Time to Deport the PLO from Israel

The terrorists must go.

By Daniel Greenfield, FPM

On September 13, 1993, Arafat and Rabin shook hands over the Oslo Accord in the Rose Garden. At the end of this September, the PLO’s Abbas finally officially disavowed the Oslo Accords.

The only reason the 80-year-old dictator of the PLO has a new $13 million palace, even while claiming to be short of funds, a $100 million bank account and a 1,000 member presidential guard is because of the same agreement with Israel that he just disavowed.

The PLO repeatedly violated that agreement by waging war against Israel. Its leaders, Arafat and Abbas, made a mockery of the negotiations. They sabotaged every opportunity to reach an agreement making it clear that they did not want a settlement and they did not want to negotiate.

Now Abbas has made it official.

There’s only one thing left for Israel to do. It’s time to deport the dictator, who barely controls half the population that he claims to represent, his 1,000 member presidential guard, his 57,000 member Presidential Security Force and the rest of his 150,000 employees who get paid retirement at fifty and many of whom have not reported to work since 2007.

It’s time to deport them all.

America, Europe and Japan have spent billions of dollars paying the salaries of terrorists who don’t even bother pretending to work. Last year their salaries amounted to around $2 billion. Those who do work spend time processing the $130 million a year that the PLO pays to convicted terrorists in Israel.

The PLO’s Palestinian Authority has a Central Elections Commission even though it has no elections. American taxpayers have invested $4.5 billion in promoting democracy in the PA in the last twenty years and there is now less democracy than there was when we first started throwing money at terrorists.

Abbas doesn’t bother running for office. He doesn’t bother negotiating with Israel. He doesn’t bother complying with the Oslo Accords. All he does is throw tantrums at the UN. And if he wants to do that on a full time basis while enjoying the best Manhattan restaurants, the terrorist dictator can buy himself a nice condo in the Turtle Bay Towers overlooking the United Nations and homeless bums shooting up heroin in Dag Hammarskjold Park Plaza. Then he can denounce Israel weekly at the UN.

Or, better yet, give back his $100 million to the people he stole it from and give him a nice sleeping bag and a bench in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. The drug dealing terrorists on his payroll can supply the heroin.

Deport the Fatah members who have used billions in foreign aid to build themselves a corrupt terrorist empire with fake jobs and foreign aid. Deport the government Imams who screech on its television shows for war with the Jewish “descendants of apes and pigs.” Deport the Palestinian Authority’s terrorist media corps that celebrates every brutal act of Muslim terror and casually calls for genocide.

Deport them all.

The only justification for maintaining this corrupt monstrosity, these tens of thousands of terrorists and the constant calls for mass murder, was the Oslo Accords. Israel had signed an agreement. The PLO violated that agreement every time its terrorists murdered Israelis, every time it called for war with Israel and every time it attacked Israel internationally. But now it has finally disavowed it.

If the PLO is no longer bound by them, Israel isn’t either.

The PLO’s millionaire dictator has given up any legal claims he has to remaining in power and remaining in Israel. He doesn’t hold elections so he isn’t the democratic representative of anyone or anything. He claims a state that encompasses Gaza, but the 1.8 million people living there don’t recognize his rule.

The only reason he was able to have his palace and his billion dollar budgets was that a handful of big countries insisted on pretending that this trainwreck was going somewhere. Now, even as his flag flies over the UN, Abbas has made it clear that it’s going nowhere. He doesn’t want to negotiate with Israel.

He wants the UN to unilaterally impose his demands on Israel. These demands aren’t backed by democratic elections or legal agreements anymore. The dictator just expects to dictate to Israel.

And there’s been enough of that already. Over 1,000 Israelis have been murdered by terrorists. Abbas trained and funded many of the terrorists who killed Israelis. Many of them were part of his presidential guard. Now he demands that the UN force Israel to free his terrorists so that they can kill Jews again.

There’s a better answer. Get rid of them all.

Deport the terrorists, deport their leaders, deport their flunkies, deport their economic advisers who figure out new ways of funneling foreign aid into Swiss bank accounts, deport the police who double as terrorists and deport the paid stone throwers. Deport the entire PLO and Hamas terrorist infrastructure to any country that is stupid enough to take them.

