I propose to write a book “Shmooching with the Enemy”
Aaron Klein, author of “Schmoozing with Terrorists”, eat your heart out.
I propose to write a book “Shmooching with the Enemy”
Aaron Klein, author of “Schmoozing with Terrorists”, eat your heart out.
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Sorry, I spoke too soon Ted.
Laura, did you not click to the power point presentation. Its all there.
Bill does a lot of good advocacy work on this site and I assume elsewhere but he suffers from the same affliction as most of the Zionist posters on Little Green Footballs: political blind-sidedness. These partisans so deeply despise the democratic party — its leaders, contributors, and ideals — that they are completely unable to see that it is the administration in power that has done incalculable damage to Israel and is even today working inexorably towards a catastrophic erosion of the security of the country.
I would expect you to include in that book Bush kissing and holding hands with prince bandar and other saudi royals.