While the US ‘Reviews,’ EU Calls for Disarming Hamas

American vacillation over demands to disarm terrorist groups in Gaza contrasts with Europe’s surprising support of Israeli position.

By Hillel Fendel, INN

Hamas terrorists parade rocket

Hamas terrorists parade rocket
Though the United States is still Israel’s “best friend,” it is the European Union which called again today for ”all terrorist groups in Gaza to disarm.”

The EU statement, issued in Brussels after a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers on Friday, declared that a “return to the status quo prior to the latest conflict is not an option.”

Israel is pleased with the EU’s call for disarming Hamas. Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said, “Israel welcomes the [EU] ministers’ repeated calls for the terrorist organizations in Gaza to disarm.”

“A commitment to the principle of demilitarization, which will be implemented by an effective monitoring mechanism, will ensure that the situation changes fundamentally,” Palmor added.

On the other hand, the two top US Administration officials – President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry – have made it clear that disarming Gaza is not a priority. Asked if the Obama Administration endorses the Israeli demand to disarm Hamas, a top National Security official said only that “one would hope” that “some form of demilitarization” would be a result of a ceasefire. And Kerry didn’t even go that far; all he said was, “All of the issues of Gaza would be on the table.”

The Senate, on the other hand, has been outspoken about the need to disarm Hamas. It has not passed any formal resolutions to this effect, but many Senators have gone on record in favor of making this an integral feature of any ceasefire.

On Thursday, the day before the EU statement, US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf spent several long minutes attempting to reconcile the Administration’s “review” of munitions deliveries to Israel and the “no change” in the general policy towards Israel. Specifically, she said, “Given the crisis in Gaza, it’s natural that agencies take additional care to review deliveries as part of an interagency process. That is by no means unusual and, again, does not indicate any change in policy.”

She then said this was not actually a “review,” but rather “taking a second look.”

Challenged as to the purpose of a “second look” if there was no policy change, she again called it a review, then later changed it to “looking again,” etc.

Back and forth the point was belabored; one reporter asked, “If you’re undertaking a review with a lowercase ‘r’, or a second look or – again, whatever you want to call it – that that would stand to reason that perhaps at the end of that look that you might make some kind of policy change.”

Harf negated this, and so on and so forth, until finally one impatient correspondent asked, “Can we go to Ukraine, please?”


August 18, 2014 | 155 Comments »

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50 Comments / 155 Comments

  1. Max Said:

    No – find someone else to persecute.

    HMMM? a persecution complex too? Along with your delusions of grandeur, speaking of yourself in the 3rd person(checkout your psychobabble 101 for why you do that 😛 )

    Max Said:

    Persecuting “Max” will not solve your difficulties,

    😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

    poor maxy, persecuted by an intifada.
    Max Said:

    Your questions are in bad faith – they are not questions just part of your “Max in_tifada”.

    YEH….I figured you would be unable to deal with anything real…….with anything that required knowledge of the ME. after that last syrian debacle where you left in humiliation I am surprised you came back without a hung head in shame.

    Pissing, wanking….didn’t your mummy bring you up with any discretion……its not nice to wank in public and most infants have learned by the toddler stage not to hold up their latest piece of shiite and boast about it.
    let me know when you can actually make an intelligible and supported comment about the ME

  2. Max Said:

    still waiting for your answers to my questions

    Still at it, eh?

    No – find someone else to persecute.

    Poor little Max, comes here like hamas firing missiles at all the posters and when rockets get fired back he whines about persecution like a little girl who just shat herself.
    Perhaps you can call your mummy to help you?

    Instead of firing missiles and whining why not just deal with the actual issues? Oh. I know why, its because you have not one clue about events in the middle east. You just like to come here and piss on everyone.

    You were unable to answer one question yet you have the gall to say that other peoples ideas are crazy. Just like last time, you still are an ignorant fool.

  3. The rest of my comment went into moderation over 3 tries. It’s not worth pursuing.
    That’s my final answer – no “phone a friend or “50-50”.’


  4. still waiting for your answers to my questions

    Still at it, eh?

    No – find someone else to persecute. I don’t have to answer such absurdity. Your questions are in bad faith – they are not questions just part of your “Max in_tifada”.
    Persecuting “Max” will not solve your difficulties, it won’t stop those demon voices inside your head.

    Take a break – have some meds, lie down in a dark room , maybe you will get some relief from yourself.

  5. Max Said:

    bernard ross Said:

    It appears that Mad Max is unable to control his bladder and is now pissing everywhere and on everyone in an hysterical attempt to obfuscate his ignorance.
    Max said:
    Trying to drum up support for your Intifada against MAX , the person who says those terrible things about you? And they just aren’t true, are they? Such a terrible injustice has been done you!

    LOL,you speak of yourself in the 3rd person, a sure sign of mental problems. Do you see yourself in an intifada with me? I think you also have delusions of grandeur

    Its all moot, stick to the issues, stop trying to obfuscate with name calling and ad hominem attacks on the posters. Or perhaps you have no other arguments, yeh, thats it, you proved it once more. Mr. Know it all who has not one clue about the ME.

    still waiting for your answers to my questions which will clearly demonstrate whether you have one shred of knowledge about the ME about which you are so opinionated.

