@ dove:
P.S. Of coarse, this was NOT a Jewish school.
Every rule has at least one exception.
Just let the questioner know that since 1950 Islamics have killed,slaughtered, hacked or whatever over 11000000 other Muslims to death!!
These figures are official
One cannot trust any Islamic nation to behave with propriety
Islam is not a peaceful religion
You got that right Rongrand. Parents need to take back authority. I have made complaints on books with hate and evil being presented in a way to teach children HOW TO BE EVIL. One book was removed by the school library.
Back in 1948 when the UN declared that the Jews needed their homeland back it was at THAT time they should have decided how to handle the occupiers instead of throwing the Jews to the wolves. How did they expect the occupiers to respond? For many Israeli’s World War II CONTINUED…..this time with them on the battleground. Even tho the ultraorthodox insist that the problems lie with the Jewish people as this was not G-ds timing for their return…..they may be right. It was MANS…..but….it was NOT the Jews who demanded that they have their homeland back….it was decided by the UN. It IS the UN that has blood on their hands for ALL the innocent people who have lost their lives. I get tired of the Muslims here in Canada who insist they are ‘moderate’ and against terrorism during the recent thwart of the plans to blow up a Via passenger train. PROVE IT! SHOW MORE ACTION. DO MORE TO REDUCE THE TERRORISTIC MINDS HERE IN CANADA INSTEAD OF TRYING TO CONVINCE US THAT ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL RELIGION. Most Canadian will not buy into that garbage.!!
Having said that it doesn’t diminish the fact the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. I don’t believe G-d intended all Jews to arrive all at once.
G-d did not will the Jews to be without a country.
What we really need to work on is eradicating anti-Semitism.
I couldn’t get enough here to address this issue but I feel its vital.
This is proof why I don’t believe that G-d is beckoning all Jews to return to the homeland at this time. That is more the agenda of those that want to put us all in one place to make it easier to exterminate us. Why should we make it easier for them? Have fun finding ALL of us as we are scattered throughout the world. I would gladly live and die for Israel – whether it would happen here in Canatda or in my homeland – it wouldn’t matter. Be patient Israel and try not to be so hard on those of us in the diaspora. It’s a jungle here too. We are in this together – and G-d will send more home when the time is right. I just don’t like it when Jews have to move there because the country they are living in will not accept them as Jews and will force them out. It should be a free choice when the time is ready for each individual to make that decision.
I call for a vote or petition to move the UN headquarters from New York to Teheran and for the UN building in NYC to be donated to Israel to pay for human rights abuses against Israel. In moving the headquarters we will see just how many of those useless diplomatic leaches really do love Islam as much as they say they do or if jihad and sharia soils the under pants of the UN cowards. They will learn just how warm and welcoming an Islamic state is to the multicultural makeup of the ignoramuses now throwing rocks at the house of Israel from the safety of their patsy USA host.
And in other news, dog bites man.
“Israel has done more good for the world than the UN could even dream of.”
Aint that the truth!
Thanks Ted.
Anne explains why the US and Israel and free nations should quit this worthless body run by criminal nations.
Israel has done more good for the world than the UN could even dream of.
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at- gmail.com
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@ dove:
P.S. Of coarse, this was NOT a Jewish school.
Every rule has at least one exception.
Just let the questioner know that since 1950 Islamics have killed,slaughtered, hacked or whatever over 11000000 other Muslims to death!!
These figures are official
One cannot trust any Islamic nation to behave with propriety
Islam is not a peaceful religion
You got that right Rongrand. Parents need to take back authority. I have made complaints on books with hate and evil being presented in a way to teach children HOW TO BE EVIL. One book was removed by the school library.
Back in 1948 when the UN declared that the Jews needed their homeland back it was at THAT time they should have decided how to handle the occupiers instead of throwing the Jews to the wolves. How did they expect the occupiers to respond? For many Israeli’s World War II CONTINUED…..this time with them on the battleground. Even tho the ultraorthodox insist that the problems lie with the Jewish people as this was not G-ds timing for their return…..they may be right. It was MANS…..but….it was NOT the Jews who demanded that they have their homeland back….it was decided by the UN. It IS the UN that has blood on their hands for ALL the innocent people who have lost their lives. I get tired of the Muslims here in Canada who insist they are ‘moderate’ and against terrorism during the recent thwart of the plans to blow up a Via passenger train. PROVE IT! SHOW MORE ACTION. DO MORE TO REDUCE THE TERRORISTIC MINDS HERE IN CANADA INSTEAD OF TRYING TO CONVINCE US THAT ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL RELIGION. Most Canadian will not buy into that garbage.!!
@ dove:
Dove, you make a valid point.
Having said that it doesn’t diminish the fact the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. I don’t believe G-d intended all Jews to arrive all at once.
G-d did not will the Jews to be without a country.
What we really need to work on is eradicating anti-Semitism.
It begins here.
I couldn’t get enough here to address this issue but I feel its vital.
This is proof why I don’t believe that G-d is beckoning all Jews to return to the homeland at this time. That is more the agenda of those that want to put us all in one place to make it easier to exterminate us. Why should we make it easier for them? Have fun finding ALL of us as we are scattered throughout the world. I would gladly live and die for Israel – whether it would happen here in Canatda or in my homeland – it wouldn’t matter. Be patient Israel and try not to be so hard on those of us in the diaspora. It’s a jungle here too. We are in this together – and G-d will send more home when the time is right. I just don’t like it when Jews have to move there because the country they are living in will not accept them as Jews and will force them out. It should be a free choice when the time is ready for each individual to make that decision.
I call for a vote or petition to move the UN headquarters from New York to Teheran and for the UN building in NYC to be donated to Israel to pay for human rights abuses against Israel. In moving the headquarters we will see just how many of those useless diplomatic leaches really do love Islam as much as they say they do or if jihad and sharia soils the under pants of the UN cowards. They will learn just how warm and welcoming an Islamic state is to the multicultural makeup of the ignoramuses now throwing rocks at the house of Israel from the safety of their patsy USA host.
And in other news, dog bites man.
“Israel has done more good for the world than the UN could even dream of.”
Aint that the truth!
Thanks Ted.
Anne explains why the US and Israel and free nations should quit this worthless body run by criminal nations.
Israel has done more good for the world than the UN could even dream of.