather than in Greek), then “Moshiakh” would have been the word used.

    The fact that those now who take unto themselves Christ’s name attach to it the presumption of ‘divinity’ is not a reflection of actual word meaning, but rather of the events of history: The Jews were the only people of the ancient world which categorically ruled out the idea that a man — any man, even the Messiah himself — could be ‘God.’

    When the philo-Hellenic Hadrian put the municipality (and district) of Yerushalayim off-limits to all “circumsized persons” — in hopes of destroying the Jewish people after the Bar Kokhba War — the emperor actually missed his target and inadvertently destroyed instead the Nazarene Jewish community, none of whom had ever regarded HaNitri as “God”……
    thereby leaving — by default — the gentile world to ‘define’ the word “Christ” to mean ‘God.’

    “[A] person may, given free-will, live according to what is right in his own eyes, however, he must be rationally forced to understand that it is of his own devise and should be so called as such.”

    Free will?

    What free will?

    Got any bad habits?

    That is, any habits that you yourself regard as undesirable?

    (No need to tell me what they are; that’s not what is significant here.) Do you have habits you’d rather you didn’t have? Yes or no.

    So much for your “free will.”

    “He must be rationally forced to understand that it is of his own devise and should be so called as such…”


    Not unless there is Something higher than rationality to show him — and from the inside.

    BTW, Yamit merely passed along that comment (about “accepting that he is Jewish, etc”), but he did not write it originally — as I’m sure he will confirm.

    It was written by one who got some things right, but who was himself something of a monstrous egotist.

  5. I’ll just quote Yamit verbatim, from a comment of his here way back when:

    Dweller just in the use of the word christ is an admission you are a believer in J divinity as that’s what it means.

    In my simplistic book, If it walk, talks, and behaves like a Christian and believes in the NT, in Jesus as a prophet and messiah, it doesn’t matter what you call yourself you are a follower and believer in Jesus: A Christian no matter what or how you call yourself. Being a Christian you cannot be a Jews it’s an oxymoron a contradiction if you will. If you were born a Jew then you are a traitorous apostate!

    If a person is to accept that he is Jewish then he must define this concept upon viable and authentic Jewish sources and render precise his own actions accordingly. Any other alternative to this is something other than Judaism. That is, a person may, given free-will, live according to what is right in his own eyes, however, he must be rationally forced to understand that it is of his own devise and should be so called as such.

    And that does seem to be the distinguishing factor for Christians. I’m Jewish, and when I die, I’ll still be Jewish.

    Yonatan, you’re welcome!

  6. No cigar required, only an answer — instead of continued evasions.

    [dweller:] “Regrettably, ‘Shy’ fails to tell us what ‘jesus believing messyanic’ is supposed to mean to him.”
    [ShyGuy:] “To some of us, it’s self explanatory.”
    [dweller:] “Some of us” are not ALL of those that read the posts on this site.
    [Shy Guy:] “Correct. Give the man a cigar!”

    No cigar required, only an answer to the original question….

    unless you think it’s ok to use a website shared by many to conduct your own personal vendetta.

    [“Some of us” would find that rude.]

    I therefore repeat the request:
    Please tell us what you mean by “jesus believing messyanic.”
    I asked it in the first place because, frankly, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about, at least as to YoursTruly. In fact, I’m certain of it.

    [Shy Guy:] “Ve’lifnei ihver lo tihtein michshol”
    [dweller:] “Be so kind as to identify the ‘idol’ that you just accused me of worshipping.”
    [Shy Guy:] “Jesus.”

    I was right: You DON’T know what you’re talking about, as regards myself in this matter:

    The fact is [just in case the facts are at all important to you, Shy — a matter which is yet to be established, in view of this straw man you have quite deliberately set up], the fact is that I do NOT worship “Jesus” — or any other man.

    I have NEVER called HaNitzri ‘divine,’ not once; it would be completely out of character for me to do so.