  6. bernard ross Said:

    It appears that Mad Max is unable to control his bladder and is now pissing everywhere and on everyone in an hysterical attempt to obfuscate his ignorance.

    Trying to drum up support for your Intifada against MAX , the person who says those terrible things about you? And they just aren’t true, are they? Such a terrible injustice has been done you!

  7. bernard ross Said:

    Max Said:

    Of course you are! Otherwise you would be a “bad” person. But no insight here as to why or why not.

    are you insane?
    anything of relevance here other than your weird ranting? The “insight” is contained in hundreds of postings on these very assertions

    Interesting defense mechanism. Also interesting is that this simple sentence about how human psychology works is beyond your ken which memeans you have no possibly of self insight. The answer to this question is not in more paranoid postings about Jihadists and how Obama is the devil but some narrative that could show you have a capability for self-criticism and introspection.

    did you notice that the security at the so called consulate was local hired jihadi militia?

    Yeah And they spoke Martian too , didn’t they? And it proves Syria doesn’t even exist – it’s a false flag because it’s a false country invented by Russia in 1932.
    Also the American revolution didn’t exist – it was a Jihadi plot invented by the Islamic propagandist called George Washington.

    You do nothing but post paranoia and inference , not one single hard fact for your conclusions that is publicly observable to all.
    Count me out – find another more gullible audience.

  8. honeybee Said:

    Flying to Italy [where a my brother-in-law said you can’t find a decent T-bone] was not an option.

    when I go to other countries I love to eat their food, for me that is part of the enjoyment. I even enjoyed the hospital food, which was a first for me.

  9. honeybee Said:

    What binds one American to another is the Constitution and the Freedom incorporated therein.

    The problem with that is that the constitution is changeable and can be interpreted in opposite ways. Your view of the constitution might be different from Bill Ayers view. same with freedoms. where the main binding force is a set of principles upon which people differ we have a recipe for conflict as opposed to unity.
    Obama prefers his view of the constitution and wants to put it in practice. the same constitution mandates that the supreme court decides whether you or obama are correct.
    Usually shared experiences are a binding force such as family, tribe, clan, culture,even danger…
    a massive civil war was fought over different interpretations of the constitution and the more powerful won. The everyman for himself philosophy may not be as “binding” a force when the other guys get in and democratically institute their constitutional views. In my view there is no real binding without a community; everyman for himself cannot be a community, everyman for himself is anarchy(which is also a valid state of existence).

  10. Max Said:

    Don’t bother. The life of a zo-mbie so-ckpupp-et must be very boring if this is the most important thing to you.

    It appears that Mad Max is unable to control his bladder and is now pissing everywhere and on everyone in an hysterical attempt to obfuscate his ignorance.

  11. mar55 Said:

    I was challenging you on the US medical care.

    Don’t bother. The life of a zo-mbie so-ckpupp-et must be very boring if this is the most important thing to you.

  12. Max Said:

    GCC? Gulf Co-operation Council? Please define your acronyms – we all don’t all live in Conspiracy Central Forums.

    you are a latecomer, everyone here who has been posting a while knows what it means. anyone with knowledge of the middle east would know what it means. the context in which it is used should make it obvious. If you dont know what it means then your knowledge is too limited to justify having any opinion on the ME.

    a fool points fingers at others for his own shortcomings.

  13. Max Said:

    It all sounds Bat Excrement Crazy.

    Of course it does because you are ignorant of facts. you said the same thing last year when you boasted of your “first hand knowledge direct from the rebel commanders in the field”. LOL, you accused me of the same thing when I suggested the syrian spring was orchestrated. You believed that the tools in the field, the useful twittered controlled idiots were the real story. Such a small imagination for one with big ideas of elite manipulations in the USA. It appeared you missed that one. whats funny is that you still believe there was a rebellion in syria rather than a twittering to useful idiots to provide a cover for a jihadi invasion. Strange how you see manipulation of the media for “mindwashing” honeybee in the US but you buy the MSM narrative for the ME. Your comments are devoid of facts that could demonstrate that you might have any knowledge on hich to base your name calling.
    Max Said:

    The USA is secretly working with Jihadis and ISIS?

    DUH???? We all know that the US worked with saudi and jihadis in afganistan against the soviets, Most of us know this same MO was operative at benghazi and syria. I have posted article linking saudi funding and arms to ISIS some weeks ago…….US has admitted later to training “rebels” in Jordan. There is nothing outlandish is suggesting that which has already occurred. I would have entertained a discussion with you if you had demonstrated any knowledge at all on the ME, as I have with those with whom I have disagreed in the past. In your case you must first do the homework on facts rather than dribble your worthless unsupported sentiments.
    Max Said:

    That’s what I mean about warped – your deep anger makes you see every single Muslim literally as an indoctrinated, trained terrorist and US leaders literally drinking Jewish blood out of yarmulkes with them like evil maniacs.

    i think you are nuts. 😛

    Max Said:

    I was very happy about the Libyan Revolution outcome and still am, I am on the side of the secular revolutionaries in Syra – though they might all be killed by now because Obama didn’t support them – he did enable the Jihadis by not supporting the seculars or by simply doing nothing – that is for sure.

