By Eileen F. Toplansky, AMERICAN THINIKER
It is beyond disquieting when warnings that have been issued for years are ignored, and as a consequence, innocent Americans are the sacrificial lambs for this evil disease known as Islamic jihad, or war against kafirs (infidels) to establish Islam’s sharia law.
The idea that politicians who receive briefings about terrorism profess to be shocked by the recent massacre in Orlando is disingenuous at best. As Bruce Bawer explains, “the only shocking thing about ISIS’s attack on a gay establishment is that it took this long.” After all, according to The Reliance of the Traveller which is the sharia manual “there is consensus among Muslims … that sodomy is an enormity. It is even viler and uglier than adultery,” which is “punished brutally, including by death.”
Three years ago, a Muslim phoned NY1, “a New York City TV news station and stated that all homosexuals should be beheaded.” Horrific videos are constantly posted showing gays being thrown from rooftops in Iran and other sharia-controlled countries.
Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Steve Emerson, Andrew C. McCarthy, Raymond Ibrahim, Frank Gaffney, Walid Shoebat, Nonie Darwish, and a host of other prophets have been warning about the poisonous message of Islam for decades. Yet the leadership at the helm of this country invites Muslim Brotherhood operatives for consultation, hires people devoted to sharia expansion, and won’t acknowledge that Islam is behind these attacks on Western civilization even when the very attackers proudly proclaim their fealty to Islam.
Now that we are in the “highest threat environment since 9/11,” it is incumbent, yet again, to delineate the dastardly ideas integral to Islam. It is “a purely aggressive ideology, which teaches Muslims to hate the infidel.” Once Muslims grow in number, the attacks and abuse of locals begin and never end. It started in the U.K. with the grooming and rape of thousands of non-Muslim British girls. Now we have Londonistan.
Sweden is now the rape capital of the world since the admission of Muslim immigrants.
One year ago, Iranian ayatollah Ali Khamenei “encouraged Western youth to find out about Islam for themselves and not allow their image of it to be clouded by prejudice.” Youths were to “study and research and … receive knowledge of Islam from its primary and original sources.”
So let’s take the man at his word. Here is a smattering of those primary and original sources:
Quran 8:12 – I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
Quran 9:5 – So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush.
Quran 4:144 – O ye who believe! Take not for friends unbelievers rather than believers: Do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves?
Quran 5:51 – O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another, He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
Quran 4:101- For the Unbelievers are unto you open enemies.
Quran 4:89 – They would have you become Kafirs like them so you will all be the same. Therefore, do not take any of them as friends until they have abandoned their homes to fight for Allah’s cause [jihad]. But if they turn back, find them and kill them wherever they are.
As Bill Warner explains in Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, “the whole world must submit to Islam. Kafirs are the enemy simply by not being Muslims. Violence and terror are made sacred by Koran. Peace comes only with submission to Islam.”
The Quran maintains that Jews are wicked (4:160-162) and “fond of lies” and “devour the forbidden” (5:42). Moreover, in Islam, polytheists such as Hindus are worse than all other religions. And certainly any Muslim who gives up his religion is a “perverted transgressor” (3:82). The death penalty awaits the apostate.
Our president’s refusal to call out radical Islam is well beyond unconscionable. Obama and other Democrats refuse to assert that we are “at war with ‘radical Islam.'” Democratic senator Richard Blumenthal states that “[t]he Senate’s inaction on commonsense gun violence prevention makes it complicit in this public health crisis.” His naiveté is breath-taking and perilous.
In fact, killing gays, Jews, Christians, Yazidis, Hindus, Buddhists, and uncovered women, or, for that matter, anyone who refuses to bow down to the medieval edicts of Islam, is not ISIS law; it is Muslim law, better known as sharia. A well known radio host on WOR 710 scoffed at his colleague’s concern that in 100 years, sharia law will be in the United States. That he has a public platform on the radio is alarming, considering the extent of his ignorance. Sharia law already established a foothold in this country in 2013 in Dearborn, Michigan. In 2015 in Seattle, Washington, a move toward sharia-compliant financing took place. As far back as 2011, the Center for Security Policy repeatedly highlighted the various successful insertions of sharia law into the American courtroom in 23 different states in America.