    I’ve never so much as breathed a suggestion of attributing ‘divinity’ to him;

    not on this website,

    or anywhere else.

    Never in my LIFE.

    I defy you — or anybody else — to google a single one of my myriad posts on this site that offers such a proposition under my name.

    Go ahead; go for it. You will find nothing of the sort. [You’ll get eyestrain first.]

    Quite the contrary, from me you will find numerous denials of that silly notion.

    I know myself.
    I know what I believe
    and what I DON’T believe.

    And you, Sir, will not put words in my mouth.

    “Heads up: Avodah Zarah isn’t limited to sticks and stone, nor to only something material in nature.”

    Nu, and what else is new from Moishe Groisse?

    “I just set the record straight.”

    Horsepucky. You did nothing of the sort.

    Quite the contrary, you MISREPRESENTED the record.

    And if I were a betting man, I’d bet that this was by no means the ‘first’ time you’d been caught misstating the record.

    [dweller:] “I reject the accusation, root and branch [that I try to mislead]. It is a slander on my name.
    And on God’s.”
    [Shy Guy:] “Yoshev Bashamayim Yischaq.”

    Your humility is touching. (And how proud you are of it. Some might suggest that you could do worse than to take some of your own sage counsel….)

    “Your very pareve post could easily make people assume you were a Torah observant Jew or Noahide.”

    This is an issue for you because you live in a box, and cannot think outside of it.

    And, moreover, cannot bear the proposition that OTHERS might not be so confined either.

    It is the basis of bigotry — of all kinds.

    You can’t categorize me, because I’m an original, “neither fish nor fowl.”

    And it drives you




    If you catch me spouting some flagrant & demonstrable untruth, then by all means call me on it.

    I encourage you to do so, as I do anybody else. (He that loves truth cares not the channel by which it comes, because he knows that its Source is always the same.)

    Yet if you saw nothing amiss in the SUBSTANCE of my post #12, then it should’ve been enough for you to let it stand on its own merits — without your needing to try discrediting me personally — and then, not for what I said, but purely for who & what I AM (or what you’d like to think I am).

    That’s demagogic, fella — and it ought to be beneath you.

    The truth is that it is you, Shy — and not myself — who sets “stumbling blocks” before the unwary. I submit that you could profit from investing in a good quality mirror.

  7. VHFan180

    Rabbi Rambo

    video rabbi lazer brody a.k.a. rabbi rambo, explaining how he got that name, and what made him turn from rambo to rabbi. note- even as a rabbi, giving lectures, on the way he has had to play rambo at times. saving a woman from a group of armed skinheads. that story isn’t in video.

  8. Yamit my friend, First of all, I didn’t tell you that we should avoid military service and in fact we need a military. But what you failed to mention is that for every 1 soldier in Moshe’s army their was another “soldier” studying Torah on his behalf! It goes hand in hand!

    What is your authority for this statement?

    Also there is a Haredi platoon/section to the army and it contiues to grow & get stronger.

    I am aware and support the effort but still falls short and does not justify over 50,000 deferments. 20-30,000 Haredi soldiers wold create just the Teshuva revolution you are promoting. It would go a long way to making the IDF into a real Jewish army. The IDF would be forced to inject Halacha into their military norms and doctrine. It would remove a prime criticism by dati and chiluni against the haredi. Young soldiers would be taught skills applicable outside of the military and put many parasites to work self supporting and integrating them into our collective society. In short a form of Jewish unity.

    If Breslev can work and study in Boro Park they can work and study in Jerusalem. All of our sages were employed and worked, for their bread. No Jew should be a burden on the collective unless they are physically or mentally incapable and those should be maintained basically. Food clothing shelter.

    But to go further this is only a partial in-gathering of the exiles of Israel (last time I checked there were still 6 to 7 million outside if the country) and it wasn’t done by Moshiach!

    American Jews cannot keep pace with assimilation: the entirety of American Jewry perished in only two generations; the intermarriage rate among the young atheists has hit 90 percent.

