The Candace Owens Show: Carol Swain

February 21, 2021 | 6 Comments »

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  1. @ mirib:
    They are NOT light skinned, they are dark skinned, especially Owen.. It depends on the light arrangements when the pictures were taken. Are you making a point??

  2. I’m amazed that so many of the Black success stories — like Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Diamond & Silk and now Carol Swain, grew up in such truly grinding poverty. That’s too few people people to draw accurate generalities from; but all those people became Conservative; but Blacks born with very comfortable upbringings, like Barack Obama, Colin Kaepernick and Oprah Winfrey, all became Leftist, racist radicals. It’s a paradox.

  3. Last year I was sitting the waiting room of our local hospital in my home town, waiting for medical test. A black woman who was sitting next to me, after we introduced ourselves, launched into a rant in support of Trump and denouncing his corrupt, vicious DP enemies. All I had to do was nod my head. It is a myth that all black people are Democrats and leftists.