Why I am still voting for Trump

By Ted Belman

Ted 4Last week, a number of women came forward alleging that Donald Trump made unwanted sexual assaults on them including “groping”.

To their credit, a number of Christian leaders, stood by him by giving him the benefit of the doubt.

I would go further. For the sake of argument, I would assume the allegations were true, but would still vote for him.

Donald trump is against political correctness, globalization, open-borders, unrestricted immigration, trashing the Constitution, crony capitalism and corruption. Hillary Clinton, the opposite. She wallows in the latter two.

Donald Trump wants to appoint conservative judges, in the mold of Scalia, to the Supreme Court whereas Hillary Clinton wants to appoint progressive judges that will shred the constitution.

Donald Trump wants to achieve “peace through strength” as President Reagan did. He wants to cancel the Iran Deal, support our friends and allies, stop the growing hegemony of Iran and defeat ISIS. Hillary Clinton, not so much.

Donald Trump names the enemy as “radical Islam” whereas Hillary Clinton refuses to do so. I, on the other hand, see Islam as the enemy. The adjective “radical” adds nothing. There is only one Islam and it is radical. Donald Trump wants to be free to be critical of Islam. Hillary Clinton wants to impose a gag order on criticism of Islam and even to make it a crime.

Donald Trump is a friend of Israel. He wants to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital and to move the US Embassy there. He supports settlement construction and is open to alternate solutions to solve the conflict. Hillary Clinton supports the continuation of President Obama’s policies of freezing settlement construction and imposing the two-state solution on Israel along the 1949 ceasefire lines with a division of Jerusalem.

These are profound differences. Even if Trumps unwanted sexual advances reached the level of Bill Clinton’s, I would still vote for him. Too much is at stake. The future of America is on the line.

On the other hand, for the sake of argument, let us assume that their platforms are identical. One is left to decide whom to vote for based only on their track records and character traits.
Donald Trump is a sexual predator who stops short of rape or using force. He is a tough businessman in a tough business. He has built a very successful real estate company. He is a fighter and a winner.

Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar and fraud artist. The facts are such as to lead many to believe that if tried in a court of law, she would be convicted of many serious crimes. These include, lying to Congress, destroying evidence after receiving a subpoena, selling access to the State Department and government for cash, treason and many more.

Her use of a private server for emailing confidential matters makes her a veritable security risk.

She started with a stable Middle East and turned it into a hellhole. Her policies lead to the creation of ISIS who are now wreaking havoc in over thirty countries.

She is also known for her hysterics which include yelling and screaming, throwing objects, abusing underlings verbally and using language that would make a trooper blush. How presidential is that?

Once again, I would still vote for Donald Trump.

October 15, 2016 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. The articles posted in this issue are strongly anti-Clinton, however I’ve yet to hear Trump use the depth of that information included therein to his benefit and Hillary’s detriment?
    Perhaps you could arrange to direct those articles as submitted herein, to Donald Trump, to give a more representative picture of the underhanded way she has abused her office to the detriment of her constituents.

  2. Is there a choice? Naturally I would have liked to have had a different nominee, e.g. Cruz, Fiorina, Carson, Huckabee, etc., but absent such a choice I could only vote for Trump. Hillary is wrong on so many levels, most of which you already stated.

    The most puzzling aspect of this campaign is the position of the more “intellectual” conservatives who refuse to endorse Trump. They are somehow deluding themselves into believing that four more years of Clinton would not only cement the destruction Obama has wrought on this country but it will also exacerbate it in many critical areas. This damage cannot be undone in 2020.

    Trump is a 70 year old man who grew up when most of the things he is accused of – even if true – were largely “no big deal” during most of his life. Actual rape never was remotely acceptable and only BJ Clinton was accused of this crime against women. NBC, which carefully timed its release of the Trump video, allegedly has more evidence confirming that allegation. It should be plainly obvious to any reasonably honest person that the blatant destruction of any semblance of impartiality in the mainstream media has obviated the possibility of any fair reportage in this election. Their role as the “fourth estate” charged with keeping government in check has been effectively abandoned.

    In the final analysis it is always intellectually shallow to retroactively apply current mores to actions in the recent or historical past when such activities were either acceptable or not subject to any serious opprobrium. Lincoln who freed the black slaves readily used the “N word.” The founding fathers who lived in the South and owned slaves were not morally repugnant unless they mistreated them. Let those politically correct liberals criticize Islamic countries instead such as Mauritania, Sudan, and even Saudi Arabia for their practice of slavery today! They won’t. Trump may be crude, certainly by today’s standards, but he is a vastly better – and necessary – choice than Hillary Clinton.

  3. I did not vote for Trump in the Primary, but since the moment he became the candidate, I did not have a second of doubt. Everyone running, including Kasich and Jeb Bush, who I can’t stand-ALL of them would be a hundred times better than Clinton, or Biden or Warren, etc. Any one of the Republican candidates would have “dirt” brought up about them on varying levels. The left use knives when they fight-nothing less.People must have a better understanding that this is about leftism. It is increasing and becoming more pervasive in Europe, South America, Canada, etc. And doesn’t Iran, China, N. Korea, etc. just love watching the leftist take over in all these places? They are licking their chops so to speak. As a woman who has listened to all this garbage about Trumps treatment of women, I say this: no question for a nanosecond- we should-we must, vote for Trump.