Judge Jeanine got booted for this great monologue

March 24, 2019 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Omar as a poor mixed up muzzi should know enough to cover her face.
    She should know a good muzzi walks in front of the camel, looking for mines.
    to be a really proud muzzi she needs to blow herself up and become 70 virgins (expect shes disquaified herself in that dept.)
    then her mother should do the right thing to regain family honor!

  2. The real, but generally unknown, definition of chutzpah is that of the kid who kills his parents and pleads mercy to the courts on the grounds he’s an orphan. This Trump’s it (pardon the pun but NOT the Chutzpahnik). She would cry foul for anyone, Jewish or otherwise, in or out of Congress, who “expresses” their first amendment rights to choose what they wish to say or who they wish to support by claiming such speech or support is UnAmerican – a newly formed Branch of free speech rights that’s not so apparently free while asserting her free speech rights to say it. The chutzpah this exemplifies is not just some humorous hypocrisy- it’s dangerous, because while the analogy of using our very freedoms to rationalize or justify the undermining of “certain” speech is the beginning of what I call a “foot-in-the-door” approach of undermining other, or possibly any, “free” speech which lead to ideas, or even public policy, that she and her cohorts don’t like or disagree with. She uses her freedom to speech to try to make a case of stifling others freedom of speech, as a sort of counterphobic strategy of putting other on the defensive to avoid actually having to come forward with any merits for an argument of her own on any real policy issue of relevance for any position she might advocate for or to the American people she was elected to serve. Without necessarily any ‘Benjamins’ to point to, any mindful American has to see the psychology here of accusing other Americans, Jewish or otherwise, in or outside of Congress, of potential hidden agendas which, ironically and certainly perversely, using the REAL, but certainly not so funny, or benign chutzpah, to probably secretly promote an agenda of a real dual loyalist of her own private or hidden agenda that needs to be called out. “Methinks thou dost protest too much” comes to mind and maybe we need to appoint a special prosecutor into all three of these new congresspeople into what’s really charging their batteries. Nothing like possible UnAmericans creating and running their own House on UnAmerican activities committee- need I say more.