Evangelical leader calls for war on antisemitism among Christians


(NASHVILLE, TN) –May 15, 2019—A major Evangelical voice of leadership in America’s war on antisemitism today released a statement challenging other Christian leaders to join her in exposing the growing threat of anti-Semitism among American Christians.

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN) noted today,

“A frightening reality is emerging in American Christianity and is being underscored by the perpetrators of violence and hatred against Jews that have resulted in national headlines such as the Tree of Life Synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh and the Chabad tragedy in Poway, California last month. Just last week, in Russellville, Arkansas, a peaceful Holocaust memorial event made national headlines when protesters bearing crosses, a large sign with an image of the face of Jesus and a huge placard reading ‘God has the oven pre-heated,’ disrupted it. This trend resembles a frightening resurgence of the vile anti-Semitism perpetrated by Christians against Jews throughout history.  From the pogroms of Europe, to the Inquisition in Spain and the Christian Nationalists born out of Nazi Germany, this trend is dangerously becoming too frequent in America under the guise of the heretical teaching of Replacement Theology. It is time for Christian leadership to condemn this ancient hatred we see arising in our generation.”

Cardoza-Moore noted that both the Pittsburgh and California violence was initiated by “Christians” intent on killing, in their words, “as many Jews as possible.”  They also quoted New Testament scriptures to legitimize their evil, vicious attacks.  In the case of the Poway shooter, he had noted in a social media manifesto: “I am a Christian and I blame all Jews for the murder of Jesus.”

“There exists a ‘cone of silence’ among Christian leadership in America to admit churches are not preaching biblical truth on Israel and the Jewish people,” noted Cardoza-Moore. “Quite the contrary, they are teaching heresy. The biblical truth has been replaced with a widespread teaching called “Replacement Theology,” a teaching that claims the Church has replaced Israel as the Chosen People, leaving Israel rejected by God.  It’s a false teaching that has given birth to a foundational “theology of hate” that’s been used to great advantage by a broad range of white nationalist/separatist groups and neo-Nazi/fascists. This is simply and sadly hatred in the name of Christianity.”

Christian theologians teaching false doctrines and traditions on Israel and our Jewish brethren are not new and included the early church fathers and Martin Luther, the leader of the reformation movement.  His book, The Jews and Their Lies was often quoted by the Nazis to legitimize their “The Final Solution.” Modern day purveyors of this same heresy are being peddled in our seminaries by people such as Gary Burge, Ph.D. a Visiting Professor of Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary and an ordained Presbyterian minister who teaches: “The promises made by God to Israel in the Old Testament are “Jewish theology” that the New Testament ‘turns inside out.’”

Others, like Stephen Sizer, a former Anglican vicar in Surrey, England teaches that, “God’s mission for Israel to the world is summed up in the person and ministry of Jesus Christ who ‘fulfilled’ God’s purposes for Israel by creating out of two peoples – Jews and Gentiles – one people whose Promised Land is no longer a piece of real estate in the Middle East, but a New Heaven and New Earth which will come into existence when He comes again at the end of time.”

And Hank Hanegraaff, “The Bible Answer Man,” whose radio broadcasts have influenced millions of Christians believes that the ‘mistaken theology’ that God has promised the land to the Jews is what “undergirds Zionism.”

And finally, Lynne Hybel’s stated that the Church must rally around the Palestinians because the “Israeli occupation” has so devastated them — and particularly Palestinian Christians. “Israeli occupation of their biblical homeland?” asked Cardoza-Moore, “What Bible is she reading from?”

Sadly, it is this type of teaching that has convinced Christians to believe that the land of Israel does not belong to Israel as God promised in the Covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants forever.  It is not based on the totality of the Bible, but on man’s doctrine’s and traditions.

What is the fallout from these false teachers?

  • Christian denominations have adopted resolutions supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement including the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, the Quakers and the Mennonites
  • Millennials show significantly less support for Israel than their parents and grandparents age demographic.
  • Support further weakens for younger generations now on college campuses where liberal leftist professors espouse social justice and the promotion of the plight of the Palestinian people, while Israel is painted as an aggressive occupier in their own homeland.

“God told the prophet Obahdia that in the last days, He would wipe out the descendants of Edom, because they stood by while their brother Jacob (Israel) was held in captivity and did nothing.  How will God judge the Church for teachers who have convinced many in the pews to turn a blind eye to the persecution against our Jewish brethren once again?” Cardoza-Moore stated.

In closing, Cardoza-Moore stated that, “PJTN is on the frontlines of this battle. We are aware of the seriousness we are facing with antisemitism on the rise in America at an alarming rate and violence against Jews in our communities escalating, as seen almost daily in national headlines.  As Christian leaders, we must have a sobering conversation about this truth: Christian Antisemitism is on the rise in America. We as Christians must not stand idly by and allow this hatred against the Jewish people to grow.”


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