Herzi Halevi, the top brass and the “Palestinian state” agenda, Part 1

“We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous, we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our enemies. We want to be able to live in an entirely different environment of relations with our enemies.” — Ehud Olmert, March 2006.’


January 23, 2025 | 20 Comments »

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20 Comments / 20 Comments

  1. Peloni, thanks for your offer. After scanning again, the number of mistakes is small…
    Apart from that, I don’t have your email address.

  2. Israel is letting American security firms and the “moderate” Arab states into Gaza.

    Once they are there they will drag the PA in to work on TSFS and IDF will never be able to go back to Gaza.

    It looks like for the last 30 years or so Israel has been creating facts on the ground for the TSFS.

  3. @peloni, many thanks. After scanning my posting again, I see a number of spelling and word switching mistakes that I would have corrected if I had had the chance. I apologize for them and hope that my intended content is still in there for those who read it.

  4. After reading this article and part 2, it becomes more obvious than ever before that Israel is in trouble, mostly of its own making.
    Starting at the top, we have a prime minister without a coalition. That makes it impossible to govern. Of course, we can enjoy a witch-hunt to figure out why the population votes for Netanjahu while the other parties, shall we say?, prefer not to give any reasonable coalition the power to govern. A brief review of the calamitous previous coalition leaves little doubt that the population just hasn’t received the memo yet.
    Next point is the Israeli DoJ, which has grabbed the power to reign rather than guide Israel. The overdue justice reform would not even correct their problem now, but rather a few years later, assuming that this overbearing institution can be convinced to do its job rather than the government’s.
    When we turn to the defense apparatus, we find a similar problem: like the DoJ, this fish stinks from the top too. The top brass have been holding on to their power throne for as long as I can remember. The problem started way back when they were sent abroad to learn to command. This started with the British indoctrination followed by the French and now the US. One problem apart from this indoctrination is the vast influx in Russian mentality that happened when the Iron Curtain fell. The change, which everybody noticed, was the question of “What’s in it for me?”. Whatever the cause, the top brass have built themselves into a power unto themselves, just like the DoJ.
    With all these power-bases competing simultaneously for the biggest piece of the cake with the cherry on top, it’s become glaringly obvious that the man on the street, the tax-payer, is completely ignored and left to his own devices. As far as all these power-bases are concerned, the innovatively of this particular population will find other channels to participate in the power game, which helps to explain the rather obvious demands to surrender to get back our hostages. We are in for a long and troublesome time ahead, culminating in Netanjahu resigning or passing and a new government led by Donald Trump’s deep state pulling all the strings, just like the Obama/Biden regime.
    We must get ourselves out of this quagmire before the so-called Palestinians take over. While we quarrel amongst ourselves like teenagers, they have been watching and learning, just like they knew the names and preferences of each dog in the Gaza envelope. In short, wake up Israel. While I am not religious in nature, we can only trust in God at this venture.

  5. After reading this article and part 2, it becomes more obvious than ever before that Israel is in trouble, mostly of its own making.
    Starting at the top, we have a prime minister without a coalition. That makes it impossible to govern. Of course, we can enjoy a witch-hunt to figure out why the population votes for Netanjahu while the other parties, shall we say?, prefer not to give any reasonable coalition the power to govern. A brie review of the calamitous previous coalition eaves little doubt that the population just hasn’t received the memo yet.
    Next point is the Israeli DoJ, which has grabbed the power to reign rather than guide Israel. The overdue justice reform would not even correct their problem now, but rather a few years later, assuming that ths overbearing institution can be convinced to do its job rather than the government’s.
    When we turn to the defense apparatus, we find a similar problem: like the DoJ, this fish stinks from the top too. The top brass have been holding on to their power throne for as long as I can remember. The problem started way back when they were sent abroad to learn to command. This started with the British indoctrination followed by the French and now the US. One problem apart from this indoctrination is the vast influx in Russian mentality that happened when the Iron Curtain fell. The change, which everybody noticed, was the question of “What’s in it for me?”. Whatever the cause, the top brass have built themselves into a power into themselves, just like the DoJ.
    With all these power-bases competing simultaneously for the biggest piece of the cake with the cherry on top, it’s become glaringly obvious that the man on the street, the tax-payer, is completely ignored and left to his own devices. As far as all these power-bases are concerned, the innovatively of this particular population will find other channels to participate in the power game, which helps to explain the rather obvious demands to surrender to get back our hostages. We are in for a long and troublesome time ahead, culminating in Netanjahu resigning or passing and a new government led by Donald Trump’s deep state pulling all the strings, just like the Obama/Biden regime.
    We must get ourselves out of this quagmire before the so-called Palestinians take over. While we quarrel amongst ourselves like teenagers, they have been watching and learning, just like they knew the names and preferences of each dog in the Gaza envelope. In short, wake up Israel. While I am not religious in nature, we can only trust in God at this venture.

