Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 8,134 Comments »

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50 Comments / 8134 Comments

  1. Hi, Rafi

    If Trump wants to build a Trump Tower or Resort on the Sea Front great. He should lease the land for 99 years.

    I’m not a legal expert, so I don’t know much about 99 year leases — except that Britain had such on Hong Kong and relinquished it around 1997. I do know about the 49/50-yr. lease mentioned in Torah, as the proper form of land transaction in Israel.

  2. Israel had many claims to Gaza or parts of Gaza. Jews bought land in the 1930s on which they built three (3) Kibbutzim in northern Gaza.

    Egypt won it and controlled it from 1948 until 1967 when Israel won it in the 1967 war. They never declared sovereignty over the Strip. They did not ask for it in the peace treaty. It was defacto Israeli land by history but large numbers of Arabs lived on it.

    Israel controlled it until 2005 when it naively left it defacto to the PA. The PA lost it to Hamas in 2007.

    Israel might have claims to it but if one does not assert sovereignty something whether one has rights or claims to something it does not actually own something.

    I think Israel should rid itself of Hamas, allow and facilitate the voluntary emigration of the Gazans. Israel should then claim Gaza and apply Israeli law. If Trump wants to build a Trump Tower or Resort on the Sea Front great. He should lease the land for 99 years.

  3. Peloni, that sounds vague. Who is “Israel”? Who controls the levers, sells land, etc.? Whose tuchas has to be kissed before an Israeli can build a home somewhere?

    I might make it easier here: Who is it, that had the authority to kick 10,000 Jews out of Gush Katif? I’m talking about Jews pushing Jews around. Who’s in charge??

    More specifically, who will sign the transfer deed to President Trump?

  4. Bibi’s enemies have not let up on him for a minute even as he tries to lead the country in time of war. THeir latest shtick is to indict three men who were officials of the Likud political campaign in 2019 for alleged harassment of a witness against Bibi in his never-ending political trials. This is the same witness, another form Likud campaign aide, who says he was physically tortured by the Israeli police in an effort to “: persuade “: him to testify against Netanyahu in his endless criminal trial, Of course none of the police officers who tortured this prospective witness have ever been charged with anything. But just over the past few days the state prosecutor and the judge at Bibi’s never-ending eight-year-long trial, have indicted three of his colleagues in the Likud campaign organization of harassing him in an effort to persuade him not to go through with his torture-extracted testimony. He did in fact go through with his testimony. No one from Likud harmed him afterwards. But now, after forcing Bibi to testify once again in his trial, even though he has just been released from prostate surgery, is suffering from a heart condition, and being harassed in the Knesset chamber, they are continuing their efforts to prevent his supporters from testifying on his behalf in hist rial. That is the obvious motive behind the prosectors’ most recent indictments of the three Likud former campaign officials.

  5. Disengagement Discussed in Depth
    Click on link above to read entire long article. Below is a short snippet.


    a href=””>

    The disengagement and its disappointments have been part of public discourse in Israel for the past decade. Among the topics are: “Hamastan”; the nine thousand uprooted settlers; the 11,600 rockets fired at Israel and the eight military operations which followed. Nevertheless, an essential question remains unanswered: did Prime Minister Ariel Sharon implement this plan because he genuinely believed in it or were his motives based upon self-interest? Was his real aim to extricate himself from the criminal investigations against him? There are several schools of thought which have attempted to explain what ultimately led the prime minister to make this crucial decision. On the one hand, some, such as Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, believe that Sharon was motivated by “external considerations and personal distress,” and former Member of Knesset Zvi Hendel still contends that it was the investigations that led to the evacuation of the Gaza Strip. On the other hand, Dov Weisglass [occasionally spelled “Weissglass”], director of Sharon’s office, and Eyal Arad, Sharon’s strategic adviser, argue that such allegations are baseless and false. The purpose of this article is to present and review the opposing perspectives regarding the motivation for Sharon’s decision. Based on the available evidence, the author concludes that it is not possible to offer a definitive and unequivocal answer.

  6. @Raphael, Sharon’s sons and him were in the middle of a scandal about land overseas. The paper’s were hounding him and he legal problems. His lawyer was confidant and was always taking trips to the White House on his behalf.

    His lawyer told him he could change the subject and get the glare off of him coming up with this plan, they he would get George Bush to endorse.

    The whole thing is discussed here in great detail and opposing theories also.

    Sharon had gotten old and mentally weak.

    I posted a link in the comment above to a long article on the subject.

