Work permits in Israel for Palestinians is not the way to go.

By Ted Belman

Dr. Aaron Lerner argues Work Permits For All Palestinians In Judea and Samaria A Win-Win in his weekly commentary in IMRA.

Perhaps, but not now.

I fully expect Mudar Zahran to become the ruler of Jordan in the not distant future. He will give all Palestinians Jordanian citizenship and will rename Jordan, Palestine. He will also open the door for all Palestinians in the West Bank to emigrate to Jordan.

Israel should focus on creating jobs in Jordan so that many Palestinians will be induced to go there to work.

PM Netanyahu and Min Bennett and now Aaron Lerner are wrong to focus on providing Palestinians with better employment opportunities in Israel or Area C. Rather they should be focusing on how best to induce Arab emigration. Stimulating the Jordan job market is the prime way to do it.

I have asked Dr Martin Sherman to make such a case in his inimitable fashion.

January 11, 2019 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. @ honeybee:

    Who you callin’ old……. As it happens. I DO see Michael’s point, because you insist on talking “Texas talk” instead of even American English, which itself is not the best. I’m somewhat particular about such. And you do keep your foot down on the “exclamation pedal” whilst going at 110 m.p.h. Not to mention George Bush “spelin’ “….. Not all the time. You do suddenly and occasionally break down and write very correctly..–just to keep us wondering what you’ll do next.

    And this…..reminds me of what happened in Dublin when I was about ?? !! . Most or all of the older Yidden had come from Shtetlach, and spoke English with strong accents and often rather fractured as to tenses and syntax. Still, they were a wonderful Community. Very Potash & Perlmutter in a way. (SO axpansive..vat you eatin’.. goldfsh..?)

    It was between two people, one an older man, always smiling and in a good humour, a nice man.. looked like George Formby with a stomach, and bandy legs…walked like a drunken sailor..This was “Mr. V…”.. The other was Dublin-born, but his parents never spoke anything but Yiddish…. so both his speech and understanding were not the best. He was “Sonny C…”

    They and others (including my late uncle) were playing cards in the Jewish Club in Harrington St. Suddenly an argument broke out between them. They began spluttering at one another. Suddenly Mr V shouted out….

    .”look at dot bledd’n kuckoo…a fella vat kuddent efen praper shpoke de Keng’s Anglish”… The waiter, Norman G. had just brought a large metal tray of food and drinks (tea/coffee)etc., had such a fit of laughter that he dropped everything with a clang, and rolled on the carpet in hysterics. The rest of the players were laughing so hard that they could hardly breathe….

    My uncle came home still laughing . I happened to be there and he told us the whole story, almost crying……. I’m laughing right now whilst typing..
    Every time I went back on a visit, and even 30 years later, there would be someone sure to bring it up. Innocent fun in those days…

  2. Michael S Said:

    You would be more respected as well, if you used grammatically correct sentences.

    What’s wrong with and un-grammatical with “oy !!!!!!!!!” ??????

  3. @ honeybee:
    Honeybee, try to give more constructive comments. Edgar and I have some cultural differences with one another; but we have come to respect each other as intelligent commenters. You would be more respected as well, if you used grammatically correct sentences.

  4. Hello, Edgar.

    Thank you for the constructive criticism. Indeed, I have no knowledge that would enable me to predict when and where “economic nightmares” will strike.

    As I said above, Israel’s political system mystifies me. I wish all Israelis the best, as they go through their ritual.

  5. Forgive me if I pontificate…a little. You should all take courses in Logic. And see how expected results flow from certain actions.

    Nerett000…that was a nasty little jab at Bennett who doesn’t deserve it. He is a Zionist through and through, and works tirelessly for the State and the Jewish People. He is the leader of a Political Party. Do you expect him to be “humble and silent”..He is less arrogant than other leaders who claim outlandish and impossible results, even when they are near the bottom in the polls…THAT’S POLITICS…not truth. .His comment about the loyalty of the Arab citizens, was a purely political remark, He’s not looking to make open enemies from subdued enemies, so enough about that.

    What do YOU propose to do about the sad state of affairs….??

    As for Michael..already an old friend with whom I’ve had bitterly fought differences. I believe you’re both right and wrong. Right about the work permits causing troubles, and thy would incline the Arabs to stay in Israel…; wrong about it being an “economic nghtmare” for the poor. The are often employed in jobs that Jews avoid.

    All our Arab problems came about, because apart from the Ottomans transporting Muslims from Europe and Nth. Africa to a desolate and valueless country, the vast majority came into Israel from the time the Jews began returning. Why….??
    To take advantage of the WORK that was available. That stream became a flood in Mandate times. The British Colonial Office documented 34,000 who came in legally in Feb 1933, alone, and said that the same amount or rather more, came in Illegally. One only has to glance casually at the demographic patterns, where Arab numbers increased by hundreds of percentage points in short periods wherever Jews were settling and bringing industry. The contrast with the major Arab areas was staggering, where there was hardly any population increase.

    Israel has about the lowest unemployment figures of anywhere in the civilised world, so Israeli poor should have no problem with finding jobs. Even when I lived there, the middle classes were living from month to month, and usually several months behind. The root of it all is that the Govt won’t release land for housing, and the bureaucracy further stifles that which is allowed to be built.
    I think that if Bennett gets a good number of seats, as he should, this situation will be the first he will go after. He so far, has been attracting the most eclectic candidates to his party, so he, Shaked and their reputations must have SOMETHING….

  6. Granting work permits to migrants seems to end up with border crises wherever it’s practiced, viz the Gastarbeiten in Germany and Latin Americans in the US. The main impact on the host countries, is the driving down of wages and unemployment for its poorest citizens — great for the globalists, but an economic nightmare for the working class.

  7. What is especially disconcerting is that Bennett, whose conceit is that he is the true right-wing nationalist candidate who won’t appease the Fakistinians, argues for giving tens of thousands of work permits to Arabs in Yehuda and Shomron. He also openly lies by saying (along with BoBo) that 99% of Arabs in Israel proper are “loyal citizens” and deserve even more handouts. All this underscores how Israel likes any effective right-wing that is even politically present in the Knesset. A sad state of affairs.