Maybe Cyprus or Tunisia will take them back. Or maybe Japan, which has spent hundreds of millions on funding the PLO, wants them. If not, how about Norway, which made this mess? We know the Saudis and Kuwait doesn’t want them, no matter how much noise they make about their “suffering”.

That just leaves the United Nations. The UN headquarters in New York City is considered international territory. With three buildings full of useless and corrupt bureaucrats, itinerant dictators and their stooges, surely there’s enough room to house the Palestinian Authority government-in-exile.

And the overflow of the Presidential Guard can be dumped in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, though some resistance from the homeless heroin addict population to these new settlers is to be expected.

And if Bill de Blasio’s New York can’t handle all the new homeless terrorists, there’s always Syria.

The PLO and Hamas have spent the past few decades shrieking that they love death and want nothing more than to fight to the death. And then every time Israel takes a whack, they run screaming to hide behind CNN’s skirt. In Syria, they will finally have the opportunity to fight and die like men.

Between ISIS, Iran, Assad, the Russians, US bombing raids and all the different Islamic militias, there will be enough conflicts to chew up and spit out Abbas’ presidential guard, Hamas’ suicide bombers and all the terrorist bureaucrats who haven’t shown up to work since 2007.

Deport them to Syria and let Allah sort out who gets the virgins.

The one thing that Israel should not and cannot do is keep the circus going. Netanyahu has been hoping that at some point the PLO would so thoroughly discredit itself that no one could pretend any longer that a negotiated peace was possible.

But that day will never come.

Abbas disavowed negotiations at the UN and in return, the UN flew his terrorist flag. He refuses to run for office, but the rest of the world pretends that he represents some democratic consensus. His own people accuse him of stealing enough money to keep Arafat’s widow in expensive Parisian handbags for the rest of her life and the international auditors just shrug.

Muslim terrorists can never discredit themselves in the eyes of their Western admirers and supporters. Nothing Abbas does, including his repeated attempts at a unity government with Hamas, will ever convince UN terrorist sympathizers that the failure to achieve peace is the fault of the terrorists.

All Israel can do is wash its hands of the entire business, deport the terrorists and turn them into Syria’s problem. Israel will never convince the UN that it’s right, but it can take the initiative and end the wrong.

The PLO regime has no further legal basis for maintaining its presence inside ’67 Israel. It must go.

October 2, 2015 | 40 Comments »

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40 Comments / 40 Comments

  1. especially for CA:

    EU: 630,000 migrants entered continent since beginning of year

    LOL in 9 months!
    the EU say they expect 1.5 million illegals next year. See, in less than 2 years all the pals could have been absorbed by europe even though europe did not agree to take them.
    Its like that film “Field of Dreams”… “if you build it they will come”…. but in this case its “if you send them to europe they will get in”
    LOL, poor CA was hoping to get the Jews to pay 100 K per pal to send to SA for him to convert. Go to Europe and convert then there…. but I suggest you hang on tight to your head… they dont like proselytizers.

  2. CuriousAmerican Said:

    This is why I recommend paying them to leave, because unless they have money, no one will take them in.

    LOL, you are delusional… are you blind….. europe is planning to take 1.5 million more next year and that does not include the millions they are not planning to take. You keep beating a dead horse, you are out of sync: the honor killers want europe, they die to go there, have a heart, help them with their dreams,….. I know that I would give a couple of bucks to send them them there. they are flooding europe and you are talking about no one wants them as if it is a relevant factor that can prevent them form going there. What folks want is irrelevant. If Israel dropped the thousands of PLO families illegally in Israel now that oslo is failed, across any border that has no treaty with Israel including gaza… no one could do a damn thing about it but feed them and house them and try to figure out what to do with them…. but for sure, once gone they will never get back. All it requires is a decision like the one that sharon made when he evicted Jews from gaza. No approval from anyone else is necessary to accomplish solutions Once they are in the arab nations they will see them get to europe.

  3. CuriousAmerican Said:

    No! Israel will not allowed to drop her “Arab problem” in Jordan’s lap,

    LOL, the arab problem must not be the Jews problem. Lets face it, the hashemite dwarf is the only obstacle to driving the arabs there, not because he can resist it because Israel wants to maintain him for a false security. it is more secure to get him out and drive them over the river. If he falls then an opportunity to change everything will arise. Look how many syrians went there, and I am sure some if not many are pals.