    So the divine plan for Jews is either to let us perish as a people, or to be left only in Israel. The messianic scenario involves substantially all Jews moving to the Land of Israel. The Bible recognizes King Cyrus a messiah even though most Jews refused to return to Israel; the messiah need not return everyone. There are two ways to assure that almost all Jews return: make everyone return, or make those who don’t return perish. Jews refused the first option, so we may be witnessing the second one unfolding.

    Should Jews be nice? Torah scholars? Or should we live a full-bodied national life with secular studies, secular jobs, and wars? The Torah offers no indication that G-d wants Jews to live monastic lives. We’re repeatedly commanded to settle the land, work it, and fight.

    Indeed, there is no choice: religious Jews launched massive settlement of the Land decades before Zionists, and Arabs repeatedly targeted the religious Jewish communities, which had no Zionist presence or aspirations to statehood. Subservience to nations is a disgrace of G-d’s name, and negotiations with enemies who claim the land promised to us testify to our rejection of G-d’s promises. He did his miracles in 1947 and 1967, but Jews refuse to follow through with our part of the job.

    There is no halachic authority for a Temple descended from heaven. Jews are required to rebuild the temple at the first opportunity with our own hands.

    I know Rav Brody as Rambo Brody

  9. Yamit my friend, First of all, I didn’t tell you that we should avoid military service and in fact we need a military. But what you failed to mention is that for every 1 soldier in Moshe’s army their was another “soldier” studying Torah on his behalf! It goes hand in hand!

    Also there is a Haredi platoon/section to the army and it contiues to grow & get stronger.

    But to go further this is only a partial in-gathering of the exiles of Israel (last time I checked there were still 6 to 7 million outside if the country) and it wasn’t done by Moshiach!

    To quote Rabbi Brody again:

    “…King David says emphatically (Psalm 105:44-45), “And He gave them the lands of the nations, and they inherited the peoples’ acquisitions; So that they would keep His statutes, and observe His laws.” King David, King of Israel, Hashem’s anointed, and great grandfather of Moshiach is revealing to us that Hashem gave us the Land of Israel for the sole purpose of living by His Torah and observing His commandments.

    Unfortunately if you travel around our Holy Land do you see the majority observing the laws and commandments? This is supposed to be Hashem’s garden/palace but people don’t act that way! But B’H there is a growing Teshuva movement here and abroad and Hashem in all his mercy Is VERY patient with us and still protects us from all of our enemies!

    Also the 3rd Temple will Not be built by hands of man but that’s another topic all together!

    Hashem has his time table an will bring it all about on his schedule not ours!

    That’s part of the test! He wants a person’s. Heart and not the might of his hand!

    If he told you the exact date of the geula where’s the test in that????

  10. VHFan180 says:

    ALL part of the prophesy of our Tanach the end war of Gog U’Magog and the coming of Moshiach and the building of the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. Speedily in our days amen.

    Question: According to the Rambam and others isn’t the primary act of the Moshiach supposed to be the ingathering? Now I look around me and I see already over 6 million Jews here and no Moshiach in sight. How do you explain that?

    The second most primary mitzvah is the rebuilding of the Temple after the ingathering and settling (conquest) of the land of Israel. Why is there no temple being built today? It’s a primary Mitzvah!

    Exodus 17: 11, when the war against Amalek cannot succeed without Moshe’s blessing:

    And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.

    However, the Torah also makes clear that serving to protect and defend the people of Israel is equated with loyalty to G-d. For example, when the tribes of Gad, Reuven and half of Menashe wanted to settle east of the Jordan river, Moshe rebukes them because he thinks they are trying to avoid military service:

    Moshe answered the descendants of Gad and Reuven saying: shall your brothers go to war while you remain here? (Numbers 32:6).