    In your rare moments of sanity your problem is shown here. You appear to be unable to discern the difference between reality and what would make you happy or whose side you are on. Your desire for an outcome consistent with your “philosophies” appears to color your view of reality: you confuse real facts with your desires. E.G. I am on the side of annexation and transfer but that in no way affects my assessment of what the existent reality is.

    I dont like to waste much time here anymore putting out my philosophies or desires. I am more interested in discerning facts from fiction, disinformation, propaganda etc. coming to us from politicians and media. My interest here is not to engage in a pissing contest with you as it has not value to me. I come here to get info and perspectives of others on this site and to bounce some my my own speculation and thoughts off others here.

    I had this same ridiculous discussion with you last year and when you returned I ignored your posts even when finding them foolish. I watched your MO with others here which demonstrated a churlish need for trivial argumentation with other posters, a lack of valuable input, your egotistical pissing contests, and your wanking out your irrelevant opinions and ideas. However, you began to reply to my comments which were not addressed to you and I thought I would give you anther chance, perhaps you had learned something since your last churlish and boastful buffoonery.

    You remain still, exceedingly boring with no redeeming qualities, completely un-amusing, totally lacking any sense of humor.

  14. mar55 Said:

    to treat by preventible administering blood thinners for a period of time to avoid them

    All those proceedures were followed, but TX has a genetic pre-disposition for blood clots. This was not his first rodeo.

  15. mar55 Said:

    I do not know believe that it could be flagged as spam

    I hate to say this, but Max is correct certain words trigger the spam.

  16. Max Said:

    Of course you are! Otherwise you would be a “bad” person. But no insight here as to why or why not.

    are you insane?
    anything of relevance here other than your weird ranting? The “insight” is contained in hundreds of postings on these very assertions over the last year while you were away. Obviously, I have no reason to re-post them for you now.
    “bad person”? You appear to be musing on another planet.

    Max Said:

    Yeah now I remember you’re the guy who’s in love with dictators like Gaddafi and Assad. That’s a conversation ender right there.

    HUH?? You appear delusional, perhaps you mixed me up with someone on a different website? do you have any quotes of mine to support your ridiculous assertion or are you waxing poetic again in flights of imagination?
    Max Said:

    Lesssee- and Obama is head of Al Qaeda, he killed his own ambassador and is training Jihadists in Wyoming, 9-11?s a false flag and Christianity was an internet hoax.

    not wyoming, Jordan. Ambassador???? Really, you bought the embassy and consul story? even the NYT did not buy that one. Gosh, is this the same guy who said honebee was mindwashed by propaganda?
    did you notice that the security at the so called consulate was local hired jihadi militia?
    Perhaps you are naiive, when you deal in arms with jihadis and hire jihadis for security, anything can happen.

    Try to focus on issues rather than just come here to piss and wank. there is nothing of value in your comments, you offer no info or anything, you just keep giving your ludicrous views and opinions which amount to nothing.
    Perhaps you should have stuck around here and learned something as you apparently know nothing of any of the ME issues we have been discussing the whole past year. Your lack of knowledge does not seem to inhibit your opinions.

    you are obviously unread and ignorant on the ME issues we discuss here, rarely citing any facts on the subject or a particular ME issue.

    It is rude to use this site as a venue for your churlish wanking.

  17. yamit82 Said:

    Those guys know what they are doing and fear is as effective as some military divisions, beheading is their manner of using psychological warfare.

    I agree, I think it is an intentional tactic. also, I speculate, as you know I like to do: I am wondering how much of this terror is substantiated and how much comes from videos. My reason for this query is that the journalists, media,MSM have proven, especially in ME arena,their capacity for spreading fabrications such as the Jenin massacre which the MSM had first tens and even hundreds of thousands massacred by Israel, Mohamed al dura, the current gaza fabrications, the intentional fabrications in the lebanon war exaggerating damage by BBC reporters live on video,the narratives of Israel apartheid, baby killing, etc gonig un-debunked by the media. It appears that the publicity surrounding terror frightened many away including soldiers AND civilians form areas taken by ISIS. In Mosul the army simply left. considering all this I wonder how much is true and how much is the latest version of pallywood. I feel similarly about the hundreds of thousands of syrians dead reported by MSM the same as they reported the Jenin “massacre”. I believe NOTHING from these sources anymore. Often one gets better info by analyzing the “facts” presented as disinformation to ascertain their motives.

  18. Max Said:

    I thought you were openly a conspiracy theorist – I mean what else is secret USA forces working with Islamic Terrorists all over the world but secret.
    Secret is as secret does.
    Conspiracy theorists are not necessarily wrong – often one just never knows, sometimes it’s the best possible explanation is a world of obfuscation – even part of what Ted B. think seems to be directed that way – but but your theories don’t seem to be that levelheaded or objective -especially seem to have some deep personal, sort of unrelated, emotional motivation..