  4. CuriousAmerican Said:

    However, Syria is in such free fall that vast swathes of empty provinces may open up. If so, it may be possible to carve out an area, and pay – there is that contentious word, again – the Palestinians to relocate to an empty, evacuated Syrian province.

    there you go again with red herrings…. the honor killers, including the pals, want to go to europe, they are already going to europe, while the trend is hot why bring up alternatives…. speak of ways to get them to europe…. they already know the ways they just need more routes and smugglers to get them there…. thats where you come in… you can raise a couple of thousand per person.. a lot cheaper than your previous scam.

  5. @ CuriousAmerican: Bibi under duress from Obama, offered the Pals a limited “state” defined as demilitarized with Israel responsible for security and the Pals required to fully accept a Jewish State of Israel with Jerusalem as unified Jewish Capital of ONLY ISRAEL. This the Palestinians find unacceptable but that was the offer. The state offered was San Marino in context. (Symbols acceptable flags, soccer team…..) but NO heavy weapons only a police force, garbage collection, city level autonomy).

    The Pals in Oslo agreed to be demilitarized and now have reneged on this and everything else accept they want the tax revenues collected by Israel plus free electricity and to be protected from Hamas by the IDF.

    Israel never offered then a state in full context as you correctly quoted Rabin (“something less than a State”).

    We have no legal obligation to offer to give them a state and would be complete idiots to offer them a full fledged state. Accept for legal arguments for the purpose of the ICC these discussions of a Pal state have become null and void.

    The ship on a negotiated Pal state has sailed. Even the Israeli far left could not come to an agreement with the Pals. The Pals have for 100 years not agreed to a Jewish State no matter the size of the state.

    What to do with the Pals and when to annex territory have become the more real world on the ground discussions.

  6. @ yamit82:C- Jesus H christ (Yeshu),

    His middle name is not H.

    Nor it is Yeshu, which you know quite well is a derogatory insult.

    According to the Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a) the name is generally believed to be an acronym for ? = Yima? ? = Sh?mo ? = Wezikhro = meaning, May his name and memory be stricken out.

    You truly are vile.

    For your edification his proper names are:

    Yeshua – for his name implies salvation.
    Yeshua HaMoshiach
    Yeshua ben Duved
    or just as accurately
    Yeshua ben YHWH

    I know you like to insult Jesus just to annoy me; but I will, from time to time, point it out. No one is requiring you to respect Him, but your insults are ugly.

    B- No enfranchisement any of the maggots none

    You are vicious.

    they are free to leave if they don’t like it.

    Where? The other Arab countries will not take them in. This is a deceptive response and you know it. It sounds good, but at the root it is a deception.

    This is why I recommend paying them to leave, because unless they have money, no one will take them in.

    This includes-Israeli citizens who are Arabs we allowed them to have citizenship

    In contravention of what Ben Gurion promised in1948.

    we take it back just like Jordan did

    Jordan did not take it back from those before 1988, but rather withdrew it from those born after 1988 under a peace treaty that Israel signed on to. After 1988, Jordan felt it was under no obligation to tender citizenship to people in an area (J&S) over which they no longer had claims to sovereignty.

    There are some individuals were fell in between the cracks. Some West Bankers living in Jordan for more than six years, who managed to get dual paperwork. Israel withdrew residency first, leaving them people stuck in Jordan. Jordan replied … No! Israel will not allowed to drop her “Arab problem” in Jordan’s lap, and followed Israel’s precedent. Jordan said she will restore Jordan citizenship only if Israel stops withdrawing J&S residency to those Arabs. Israel will not stop dropping residency, so Jordan will not stop dropping citizenship. It is amazing to see both sides blame each other for what they both do; but a lot of innocent Arabs are getting strangled by this tug of war. And yes, some Arabs are innocent.

    they have the right model.

    They did so in reaction to Israel actions.

  7. @ Ted Belman:
    More importantly, Israel never promised them such a state nor is Israel committed to give them such a state.

    Then why did Olmert, Livni, and Netanyahu use the term “state.”

    Why didn’t they just say autonomy?

    Because if they said autonomy, they knew how ugly it would sound. So they said state. They knew the world would resisted more fiercely what was going on.

    I am not even in favor of the Arabs, but Oslo was a pretense.