    He goes on to equate the possible avoidance of military service with turning against G-d. He accuses them of being no better than the spies who forced the people to wander for 40 years in the desert:

    Now behold you have risen up in the place of your fathers, a brood of transgressors, to bring even more of God’s wrath upon Israel. If you turn away from Him, He will leave us in the wilderness and you will have destroyed this whole people (Numbers 32: 15)

    Moshe is not satisfied until he extracts a promise from the tribes of Gad, Reuven and half of Menashe that they will serve in war against Israel’s enemies.

    Unfortunately, many of our current scholars have remembered the lesson that Israel needs scholars, and have forgotten the lesson that failing to defend our nation is equal to the sin of the spies.

    Right now there are far too many young men studying in yeshiva in lieu of serving in the IDF, and I don’t believe that all of them are needed in that capacity. Right now, over 50,000 students are exempt from military service—an unprecedented number and one clearly out of sync with the importance of military service in the history of our Nation.

    What say you?

  11. Shy Guy wrote: Nonsense. Your very pareve post could easily make people assume you were a Torah observant Jew or Noahide. I just set the record straight.

    Having not read anything in the past that said any different, I felt like he/she was a Torah observant Jew or Noahide…So Shy’s not wrong! Thanks Shy!

  12. OK, back to work.

    dweller says:
    March 26, 2011 at 1:59 am

    “Some of us” are not ALL of those that read the posts on this site.

    Correct. Give the man a cigar!

    Be so kind as to identify the “idol” that you just accused me of worshipping. (This should be good.)

    Jesus. Heads up: Avodah Zarah isn’t limited to sticks and stone, nor to only something material in nature.

    The word “blind” is interpreted to mean anyone who is ignorant, or unsuspecting, or even morally dense; one is not permitted to take advantage of them, or to tempt them to do wrong.

    I reject the accusation, root and branch.

    It is a slander on my name.

    Nonsense. Your very pareve post could easily make people assume you were a Torah observant Jew or Noahide. I just set the record straight.

    And on God’s.

    Yoshev Bashamayim Yischaq.

  13. @dweller: I might no be that smart what what exactly where you trying to say?!?!?! I think that it was Avraham had emunah but he still bought/purchased the plot of land that is now the machpilah! I agree we need to do our work! I maybe didn’t come clear enough in my post. But I didn’t mean to sit-back and do nothing! On the contrary we need to do what we are suppose to do! Even 1 of our mitzvahs are if someone is trying to kill you, you MUST get up early in the morning to “beat-them-to-the-punch” so to speak!

    What I meant was that you can see clearly in black & white that the prophecies in the Tanach are coming true 1 by 1. We as a people and the world as a whole are going on a Huge coaster ride and will never be the same afterwords.

    BTW if you are what Shy Guy says that you are you need to go to 1 website I’m not sure that they will let me post it here but I’ll try:

    Watch the main video called “Torah & Science”. Then do a search for “The Debate” between a Rabbi and a christan Professor. Then I believe you will have clearer picture of things!

    Here is the link of that:

    Good Luck and Kol tuv!

  14. I didn’t think I would get such a backlash!! @Yamit82 I suppose that you know what kind of “work” that we are suppose to do? Do you really think that your website and your posts will actually stop/change anything?!?!? Who exactly is going to stop Hussein-Obama and his cronies and his new “axis of evil” and all of the Arabs-Muslims that want to see us pushed into the sea!?? The right-wing politicos or Maybe the Jews of NY or the right of centrists???!? May the tea Party or the Republicans?!?!!?! Exactly who??? I have news for you!!! EVERYTHING is from Hashem!!! You might not like to hear that you might not even believe it but then again maybe you do, I don’t know you that well to say! Once you (we) start on path of “the power of my own hand…etc.” Then we are in trouble. Do you believe in miracles? Well we don’t have to go back in the Tanach to look there (which if full of them!) just go back 63 years. The Work that WE need to do is Teshuva and it will only work if all of us do Teshuva. Otherwise, nothing will help.