    Evidence please for your ludicrous statement which only appears to indicate your ignorance of ME issues which we have all been discussing here since your last cartoonish incarnation at Israpundit. I remember at the time of the Syrian “rebellion” that you were waxing enthusiastically as to how you had all the real information from social media from the democratic forces on the ground, that we were fools in our assessments and that I was a crazy conspiracy nut for asserting that the “rebellion” was planned and organized. you appeared to have no practical knowledge of how intelligence services create orgs to attract dissenters, of how easily planted moles can suddenly twitter all the “useful idiots” to spontaneously rebel, using that as a cover to bring in their foreign mercenaries,. After the fading of your democratic revolution,the exposures of bengahazi, the replacement by ever increasing terror jihadis, you faded into the woodworks with your tail between your legs. You weren’t forgotten, over the past year I have often referred to “max”, who referred to me as a crazy conspiracy nut, when posting evidence of the “conspiracy”; you occupied a slot similar to shacalnur who many here probably recall. Now you are back ranting as before, wanking as before, giving your ludicrous opinions with no support on the ME and engaging in weird pissing contests with many posters here. I think you need to examine your psychological and emotional problems which you appear to project on others.

    I notice that you never dealt, now or in the past, with any of my assertions but instead resorted to ad hominem. Name calling, ridicule, etc. have no relevance. Since your first incarnation here at the time of the Syrian “democratic twitter revolution” I have posted hundred of links and supporting evidence for my assertions. This is at least a one or 2 year period. I refer you to those links as I see nothing you post which refutes anything I have said other than a presentation of your philosophies, ideas and creeds which are evidence of nothing. All the regular posters here are familiar with my speculations, assertions and posted links supporting my assertions on these issues for along period of time.

    It is odd to me that you have difficulty conceiving of links between jihadis and the US as the afghan soviet wars in the 80’s was an overt relationship between the US and Saudi(GCC) to use, arm, train, recruit the mujahadeen jihadis against the soviets. Furthermore even the NYT, along with others have, written of the links between saudi, qatar, turkey, and the US to arm,train, fund jihadis in syria. Many articles have been written, which I have posted over at least a year of these links asserting that Bengahazi was a CIA station for collecting weapons to ship through Turkey to syrian jihaid mercenaries recruited globally: that the CIA was involved with Saudi in brokering a 500 mill arms purchase from Croatia,that the US was with Jordan training sunni jihadis in Jordan for syria. Please refer to my posted links, the NYT and especially aaron Klein as an excellent source of the links and the bengahzi exposure of those links. I cannot repeat over a years worth of links for you but I offer you the tools to research for yourself those links if you are actually one seriously interested in learning facts beyond that disseminated by the MSM and WH
    Simply apply your own advice to others in the ME arena, do the research and you will find out for yourself:

    Max Said:

    The information is just hidden in plain sight and the public kept compliant by means of propaganda. One such form of propaganda is disinformation
    Most politics is presented deceitfully….. For instance the war on Israel is ultimately for material gain.

    Max Said to Honeybee:

    you have been mind-washed by elite propaganda. That propaganda comes straight form the power elite. They make you afraid of the government bureaucracies so they can continue to exploit and profiteer off you. It seem everybody in America is someone else’s sock-puppet.

    Perhaps you should apply your own views to your perspectives in the mideast. You dont appear to offer your alternate perspectives as to what is actually taking place in the ME as opposed to what we are told by the MSM and political sources such as the WH?

    what is YOUR explanation for the following:

    Bengahzi: do you believe it was a Consul as presented by the US gov or a location for the collecting of weapons to ship to Syria in collaboration with Saudi/qatar/GCC?
    Benghazi: do you believe it was caused by a protest against a video as released by the white house?
    Syria: do you still believe it was a spontaneous rebellion of democratic forces or a planned event as the result of a collaboration between the west and the GCC.
    Syria: do you believe it is a coincidence that the “democratic twitter rebellion” has morphed in to various phases of a sunni war against Irans proxies? First to the FSA, then to various sunni jihad groups(eg al nuusra, etc) and now quite suddenly to ISIS?
    Syria/Iraq: What do you think about the coincidence that the current foremost sunni jihadi group(ISIS), from whom the saudis and US distanced themselves publicly for months, are actually accomplishing the goals of the original “sunni jihad”?
    What do you think of the strange Pillar of Defense cease fire arranged by qatar and Egypt with hamas?
    What is your explanation for the release of terrorists by BB in order to have talks with Abbas which obviously had no chance of going anywhere?
    what is your explanation for the assembled sunni jihadis in Syria not attacking the little satan of Israel but instead attacking Assad, hezbullah,Iraq?
    What is your explanation for sunni jihad rebel commanders asking for Israeli help against assad and promising to relinquish the golan in exchange?
    How do you explain the 9 mos commitment of the parties to the peace talks?
    How do you explain the GCC restraint wrt Israel in the current gaza war?

