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  1. / Hillary was married nearly 41 years to someone who by her own admission (today) was UN-FIT to be president. Therefore she is UN-FIT to be president.
    Two of the most GLORIFIED American sexual super-predators were JFK and Bill. The Demo suffer from chronic, premature Alzheimer disease and schizophrenia. A little humility is in order but suffering from AD what do U expect. The Demo are intolerant, just like the Islamists. They practice TAQIYYA just like the Islamists!
    They are as dangerous as the Islamists. The Islamists have Allah and the Socialist-democrats have themselves!!!
    In short, the demo are DEMONIAC!

  2. Ted Belman Said:

    No MSM has carried anything on this.

    I forwarded the links to drudge and breitbart but I suspect that as they have not been taken up already, that they are disinfo

  3. If you trust snopes, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you. Do you know who they are? (google for yourself and find out).