    The following is an excerpt from Rabbi Lazer Brody on is post today on his website:

    “…Look at The Independence War in 1948. Is it logical that an untrained mass of holocaust survivors from Europe and gentle Torah scholars from North Africa, together with a handful of kibbutznik and moshavnik commanders defeated the entire British-trained Jordanian Legion, the French-trained Syrian and Lebanese armies, and the mighty Egyptian Army? Only a fool would say yes. [1 miracle]

    What about The Six-Day War of 1967? Is it logical that a tiny air force of rebuilt hand-me-down aircraft knocked out the entire air forces of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt in 6 hours? That’s just what happened here! Israel – with Hashem at her side – defeated all three armies in six days, while retaking Judah, Samaria, Gaza, and the Golan! Again, only a fool would say that such a victory is natural or logical. [#2 miracle]

    If that’s not enough, think about The Yom Kippur War of 1973. The Israeli Army was destroyed both at the Suez Canal and in the Golan. No one stood between the Syrians and Tiberias. Is it logical that Israel wasn’t totally destroyed? Certainly not – Hashem had mercy on us and pulled us out of the fire….” [3rd miracle]

    As I stated before who would of thought 2 years ago or even 6 months ago for that matter, that our so-called greatest friend/ally would be getting ready to attack us??? Its ALL part of the prophesy of our Tanach the end war of Gog U’Magog and the coming of Moshiach and the building of the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. Speedily in our days amen.

    If we focus our energies in the right way then we will see Huge miracles if not… then its anybody’s guess. Israel Need to do its part Read: come closer to Hashem ASAP! and then he will do his part!!

    When was the last time YOU spoke to Hashem? Give it a try! I cam promise you that HE loves you and HE listens!!!

  15. [Shy Guy:] “For those here who don’t know it, Dweller here is a jesus believing messyanic.”

    [dweller:] “Regrettably, ‘Shy’ fails to tell us what ‘jesus believing messyanic’ is supposed to mean to him.”

    “To some of us, it’s self explanatory.”

    “Some of us” are not ALL of those that read the posts on this site.

    “…ironic that an Oved Avodah Zarah is preaching the virtues of Emunah.”

    Be so kind as to identify the “idol” that you just accused me of worshipping. (This should be good.)

    I just wanted Torah observant Jews reading here not to be misled by your post. “Ve’lifnei ihver lo tihtein michshol” – Vayikra 19:14

    For the un-initiate: be advised that our friend, Shy, has just accused YoursTruly of placing “stumbling blocks before the blind (or ignorant)”:

    Parshas Kedoshim, Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:14 “Lo tekalel cheresh ve lifnei iver lo titen michshol ve yareta me’Eloheicha; Ani Adonai.” (You shall not curse the deaf, nor place a stumbling-block before the blind; you shall fear your God – I am the Lord.)

    The word “blind” is interpreted to mean anyone who is ignorant, or unsuspecting, or even morally dense; one is not permitted to take advantage of them, or to tempt them to do wrong.

    I reject the accusation, root and branch.

    It is a slander on my name.

    And on God’s.

    And it shows little regard for the readers as well.

    I am the last of persons to place stumbling blocks before anybody.

    Again, I ask you to identify the ‘idol’ you accuse me of worshipping, venerating or otherwise deferring to.

  16. dweller says:
    March 25, 2011 at 8:56 am

    Regrettably, “Shy” fails to tell us what “jesus believing messyanic” is supposed to mean to him.

    To some of us, it’s self explanatory.

    Nor does Shy tell us why he chose to offer that bit of biography just then & there, where he left it, right after my post.

    Some of us find it ironic that an Oved Avodah Zarah is preaching the virtues of Emunah.

    But I just wanted Torah observant Jews reading here not to be misled by your post. “Ve’lifnei ihver lo tihtein michshol” – Vayikra 19:14

    I stand by my post in #12.

    Otherwise, I made no disagreement with the content of your post.

  17. “For those here who don’t know it, Dweller here is a jesus believing messyanic.”