  7. I was just having some random thoughts about Gaza this morning. I remember 2005 when Sharon decided to completely pull out of the strip. It was a great upheaval to many Israeli lives, and in those 20 years since, we have had thousands of deaths. Up until that time, I respected Sharon, but all that evaporated with his decision. It’s still hard for me to believe that Sharon could make such a stupid decision. Does anyone have insights on that? Was he pressured by someone?

  8. I just saw on A7 that HAMAS, still strong id collecting taxes onn all food and other items entering Gaza.
    Hamas, supposedly being mostly destroyed, is being Hamas.

    Another shocker is that TRUMP, is actually meaning that when he says he’ll own Gaza, he means physically owns the land through purchase.

    How can he buy a part of Israel, which belongs to the whole Jewish People. The Sovereignty Movement should be heard from anytime now.

    I hope this plan falls on it’s tochas, never again to be mentioned.

    Gaza SHOULD be developed , yes, as I’ve envisaged for a long time, but for the benefit of the Jewish People alone, and whoever they bring in as profit sharing partners.

    But the LAND itself should never be alienated

  9. ‘The Golden Girls’ joked about ‘giving the Palestinians Greenland,’ 40 years before Trump’s gambit…The scene is not the only piece of popular comedy to have anticipated Trump’s proposals. As the Forward noted earlier this week, the very first episode of “Saturday Night Live,” which turns 50 this year, included a sketch in which Israel and the state of Georgia announce that they will swap places.

  10. I had no idea that Trump had Riviera visions for Gaza.

    I just now read his mention of it.

    I floated the concept several times in the past couple of years, along with preserving tunnels as huge tourist attractions.

  11. Michael-

    { feel that the Gaza Strip will eventually become another Riviera, maybe the not so grand Caesarea, but radically different from what it was.

    The remaining tunnels and perhaps some re-habilitated ones will be a huge Tourist Attraction……

    If they do thia it will be a HUGE Money spinner.

  12. @peloni

    The original URL:

    The changed URL (after I copy and paste it and press enter):

    I press enter –
    Page not found (404)

    If I remove the string right in the tab and press enter again, it works.

  13. @Reader

    These are not question marks but strings of other characters.

    Do you have an example? I am not sure what you are talking about.

  14. @peloni

    These are not question marks but strings of other characters.

    Anyway, I’ll use my bookmarks from now on.

  15. @Reader

    Could you. please. take care of this, it is extremely annoying.

    When you copy something from a word file to post here, and you see question marks appearing which didn’t appear previously, it is because some form of script is being copied from the Word file which our system does not recognize.

    I raised this point previously regarding the disappearing posts which were riddled with question marks. I also addressed this in the email which I sent to you, which you explained you didn’t care to pursue due to privacy issues.

    In any event, no, I can’t change this as it involves factors well beyond Israpundit.

  16. @peloni


    I save my comments and the URLs I posted them under.

    An example of an original URL:

    When I try using these URLs again, however, weird character strings are inserted by Israpundit system within the original URL and this changed URL immediately converts to the following URL and displays this article from the year 2015:

    Could you. please. take care of this, it is extremely annoying.

  17. @Sebastien

    I forget which judge famously said, “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”

    It was Justice Jackson, who also was the lead prosecutor at Nuremberg.

    Regarding Musk, his hand gesture was just the beginning of what became a bizare mix of actions which should and should not be disturbing, but when taken as a whole left an altogether disturbing picture, likely meant to provoke his enemies in the ADL, but which I suggest were inappropriate in any event.

    Jonathan Feldstein addressed this issue in what I would argue is the appropriate manner, particularly in light of Musk’s support for Israel during the war and even before that. He provides a very balanced approach to dealing with allies who at times appear, for one reason or another, to be insensitive of matters on which more care should be addressed, and no, I am not simply referencing the salute.

    Here is the link:

  18. So, under the “pro-Israel” O’Biden/Harris regime, USAId gave 600 million dollars in “humanitarian aid” to “fakestine” from 2021-2023 and 2.1 BILLION after October 7? They incentivized murdering Jews. With “friends” like these…

    And Um, Musk who wants to abolish it after saying that every member of Hamas should be captured or killed is supposed to be a Nazi because he made the same frantic gesture I make when hailing a bus? In NYC, they don’t stop if they don’t think someone is waiting to get on and bus stop benches are the only place to sit outside in many places.

    And this from people who object to deporting foreign guests who disrupted College Campuses among other places, harmed Jews and protested for Hamas?