    I have posted regular many links on these issues and more, for more than a year as they unfolded, to support my assertions.
    How about you adding something of value in these issues we have all been discussing, lets hear your perspective and your version and speculation to explain these various anomalies. Tell us the sources you rely on for your speculations and conclusions and why you rely on those sources. right now you have been offering nothing on these ME issues other than your philosophies. Post evidence to support your assertions.

    How about some real input other than showing that you are good at pissing?

  19. @ Max:
    I do not know believe that it could be flagged as spam. A few days ago when I lost my post and it was not posted, I wrote it on Word and save it. I broke it in four different parts and, is has not allowed me to post it.
    Yesterday and the day before I posted an answer to your post and was not posted. Tried again yesterday and no luck either. I have to go out now. I’ll try again when I come back and see if it works. I was challenging you on the US medical care.

  20. How am I going to be able to post what I wrote several days ago and, have not been able to post. Give me a break will you?@ Max:
    He thought it was more important to saw him first and to show up his sawing skill than the comfort of the patient. The following was where did he get the silk thread? Now it gets better. He had brought it from home. Silk thread has not been used in he US for about 60 years since it does not dissolve into the wound when the wound is closing. The silk thread does not dissolve and the slightest injury would reopen the wound. The American surgeon screaming told him. “Do what I tell you”. Saw him again. But remember, I’m the surgeon in chief at the Hospital in Egypt where I work. “You are here to learn. I do not care what you are in Egypt”. That is what I call self righteousness.
    Just the result of our political correctness and all the socialists ideas of equality ignoring the facts. The unions today are very different than the old ones. I believe in social justice and in the capitalist system. We always teach our children never to spend more than what they earn.
    By the way, did you see the video from Oakland? They did not have 2.000 or 3,000 people demonstrating. More like 200 or 300. The enemy media lies about everything.
    Pamela Geller had thousands of people and the media did not cover it.
    I am still anti-union and anti anything that smells red. You must live under communism ven for a short time to understand.

    THE END.

  21. mar55 Said:

    Every comment I have made it dos not show.
    Ted, what is happening with my comments?

    Certain keywords flag the post as spam and it never sees daylight. I don’t think Ted has any control over this robot censor. If you suspect a word is tripping you up, try disguising it by putting hyphens in it.
    The strangest words are verboten – sometimes I’ve done many trials just to find out it is some ordinary word that is prohibited.

  22. bernard ross Said:

    actually quite objective and quite level headed; based on actions taken as opposed to rhetoric and more importantly on verification of outcomes arising from predictions based on the speculative theories.

    Of course you are! Otherwise you would be a “bad” person.
    But no insight here as to why or why not.
    Yeah now I remember you’re the guy who’s in love with dictators like Gaddafi and Assad. That’s a conversation ender right there.
    Lesssee- and Obama is head of Al Qaeda, he killed his own ambassador and is training Jihadists in Wyoming, 9-11’s a false flag and Christianity was an internet hoax.
    You sound relatively harmless – you should get some nicer fantasies though like become a (Star) Trekker.

  23. @ honeybee:
    honeybee:For knees or hips replacement the blood clots is standard procedure to treat by preventible administering blood thinners for a period of time to avoid them. Checking the blood twice a week until the danger has passed.
    If in the US it is a good bet to look for a hospital associated with a medical school. Where the professors are the head of the departments and have the latest innovations in treatments and knowledge.
    This was my post and not, bernard ross.
    For cardiac patients Columbia Presbeterian used to be tops. Not only the doctors but the care in general of the supporting staff. Very important. I like much better North Shore in Long Island. It has not only excellent physicians but a wonderfu caring staff.
    A place to avoid is: Duke University in North Carolina. The whole set up is not patient oriented but staff and doctor oriented. I would not send there not even Dagmar. She is likely to be abused by a poorly trained staff.
    For orthopedics. Hospital for Special Surgery is No.1 in the world. This is a very special hospital where you will NOT be put under the knife unless absolutely necessary. They have different type of alternative treatments with excellent results. While other hospitals might do knee replacements in the hundreds yearly. The HSS does that in a month. Hips also have bery good results. When there are special problems that have not been solved in other countries. The HSS is the place where they perform treatments radical in the field. For people who do not have insurance or the means to pay there are funds for that purpose. No.2 for orthopedics is John Hopkins University. When in Florida always try the Cleveland Clinic where you can receive optimal treatment.

  24. Max Said:

    just write my posts for me and the world will stay in balance for you.

    Will do, your posts need to be written properly.
    Max Said:

    od! Now you can start actually thinking. If I wrote things in the style you want me to write them I woudl be thinking your thoughts and achieving the Texas Zen of No Mind.

    Now you will be able to think. If I wrote in your style, I [would] be writing your mindless ” Texas Zen ” thoughts.

    I did my very best to ” clean up ” your sentence and make it literate. I am do your appreciation.