    Regrettably, “Shy” fails to tell us what “jesus believing messyanic” is supposed to mean to him.

    Now that’s what I call “messy.” (Perhaps it’s a species of code language?)

    Nor does Shy tell us why he chose to offer that bit of biography just then & there, where he left it, right after my post.

    Those who’ve read my posts discover soon enough that I always do my own thinking.

    I make no apology for that fact.

    (It’s constantly getting me into ‘trouble.’

    But just as constantly gets me out of it too.)

    I stand by my post in #12.

    In fact I recommend it — and not only to VHFan180.

    But also to anybody who can read.

    Best regards.

  18. dweller says:
    March 25, 2011 at 8:18 am

    For those here who don’t know it, Dweller here is a jesus believing messyanic.

  19. “[Y]ou are failing in one thing. EMUNA!!”

    When Sarah died — and Avraham sought a burial plot for her in Hebron, he was freely offerred Me’orat HaMachpela as an outright GIFT from its acknowledged owner, Ephron, son of Tzohar the Hittite.

    Avraham accepted the ‘gift’ — but also asked, nevertheless, to know its market value, and when told the value he PAID it: as his own ‘gift’ to Ephron. In the most courteous and roundabout of ways, he paid for the Cave of Machpela.


    It was offerred him by the earthly owner, and had long since been promised him — along with all of Hebron (and all the rest of the Land) — by the true Landlord. Surely, by every standard, temporal AND spiritual, he was entitled to the plot. What’s the problem? Had Avraham no faith, no emuNAH?

    In the end, 400 shekalim, 160 oz. of silver, changed hands -— in the presence of all the city elders (of what was then a Hittite colony), as witnesses —- so that no one might ever be able to question Abraham’s, or his heirs’, right to the property, la’AH-khu-ZAHT qah-VAIR [“as an everlasting possession”]. [Gen. 23]

    Because Avraham had no emunah?

    Hardly. (Indeed, quite the contrary.)

    But because Avraham DID have sekhel……

    He had plenty of faith (by that time anyway).

    And that faith informed his understanding of human nature;

    which, in turn, strengthened his enunah.

    Faith and sekhel yashar, common sense, are not mutual adversaries.

    They are partners.

    They both come from the same Blessed Place — and you , friend, with all due respect, must let them be partners.

  20. VHFan180 says:
    March 24, 2011 at 12:10 pm

    Yamit and/or Ted,

    You guys do a great job in your posts and pundits. But you are failing in one thing. EMUNA!!

    Mfunai Gush Katif all had Emuna, The Fogel family had Emuna. Two recent examples. Emuna is not enough. W must first do our part what we are required to do and let Hashm do his bit. Bars on the window of the Fogel Home would have prevented the breakin. Driving out of the land of Irael all of the Ishmaelim would have saved thousands in the past and potentially thousands in the future.

    I think it’s time for you to Pick-up a Tanach once in a while and read it cover to cover and stop speculating however the urge, on prophesies.

  21. Yamit and/or Ted,

    You guys do a great job in your posts and pundits. But you are failing in one thing. EMUNA!!

    This is EXACTLY what the prophets say is going to Happen before the gelua and the coming (B’H very very soon) the coming of Moshiach. That both the east & the west (Gog & Magog) are going to attack Israel!!! And those who are connected (to Hashem) will see it through the end! We will have NO ONE to turn to. Just our father in Heaven and HE will step in and take “care” of all the factions attacking us! He will also pay them back (Edom & Ishmael) for all the suffering that we had from them throughout the ages.

    Pick-up a Tanach once in a while to see where this all is heading to!!

    All the best!

    Kol Tuv!

  22. birdalone says: I kind of think whoever did that was really annoyed that the “plight of the palestinians” is not the center of the world’s attention these days.

    I think this time it’s mostly Iran behind Hamas actions. For Iran, the Palis are an expendable nuisance to Israel.