    It provided Israel a degree of cover story to make community building in the territories sound less offensive to the less discerning Arabs and observers.

    I read here time and again how terrible Oslo was; but was it really?

    Had Oslo never been made, Israel could never say they had cover to build in Area C.

    I am not even opposed to Israeli building.

    But be honest about.

    – Israel never intended to give the Arabs (in J&S) any substantially liberty.

    – Never intended to give them a vote in the government which controlled their borders, their mineral rights, their income and outgo, their movement.

    All of these are required to be a state. Yet, Israel had no intention of giving them while all the while using the term “two-state.” And how did Israel do this? By redefining the word: “state,” until state no longer meant state.

    To the press it was used as if it meant state, but in the fine print, it meant a limited Indian reservation.

    Are the Arabs worse! Absolutely!

    The charade may be diplomatically brilliant, but it was still a charade.

    Admit it, Oslo was legalese gobbledygook acting under color of law.

    It was all a pretense.

    The Israeli side has reified Oslo as if it was brilliantly democratic document.

    It was a deceptive charade to enable Israel to buy time to build more communities, while dampening criticism, and bringing in more Olim.

    All worthwhile goals, but arrived at by pretense.

  8. @ Ted Belman:
    I have written an article which will be published on this issue tomorrow. I argue that Israel wants to maintain the status quo because it gives us Area C and entitles us to maintain security. It also gives the Palestinians autonomy which means we don’t have to give them citizenship. But where you are wrong is to suggest that to send them packing is to reject everything in the Oslo Accords. I didn’t get into these issues but I wrote to a lawyer friend of mine asking him the questions.

    I can understand if you do not want to enfranchise the Arabs. They are nuts.

    But what you have just admitted was that Israel never wanted to give the Arabs in J&S a state. Okay!


    But why did so many Israeli politicians use the word “state” then.

    State indicates independence, freedom of borders, even if landlocked. For ex: during WWII, landlocked Switzerland could take in Allied citizens if they arrived by airplane. It allows for freedom of radio spectrum, mineral rights, etc.

    Now, the Palestinians have none of these. So, Israel acted wisely, but it is not a state.

    Yes, Olmert, Livni, and even Netanyahu, use the term two-state. Two-state implies equality of sovereignty, yet – as you admitted – that was never intended. A limited autonomy at best.

    Then why use the term state?

    Israel used the word state but redefined it downward.

    Well, you can call an ugly guy a beautiful woman, and define him as a her, but if he shows up and my door with a beard and asks to marry me, I will not consider him, even if he has a certificate declaring he is officially a lovely gal.

    Do words mean anything? For decades, Israeli politicians have used the term “two-state solution” in conjunction with Oslo, while at the same time making sure that a real “state” was never being considered.

    I stand by my statement. It was all a pretense.

    Yes, the Arabs are liars. Arabs say peace and mean war. They say tolerance and mean only for Islam. They were more dishonest.

    But this is not a race to the bottom.

    Neither side was serious.

    I argue that Israel wants to maintain the status quo because it gives us Area C and entitles us to maintain security. It also gives the Palestinians autonomy which means we don’t have to give them citizenship. But where you are wrong is to suggest that to send them packing is to reject everything in the Oslo Accords.

    Then it was all a charade. The world was lead to believe that the Palestinians would be given a state, by which they understood state as a fully independent nation state.

    Olmert to Haaretz: Two-state Solution, or Israel Is Done For
    Olmert: International Jewish groups won’t back undemocratic state; talks will be complex, require patience.

    read more: http://www.haaretz.com/news/olmert-to-haaretz-two-state-solution-or-israel-is-done-for-1.234201

    It was all a pretense, and Israeli politicians were in on it, as were American politicos.

    When the Arabs put two and two together they became far more violent than they usually are.

    I am not saying Israel is wrong. I am just saying Oslo was a pretense, a delaying tactic to grab as much of the territories as they could, while denying the Arabs a vote, and hoping more Olim would arrive.

    I argue that Israel wants to maintain the status quo because it gives us Area C and entitles us to maintain security. It also gives the Palestinians autonomy which means we don’t have to give them citizenship.

    It was all a pretense.