  25. @ honeybee:
    honeybee:”For knees or hips replacement the blood clots is standard procedure to treat by preventible administering blood thinners for a period of time to avoid them. Checking the blood twice a week until the danger has passed.
    If in the US it is a good bet to look for a hospital associated with a medical school. Where the professors are the head of the departments and have the latest innovations in treatments and knowledge”.
    This was my post and not, bernard ross.
    For cardiac patients Columbia Presbyterian used to be tops. Not only the doctors but the care in general of the supporting staff. Very important. I like much better North Shore in Long Island. It has not only excellent physicians but a wonderful caring staff. Latest technology and cardiac equipment.
    A place to avoid is: Duke University in North Carolina. The whole set up is not patient oriented but staff and doctor oriented. I would not send there not even Dagmar. She is likely to be abused by a poorly trained staff.
    For orthopedics. Hospital for Special Surgery is No.1 in the world. This is a very special hospital where you will NOT be put under the knife unless absolutely necessary. They have different types of alternative treatments with excellent results. While other hospitals might do knee replacements in the hundreds yearly. The HSS does that in a month. Hips also have very good results. When there are special problems that have not been solved in other countries. The HSS is the place where they perform treatments radical in the field. For people who do not have insurance or the means to pay; there are funds for that purpose. The surgery is done free of charge. No.2 for orthopedics is John Hopkins University. When in Florida always try the Cleveland Clinic where you can receive optimal treatment.

  26. honeybee Said:

    My brain was in gear, Sweetness until I read your post

    Good! Now you can start actually thinking. If I wrote things in the style you want me to write them I woudl be thinking your thoughts and achieving the Texas Zen of No Mind.
    A good grade from you is a certificate of mediocrity.

    Read my posts you’ll have your gears stripped guaranteed – maybe you can just write my posts for me and the world will stay in balance for you.

  27. Max Said:

    Put your brain in gear before reading.

    My brain was in gear, Sweetness until I read your post !!!!!!!!!!! aggggggggggggggg

  28. bernard ross Said:

    For knees or hips replacement the blood clots is standard procedure to treat by preventible administering blood thinners for a period of time to avoid them. Checking the blood twice a week until the danger has passed.
    If in the US it is a good bet to look for a hospital associated with a medical school. Where the professors are the head of the departments and have the latest innovations in treatments and knowledge.

    Exactly how TX is being treated.

  29. @ bernard ross:

    TX has a relative that is the Chief of Staff at the hospital in Midland, TX. The care that is offered is as good as any fond in East coast hospitals. I have a very shirt tail relative who moved from NYC to practice cardiac surgery in Tyler, Tx because of the superior facilities. So I will stay in USA where one can order a T Bone for dinner while recovering.

  30. bernard ross Said:

    I had the same risks and had injections everyday in italy after the surgery.

    As did TX, I administered the shot. Part of the problem was the patient who he knew more about his care then the Doc and his dedicated caretaker.
    Flying to Italy [where a my brother-in-law said you can’t find a decent T-bone] was not an option.

  31. bernard ross Said:

    Good. good, good. the whole idea of the USA was freedom from ” old world” class & religious restraints

    What attracted Jewish families to wild, untamed frontiers of early Texas?

  32. bernard ross Said:

    what is it that binds one american to another

    What binds one American to another is the Constitution and the Freedom incorporated therein.

    As for the rioters in Furguson,, they are looters and criminals and I believe Yamit82 offer a credible solution to the problem.

  33. bernard ross Said:

    this is no longer a fringe theory

    It all sounds Bat Excrement Crazy.
    The USA is secretly working with Jihadis and ISIS? Well it is so secret no one but yourself knows about it. That’s what I mean about warped – your deep anger makes you see every single Muslim literally as an indoctrinated, trained terrorist and US leaders literally drinking Jewish blood out of yarmulkes with them like evil maniacs.

    GCC? Gulf Co-operation Council? Please define your acronyms – we all don’t all live in Conspiracy Central Forums.

    I was very happy about the Libyan Revolution outcome and still am, I am on the side of the secular revolutionaries in Syra – though they might all be killed by now because Obama didn’t support them – he did enable the Jihadis by not supporting the seculars or by simply doing nothing – that is for sure.

  34. mar55 Said:

    Bernard Ross: The first thing you do when you need medical care. You do not go to the clinics where the care they offer is similar to a factory’s assembly line. You can get emergency care at any hospital emergency room. However, before any operation you must research the surgeon’s infection rate. …..
    For knees or hips replacement the blood clots is standard procedure to treat by preventible administering blood thinners for a period of time to avoid them. Checking the blood twice a week until the danger has passed.
    If in the US it is a good bet to look for a hospital associated with a medical school. Where the professors are the head of the departments and have the latest innovations in treatments and knowledge.