Currently, “[t]here are now an estimated 3 million Muslims residing in the United States as citizens or with permanent legal status, and more than 250,000 new Muslim residents enter the U.S. per year as refugees, on work visas and student-based visas, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. A poll commissioned in May 2015 by the Center for Security Policy showed that 51 percent of American Muslims preferred that they should have their own sharia courts outside of the legal system ruled by the U.S. Constitution. And nearly a quarter believed the use of violent jihad was justified in establishing sharia.”
Moreover, in the Jihadi Dictionary, it is cited that a 2015 Pew Report estimates that “330 million Muslims believe in violent jihad, a number that far exceeds that of the Nazis.” To put it into further perspective – that is close to the population of the United States – hardly an insignificant number.
And while vigils are established and funerals are held, the Obama regime continues to spend upwards of $20,000 of taxpayer money on each Muslim refugee admitted to America. And this is before they receive welfare, food stamps, and free health care. When does this madness stop?
To add to the agony of this most recent assault on Americans is the fact that the victims of terrorism have now been prohibited from seeking damages. Christopher Holton writes that Florida legislation known as “Andy’s Law” was “supposed to provide for treble damages and attorney’s fees to be awarded to terror victims or their surviving family members.” It was prevented from passage by leadership in the Florida House of Representatives in March, even though it had already “passed three committees in the Florida Senate, two subcommittees of the House and a full committee of the House without a single opposing vote.” Yet it was defeated, clearly raising “serious questions about the political terrain … when a Republican led and dominated body would allow a popular counterterrorism measure opposed by nefarious elements of the Muslim Brotherhood to be mysteriously killed.” Indeed.
In his magisterial tome Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, author Stephen Coughlin reminds the reader that “the standard for professional analysis should be based on its ability to validate the enemy’s doctrine when mapped against acts undertaken in furtherance of that doctrine.” Thus, “demands for ‘balance’ that allow non-factual arguments to compete with factual ones undermine professionalism.”
And yet at every turn, Americans are scolded for their profound and proven fears about Islamic jihad, even though there is continual ramping up of the evidence of the desire to annihilate the infidel and destroy Western civilization. Instead, we are subjected to lectures about gun control, American racism, our lack of brotherly love, our greed, our white privilege, and our alleged hatred of “the other.”
The willful parroting of ignorance shows that we “have reached the point where anyone who provides a fact-driven threat analysis can be asked to remove citations from briefing materials that establish the underlying authority of the product so as not to ‘bully’ competing analysis that can’t. After all, in the postmodern paradigm, what is authority?” Or put another way, how dare we say that what comes out of jihadist Islam is ugly, cruel, sadistic, and anti-human? Instead, we must kowtow to the moral equivalence argument.
We are continually reminded that Islam is a religion of peace, notwithstanding the fact that since 9/11, Islamic terrorists have carried out “28,589” deadly attacks, and there is no abatement in sight.
But let’s keep bringing in Muslim immigrants and ignore the fact, for example, that “[b]etween 2001 and 2013, the U.S. permanently resettled nearly 30,000 Afghan migrants on green cards. According to Pew, nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) support sharia law as official law.”
If there is no genuine change to immigration policy in this country, “in the next five years, … the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.”
It cannot be repeated enough times that sharia law is immutable in the eyes of its adherents. We must put an end to what Daniel Pipes calls “diversion mode,” as politicians, police, the press, prosecutors, and professors do what they can to ignore the Islamist elephant in the room. If we continue to bow to the dictates of Islam, no matter how small their demands, we help the enemy, who is sworn to our destruction. If we refuse to take them at their word, our world will be irrevocably destroyed.
Eileen can be reached at
Greedy Americans took the SA petro$ and sold their soul to “Islamism ideology” in academia