    I admit the Arabs are vicious lunatics, but from what I have seen, and what you have just admitted, Oslo was legalese gobbeldygook meant to ease Israel’s annexation of as much land with as few Arabs on it, as is possible.

    It gave Israel a degree of cover. Prior to Oslo, Israel was hammered whenever Israel built communities. Now Israel says: Area C building permits are under Israel control according to Oslo, and to the shallow thinkers of the world – which is the majority – sounds okay.

    Look, I am not even opposed to your goals, but Oslo was legalese gobbledygook. Admit it. In America, it would be called acting under color of law, a gray area of action.

    Israeli leaders said publicly they were in favor of a two-state solution, while simultaneously making sure a two-state solution was not possible.

    Maybe not as deceptive as the Arabs, but still gobbledygook.

    BTW: Israel was lucky she was dealing with a corrupt Arafat. An honest Arab leader would never have agreed to such humiliating terms.

    Again, I am not saying Israel was/is wrong. I’m saying Oslo was a pretense. because in legalese Israel claimed one thing, while in public, it promised another.

  9. @ yamit82:
    yamit82 Said:

    CuriousAmerican Said:
    But that leaves you with 2(±) Million Palestinians in J&S.
    Will you enfranchise them?
    If not, the world will continue to charge Israel with being democratic.
    A_ shoot all rock thrower to killnot mane after a few have their heads blown off the rock throwing will stop. Then blow up eveyone in the tribal clans homes and deport them to Greece italy and Germany.
    B- No enfranchisement any of the maggots none they are free to leave if they don’t like it. This includes-Israeli citizens who are Arabs we allowed them to have citizenship we take it back just like Jordan did they have the right model.
    C- Jesus H christ (Yeshu), you think we should be overwhelmed about the world thinking we are not democratic like America under Bush and Obama? France maybe or Holland to name a few maybe the new Nazis in Germany? Get real Israel trying to be nice and pleasing everyone but Israelis is a suckers game. We need to do what’s good for us and tell assholes like a you and the rest of them to fuck off butt out of our business… The game is up the Jigg is up the whole world about to go under water and little Israel is the problem on a real idiot or Jew hater could believe that crap …reality on the ground has shown you Jew haters your true colors.

    Israel must end their delusional belief that if they grovel enough, Euro-Nazis, President Hussein and his dear “Henrich” Kerry, will be convinced Israel has “good” Jews and will not persecute them. All the groveling has resulted in the opposite. It has brought the Euro-Nazi funded filthy ragheads out of their sewers to murder defenseless Jews. All 2 million filthy Fakestinians are not worth the life of one Jew. It’s insane Israel has no death penalty. The ragheads know they will not suffer real punishment if they murder Jews. They will spend a few years in the hotels reserved for them until they are released to a hero’s welcome. They know their families will receive a fortune. They must be made to face a different reality i.e. the knowledge that killing any Jew will see their worthless necks with a noose around it before they meet their “reward” in hell and their families will meet “tragic, accidental” deaths. They should have no rights if they show any hostility towards Jews. Israel stupidly allows any Euro-trash, or left wing American Jew hating “journalist” to roam at will inside Israel engaging in continuous slander of Jews.. There should be a “news blackout”. Any Arab who exhibits hostility towards Jews should be forced to “voluntarily” immigrate. Israel is treated worse than any country in the world already. The filthy black Hitler had his anorexic UN Ambassador boycott Netanyahu’s speech and those in the audience who by their total silence indicated their absolute indifference to the repeated threats by Iranian raghead leaders to complete the Final solution. The opposite of love is not hate. It is indifference. No country in the world would have their highest elected official or ruler subjected to such humiliation. It was a reminder of the late 1930s when not one single country outside of Europe would accept European Jewish immigrants.

  10. CuriousAmerican Said:

    The fact is: If Israel deports the PA, the pretense of the two state solution (which pretense was used by both parties) will be dissolved.

    Israel will be back to 1986, and “the territories.”

    I have written an article which will be published on this issue tomorrow. I argue that Israel wants to maintain the status quo because it gives us Area C and entitles us to maintain security. It also gives the Palestinians autonomy which means we don’t have to give them citizenship. But where you are wrong is to suggest that to send them packing is to reject everything in the Oslo Accords. I didn’t get into these issues but I wrote to a lawyer friend of mine asking him the questions.