    my tendon was in the 80’s and healed but it was my experience of the visit at the timethat I was talking about because it was an orthopedic specialist who was in demand and expensive in a wealthy area but my experience was more like the myth of socialized medicine than the real socialized medicine. especially the habit of placing patients in different rooms to keep the doctors time at a minimum and also the use of their assistants doing the pre questioning and setting up the doctor to spend the least time with the patients. I have heard of many errors in communication with this methodology. It is an untrustworthy system ripe for error by its nature but is an obviouous business model designed to maximize profit through the efficient use of the doctors time. However, it is not optimum for the patients in providing a professional service. I always, to this day, have the feeling in that environment that the doctor does not have the time to give the kind of thorough thought which I have experienced in other environments and even in the 3rd world.
    see my post to HB on this subject


  35. honeybee Said:

    Four yrs. ago he had his second knee replaced, developed blood clots in the lungs, and a severe infection of the wound site. In and out of the hospital and Dr. office all summer long. After that came months of PT.

    honeybee Said:

    Poor Ol ‘TX has been seriously ” busted up ” more then once and has NEVER been denied insurance claim. Last time it cost a “pretty penny ” to get him in the saddle again

    your experience doesn’t sound as great as you painted it
    I had two total hip replacement surgeries in a socialized hospital in Italy with 3 weeks PT after each one. there was not one shred of bureaucratic BS like in the US which is total bureaucracy and total legality. There was no factory feeling or anything, it’s a myth. They were thorough, professional and meticulous. It was a GREAT experience. Italy is not at the forefront of european technology and professionalism in terms of reputation but my experience both times was excellent and much more thorough than 2 minor surgeries in the US. In america they always give you handouts to read, its annoying. In italy my pre surgery testing was days and numerous meetings, I loved it. there was always the feeling that they were all there for medicine…In aamerica insurance and liabilities are a cloud over everything and color the whole medical experience. when you have plenty of money its a business trying to sell you BS.
    honeybee Said:

    Four yrs. ago he had his second knee replaced, developed blood clots in the lungs, and a severe infection of the wound site. In and out of the hospital and Dr. office all summer long. After that came months of PT.

    I had the same risks and had injections everyday in italy after the surgery. they are very thorough in explaining everything and even getting a translator when necessary. I had not one complication of that surgery but in my minor surgery in america I had to go to emergency afterwards and you cant get your doctors or surgeons; they tell you on the phone they are not there and to go to emergency automatically. the american experience was like calling a big business call center and you never get back the same person. In Italy after rehab the head of orthopedic rehab came to where I was staying in Milan afterwards to chat and visit. In the US I had to take someone to emergency and had to wait longer than when I was at emergency in Jamaica and it was no better. that experience was like a factory. Frankly my personal experience was much better in Italy surgically than the US. My experience in Italy was the same as any italian resident at a public hospital. I have come to the conclusion that the Insurance, business and liability issues have destroyed real medicine. also, it is likely that many attracted to medicine here are in it for the money rather than the love of the profession. i have never got medical in cuba but I have heard good things about it from Europeans who have, and I have had treatment in Jamaica from cuban doctors there. Although I had many anti communist cuban friends in Miami who gave me a lot of facts, it is interesting to me that such a poverty-stricken country is able to give ALL their citizens medical security.
    Personally I believe that providing medical security for ones citizens is a sign of being civilized and is much more important than many other things we are taxed for. I have no doubt it is doable in America as anywhere else and could be as good as anywhere but sabotage is the name of the game. forces exist who seek failure for medical security. Most of those I know against it have no real experience of it and rely on stories of others. It’s not rocket science, everyone developed has done it in their own way.

  36. yamit82: After trying for the last two days to finish the answer too the unions and not being successful I’ll try again.
    The actual unions have been infiltrated by reds or socialists and new elements who care only for themselves. They buy our politicians to vote not with what is best for the country but what is best for them. The hell with America. With the advent of the new emigration the quality of our workers has declined. Many workers do not have the same skills as in the past but come with the idea that they can teach the American something. So accordingly we should learn from them. Where else in the world the do union bosses become millionaires? Why union organizing has failed in so many companies they have tried to unionize? We still have in NYC Chinatown sweatshops that have their employees working 12 or in some cases even 18 hours a day with their doors and windows locked. When they know an inspector is coming to check the place they unlock their doors. Many of these people have families who have paid someone thousands of dollars to bring them to this country illegally. They must work at whatever wages they offer them in order to pay their families the money they paid for bringing them to this country. If the fire department raids the places where they live (several to a small room) taking turns to sleep in the same bed at different times. They are left homeless. What we need more than unions is honest politicians. To finish, one more example of what the new emigration means. Fallowing is a true story.
    In a Philadelphia hospital, a surgeon from Egypt had been left with a patient who had brain surgery. Surgery of the brain produces lots of bleeding. The surgeon who had done the surgery left him with the patient with specific instructions to administer a drug to stop the bleeding and saw him up.
    When the surgeon came back he found the patient in pain and still bleeding. He also found he had been sawed up with silk thread. Naturally he was furious. He asked the Egyptian why he had not administered the medicine to stop the bleeding and why he had sawed the patient with silk thread. Next and last part after they allow me to post this one. Why this system continues to block me? It is not duplicate it is part 3

