The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch!


September 4, 2016 | 8 Comments »

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  1. @ ArnoldHarris:
    Yes 45 years of good marriage was certainly “a reasonably long time” although I’m sure they were wondering where the time went so quickly. And the wonderful ages reached by your late revered parents makes you yourself just in your prime, considering the modern advances in medicine and etc. Let it be that way.

  2. @ honeybee:
    I did the calendar math, and I think whoopee night for me and my parents was on the 4th of July holiday weekend of 1933.

    By the way, it almost certainly was a spur of the moment wedding. Papa Max drove himself and Mama Millie up north from Chicago to the then small town of Waukegan IL, where they found a justice of the peace to officially tie their matrimonial knot. Sort of like in many an old 1930s Hollywood romance movies I used to watch after they bought their first black and white television set in early 1851.

    All told, Max and Millie had a reasonably long and good life together. Max, who was 14 years older than Millie, reached just short of 87 years when he died in the summer of 1979, and Millie had passed 94 years when she died in December 2000. Stefi and I, along with her parents from Croatia, whom we brought to the USA in 1978, took care of Max during the last six months of his life. Then, some 10 years later, Stefi and I took care of Millie. We arranged for all four of them to be buried near one another in a westside Madison WI cemetery.

    The only Iowa connection I ever have had was the extended Harris family in the Quad Cities, plus a job I had in Des Moines, the state capital, as a bureau reporter with United Press International in late 1962, The only momento I have from that assignment, aside from memories, is an old-fashioned teletype sheet with Kennedy’s Cuban nuclear missiles speech in October 1962. I can never forget that speech, emerging slowly, one line of type at a time from one of the old-fashioned clank-and-bang teletype machines which lined the walls of that news bureau office. Most of the other reporters in our bureau thought the world was going to burn. It gave me a lot to think about.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  3. @ ArnoldHarris:

    I am pleased for your Parents indiscretion.

    My Swedish Grandparents lived in Moline. Granddad was the foreman of the roundhouse for RIRR, I spent my happiest summers with them. I even attended Willard Elementary School in Moline. Every Sunday we drove to Bettendorf , Iowa for a ice cream Sundae at the Castle Drive In.

  4. @ honeybee:
    Fortunately, I had no family shoah connection that I could know about and endlessly grieve over.

    My grandparents on my fathers side had migrated to the USA from the Russian Empire some time in the 1870s or 1880s, and wound up in Davenport, Iowa and Rock Island across the Mississippi River on the Illinois side. Davenport, in fact, was where my father was born in August 1892.

    My mother was born in December 1906 in Barrow-in-Furness, an old ship-building town located in northwest England on St George’s channel across from Ireland, and she spent most of her childhood there and in Southampton. Both her parents were from relatively long-established British-Jewish families. Her name was Amelia Jacobson, known to everybody as “Millie”. She and her three sisters migrated to the USA by way of Canada some time in the 1920s.

    She and my father, Max Harris, dated briefly in 1933, and married shortly thereafter. Counting the number of months between the dates of their marriage and that of my birth, I think I was they reason they married at all, considering that that they had little in common with each other.

    Which makes me happy, sort of. The world, then and now, has always had too many bastards. And I’m glad I didn’t have to be born born as one of them.

    As for any relatives on my father’s side of the family who might have still been within reach of Hitler’s killers in the 1930s and 1940s, I have no way of knowing.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  5. bernard ross Said:

    Much of my family was wiped out in the shoah,

    Same experience. My Grandfather had 18 siblings, My Great Grandfather was widowed three times. O those 2 came to the USA the rest , all there descendants, were lost.

    bernard ross Said:

    I can identify that hatred with the jewish american liberal collective then imagine what non jews might feel

    Intellectual arrogance, I see it in my relatives all the time and unfortunately it has caused an unmendable rift in my relationship with them.

  6. I never understood the insanity of american Jews and their dishonest attacks on Donald Trump. Its one thing to disagree with someone and to dislike them but those american jews intentionally lie, slander and libel him while at the same time defending the collective who are the MOST responsible for the recent upticks in anti semitism on a global scale.

    these american jews are intentionally lying, intentionally deceitful. The same tactics of lies, slander and libel are daily used in the same manner and with the same MO against the state of the Jewish people Israel.

    Trump is the only candidate who does not try to deceive the people about the muslim danger globally, to Jews and to the west. These type of prominent media and hollywood Jews have aligned with the greatest existential danger to the west, the USA and the Christians. Every day more non jews are talking about this association and identifying the Jews as a fifth column in league with murderous enemy forces and corrupt local politicians selling out america. For many Jews like these, and by default Jews like me, are being seen as the enemy of their host nation. This is very dangerous.

    I used to wonder how such hatred could exist and grow against the Jews in pre war nazi germany…. I understood the Jews association with the bolshevik threat and the capitalist exploitation and incitement of that threat but I never understood the personal hatred which must accompany such anger. I feel myself hating those Jews in america right now and for the first time in my life, at 72 years old, I beleive that I have made personal contact with what must have been the feeling of hatred for the Jews in europe. If I can feel this hatred arise in me, and I can identify that hatred with the jewish american liberal collective then imagine what non jews might feel. I see those liberal american parroting and especially LYING Jews to be a great danger to my family and the whole collective of Jews. I am told that prior to the shoah in pre nazi germany, the most liberal nation for Jews in europe, that there were many similar Jews in the media that were hated and in the forefront. Jews of america are clueless fools in their limited understanding of the forces of anti semitism, their knowledge is superficial and intellectual wanking. A wise Jew will distance himself from those Jewish lightning rods and be ready to bolt from the growing danger.

    Much of my family was wiped out in the shoah, those to the east in germany and poland. My grandfather had 8 siblings and only one other escaped to Israel. My grandfather was lucky in that he was ended up in the west of germany near the border of holland and belgium and could walk across the border and hide in belgium. I was lucky in that my grandparents sent my father and uncle across the border to friends or relatives who put them on the last kindertransport to England. Throughout my life I have always had a feeling to be aware of surrounding trends and events and to be ready to leave. For the first time I see the danger to Jews strongly arising in the US and believe that only Trump can prevent or slow that danger because he is the only one who states the danger as it truly is. When Jews paint him as racist or anti semitic they not only lie and slander him but they create the danger of denial and delusion among Jews. When their children are attacked and abused they will find the perpetrator in the mirror.

    In my view, events are not linear, they are cyclical. We can see today, that beyond all rationality, those who understand the evil of anti semitism are once more accepting it in their midst…tomorrow they will embrace it. Foolish diaspora Jews like these who support and enable the muslim enemy and ignore the dangers to the Jewish people will once more be part of the cause.