    I forget which judge famously said, “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”

  19. So, under the “pro-Israel” O’Biden/Harris regime, USAId gave 600 million dollars in “humanitarian aid” to “fakestine” from 2021-2023 and 2.1 BILLION after October 7? They incentivized murdering Jews. With “friends” like these…

    And Um, Musk who wants to abolish it after saying that every me ber of Hamas should be captured or killed is supposed to be a Nazi because he made the same frantic gesture I make when hailing a bus? In NYC, they don’t stop if they don’t think someone is waiting to get on and bus stop benches are the only place to sit outside in many places.

  20. YES-

    Eugene was a good guy, which is why there might have been a coincidental link up with your family.

    As far as I recall, reading about it many years ago, the RIC morphed into the RUC after 1922 and Collins, and The semi independence of Southern Ireland. I think it was disbanded and then reformed into the RUC which I grew up with.

    The Palestine Police committed heinous slaughters and disgraceful Anti-Jew actions. It seems to have been forgotten except by a few like myself and you.

  21. @Sebastien
    Good find. The video which Rabbi Taylor is sharing dates from about 12yrs ago during the Arab Spring, but the relevance remains relevant to this day in a somewhat timeless quality. Also, Rabbi Taylor is getting a strong draw to the video, and many important and favorable comments as well.

  22. Edgar
    Eugene… I think the RIC was different to the other lot who were recruited by the British from British prisons.

    Eugene was with Allenby. He had left the RIC in 1914, won the Victoria Cross and on to Palestine.


    Not a “Palestinian” in sight. His life if we can get to know it giving the lie to the Great Lie of our times

    Namely “The Palestinians”

    It’s a cruel creation of post 1967 defeat.

  23. You cannot have anyone in charge who opposed the current vaccine which has pulled us out of the pandemic and who is a conveyor belt of lies about it

    Peloni is for liar

    “Federman is reporting that RFK will not be confirmed, might not even get out of committee.”

  24. Netanyahu nominates retired Israeli Major General and current Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Eyal Zamir to be next Israeli Chief of General Staff

  25. I have amended the site’s security system so hopefully it will have some benefit regarding posts that disappear. Just FYI

  26. FELIX0

    Thanks for response. I thought that there might be a coincidence here as Eugene Q. was one of the VERY FEW of over 4000 Palestine Police (Former RIC/Black and Tans) who emerged from that cess-pit with a genuine, enhanced reputation.

  27. Reader

    I focus on October 7 and I haven’t advanced beyond that.

    It was connected to how parties lead

    Israel needed to open major assessment of whole past

    Finding a way to bring everything into the open

    Kind of suspend military action except defence until some things become clear…like a huge discussion of society

    Hopefully Jews of Israel would cooperate…see the need

    But force the media

    I am still there at that moment and I insist it is achieved

  28. White House freezes $50m for ‘condoms in Gaza’

    I’m reminded of a fun liberal dem film – from before they lost their rabbit-ass minds – called, “Dave” (1993) in which the main protagonist is hired to impersonate the comatose president and decides to sabotage the policies of his handlers to avoid cuts to homeless shelters by bringing in his own accountant and proposing cuts of things like a program to make car buyers feel good about the cars they already bought. 😀 Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver. found the scene on youtube.

    Upon further reflection, I wonder if the Deep State got the idea for having an empty suit for president from this movie. I’ve noticed that there is a revolving door between government and Hollywood and I suspect a lot of plans were inspired by movies and television. I did see a documentary once about the ’60s Mel Brooks tv spy spoof, “Get Smart” which said that the CIA actually visited the writers of the show to get ideas as they were intrigued by some of the gadgets they came up with like the shoe phone and the cone of silence. There was a Korean Drama – tv miniseries. People all over the world watch them with subtitles on streaming platforms like Netflix and a number of others, including myself – that dealt with a Covid plot years before and another one in which the heroine accidentally landed in North Korea without being detected using a hang glider. Hamas used hang gliders in it’s invasion and massacre on Oct. 7.

  29. Netanyahu also has a pacemaker for his heart problem, and I feel for him, what is being done to him is .

    I suspect he is going to Washington to get his “instructions”.

    They want the TSFS no matter what.

  30. I feel sorry and outraged for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu despite the fact that he is a 75-year-old man, running a country and a war, recovering from prostate surgery, the Supreme Court refused to postpone his trial but just postponed it because the judge is sick. Now, he has to fly to Washington to meet with Trump on February 4th, an invitation he can’t refuse. And what a warrior to be able to hold up under all this. Stay strong, Bibi, we are all with you.

  31. Nvidia closed down 16.86% and lost more market value in one day than any other company in history.–history-3831096


    Scavino Message, You Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard, Dark To Light – Ep. 3557
    January 27, 2025 x22report

    I expect a major turning point in all areas — political, military, economic social, religious — around Apr. 29. Hold onto your hats.