Vote Integrity — 2/1/21 — 


Welcome to a special edition of our Energy & Environmental Newsletter… (For all 2020 Newsletters, go here.) This special issue is based on this premise:

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing, because he could only do a little.”  — Edmund Burke

IMO there are few things more important to a free society than vote integrity. If citizen’s voices are adulterated, we are untethered from democracy.

In such a situation no person who appreciates the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of lives that have given us the freedoms we have today, would even think of saying anything like: “Move along, as there is nothing to see here.”

What is fueling this precipitous slide towards the bottom, is a mainstream media that rationalizes their diatribes as “the end justifies the means.” They have decided what’s in our best interest, and their presstitution is designed to propagate their beliefs on us. (These are the same people supposedly wary of Russian influence!)

A relevant example is the reporting about the 2020 Presidential election-related lawsuits. What have you heard and seen? Are you aware that the majority of the adjudicated cases have been won by Trump, et al?!  Please read the specifics.

Here are some inside analyses that should make the election situation clearer:

How DJT Lost the White House, Introduction

How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 1

How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 2

Some other new 2020 election-related news:

The DemoMedia Narrative that there is “No Evidence of Election Fraud” is a Lie

Arizona County Officials Approve Forensic Audit of Election Systems

Judge rules VA elections board violated law with late absentee mail-in ballot rule

Short video: I hacked an election — so can the Russians

Study: Can Voters Detect Malicious Manipulation of Ballot Marking Devices?

Dominion Sues Sidney Powell for $1.3 Billion

Microsoft To Punish Legislators Who Questioned The 2020 Election Results

John Droz, jr.,  physicist & citizen advocate

PS: For those who honestly believe that the 2020 Presidential elections was fair and square (with only minor irregularities), they should be leading the pack to do selective forensic audits, as those will then prove their position to be accurate.

Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles, we’ve put together detailed archives — where you can search by year, or over the ten plus years of the Newsletter. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on

Note 4: If at any time you’d like to be added to (or taken off) this free distribution, simply send me an email saying that.

Note 5: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or the website) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical issues.

February 1, 2021 | 1 Comment »

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  1. “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing, because he could only do a little.” — Edmund Burke

    Good comment.

    The most important thing you can do, is to BELIEVE the truth.

    After that. the next important thing you can do, is to CONFESS the truth.

    After that, all things are possible.

    But if you deny the truth in a world of lies, simply to “not look like a fool”, you are the greatest of fools.