    Essentially I believe that the Oslo Accords constitute a contract. Part of the consideration Israel has paid was to permit Arafat and his terrorists to come to Israel.

    The full implementation of the contract has not happenned.

    How can this contract be abrogated in whole or in part?
    How can Israel retain that part of the agreement pertaining to the creation of A, B and C and the powers we both have with respect to their governance?

    If the PA disbands itself what happens to the overall agreement? Can Israel replace it by cutting a deal with local leadership?

    What parts of the Accords can Israel retain if the PA disbands?

    I guess the doctrines of severance and frustration apply.

    Perhaps you would enjoy ruminating on these questions.

    One more thing. Daniel Greenfield in his recent article recommended deporting all PLO and Fatah members. Is this possible? Where could they be legally deported to? What happens if no one wants to take them in?

  11. bernard ross Said:

    Good to see you back to have a good old kick of the football 😛
    (speaking of footballs, you missed your friend felix earlier)

    Thx very late I will get to Felix after I wakeup? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa

  12. yamit82 Said:

    and deport them to Greece italy and Germany.

    It looks like many of them are deporting themselves from their current locations and heading for those very spots…. like a zombie army.
    When you posted I was just thinking about you so you must have heard my call. I was in a philosoghical specualtion with keelie and remembered that you were the one who made me think about Torah and science and DNA with your Torah quotes and that website, I forgot, which you like to quote. Good to see you back to have a good old kick of the football 😛
    (speaking of footballs, you missed your friend felix earlier)

  13. “Of course, Israel never had any intention of giving the Palestinians a real state.”
    Tell that to Olmert or to the previous Prime Minister who offered the Palestinians 95 to 97% of their demands, that they walked away from.

  14. CuriousAmerican Said:

    But that leaves you with 2(±) Million Palestinians in J&S.

    Will you enfranchise them?

    If not, the world will continue to charge Israel with being democratic.

    A_ shoot all rock thrower to killnot mane after a few have their heads blown off the rock throwing will stop. Then blow up eveyone in the tribal clans homes and deport them to Greece italy and Germany.

    B- No enfranchisement any of the maggots none they are free to leave if they don’t like it. This includes-Israeli citizens who are Arabs we allowed them to have citizenship we take it back just like Jordan did they have the right model.

    C- Jesus H christ (Yeshu), you think we should be overwhelmed about the world thinking we are not democratic like America under Bush and Obama? France maybe or Holland to name a few maybe the new Nazis in Germany? Get real Israel trying to be nice and pleasing everyone but Israelis is a suckers game. We need to do what’s good for us and tell assholes like a you and the rest of them to fuck off butt out of our business… The game is up the Jigg is up the whole world about to go under water and little Israel is the problem on a real idiot or Jew hater could believe that crap …reality on the ground has shown you Jew haters your true colors.

  15. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Why is suffering important to you?

    the suffering of the anti semites brings release of the anger and frustration over the repeated triumph of evil over good. It works better than forgiveness of jew murdering anti semites.

  16. CuriousAmerican Said:

    It is not enough that they kill their enemies; they have to make them scream first.

    I would be happy to see those muslim jew abusing women at the Mount beaten with nightsticks all bloody…. I would love to see all the IDF go for all the fatah leaders and drag them through the streets screaming for mercy while being spat upon… I would love to see zahalka attacked by thugs in the street and videod screaming for mercy,…. I have so many other fantasies i would love to see…… like the wakf who incites the murder of Jews burning up in his house….. all the arrogant anti semites eating crow and suffering the fate they try to bring on the Jews…. dont you think anti semites should suffer? The snotty euro anti semites who daily lie and spit on the Jews, the academic anti semites… I would love to see them suffer and scream before they die… and their faces rubbed in shiite.

    My only consolation at this time for the evil that has descended on the Jews is to see the anti semites murdering each other all around Israel and to see them descending on those who hired and supported them in europe in their hordes seeking slaves and heads. It reminds me to have faith in a just universe. It will be a long while before any part of me feels sympathy. For now, I am well content to observe the irony of the universe in bring the horrors they sought for the Jews down on their own heads. It is better that I have fantasies and leave the just retributions to the ironic universe.