  37. Max Said:

    but your theories don’t seem to be that levelheaded or objective -especially seem to have some deep personal, sort of unrelated, emotional motivation..

    actually quite objective and quite level headed; based on actions taken as opposed to rhetoric and more importantly on verification of outcomes arising from predictions based on the speculative theories.
    E.g. I stated that the twitter rebellion in syria was pre arranged, that the US was in collaboration with the GCC to send arms and jihadis. Benghazi shows this is no longer a fringe theory. I said that if all the jihadis assembling in Syria did not attack Israel but instead attacked assad that it would be a sign that I am correct. I predicted that if my speculations were correct they would start on assad then Hexbullah/Lebanon , then Iraq and after that would destabilize Iran internally and externally using sunni jihadis, kurds and azeris. that the goal was to weaken Irans proxies. I also have said that there were understandings between the GCC and Israel going back before the POD cease fire. Since then both liberman and BB have referred to these understandings. I have seen that when everyone wonders about BB’s strange behavior that an explanation might be found using this model of covert GCC/Israell understandings. I have made other predictions that the so called Qatar split is a sham,and that qatar works the MB and hamas for the GCC. I have made similar statements regarding the obama sisi saudi split in that i believe it is not real. the same with ISIS which I believe is a GCC proxy and I have explained the reason why I believe this based on facts as opposed to rhetoric. The same a number of other things that so far have not proven false and have proven often to be a rational explanation from seemingly irrational behaviors and sudden turn arounds. I definitely did not come to these speculations based on emotion but on seeking rational explanations for apparently irrational events. In each case I explained the basis for my speculations and what to look for next if correct. I predicted that Obama will come back to Sisi on the basis of his winning a democratic election in time. that the split is a convenient drama to facilitate the western/GCC designs by creating a false conflict to avoid legal and political impediments. the driving principle is that there is a history of the US working with saudi and their jihadis since at least the 1980’s; there is no doubt in my mind that this was going on in Libya, benghazi and syria. I believe that the distancing of Obama and saudi over months from connections with jihadis after benghazi and the false flag chem attacks was in order to pave the way for the plausible deniability of connection with Isis. there have been many articles on CIA/US/Saudi connections with ISIS and the baathists. there is much more but you have not been here to follow.

  38. honeybee Said:

    bernard ross Said:

    In america it is every man for himself.
    Honeybee said:
    Good. good, good. the whole idea of the USA was freedom from ” old world” class & religious restraints.

    I have been thinking about your reply and wondered in this America which you want, what is it that binds one american to another when its every man for himself. Why would someone in maine care about what happens to someone in Texas and why would anyone at the bottom of the barrel care about following the rules. Why should someone in New Jersey care about illegals flooding the border in Texas?

    Basically those rioting are simply applying the principle of everyman for himself.

  39. yamit82 Said:

    Dead is dead and beheading is far less painful than other means

    I think you may have miss-understood Bernard and I. We were not expressing a miss’s placed sympathy with Mr. Foyle, but rather a confusion at his motivation and subsequent death.

  40. Max Said:

    Year after year -study after study – you can lead a Texan to the waters of life but they won’t wake up and smell the brimstone.

    There is an old Tex/Mex story about the devil who come to Texas to see what fuss is about. After a week he returns home to Hell for safety and comfort.

  41. honeybee Said:

    Max Said:

    In America you don’t just get denied payment , you get denied services without the scratch.

    That Mr. Maple Leaf is complete balderdash.

    So that’s who it works! They keep you in complete ignorance of what is happening to everyone else. Then when it happens to you – no one else knows about it.
    You are in complete ignorance of the lives of others in your so-called “country”.

    OBJECTIVES. This study analyzed data on US residents reporting that they were unable to obtain needed care. Inadequately immunized children and women inadequately screened for breast or cervical cancer were also examined. METHODS. Data from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey was analyzed. RESULTS. A total of 6,375,000 people could not get hospitalization, prescription medications, medical equipment/supplies, or emergency, pediatric, mental health, or home care. Although the uninsured were more likely to forego care unavailable, three quarters of those unable to obtain services were insured, and 46% (90% CI = 42.4%, 49.6%) had private coverage. Of those reporting the reason why they failed to obtain care, 65.1% (90% CI = 61.7%, 68.6%) listed high costs or lack of insurance, including 60.7% (90% CI = 57.1%, 64.3%) of the privately insured. More than a third of women had not had a breast examination in the previous 2 years, a fifth had not had a Pap smear within the previous 4 years, and half had never had a mammogram (ages 50-69 only). Of children 2 to 5 years old, 35.1% (90% CI = 31.5%, 35.7%) were inadequately immunized. Medicaid recipients had measures of access to care similar to those of the uninsured. CONCLUSIONS. Many US residents–most of whom have insurance–are unable to obtain needed care, usually because of high costs.

    Year after year -study after study – you can lead a Texan to the waters of life but they won’t wake up and smell the brimstone.

    It takes a special talent to remain uniformed .