  6. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13537121.2024.2399882?scroll=top&needAccess=true#d1e797

    Efraim Karsh to Anjuli Pandavar

    The crisis in the bourgeois leaders of Israel in the face of the equivalent of the Nazi Party of Hitler, which has taken the Fascism and all-encompassing moniker of “The Palestinians” is based on betrayal of Jews by that Jewish leadership. But it is even more than this I contend

    The betrayal of Jews by Jewish Capitalist Interests (What is that and who are they – none other than the Jewish capitalist class who run Israel and control Jews in the Diaspora) has got a parallel in the selling out of the very existence of life on earth by capitalism and caused by earth heating due to warming gases from fossil fuels being thrust into the atmosphere. The elimination of the Jewish people by The Palestinians on the one hand; the elimination of life on earth by Global Warming on the other. Both running side by side like twin horrors.

    The basic problem joining the two issues at the hip is the crisis of leadership experienced by humanity and summed up by Leon Trotsky:

    “All talk to the effect that historical conditions have not yet “ripened” for socialism is the product of ignorance or conscious deception. The objective prerequisites for the proletarian revolution have not only “ripened”; they have begun to get somewhat rotten. Without a socialist revolution, in the next historical period at that, a catastrophe threatens the whole culture of mankind. The turn is now to the proletariat, i.e., chiefly to its revolutionary vanguard. The historical crisis of mankind is reduced to the crisis of the revolutionary leadership.”

    Trotsky summing up the opening paragraphs in this memorable summary of the main issue in 1938 that of resolving the issue of leadership of the working class without which humanity is stuck.

    Written by Leon Trotsky in 1938. Originally published in the May-June 1938 edition of Bulletin of the Opposition as a discussion document for the Founding Congress of the Fourth International (World Party of Socialist Revolution)

  7. I have to look at the article by Efraim Karsh that Pandovar references, He is one of the foremost experts on the Palestinian “question,” and on what happened to the Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israel war, known to Israel as the War of Indpendence, and to Arabs as the “Nakba” (disaster). Karsh gave the first honest and balanced account of the displacement of part of the Arab population is what became pre-1967 Iserael, its causes and effects, in his book entitled Palestine Betrayed.

  8. Excellent analysis by Anjuli Pandovar. I have disagreed with some of his earlier articles. But here I believe him to be right on target. Jews do betray other Jews. One of the prophets in the scriptures wrote, ‘our enemies will come from within us.”
    (My paraphrase from memory; can anyone remember the exact quote and give the Biblical verse reference? I think it is from Isiah–but maybe Jeremiah). In any case, the biblical prophets were already aware of the problem of anti-semitic Jews 2,700 years ago.

  9. Thank you for this excellent article. It is good that the Israeli people are getting to know the truth about those who were responsible for the security of the nation.

    What can the Israeli people do so that these traitors are removed from the top brass? Has something like this ever happened before in Israeli history?

    There is an ongoing political divide in Israel and in the US, as well as in European countries, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia between those who are the defense, political, and financial elites and the people of these countries. The elites have gained inordinate power and wealth at the expense of the sovereignty of the people.

    Even in the US which has a Constitution naming the people as sovereign, the elites have gained so much power that they have been able to neuter the Constitution itself.

    In Israel the power elites in intelligence, defense, and the judiciary have apparently no incentive to consider what the people of Israel want. Their behavior has been ideological, based upon political ideas about the enemy that were/are out of touch with the reality of the enemy.

    I think this is the crucial defect: when any agency of government loses the incentive to care about meeting the needs of the people of the country, decisions will be made that diverge, sometimes wildly, from what the people voted for.

    This is the curse of the modern so-called democracy: governments too big to be responsive to the needs of the people. The governing elites and those in government positions have as their overarching goal the continuation of their power base within the government. This goal cannot be reconciled with the needs of the people, which are for the government to solve specific problems and most of all, to protect the people from their enemies.

    In some ways these ideological, partisan government and judicial officials have become an enemy of the people.

    Now Israel finds herself at a crucial point in a defensive war. The top brass has essentially placed the country in a position of vulnerability if not checkmate. To prosecute a war with full agency, Israel needs her own weapons and ammunitions supply, because to depend upon any single country for this makes for degrading terms for relating with that government.

    But to completely unharness herself from the US while in the midst of this war doesn’t seem feasible.

    Thus Israel must come to terms with the traitors inside the Israeli government while prosecuting the war, and while starting the process of independence from the United States.

    Only when Israel is liberated from the weapons procurement system with the US will she be free to fight a war the best way she can. It will initially be a financial loss for the US, but a win for Israel, and ultimately it could be a win for the US if the US starts to treat Israel as an ally as opposed to a dependent satrap.

    In Israel the people have been abused and abandoned by the defense elites, the top brass, as well as by the Israeli high court system. This must end: there can be no way a government or judicial system works for the people if it is working for an ideology and to keep a power base within the government. Their power comes FROM THE PEOPLE and THE PEOPLE can demand their power back.

    The people deserve defense, intelligence, and judicial government officials who work for them and who are nonpartisan.

  10. Herzi Haeivi hasn’t resigned yet, he merely submitted his letter of resignation.

    He will leave his post in March, several days after the 2nd phase of the hostage deal is completed.