    Its funny to watch the anti semitic hungary in a tizzy with the honor killers. Looks like chickens coming home to roost so best to enjoy it while we can as tomorrow the anti semites will probably be back to stalk us.
    CuriousAmerican Said:

    You sound Islamic.

    LOL, are you hoping for some Jewish guilt? Its like the Jewish vampire said when the victim brought out the cross:
    “vont verk, lady” 😛

  17. @ bernard ross:the problem is caring about what drives them rather than simply killing your enemies… they never care about what drives the Jews which is why they can focus on killing their enemies. the Jews are the biggest dunces always overthinking…. kill the anti semites whenever possible….. its not rocket science
    the only thing I want to know about the anti semites is if they are dead and if they suffered enough beforehand.

    Why is suffering important to you? Isn’t death sufficient? You are getting perilously close to Assad’s secret police. It is not enough that they kill their enemies; they have to make them scream first.

    You sound Islamic.

  18. I cant think of one Israeli leader who would send out the IDF to kill the anti semites. They only think of restraint, proportionate response and pleasing the euro jew killers.
    Instead of breaking the anti semite reporters cameras they should have broken it over their heads and the GOI should then give them a medal. But then that would not please the euros and leftists.

  19. CuriousAmerican Said:

    What is driving this is a lot of genuine Arab nationalism.

    the problem is caring about what drives them rather than simply killing your enemies… they never care about what drives the Jews which is why they can focus on killing their enemies. the Jews are the biggest dunces always overthinking…. kill the anti semites whenever possible….. its not rocket science
    the only thing I want to know about the anti semites is if they are dead and if they suffered enough beforehand.

  20. those Jews who give a damn about what happens to the pals are fools… anyone other than the Jews would have them long ago fleeing for their lives to get across the border.

  21. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Fine! That might be the proper course of action, but in the meantime, you will be left with 2(±) Million Palestinians. Once you remove the PA, you have to figure out what to do with them.

    Start killing terrorists, anti semites and Jew abusers and the rest will flee like they did from IS. anti semitism and Jews abuse should be a capital crime in Israel punishable by mandatory execution in the street. Go into ramallah like for arafat and drag the fatah dogs screaming through the streets and execute them without indictment and trial. Immediately deport all the PLO families back to tunisia or dump them across the border. How many Jew killings do the jews need to want revenge? Never again is pure BS if it relies on guilt trips from foreigners. Never again should be backed by zero tolerance for anti semites, killing them whenever possible instead of talking.

  22. Actually if Israel can hurry up before Obama administration is finished send the Palis to Syria. They will get Syrian passports and Merkel and Obama will divide them up between Detroit and Hamburg.

  23. @ babushka:
    babushka Said:

    Let the PLO stay and deport Haaretz. The Palis cannot be defeated until the liberal Jews who enable them are defeated.

    Good idea.The same should be done to liberal American Jews.If we’re to accept Muslim refuges why not swap them for liberal Jews.

  24. Let the PLO stay and deport Haaretz. The Palis cannot be defeated until the liberal Jews who enable them are defeated.

  25. @ dove:
    I understand what you are saying. What I am saying is that the majority of arabs would not accept Clicks proposal as they would have to give up Sharia law – that is how I understand it. It is an olive branch that she is suggesting based on conditions that most would not adhere to. Therefore it will not be an option so there is no need for you to worry.

    The J&S Arabs are more secular than most Arabs. What is driving this is a lot of genuine Arab nationalism. Yes, Islam is on the increase in the PA, but only because the secular PA has not achieved much success.

  26. The only logical answer is to annex Judea and Samari as recommended by Caroline Glick. All of Israel will then have a hostile minority population. But then,most countries in this world including the USA have hostile minorities.
    Deal appropriately with that population. If it accepts some sort of peaceful autonomy then fine. If it resorts to violence respond with violence. This is not a perfect world nor is there a perfect country.

  27. @ Bear Klein:

    I understand what you are saying. What I am saying is that the majority of arabs would not accept Glicks proposal as they would have to give up Sharia law – that is how I understand it. It is an olive branch that she is suggesting based on conditions that most would not adhere to. Therefore it will not be an option so there is no need for you to worry.

  28. @ Bear Klein:
    5. Caroline Glick approach annex it all and make them residents of Israel ( I do not like it).