    Terror attacks exposes Shabak deficiencies

    Terrorist bombing in Jerusalem, which left one dead and fifty wounded, called bluff to the brouhaha of Israeli security services who claim intercepting all terrorist attempts.

    In truth, almost every terrorist caught is either an Arab civilian found in the possession of a knife, an Arab criminal, or an aspiring terrorist betrayed to Israel by Fatah officials who grew unwarlike. Security cooperation of the PLO largely replaced Israel’s own network of agents in Palestinian towns. We received relatively little information from Hamas, and almost none – about grassroots terrorist cells.

    For several years, Hamas refrained from staging terror attacks as it was busy with building its state in Gaza. Pushed by Iran and the events in Egypt, Hamas took off the gloves and allowed PIJ and PRC to launch attacks on Israel.

    Israel cannot build spy networks inside Hamas quickly. Shabak is weaker now than it used to be, and Hamas counterintelligence is stronger than Fatah’s. Our only deterrence consists in reprisals against Gazan civilian targets. But in order to do that, Israel has to declare an open war on Gaza, which would formally pause the peace process – something that the ruling clique is unwilling to accept.

    Bob Dylan returns to Israel June 20th.

  23. Just do not cut off the electricity and water to the palestinians. THAT is what Qaddhafi has done to entire cities, which is why R2P was finally invoked. Yes, R2P is a very slippery slope – a “Pandora’s box”, and will definitely now become a campaign issue in the US. The liberal blogosphere has not yet even discussed this aspect re: UNSC1973 Libya

    Hamas seems to be trying to create the fiction that they “deserve R2P” with their mortar attacks and unfortunate accidental killing of civilians in Gaza when the IDF responded. I found it quite incredible that even the NYT (the version I read last night) noted that Gaza neighbors confirmed that Hamas had launched the mortars from the orchard nearby. And the provocation of the bomb attack in central Jerusalem is not going to help Hamas’ image, if they take credit. I kind of think whoever did that was really annoyed that the “plight of the palestinians” is not the center of the world’s attention these days.

  24. Egyptian junta does not control the army

    One conspicuous feature of post-Mubarak Egypt is the complete absence of army and security personnel from the streets. Before the revolution, soldiers were posted almost on every corner.

    Not only is their absence provocative to various thugs, but it shows that the generals doubt the troops’ loyalty. Specifically, the government did not send troops to clear the Muslim Brotherhood thugs from the security police buildings they were looting. There is, however, a slim possibility that the army refrained from intervening as a slap at Omar Suleiman, the security chief who is at odds with the generals.

    In Egypt’s power vacuum, the Muslim Brotherhood will quickly take over, and radicalize itself in the process.

    The strengthening of the Brotherhood puts Syria on a collision course with Iran. The ayatollahs heavily influence and finance the Brotherhood, whereas Assad Sr killed them in droves and they pose a major threat to Assad Jr’s regime. On the other hand, the Brotherhood will eventually cut its ties with Iran once it becomes a government power in Egypt and obtains financing independent of Tehran.

  25. Two Grad rockets hit Be’er Sheva; IAF strikes Gaza launching squad

    Eight mortar shells hit western Negev between the two attacks on Be’er Sheva, and within hours of another strike on Ashdod; on Israeli lightly wounded, at least eight Palestinians killed over course of Tuesday.

    Very timid and ineffectual response by BB as usual. This type of Israeli response designed mostly for public consumption , showing that israel does respond. It;s BS all the way. The same targets they hit are the same ones the day before should have been like the tunnels. Israel even has hands off Pali leadership as targets.

  26. Blast on Jerusalem Bus: 12 Wounded, 4 Seriously
    An explosion reported as the Number 74 bus in Jerusalem passed near Binyanei HaUma.

    t was not placed on a bus but near the bus stops. Small explosive it seems.

    12 wounded is the correction 4 w/severe to critical wounds 6 with moderate wounds, the rest with light wounds or injuries.