    She offered citizenship, not merely residence, which if Israel does annex, Israel will have little choice but to offer. You may get lucky, and like Jerusalem Arabs, they may not take up the offer. [Though Israel does set a limit per year]

    1. You will say pay them to leave. Slow and unsure plan could be tried in various locations as a test.

    Paying them to leave is not a bad idea. It will get a lot of the young. I do not care who pays … but it will, of practical necessity, mean that Jews will be among the payers, as Jews will be the ones to benefit the most when the Arabs leave.

    Particularly if the Arabs go to South America. South America was not responsible for the Holocaust, and cannot be persuaded that they have a moral obligation. Since they would be taking in Israel’s problem, they would require that money flow in their direction.

    4. Drive them all/or some into Syria and ISIS lands.

    Driving them is ethnic cleansing! Whether you admit or not.

    However, Syria is in such free fall that vast swathes of empty provinces may open up. If so, it may be possible to carve out an area, and pay – there is that contentious word, again – the Palestinians to relocate to an empty, evacuated Syrian province.

  29. @ dove:
    Dove, I was listing the hypothetical options. This approach is a terrorists dream. I do not advocate it. Israelis left and right in a large majority will NOT add two million Arabs as citizens.

  30. @ Bear Klein:

    5. Caroline Glick approach annex it all and make them residents of Israel ( I do not like it).

    ONLY if they are willing to follow the rule of law. No sharia law. The majority would probably not go for that. That’s what I heard her say at one of her presentations. There would be stipulations.

  31. @ CuriousAmerican:

    As much as it pains me to say it you are right Israel needs a plan on what to do with the Palestinians.


    1. You will say pay them to leave. Slow and unsure plan could be tried in various locations as a test.

    2. Remove to wherever all terrorists and their supporters irregardless of being politically correct in the eyes of the world.

    3. Those that are left in area A/B where 95% of the Palestinians live
    are offered local level autonomy such as San Marcos. Annex Area C and whatever is needed of B for security

    4. Drive them all/or some into Syria and ISIS lands.

    5. Caroline Glick approach annex it all and make them residents of Israel ( I do not like it).

  32. @ Bear Klein:
    This is a low level terror war designed by Abbas and his people for Israeli Jews to withdraw from their homes.

    Israel needs to kill, jail, and deport the terrorists and their supporters. Israel needs to escalate the rate of building in Judah /Samaria and the Jerusalem area in response.

    Fine! That might be the proper course of action, but in the meantime, you will be left with 2(±) Million Palestinians. Once you remove the PA, you have to figure out what to do with them.

    Getting rid of Abbas may not be the best solution.

    … there is always a well-known solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong.

    Wait a while. If Syria collapses any further, you may have options not formerly available.

  33. The PLO regime has no further legal basis for maintaining its presence inside ’67 Israel. It must go.

    I have no problem with that.

    Makes sense!

    But that leaves you with 2(±) Million Palestinians in J&S.

    Will you enfranchise them?

    If not, the world will continue to charge Israel with being democratic.

    It is easy to say: “Deport the PLO!” and it may be the right answer; but such an action – no matter how proper – will not solve the underlying issue.

    Olso allowed the Arabs the pretense of claiming they wanted peace (when they wanted no such thing)>

    But, also the ironic fact is: Like it or not, the Palestinian Authority gives Israel political cover.

    It allowed Israel the pretense of saying the Arabs will be given a second state, and therefore Israel has no obligation to enfranchise them.

    Of course, Israel never had any intention of giving the Palestinians a real state.


    We would like this to be an entity which is less than a state …

    and even Netanyahu admitted that he would stretch the meaning of words to prevent any real entity from forming



    But admit it. Just admit it. Neither party had any intention of letting Oslo run its full course. The PA never intended to stop hostilities, and Israel never intended to let the Palestinians have a real, free, independent state.

    The fact is: If Israel deports the PA, the pretense of the two state solution (which pretense was used by both parties) will be dissolved.

    Israel will be back to 1986, and “the territories.”

    The world will then ask: Why don’t Palestinians have the vote?

    Before Israel deports ABBAS, have a backup plan.

    Because frankly, the Arab world considers Abbas an Israeli stooge.

    Check out this image:


    So before you deport the stooges, have a better plan ready or you may get something worse.

    I am not saying do not do it. I am saying, have PLAN B ready to take over.